Update NEWS for 1.6.22
[pkg-k5-afs_openafs.git] / src / cmd / Makefile.in
1 # Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
2 # All Rights Reserved.
3 #
4 # This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
5 # License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
6 # directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html
8 srcdir=@srcdir@
9 include @TOP_OBJDIR@/src/config/Makefile.config
15 LIBOBJS=cmd_errors.o cmd.o
16 LIB64OBJS=cmd_errors64.o cmd64.o
18 all: ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libcmd.a ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/cmd.h
20 all64: all ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libcmd64.a
22 generated: cmd.h cmd_errors.c
24 ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libcmd.a: libcmd.a
25 ${INSTALL_DATA} $? $@
27 ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libcmd64.a: libcmd64.a
28 ${INSTALL_DATA} $? $@
30 ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/cmd.h: cmd.h
31 ${INSTALL_DATA} $? $@
33 cmd_errors.c: cmd_errors.et
34 ${COMPILE_ET_C} -p ${srcdir} cmd_errors
36 cmd.h: cmd_errors.et cmd.p.h
37 ${COMPILE_ET_H} -p ${srcdir} cmd_errors -h cmd
39 cmd.o: cmd.h
41 cmd_errors.o: cmd_errors.c
43 cmd.o: cmd.c cmd.h
45 cmd_errors64.o: cmd_errors.c
46 ${CC} ${OPTMZ} -I. -I${TOP_OBJDIR}/src/config -I${TOP_INCDIR} ${XCFLAGS64} -c -o cmd_errors64.o cmd_errors.c
48 cmd64.o: cmd.c cmd.h
49 ${CC} ${OPTMZ} -I. -I${TOP_OBJDIR}/src/config -I${TOP_INCDIR} ${XCFLAGS64} -c -o cmd64.o ${srcdir}/cmd.c
51 libcmd64.a: ${LIB64OBJS} AFS_component_version_number64.o
52 -$(RM) -f $@
53 $(AR) crv $@ ${LIB64OBJS} AFS_component_version_number64.o
54 $(RANLIB) $@
56 libcmd.a: ${LIBOBJS} AFS_component_version_number.o
57 -$(RM) -f $@
58 $(AR) crv $@ ${LIBOBJS} AFS_component_version_number.o
59 $(RANLIB) $@
61 AFS_component_version_number64.o: AFS_component_version_number.c
62 ${CC} ${OPTMZ} -I${TOP_INCDIR} ${XCFLAGS64} -c -o AFS_component_version_number64.o AFS_component_version_number.c
65 # Install targets
67 install: libcmd.a cmd.h
68 ${INSTALL} -d ${DESTDIR}${libdir}/afs
69 ${INSTALL} -d ${DESTDIR}${includedir}/afs
70 ${INSTALL_DATA} libcmd.a ${DESTDIR}${libdir}/afs/libcmd.a
71 ${INSTALL_DATA} cmd.h ${DESTDIR}${includedir}/afs/cmd.h
73 install64: install libcmd64.a
74 ${INSTALL_DATA} libcmd64.a ${DESTDIR}${libdir}/afs/libcmd64.a
76 dest: libcmd.a cmd.h
77 ${INSTALL} -d ${DEST}/lib/afs
78 ${INSTALL} -d ${DEST}/include/afs
79 ${INSTALL_DATA} libcmd.a ${DEST}/lib/afs/libcmd.a
80 ${INSTALL_DATA} cmd.h ${DEST}/include/afs/cmd.h
82 dest64: dest libcmd64.a
83 ${INSTALL_DATA} libcmd64.a ${DEST}/lib/afs/libcmd64.a
86 # Misc targets
88 test tests:
89 (cd test; $(MAKE) )
91 clean:
92 $(RM) -f *.a *.o ctest dtest cmd.h cmd_errors.c core AFS_component_version_number.c
94 include ../config/Makefile.version