1 CREATE TABLE brintest_multi (
8 float8col double precision,
14 timecol time without time zone,
15 timestampcol timestamp without time zone,
16 timestamptzcol timestamp with time zone,
18 timetzcol time with time zone,
22 ) WITH (fillfactor=10);
23 INSERT INTO brintest_multi SELECT
28 format('(%s,%s)', tenthous, twenty)::tid,
29 (four + 1.0)/(hundred+1),
30 odd::float8 / (tenthous + 1),
31 format('%s:00:%s:00:%s:00', to_hex(odd), to_hex(even), to_hex(hundred))::macaddr,
32 substr(md5(unique1::text), 1, 16)::macaddr8,
33 inet '' + tenthous,
34 cidr '10.2.3/24' + tenthous,
35 date '1995-08-15' + tenthous,
36 time '01:20:30' + thousand * interval '18.5 second',
37 timestamp '1942-07-23 03:05:09' + tenthous * interval '36.38 hours',
38 timestamptz '1972-10-10 03:00' + thousand * interval '1 hour',
39 justify_days(justify_hours(tenthous * interval '12 minutes')),
40 timetz '01:30:20+02' + hundred * interval '15 seconds',
41 tenthous::numeric(36,30) * fivethous * even / (hundred + 1),
42 format('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'))::uuid,
43 format('%s/%s%s', odd, even, tenthous)::pg_lsn
44 FROM tenk1 ORDER BY unique2 LIMIT 100;
45 -- throw in some NULL's and different values
46 INSERT INTO brintest_multi (inetcol, cidrcol) SELECT
47 inet 'fe80::6e40:8ff:fea9:8c46' + tenthous,
48 cidr 'fe80::6e40:8ff:fea9:8c46' + tenthous
49 FROM tenk1 ORDER BY thousand, tenthous LIMIT 25;
50 -- test minmax-multi specific index options
51 -- number of values must be >= 16
52 CREATE INDEX brinidx_multi ON brintest_multi USING brin (
53 int8col int8_minmax_multi_ops(values_per_range = 7)
55 ERROR: value 7 out of bounds for option "values_per_range"
56 DETAIL: Valid values are between "8" and "256".
57 -- number of values must be <= 256
58 CREATE INDEX brinidx_multi ON brintest_multi USING brin (
59 int8col int8_minmax_multi_ops(values_per_range = 257)
61 ERROR: value 257 out of bounds for option "values_per_range"
62 DETAIL: Valid values are between "8" and "256".
63 -- first create an index with a single page range, to force compaction
64 -- due to exceeding the number of values per summary
65 CREATE INDEX brinidx_multi ON brintest_multi USING brin (
66 int8col int8_minmax_multi_ops,
67 int2col int2_minmax_multi_ops,
68 int4col int4_minmax_multi_ops,
69 oidcol oid_minmax_multi_ops,
70 tidcol tid_minmax_multi_ops,
71 float4col float4_minmax_multi_ops,
72 float8col float8_minmax_multi_ops,
73 macaddrcol macaddr_minmax_multi_ops,
74 macaddr8col macaddr8_minmax_multi_ops,
75 inetcol inet_minmax_multi_ops,
76 cidrcol inet_minmax_multi_ops,
77 datecol date_minmax_multi_ops,
78 timecol time_minmax_multi_ops,
79 timestampcol timestamp_minmax_multi_ops,
80 timestamptzcol timestamptz_minmax_multi_ops,
81 intervalcol interval_minmax_multi_ops,
82 timetzcol timetz_minmax_multi_ops,
83 numericcol numeric_minmax_multi_ops,
84 uuidcol uuid_minmax_multi_ops,
85 lsncol pg_lsn_minmax_multi_ops
87 DROP INDEX brinidx_multi;
88 CREATE INDEX brinidx_multi ON brintest_multi USING brin (
89 int8col int8_minmax_multi_ops,
90 int2col int2_minmax_multi_ops,
91 int4col int4_minmax_multi_ops,
92 oidcol oid_minmax_multi_ops,
93 tidcol tid_minmax_multi_ops,
94 float4col float4_minmax_multi_ops,
95 float8col float8_minmax_multi_ops,
96 macaddrcol macaddr_minmax_multi_ops,
97 macaddr8col macaddr8_minmax_multi_ops,
98 inetcol inet_minmax_multi_ops,
99 cidrcol inet_minmax_multi_ops,
100 datecol date_minmax_multi_ops,
101 timecol time_minmax_multi_ops,
102 timestampcol timestamp_minmax_multi_ops,
103 timestamptzcol timestamptz_minmax_multi_ops,
104 intervalcol interval_minmax_multi_ops,
105 timetzcol timetz_minmax_multi_ops,
