2 ## This is Log::Log4perl configuration.
4 ## Please be careful if you change this and
5 ## please always test all changes.
7 ## OpenXPKI knows five different loggers:
13 ## The values in brackets are the used priorities within the
14 ## different loggers which we call facilities.
16 ## The example configuration configures the log for all
17 ## loggers/facilities.
21 log4perl.logger.Workflow = INFO, Logfile
23 #log4perl.category.openxpki.auth = INFO, Logfile, Syslog, DBI
24 log4perl.category.openxpki.auth = INFO, Logfile, DBI
28 #log4perl.category.openxpki.audit = INFO, Syslog, DBI
29 log4perl.category.openxpki.audit = INFO, DBI
33 log4perl.category.openxpki.monitor = INFO, Logfile
37 #log4perl.category.openxpki.system = DEBUG, Logfile, Syslog
38 log4perl.category.openxpki.system = DEBUG, Logfile
40 ## Appenders are the modules which do the real work. Different
41 ## facilities/loggers can use the same appenders.
43 log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
44 log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = [% log.logfile %]
45 log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
46 log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %c.%p %m%n
48 log4perl.appender.Syslog = Log::Dispatch::Syslog
49 log4perl.appender.Syslog.facility = [% log.syslog_facility %]
50 log4perl.appender.Syslog.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
51 log4perl.appender.Syslog.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %c.%p %m
53 log4perl.appender.DBI = OpenXPKI::Server::Log::Appender::DBI
54 log4perl.appender.DBI.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::NoopLayout
55 log4perl.appender.DBI.warp_message = 0