Revert commit 66c0185a3 and follow-on patches.
[pgsql.git] / contrib / xml2 / expected / xml2.out
2 select query_to_xml('select 1 as x',true,false,'');
3                          query_to_xml                          
4 ---------------------------------------------------------------
5  <table xmlns:xsi="">+
6                                                               +
7  <row>                                                        +
8    <x>1</x>                                                   +
9  </row>                                                       +
10                                                               +
11  </table>                                                     +
13 (1 row)
15 select xslt_process( query_to_xml('select x from generate_series(1,5) as
16 x',true,false,'')::text,
17 $$<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
18                xmlns:xsl="">
19 <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" />
20 <xsl:template match="*">
21   <xsl:copy>
22      <xsl:copy-of select="@*" />
23      <xsl:apply-templates />
24   </xsl:copy>
25 </xsl:template>
26 <xsl:template match="comment()|processing-instruction()">
27   <xsl:copy />
28 </xsl:template>
29 </xsl:stylesheet>
30 $$::text);
31                          xslt_process                          
32 ---------------------------------------------------------------
33  <?xml version="1.0"?>                                        +
34  <table xmlns:xsi="">+
35                                                               +
36  <row>                                                        +
37    <x>1</x>                                                   +
38  </row>                                                       +
39                                                               +
40  <row>                                                        +
41    <x>2</x>                                                   +
42  </row>                                                       +
43                                                               +
44  <row>                                                        +
45    <x>3</x>                                                   +
46  </row>                                                       +
47                                                               +
48  <row>                                                        +
49    <x>4</x>                                                   +
50  </row>                                                       +
51                                                               +
52  <row>                                                        +
53    <x>5</x>                                                   +
54  </row>                                                       +
55                                                               +
56  </table>                                                     +
58 (1 row)
60 CREATE TABLE xpath_test (id integer NOT NULL, t xml);
61 INSERT INTO xpath_test VALUES (1, '<doc><int>1</int></doc>');
62 SELECT * FROM xpath_table('id', 't', 'xpath_test', '/doc/int', 'true')
63 as t(id int4);
64  id 
65 ----
66 (0 rows)
68 SELECT * FROM xpath_table('id', 't', 'xpath_test', '/doc/int', 'true')
69 as t(id int4, doc int4);
70  id | doc 
71 ----+-----
72   1 |   1
73 (1 row)
75 DROP TABLE xpath_test;
76 CREATE TABLE xpath_test (id integer NOT NULL, t text);
77 INSERT INTO xpath_test VALUES (1, '<doc><int>1</int></doc>');
78 SELECT * FROM xpath_table('id', 't', 'xpath_test', '/doc/int', 'true')
79 as t(id int4);
80  id 
81 ----
82 (0 rows)
84 SELECT * FROM xpath_table('id', 't', 'xpath_test', '/doc/int', 'true')
85 as t(id int4, doc int4);
86  id | doc 
87 ----+-----
88   1 |   1
89 (1 row)
91 create table articles (article_id integer, article_xml xml, date_entered date);
92 insert into articles (article_id, article_xml, date_entered)
93 values (2, '<article><author>test</author><pages>37</pages></article>', now());
95 xpath_table('article_id',
96             'article_xml',
97             'articles',
98             '/article/author|/article/pages|/article/title',
99             'date_entered > ''2003-01-01'' ')
100 AS t(article_id integer, author text, page_count integer, title text);
101  article_id | author | page_count | title 
102 ------------+--------+------------+-------
103           2 | test   |         37 | 
104 (1 row)
106 -- this used to fail when invoked a second time
107 select xslt_process('<aaa/>',$$<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
108 xmlns:xsl="">
109 <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
110       <xsl:copy>
111          <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
112       </xsl:copy>
113    </xsl:template>
114 </xsl:stylesheet>$$)::xml;
115  xslt_process 
116 --------------
117  <aaa/>      +
119 (1 row)
121 select xslt_process('<aaa/>',$$<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
122 xmlns:xsl="">
123 <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
124       <xsl:copy>
125          <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
126       </xsl:copy>
127    </xsl:template>
128 </xsl:stylesheet>$$)::xml;
129  xslt_process 
130 --------------
131  <aaa/>      +
133 (1 row)
135 create table t1 (id integer, xml_data xml);
136 insert into t1 (id, xml_data)
137 values
138 (1, '<attributes><attribute name="attr_1">Some
139 Value</attribute></attributes>');
140 create index idx_xpath on t1 ( xpath_string
141 ('/attributes/attribute[@name="attr_1"]/text()', xml_data::text));
142 SELECT xslt_process('<employee><name>cim</name><age>30</age><pay>400</pay></employee>'::text, $$<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
143   <xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
144   <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
145   <xsl:param name="n1"/>
146   <xsl:param name="n2"/>
147   <xsl:param name="n3"/>
148   <xsl:param name="n4"/>
149   <xsl:param name="n5" select="'me'"/>
150   <xsl:template match="*">
151     <xsl:element name="samples">
152       <xsl:element name="sample">
153         <xsl:value-of select="$n1"/>
154       </xsl:element>
155       <xsl:element name="sample">
156         <xsl:value-of select="$n2"/>
157       </xsl:element>
158       <xsl:element name="sample">
159         <xsl:value-of select="$n3"/>
160       </xsl:element>
161       <xsl:element name="sample">
162         <xsl:value-of select="$n4"/>
163       </xsl:element>
164       <xsl:element name="sample">
165         <xsl:value-of select="$n5"/>
166       </xsl:element>
167       <xsl:element name="sample">
168         <xsl:value-of select="$n6"/>
169       </xsl:element>
170       <xsl:element name="sample">
171         <xsl:value-of select="$n7"/>
172       </xsl:element>
173       <xsl:element name="sample">
174         <xsl:value-of select="$n8"/>
175       </xsl:element>
176       <xsl:element name="sample">
177         <xsl:value-of select="$n9"/>
178       </xsl:element>
179       <xsl:element name="sample">
180         <xsl:value-of select="$n10"/>
181       </xsl:element>
182       <xsl:element name="sample">
183         <xsl:value-of select="$n11"/>
184       </xsl:element>
185       <xsl:element name="sample">
186         <xsl:value-of select="$n12"/>
187       </xsl:element>
188     </xsl:element>
189   </xsl:template>
190 </xsl:stylesheet>$$::text, 'n1="v1",n2="v2",n3="v3",n4="v4",n5="v5",n6="v6",n7="v7",n8="v8",n9="v9",n10="v10",n11="v11",n12="v12"'::text);
191       xslt_process      
192 ------------------------
193  <samples>             +
194    <sample>v1</sample> +
195    <sample>v2</sample> +
196    <sample>v3</sample> +
197    <sample>v4</sample> +
198    <sample>v5</sample> +
199    <sample>v6</sample> +
200    <sample>v7</sample> +
201    <sample>v8</sample> +
202    <sample>v9</sample> +
203    <sample>v10</sample>+
204    <sample>v11</sample>+
205    <sample>v12</sample>+
206  </samples>            +
208 (1 row)
210 -- possible security exploit
211 SELECT xslt_process('<xml><foo>Hello from XML</foo></xml>',
212 $$<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
213       xmlns:xsl=""
214       xmlns:sax=""
215       extension-element-prefixes="sax">
217   <xsl:template match="//foo">
218     <sax:output href="0wn3d.txt" method="text">
219       <xsl:value-of select="'0wn3d via xml2 extension and libxslt'"/>
220       <xsl:apply-templates/>
221     </sax:output>
222   </xsl:template>
223 </xsl:stylesheet>$$);
224 ERROR:  failed to apply stylesheet