1 \ tag
: Package creation and deletion
3 \ this
code implements
IEEE 1275-1994
5 \
Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Samuel Rydh
7 \
See the file
"COPYING" for further information about
8 \
the copyright and warranty status
of this
13 \ make
defined words
globally visible
16 active
17 >dn
@ set
21 \ make
the private
wordlist active
an OF word)
24 active
26 forth
-wordlist r@ >dn
@ r@ >dn
@ 3 set
27 r> >dn
@ set
31 \ set
activate package
and make
the world visible
package wordlist
34 : active
-package! ( phandle
-- )
36 \ locally
defined words
are not
38 forth
-wordlist over >dn
@ 2 set
39 >dn
@ set
41 forth
-wordlist dup 1 set
-order set
48 \
Start new package, as child of active
49 \
Create a new device node as a child of the active package and make
50 \
new node the active package. Create a new instance
and make
it the current
51 \ instance
; the instance that
invoked new-device becomes the parent instance
52 \
of the new instance.
53 \
Subsequently, newly
defined Forth words
become the methods of the new node
54 \
and newly
defined data items
as types variable
, value
, buffer
:, and
55 \ defer
) are allocated and stored within
the new instance.
58 align
62 \
( parent ) hook up at
the end of the peer list
65 begin dup @ while @ >dn
.peer repeat
68 \ we
are the root node!
72 \
( -- ) fill
in device node stuff
73 inst
r@ >dn
75 \ create
two wordlists
76 wordlist r@ >dn
.methods !
77 wordlist r@ >dn
-methods !
79 \ initialize
template data
81 r@ over >in.device-node !
82 my
over >in.my
-parent !
84 \ make
it the active package and current instance
88 \ swtich
to public
93 \ helpers
for finish
-device (OF does
not actually define
94 \
for device node deletion
96 : (delete
-device) \
( phandle
100 >dn
.child \
( &first
-child )
101 begin dup @ r@ <> while @ >dn
.peer repeat
108 \
XXX: free
any memory related
to this
109 \ we
could have
a list
with free
device-node headers...
113 : delete
-device \
( phandle
115 \ first
, get
rid of any children
116 begin r@ >dn
.child @ dup while
121 \
then free
this node
125 \ finish
-device ( -- )
127 \
Finish this package, set
active package to parent.
128 \
Complete a device node that
was created by
new-device, as follows: If the
129 \
device node has
no "name" property
, remove
the device node from
the device
130 \ tree
. Otherwise, save
the current values of the current instance's
131 \ initialized data items within the active package for later use in
132 \ initializing the data items of instances created from that node. In any
133 \ case, destroy the current instance, make its parent instance the current
134 \ instance, and select the parent node of the device node just completed,
135 \ making the parent node the active package again.
137 : finish-device \ ( -- )
139 dup >in.device-node @ >r
140 >in.my-parent @ to my-self
143 r@ >dn.parent @ active-package!
144 s" name" r@ get-package-property if
145 \ delete the node (and any children)
155 \ helper function which creates and initializes an instance.
156 \ open is not called. The current instance is not changed.
158 : create-instance ( phandle -- ihandle|0 )
159 dup >dn.isize @ ['] alloc-mem catch
if 2drop 0 exit
161 \ we
need to save
the size
in order
to be
able to release
it properly
162 dup >dn
@ r@ >in.alloced
164 \ clear memory
only need to clear
the head; all
other data is copied)
165 r@ inst
0 fill
167 ( phandle
R: ihandle
170 dup >dn
.methods @ r@ instance-init
171 dup >dn
-methods @ r@ instance-init
174 dup >dn
r@ inst
175 r@ r@ >in.instance-data !
176 my
r@ >in.my
-parent !
182 \ helper
function which tears
down and frees
an instance
183 : destroy
-instance ( ihandle
186 dup >in.arguments 2@ free
187 \
and the instance block
188 dup >in.alloced