1 Parsed test spec with 1 sessions
3 starting permutation: listen insert insert2 update delete
4 step listen: LISTEN mychannel;
5 step insert: INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(1, 'one');
6 s1: NOTIFY "mychannel" with payload ""mytable",I,"key"='1'" from s1
7 step insert2: INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(2, 'two');
8 s1: NOTIFY "mychannel" with payload ""mytable",I,"key"='2'" from s1
9 step update: UPDATE mytable SET value = 'foo' WHERE key = 2;
10 s1: NOTIFY "mychannel" with payload ""mytable",U,"key"='2'" from s1
11 step delete: DELETE FROM mytable;
12 s1: NOTIFY "mychannel" with payload ""mytable",D,"key"='1'" from s1
13 s1: NOTIFY "mychannel" with payload ""mytable",D,"key"='2'" from s1