3 fs_nukenfscreds - Discard NFS translator tokens
10 B<fs nukenfscreds> S<<< B<-addr> <I<host>> >>>
13 B<fs nu> S<<< B<-a> <I<host>> >>>
21 When using the NFS translator, it is possible for clients to supply AFS tokens
22 that the NFS translator will use for NFS-originating accesses from a specific
23 host and uid. The B<fs nukenfscreds> command, when run on the translator host,
24 will destroy all tokens for all uids for a specific NFS client host. After this
25 command is run successfully, all accesses for all users from that host will be
26 unauthenticated until they provide AFS tokens again.
28 This command can be useful in the following scenario. Say you have an NFS
29 client machine accessing a translator, and the machine is decommissioned, and a
30 new machine is brought up with the same IP. If there are credentials associated
31 with certain uids from that host, it is possible that accesses from the new
32 host will use the same credentials from the old host, even if they haven't
33 authenticated. With the B<fs_nukenfscreds> command, you can destroy all
34 credentials associated with the machine when it is decommissioned, ensuring
35 that that situation cannot occur.
41 =item B<-addr> <I<host>>
43 Specifies which host to invalidate tokens for. Specify either a resolvable host
44 name or an IP address.
48 Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are
55 If the specified tokens were destroyed successfully, no output is generated.
59 The following example destroys credentials from all PAGs for the NFS translator
60 client host
62 % fs nukenfscreds -addr
66 The issuer must be logged in as the local superuser C<root>.
76 Copyright 2013 Sine Nomine Associates
78 This documentation is covered by the BSD License as written in the
79 doc/LICENSE file. This man page was written by Andrew Deason for