1 EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Tue 31 Jul 2012 09:37:59 PM CEST
35 LIBS:arduino_shieldsNCL
39 LIBS:modular-half-dual-cache
56 Connection ~ 6300 3200
61 Connection ~ 8100 4000
76 Connection ~ 6800 3200
77 Connection ~ 7450 4000
82 Connection ~ 6100 4100
89 Connection ~ 5450 4100
122 Text HLabel 3950 4200 0 60 Input ~ 0
124 Text HLabel 3950 4000 0 60 Input ~ 0
130 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FBE8C14" Ref="U3" Part="1"
131 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FBE8C14" Ref="U2" Part="1"
132 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FBE8C14" Ref="U4" Part="1"
133 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FBE8C14" Ref="U5" Part="1"
134 F 0 "U5" H 4750 4350 70 0000 C CNN
135 F 1 "INA155" H 4850 3850 70 0000 C CNN
139 Text HLabel 8300 4000 2 60 Input ~ 0
145 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB90" Ref="C2" Part="1"
146 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB90" Ref="C5" Part="1"
147 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB90" Ref="C8" Part="1"
148 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB90" Ref="C11" Part="1"
149 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB90" Ref="C14" Part="1"
150 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB90" Ref="C17" Part="1"
151 F 0 "C17" H 5200 4200 50 0000 L CNN
152 F 1 "1ยต" H 5200 4000 50 0000 L CNN
160 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB8F" Ref="R5" Part="1"
161 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB8F" Ref="R13" Part="1"
162 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB8F" Ref="R21" Part="1"
163 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB8F" Ref="R29" Part="1"
164 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB8F" Ref="R37" Part="1"
165 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB8F" Ref="R45" Part="1"
166 F 0 "R45" V 5880 4100 50 0000 C CNN
167 F 1 "2k2" V 5800 4100 50 0000 C CNN
175 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB8E" Ref="R4" Part="1"
176 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB8E" Ref="R12" Part="1"
177 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB8E" Ref="R20" Part="1"
178 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB8E" Ref="R28" Part="1"
179 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB8E" Ref="R36" Part="1"
180 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB8E" Ref="R44" Part="1"
181 F 0 "R44" V 5530 4450 50 0000 C CNN
182 F 1 "1M" V 5450 4450 50 0000 C CNN
190 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB8D" Ref="#PWR07" Part="1"
191 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB8D" Ref="#PWR013" Part="1"
192 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB8D" Ref="#PWR031" Part="1"
193 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB8D" Ref="#PWR035" Part="1"
194 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB8D" Ref="#PWR028" Part="1"
195 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB8D" Ref="#PWR032" Part="1"
196 F 0 "#PWR032" H 5450 4800 40 0001 C CNN
197 F 1 "AGND" H 5450 4730 50 0000 C CNN
205 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB8C" Ref="R8" Part="1"
206 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB8C" Ref="R16" Part="1"
207 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB8C" Ref="R24" Part="1"
208 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB8C" Ref="R32" Part="1"
209 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB8C" Ref="R40" Part="1"
210 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB8C" Ref="R48" Part="1"
211 F 0 "R48" V 7830 4000 50 0000 C CNN
212 F 1 "10k" V 7750 4000 50 0000 C CNN
220 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB8B" Ref="C4" Part="1"
221 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB8B" Ref="C7" Part="1"
222 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB8B" Ref="C10" Part="1"
223 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB8B" Ref="C13" Part="1"
224 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB8B" Ref="C16" Part="1"
225 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB8B" Ref="C19" Part="1"
226 F 0 "C19" H 8150 4400 50 0000 L CNN
227 F 1 "440n" H 8150 4200 50 0000 L CNN
235 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB8A" Ref="#PWR08" Part="1"
236 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB8A" Ref="#PWR014" Part="1"
237 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB8A" Ref="#PWR032" Part="1"
238 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB8A" Ref="#PWR036" Part="1"
239 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB8A" Ref="#PWR029" Part="1"
240 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB8A" Ref="#PWR033" Part="1"
