3 volserver - Initializes the Volume Server component of the fs process
10 =include fragments/volserver-synopsis.pod
17 The B<volserver> command initializes the Volume Server component of the
18 C<fs> process. In the conventional configuration, its binary file is
19 located in the F</usr/afs/bin> directory on a file server machine.
21 The B<volserver> command is not normally issued at the command shell
22 prompt but rather placed into a file server machine's
23 F</usr/afs/local/BosConfig> file with the B<bos create> command. If it is
24 ever issued at the command shell prompt, the issuer must be logged onto a
25 database server machine as the local superuser C<root>.
27 =include fragments/volserver-description.pod
31 =include fragments/volserver-options.pod
35 The following B<bos create> command creates a C<volserver> process on the
36 machine C<fs2.example.com> as part of the fs process:
38 % bos create -server fs2.example.com -instance fs -type fs \
39 -cmd "/usr/afs/bin/fileserver" \
40 /usr/afs/bin/volserver /usr/afs/bin/salvager
44 =include fragments/volserver-privilege.pod
48 =include fragments/volserver-also.pod
53 =include fragments/fileserver-copyright.pod