1 # Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
4 # This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
5 # License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
6 # directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html
8 # allow the resource compiler to search the dest\include tree
12 # include the primary makefile
13 RELDIR=WINNT\client_exp\lang
14 !INCLUDE ..\..\..\config\NTMakefile.$(SYS_NAME)
15 !INCLUDE ..\..\..\config\NTMakefile.version
17 ############################################################################
21 # To select which language to build, run the ntlang.bat batch file
22 # before performing a build.
25 !IF ("$(LANGID)" == "") || ("$(LANGNAME)" == "") || ("$(LANGCP)" == "")
26 !ERROR Must select language before building (run NTLANG.BAT)
29 ############################################################################
34 DLLFILE = $(DESTDIR)\root.client\usr\vice\etc\afs_shl_ext_$(LANGID).dll
36 RCFILE = $(LANGNAME)\afs_shl_ext.rc
38 RESFILE = $(OUT)\afs_shl_ext_$(LANGID).res
42 ############################################################################
56 $(DEL) AFS_component_version_number.h
58 ############################################################################
63 $(RESFILE) : $(RCFILE) AFS_component_version_number.h
64 $(RC) /fo$(RESFILE) /c$(LANGCP) $(RCFILE)