241 F 0 "#PWR033" H 8100 4600 40 0001 C CNN
242 F 1 "AGND" H 8100 4530 50 0000 C CNN
250 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB89" Ref="C3" Part="1"
251 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB89" Ref="C6" Part="1"
252 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB89" Ref="C9" Part="1"
253 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB89" Ref="C12" Part="1"
254 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB89" Ref="C15" Part="1"
255 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB89" Ref="C18" Part="1"
256 F 0 "C18" H 6600 3300 50 0000 L CNN
257 F 1 "6n8" H 6600 3100 50 0000 L CNN
265 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB88" Ref="R7" Part="1"
266 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB88" Ref="R15" Part="1"
267 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB88" Ref="R23" Part="1"
268 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB88" Ref="R31" Part="1"
269 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB88" Ref="R39" Part="1"
270 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB88" Ref="R47" Part="1"
271 F 0 "R47" V 6630 2950 50 0000 C CNN
272 F 1 "1M" V 6550 2950 50 0000 C CNN
280 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB86" Ref="#PWR09" Part="1"
281 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB86" Ref="#PWR015" Part="1"
282 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB86" Ref="#PWR033" Part="1"
283 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB86" Ref="#PWR037" Part="1"
284 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB86" Ref="#PWR030" Part="1"
285 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB86" Ref="#PWR034" Part="1"
286 F 0 "#PWR034" H 6550 4500 40 0001 C CNN
287 F 1 "AGND" H 6550 4400 50 0000 C CNN
295 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB85" Ref="#PWR010" Part="1"
296 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB85" Ref="#PWR016" Part="1"
297 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB85" Ref="#PWR034" Part="1"
298 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB85" Ref="#PWR038" Part="1"
299 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB85" Ref="#PWR031" Part="1"
300 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB85" Ref="#PWR035" Part="1"
301 F 0 "#PWR035" H 4350 4500 40 0001 C CNN
302 F 1 "AGND" H 4350 4430 50 0000 C CNN
310 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB7E" Ref="R3" Part="1"
311 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB7E" Ref="R11" Part="1"
312 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB7E" Ref="R19" Part="1"
313 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB7E" Ref="R27" Part="1"
314 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB7E" Ref="R35" Part="1"
315 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB7E" Ref="R43" Part="1"
316 F 0 "R43" V 4630 4750 50 0000 C CNN
317 F 1 "20k" V 4550 4750 50 0000 C CNN
325 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB7D" Ref="RV1" Part="1"
326 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB7D" Ref="RV2" Part="1"
327 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB7D" Ref="RV3" Part="1"
328 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB7D" Ref="RV4" Part="1"
329 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB7D" Ref="RV5" Part="1"
330 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB7D" Ref="RV6" Part="1"
331 F 0 "RV6" H 7200 4300 50 0000 C CNN
332 F 1 "10k" H 7200 4400 50 0000 C CNN
340 AR Path="/4FB7BD40/4FB7BB7C" Ref="U2" Part="1"
341 AR Path="/4FB7BD2D/4FB7BB7C" Ref="U4" Part="1"
342 AR Path="/4FB7BD19/4FB7BB7C" Ref="U6" Part="1"
343 AR Path="/4FB7BCFA/4FB7BB7C" Ref="U8" Part="1"
344 AR Path="/4FB7BCB8/4FB7BB7C" Ref="U10" Part="1"
345 AR Path="/4FB7B986/4FB7BB7C" Ref="U12" Part="1"
346 F 0 "U12" H 6650 4000 60 0000 C CNN
347 F 1 "CA3140" H 6800 3800 50 0000 C CNN
352 Text Notes 7500 3800 0 60 ~ 0
353 At least I think that that CA3140's\nstrobe pin should be left n.c.
354 Text Notes 6750 4750 0 60 ~ 0
355 Offset calibration trimmer\noptional: add resistor between contact\nand agnd for increased resolution\n(see datasheet)
356 Text Notes 3650 5200 0 60 ~ 0
357 Originally, they used a AD620 here.\nI use the INA155 since a) I have a few\nof them lying around and b) they are\n1/3 as expensive. They should not be\nmuch worse, and they have a really\ntiny input bias current.
358 Text Notes 3300 3450 0 60 ~ 0
360 Text Notes 7550 4250 0 60 ~ 0
362 Text Notes 5000 3850 0 60 ~ 0
364 Text GLabel 4550 3450 1 60 Input ~ 0
366 Text GLabel 5650 3900 0 60 Input ~ 0
368 Text GLabel 4350 3450 1 60 Input ~ 0
370 Text GLabel 6550 3600 1 60 Input ~ 0