3 # This file is NOT loaded by the PostgreSQL database. It just serves as
4 # a template for timezones you could need. See the `Date/Time Support'
5 # appendix in the PostgreSQL documentation for more information.
7 # src/timezone/tznames/Atlantic.txt
10 ADT -10800 D # Atlantic Daylight Time
16 # CONFLICT! AST is not unique
18 # - AST: Arabic Standard Time (Asia)
19 # - AST: Al Manamah Standard Time (Asia) same offset as Arabia Standard Time
20 # - AST/ACT: Acre Standard Time (America) listed as ACT
21 # - AST: Anguilla Standard Time (America) same offset
22 # - AST: Antigua Standard Time (America) same offset
23 # - AST: Antilles Standard Time (America) same offset
24 AST -14400 # Atlantic Standard Time
33 # (America/Guadeloupe)
35 # (America/Martinique)
36 # (America/Montserrat)
37 # (America/Port_of_Spain)
38 # (America/Puerto_Rico)
39 # (America/Santo_Domingo)
43 # (America/St_Vincent)
47 AZOST 0 D # Azores Summer Time (obsolete)
48 AZOT -3600 # Azores Time (obsolete)
49 CVT Atlantic/Cape_Verde # Cape Verde Time (obsolete)
50 FKST Atlantic/Stanley # Falkland Islands Summer/Standard Time (obsolete)
51 FKT Atlantic/Stanley # Falkland Islands Time (obsolete)
52 GMT 0 # Greenwich Mean Time
62 # (Africa/Ouagadougou)
64 # (America/Danmarkshavn)
65 # (Atlantic/Reykjavik)
66 # (Atlantic/St_Helena)
70 # CONFLICT! GST is not unique
72 # - GST: Gulf Standard Time (Asia)
73 GST -7200 # South Georgia Time (Atlantic) (obsolete)
74 WEST 3600 D # Western Europe Summer Time
79 WET 0 # Western Europe Time