3 1. Python 2.4 or higher (http://www.python.org/)
4 - Tested with Python 2.7 (2.6 on earlier builds)
5 2. Cython 0.14.1** or higher (http://cython.org/)
6 - Tested with Cython 0.15 (0.14.1 on earlier builds)
7 3. ODE shared*** library (or static with -fPIC)
8 - See the notes on building ODE below.
9 4. pkg-config (http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config)
10 - Windows executable (and GLib dependency) can be downloaded from
11 http://www.gtk.org/download/win32.php
12 - If you used premake to configure ODE, you may need to create an ode.pc file
13 in your PKG_CONFIG_PATH manually. See <ODE_DIR>/ode.pc.in
19 On certain systems (*nix) there is a requirement that a shared library
20 (such as the python module) contains only position-independent code
21 (PIC). In those cases, ODE needs to be either compiled as a shared library
22 too (--enable-shared), or as a static library with PIC (-fPIC).
24 Once ODE is built and installed in your desired destination, proceed with
25 building the wrapper.
29 3a. BUILDING WITH Visual Studio (Windows)
31 python setup.py build_ext
34 3b. BUILDING WITH MINGW (Windows)
36 python setup.py build_ext -c mingw32
39 3c. BUILDING WITH GCC/G++ (Linux, OS X, etc.)
41 python setup.py build_ext
47 4a. For system-wide installation (needs administrator privileges):
49 python setup.py install
51 4b. For user installation:
53 python setup.py install --user
59 Try running the tutorials in the 'demos' directory. The tutorials were taken
60 from the PyODE website (http://pyode.sourceforge.net/).
62 For usage documentation, please refer to the PyODE API documentation at
63 http://pyode.sourceforge.net/api-1.2.0/index.html.