106 numericcol numeric_minmax_multi_ops,
107 uuidcol uuid_minmax_multi_ops,
108 lsncol pg_lsn_minmax_multi_ops
109 ) with (pages_per_range = 1);
110 CREATE TABLE brinopers_multi (colname name, typ text,
111 op text[], value text[], matches int[],
112 check (cardinality(op) = cardinality(value)),
113 check (cardinality(op) = cardinality(matches)));
114 INSERT INTO brinopers_multi VALUES
117 '{0, 0, 800, 999, 999}',
118 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
121 '{0, 0, 800, 999, 1999}',
122 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
125 '{0, 0, 800, 999, 1428427143}',
126 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
129 '{0, 0, 800, 1999, 1999}',
130 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
133 '{0, 0, 800, 1999, 1999}',
134 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
137 '{0, 0, 800, 1999, 1428427143}',
138 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
149 '{0, 0, 1257141600, 1428427143, 1428427143}',
150 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
153 '{0, 0, 8800, 9999, 9999}',
154 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
157 '{"(0,0)", "(0,0)", "(8800,0)", "(9999,19)", "(9999,19)"}',
158 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
159 ('float4col', 'float4',
161 '{0.0103093, 0.0103093, 1, 1, 1}',
162 '{100, 100, 4, 100, 96}'),
163 ('float4col', 'float8',
165 '{0.0103093, 0.0103093, 1, 1, 1}',
166 '{100, 100, 4, 100, 96}'),
167 ('float8col', 'float4',
169 '{0, 0, 0, 1.98, 1.98}',
170 '{99, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
171 ('float8col', 'float8',
173 '{0, 0, 0, 1.98, 1.98}',
174 '{99, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
175 ('macaddrcol', 'macaddr',
177 '{00:00:01:00:00:00, 00:00:01:00:00:00, 2c:00:2d:00:16:00, ff:fe:00:00:00:00, ff:fe:00:00:00:00}',
178 '{99, 100, 2, 100, 100}'),
179 ('macaddr8col', 'macaddr8',
181 '{b1:d1:0e:7b:af:a4:42:12, d9:35:91:bd:f7:86:0e:1e, 72:8f:20:6c:2a:01:bf:57, 23:e8:46:63:86:07:ad:cb, 13:16:8e:6a:2e:6c:84:b4}',
182 '{33, 15, 1, 13, 6}'),
185 '{,,,,}',
186 '{1, 100, 100, 125, 125}'),
189 '{,,,}',
190 '{100, 100, 125, 125}'),
193 '{10.2.14/24,,,,}',
194 '{2, 100, 100, 125, 125}'),
197 '{10.2.14/24,,,,}',
198 '{2, 100, 100, 125, 125}'),
201 '{1995-08-15, 1995-08-15, 2009-12-01, 2022-12-30, 2022-12-30}',
202 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
205 '{01:20:30, 01:20:30, 02:28:57, 06:28:31.5, 06:28:31.5}',
206 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
207 ('timestampcol', 'timestamp',
209 '{1942-07-23 03:05:09, 1942-07-23 03:05:09, 1964-03-24 19:26:45, 1984-01-20 22:42:21, 1984-01-20 22:42:21}',
210 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
211 ('timestampcol', 'timestamptz',
213 '{1942-07-23 03:05:09, 1942-07-23 03:05:09, 1964-03-24 19:26:45, 1984-01-20 22:42:21, 1984-01-20 22:42:21}',
214 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
215 ('timestamptzcol', 'timestamptz',
217 '{1972-10-10 03:00:00-04, 1972-10-10 03:00:00-04, 1972-10-19 09:00:00-07, 1972-11-20 19:00:00-03, 1972-11-20 19:00:00-03}',
218 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
219 ('intervalcol', 'interval',
221 '{00:00:00, 00:00:00, 1 mons 13 days 12:24, 2 mons 23 days 07:48:00, 1 year}',
222 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
223 ('timetzcol', 'timetz',
225 '{01:30:20+02, 01:30:20+02, 01:35:50+02, 23:55:05+02, 23:55:05+02}',
226 '{99, 100, 2, 100, 100}'),
227 ('numericcol', 'numeric',
229 '{0.00, 0.01, 2268164.347826086956521739130434782609, 99470151.9, 99470151.9}',
230 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
