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[null-analysis.git] / README.asciidoc
1 = Null-Analysis image:["Discuss on Google Groups", link="!forum/metio"] image:["Chat on IRC", link=""]
2 Sebastian Hoß <[@sebhoss]>
3 :github-org: sebhoss
4 :project-name: null-analysis
5 :project-group: de.xn--ho-hia.quality
6 :coverity-project: 9331
8 image:["CC Zero", link=""]
9 pass:[<span class="image"><a class="image" href=""><img src="" alt="Maven Central"></a></span>]
10 pass:[<span class="image"><a class="image" href=""><img src="" alt="Read JavaDocs"></a></span>]
11 image:{project-name}/widgets/project_thin_badge.gif["Open Hub statistics", link="{project-name}"]
12 image:{github-org}/{project-name}&style=flat-square&color=blue["Repository size"]
14 image:{github-org}/{project-name}/master.svg?style=flat-square["Build Status", link="{github-org}/{project-name}"]
15 image:{github-org}/{project-name}/master.svg?style=flat-square["Code Coverage", link="{github-org}/{project-name}"]
16 image:{coverity-project}.svg?style=flat-square["Coverity Scan Result", link="{github-org}-{project-name}"]
18 Utility library for null analysis in Java projects.
20 == Usage
22 Convert any `@Nullable` reference from legacy code to a `@NonNull` reference by using the `Nullsafe` utility class:
24 [source, java]
25 ----
26 @Nullable Object myObject = ...
27 @NonNull Object nonNullObject = Nullsafe.nonNull(myObject);
28 ----
30 An `IllegalArgumentException` is thrown in case `myObject` is `null`.
32 === Integration
34 To use this project just declare the following dependency inside your POM:
36 [source, xml, subs="attributes,verbatim"]
37 ----
38 <dependency>
39   <groupId>{project-group}</groupId>
40   <artifactId>{project-name}</artifactId>
41   <version>${version.null-analysis}</version>
42 </dependency
43 ----
45 Replace `${version.null-analysis}` with the pass:[<a href="">latest release</a>]. This project follows the link:[semantic versioning guidelines].
47 === Compatibility
49 This project is compatible with the following Java versions:
51 .Java compatibility
52 |===
53 | | 3.X.Y
55 | Java 8
56 | ✓
57 |===
60 == License
62 To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
63 and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
64 worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
66 You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
67 with this software. If not, see
69 == Mirrors
71 *{project-name}
72 *{project-name}
73 *{project-name}
74 *{project-name}.git