1 /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
3 * function used in table data manipulation pages
9 * Modify from controls when the "NULL" checkbox is selected
11 * @param string the MySQL field type
12 * @param string the urlencoded field name - OBSOLETE
13 * @param string the md5 hashed field name
14 * @param string the multi_edit row sequence number
16 * @return boolean always true
18 function nullify(theType, urlField, md5Field, multi_edit)
20 var rowForm = document.forms['insertForm'];
22 if (typeof(rowForm.elements['funcs' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field + ']']) != 'undefined') {
23 rowForm.elements['funcs' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field + ']'].selectedIndex = -1;
26 // "SET" field , "ENUM" field with more than 20 characters
27 // or foreign key field (drop-down)
28 if (theType == 1 || theType == 3 || theType == 4) {
29 rowForm.elements['field_' + md5Field + multi_edit + '[]'].selectedIndex = -1;
32 else if (theType == 2) {
33 var elts = rowForm.elements['field_' + md5Field + multi_edit + '[]'];
34 // when there is just one option in ENUM:
38 var elts_cnt = elts.length;
39 for (var i = 0; i < elts_cnt; i++ ) {
40 elts[i].checked = false;
45 // foreign key field (with browsing icon for foreign values)
46 else if (theType == 6) {
47 rowForm.elements['field_' + md5Field + multi_edit + '[]'].value = '';
50 else /*if (theType == 5)*/ {
51 rowForm.elements['fields' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field + ']'].value = '';
52 } // end if... else if... else
55 } // end of the 'nullify()' function
59 * javascript DateTime format validation.
60 * its used to prevent adding default (0000-00-00 00:00:00) to database when user enter wrong values
61 * Start of validation part
63 //function checks the number of days in febuary
64 function daysInFebruary (year){
65 return (((year % 4 == 0) && ( (!(year % 100 == 0)) || (year % 400 == 0))) ? 29 : 28 );
67 //function to convert single digit to double digit
68 function fractionReplace(num)
74 case 1:res= "01";break;
75 case 2:res= "02";break;
76 case 3:res= "03";break;
77 case 4:res= "04";break;
78 case 5:res= "05";break;
79 case 6:res= "06";break;
80 case 7:res= "07";break;
81 case 8:res= "08";break;
82 case 9:res= "09";break;
87 /* function to check the validity of date
88 * The following patterns are accepted in this validation (accepted in mysql as well)
92 * 4) And instead of using '-' the following punctuations can be used (+,.,*,^,@,/) All these are accepted by mysql as well. Therefore no issues
94 function isDate(val,tmstmp)
96 val=val.replace(/[.|*|^|+|//|@]/g,'-');
97 var arrayVal=val.split("-");
98 for(var a=0;a<arrayVal.length;a++)
100 if(arrayVal[a].length==1)
101 arrayVal[a]=fractionReplace(arrayVal[a]);
103 val=arrayVal.join("-");
105 dtexp=new RegExp(/^([0-9]{4})-(((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)-((0[0-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1])))|((02|04|06|09|11)-((0[0-9])|([1-2][0-9])|30)))$/);
108 dtexp=new RegExp(/^([0-9]{2})-(((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)-((0[0-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1])))|((02|04|06|09|11)-((0[0-9])|([1-2][0-9])|30)))$/);
113 var month=parseInt(val.substring(pos+3,pos+5));
114 var day=parseInt(val.substring(pos+6,pos+8));
115 var year=parseInt(val.substring(0,pos+2));
116 if(month==2&&day>daysInFebruary(year))
118 if(val.substring(0,pos+2).length==2)
120 if(val.substring(0,pos+2).length==2)
121 year=parseInt("20"+val.substring(0,pos+2));
123 year=parseInt("19"+val.substring(0,pos+2));
127 if(year<1978) return false;
128 if(year>2038||(year>2037&&day>19&&month>=1)||(year>2037&&month>1)) return false;
136 /* function to check the validity of time
137 * The following patterns are accepted in this validation (accepted in mysql as well)
143 var arrayVal=val.split(":");
144 for(var a=0;a<arrayVal.length;a++)
146 if(arrayVal[a].length==1)
147 arrayVal[a]=fractionReplace(arrayVal[a]);
149 val=arrayVal.join(":");
150 tmexp=new RegExp(/^(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):((0[0-9])|([1-5][0-9])):((0[0-9])|([1-5][0-9]))$/);
155 //validate the datetime and integer
156 function Validator(urlField, multi_edit,theType){
157 var rowForm = document.forms['insertForm'];
158 var evt = window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0];
159 var target = evt.target || evt.srcElement;
160 unNullify(urlField, multi_edit);
162 if(target.name.substring(0,6)=="fields")
164 var dt=rowForm.elements['fields[multi_edit][' + multi_edit + '][' + urlField + ']'];
165 // validate for date time
166 if(theType=="datetime"||theType=="time"||theType=="date"||theType=="timestamp")
169 if(!isDate(dt.value))
171 dt.className="invalid_value";
175 else if(theType=="time")
177 if(!isTime(dt.value))
179 dt.className="invalid_value";
183 else if(theType=="datetime"||theType=="timestamp")
186 if(dt.value=="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
191 if(theType=="timestamp")
195 if(dt.value=="0000-00-00 00:00:00")
197 var dv=dt.value.indexOf(" ");
200 dt.className="invalid_value";
205 if(!(isDate(dt.value.substring(0,dv),tmstmp)&&isTime(dt.value.substring(dv+1))))
207 dt.className="invalid_value";
213 //validate for integer type
214 if(theType.substring(0,3)=="int"){
217 dt.className="invalid_value";
225 /* End of datetime validation*/
228 * Unchecks the "NULL" control when a function has been selected or a value
231 * @param string the urlencoded field name
232 * @param string the multi_edit row sequence number
234 * @return boolean always true
236 function unNullify(urlField, multi_edit)
238 var rowForm = document.forms['insertForm'];
240 if (typeof(rowForm.elements['fields_null[multi_edit][' + multi_edit + '][' + urlField + ']']) != 'undefined') {
241 rowForm.elements['fields_null[multi_edit][' + multi_edit + '][' + urlField + ']'].checked = false
244 if (typeof(rowForm.elements['insert_ignore_' + multi_edit]) != 'undefined') {
245 rowForm.elements['insert_ignore_' + multi_edit].checked = false
249 } // end of the 'unNullify()' function