233 '{00040004-0004-0004-0004-000400040004, 00040004-0004-0004-0004-000400040004, 52225222-5222-5222-5222-522252225222, 99989998-9998-9998-9998-999899989998, 99989998-9998-9998-9998-999899989998}',
234 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100}'),
236 '{>, >=, =, <=, <, IS, IS NOT}',
237 '{0/1200, 0/1200, 44/455222, 198/1999799, 198/1999799, NULL, NULL}',
238 '{100, 100, 1, 100, 100, 25, 100}');
250 FOR r IN SELECT colname, oper, typ, value[ordinality], matches[ordinality] FROM brinopers_multi, unnest(op) WITH ORDINALITY AS oper LOOP
252 -- prepare the condition
253 IF r.value IS NULL THEN
254 cond := format('%I %s %L', r.colname, r.oper, r.value);
256 cond := format('%I %s %L::%s', r.colname, r.oper, r.value, r.typ);
259 -- run the query using the brin index
260 SET enable_seqscan = 0;
261 SET enable_bitmapscan = 1;
264 FOR plan_line IN EXECUTE format($y$EXPLAIN SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_multi WHERE %s $y$, cond) LOOP
265 IF plan_line LIKE '%Bitmap Heap Scan on brintest_multi%' THEN
270 RAISE WARNING 'did not get bitmap indexscan plan for %', r;
273 EXECUTE format($y$SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_multi WHERE %s $y$, cond)
276 -- run the query using a seqscan
277 SET enable_seqscan = 1;
278 SET enable_bitmapscan = 0;
281 FOR plan_line IN EXECUTE format($y$EXPLAIN SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_multi WHERE %s $y$, cond) LOOP
282 IF plan_line LIKE '%Seq Scan on brintest_multi%' THEN
287 RAISE WARNING 'did not get seqscan plan for %', r;
290 EXECUTE format($y$SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_multi WHERE %s $y$, cond)
293 -- make sure both return the same results
294 count := array_length(idx_ctids, 1);
296 IF NOT (count = array_length(ss_ctids, 1) AND
297 idx_ctids @> ss_ctids AND
298 idx_ctids <@ ss_ctids) THEN
299 -- report the results of each scan to make the differences obvious
300 RAISE WARNING 'something not right in %: count %', r, count;
301 SET enable_seqscan = 1;
302 SET enable_bitmapscan = 0;
303 FOR r2 IN EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || r.colname || ' FROM brintest_multi WHERE ' || cond LOOP
304 RAISE NOTICE 'seqscan: %', r2;
307 SET enable_seqscan = 0;
308 SET enable_bitmapscan = 1;
309 FOR r2 IN EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || r.colname || ' FROM brintest_multi WHERE ' || cond LOOP
310 RAISE NOTICE 'bitmapscan: %', r2;
314 -- make sure we found expected number of matches
315 IF count != r.matches THEN RAISE WARNING 'unexpected number of results % for %', count, r; END IF;
319 RESET enable_seqscan;
320 RESET enable_bitmapscan;
321 INSERT INTO brintest_multi SELECT
326 format('(%s,%s)', tenthous, twenty)::tid,
327 (four + 1.0)/(hundred+1),
328 odd::float8 / (tenthous + 1),
329 format('%s:00:%s:00:%s:00', to_hex(odd), to_hex(even), to_hex(hundred))::macaddr,
330 substr(md5(unique1::text), 1, 16)::macaddr8,
331 inet '' + tenthous,
332 cidr '10.2.3/24' + tenthous,
333 date '1995-08-15' + tenthous,
334 time '01:20:30' + thousand * interval '18.5 second',
335 timestamp '1942-07-23 03:05:09' + tenthous * interval '36.38 hours',
336 timestamptz '1972-10-10 03:00' + thousand * interval '1 hour',
337 justify_days(justify_hours(tenthous * interval '12 minutes')),
338 timetz '01:30:20' + hundred * interval '15 seconds',
339 tenthous::numeric(36,30) * fivethous * even / (hundred + 1),
340 format('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'))::uuid,
341 format('%s/%s%s', odd, even, tenthous)::pg_lsn
342 FROM tenk1 ORDER BY unique2 LIMIT 5 OFFSET 5;
343 SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_multi', 0);
344 brin_desummarize_range
345 ------------------------
349 VACUUM brintest_multi; -- force a summarization cycle in brinidx
350 UPDATE brintest_multi SET int8col = int8col * int4col;
351 -- Tests for brin_summarize_new_values
352 SELECT brin_summarize_new_values('brintest_multi'); -- error, not an index
353 ERROR: "brintest_multi" is not an index
354 SELECT brin_summarize_new_values('tenk1_unique1'); -- error, not a BRIN index
355 ERROR: "tenk1_unique1" is not a BRIN index
356 SELECT brin_summarize_new_values('brinidx_multi'); -- ok, no change expected
357 brin_summarize_new_values
358 ---------------------------
362 -- Tests for brin_desummarize_range
363 SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_multi', -1); -- error, invalid range
364 ERROR: block number out of range: -1
365 SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_multi', 0);
366 brin_desummarize_range
367 ------------------------
371 SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_multi', 0);
372 brin_desummarize_range
373 ------------------------
377 SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_multi', 100000000);
378 brin_desummarize_range
379 ------------------------
383 -- test building an index with many values, to force compaction of the buffer
384 CREATE TABLE brin_large_range (a int4);
385 INSERT INTO brin_large_range SELECT i FROM generate_series(1,10000) s(i);
386 CREATE INDEX brin_large_range_idx ON brin_large_range USING brin (a int4_minmax_multi_ops);
387 DROP TABLE brin_large_range;
388 -- Test brin_summarize_range
389 CREATE TABLE brin_summarize_multi (
391 ) WITH (fillfactor=10, autovacuum_enabled=false);
392 CREATE INDEX brin_summarize_multi_idx ON brin_summarize_multi USING brin (value) WITH (pages_per_range=2);
398 INSERT INTO brin_summarize_multi VALUES (1) RETURNING ctid INTO curtid;
399 EXIT WHEN curtid > tid '(2, 0)';
403 -- summarize one range
404 SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', 0);
406 ----------------------
410 -- nothing: already summarized
411 SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', 1);
413 ----------------------
417 -- summarize one range
418 SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', 2);
420 ----------------------
424 -- nothing: page doesn't exist in table
425 SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', 4294967295);
427 ----------------------
431 -- invalid block number values
432 SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', -1);
433 ERROR: block number out of range: -1
434 SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_multi_idx', 4294967296);
435 ERROR: block number out of range: 4294967296
436 -- test brin cost estimates behave sanely based on correlation of values
437 CREATE TABLE brin_test_multi (a INT, b INT);
438 INSERT INTO brin_test_multi SELECT x/100,x%100 FROM generate_series(1,10000) x(x);
439 CREATE INDEX brin_test_multi_a_idx ON brin_test_multi USING brin (a) WITH (pages_per_range = 2);
440 CREATE INDEX brin_test_multi_b_idx ON brin_test_multi USING brin (b) WITH (pages_per_range = 2);
441 VACUUM ANALYZE brin_test_multi;
442 -- Ensure brin index is used when columns are perfectly correlated
443 EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_test_multi WHERE a = 1;
445 --------------------------------------------------
446 Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_test_multi
447 Recheck Cond: (a = 1)
448 -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_test_multi_a_idx
452 -- Ensure brin index is not used when values are not correlated
453 EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_test_multi WHERE b = 1;
455 -----------------------------
456 Seq Scan on brin_test_multi