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5 <title>Postfix Overview - Security</title>
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12 <h1><a href="big-picture.html"><img src="small-picture.gif" width="115" height="45"></a> Postfix
13 Overview - Security</h1>
15 <hr>
17 <p> <strong> Note: this web page is no longer maintained. It exists
18 only to avoid breaking links in web pages that describe earlier
19 versions of the Postfix mail system. </strong> </p>
21 <a href="docs.html">Up one level</a> | <a
22 href="motivation.html">Introduction</a> | <a href="goals.html">Goals
23 and features</a> | <a href="architecture.html">Global architecture</a>
24 | <a href="queuing.html">Queue Management</a> | Security
26 <h2>Introduction</h2>
28 By definition, mail software processes information from potentially
29 untrusted sources. Therefore, mail software must be written with
30 great care, even when it runs with user privileges, and even when
31 it does not talk directly to a network.
33 <p>
35 Postfix is a complex system. The initial release has about 30,000
36 lines of code (after deleting the comments). With a system that
37 complex, the security of the system should not depend on a single
38 mechanism. If it did, one single error would be sufficient to
39 compromise the entire mail system. Therefore, Postfix uses multiple
40 layers of defense to control the damage from software and other
41 errors.
43 <h2>Least privilege</h2>
45 Most Postfix daemon programs can be run at fixed low privilege in
46 a chrooted environment. This is especially true for the programs
47 that are exposed to the network: the SMTP server and SMTP client.
48 Although chroot(2), even when combined with low privilege, is no
49 guarantee against system compromise it does add a considerable
50 hurdle. And we all know that every little bit helps.
52 <h2>Insulation</h2>
54 Postfix uses separate processes to insulate activities from each
55 other. In particular, there is no direct path from the network to
56 the security-sensitive local delivery programs. An intruder first
57 has to break through multiple programs. Some parts of the Postfix
58 system are multi-threaded. However, all programs that interact with
59 the outside world are single-threaded. Separate processes give
60 better insulation than multiple threads within a shared address
61 space.
63 <h2>Controlled environment</h2>
65 No Postfix mail delivery program runs under control of a user
66 process. Instead, most Postfix programs run under control of a
67 resident master daemon that runs in a controlled environment,
68 without any parent-child relationship to user processes. This
69 approach eliminates exploits that involve signals, open files,
70 environment variables, and other process attributes that the UNIX
71 system passes on from a possibly-malicious parent to a child.
73 <h2>Set-uid</h2>
75 No Postfix program is <b>set-uid</b>. Introducing the concept was
76 the biggest mistake made in UNIX history. <b>Set-uid</b> (and its
77 weaker cousin, <b>set-gid</b>) causes more trouble than it is worth.
78 Each time a new feature is added to the UNIX system, <b>set-uid</b>
79 causes a security problem: shared libraries, the <b>/proc</b> file
80 system, multi-language support, to mention just a few examples.
81 <b>Set-uid</b> makes it impossible to introduce some of the features
82 that make UNIX successors such as plan9 so attractive, for example,
83 per-process file system name spaces.
85 <p>
87 Initially, the <b>maildrop</b> queue directory was world-writable,
88 so that local processes could submit mail without assistance from
89 a set-uid or set-gid command or from a mail daemon process. The
90 maildrop directory was not used for mail coming in via the network,
91 and its queue files were not readable for unprivileged users.
93 <p>
95 A writable directory opens up opportunities for annoyance: a local
96 user can make hard links to someone else's maildrop files so they
97 don't go away and/or are delivered multiple times; a local user
98 can fill the maildrop directory with garbage and try to make the
99 mail system crash; and a local user can hard link someone else's
100 files into the maildrop directory and try to have them delivered
101 as mail. However, Postfix queue files have a specific format; less
102 than one in 10^12 non-Postfix files would be recognized as a valid
103 Postfix queue file.
107 Because of the potential for misbehavior, Postfix has abandoned
108 the world-writable <b>maildrop</b> directory, and uses a small
109 set-gid <b>postdrop</b> helper program for mail submission.
111 <h2>Trust</h2>
113 As mentioned elsewhere in the overview, Postfix programs do not
114 trust the contents of queue files or of the Postfix internal IPC
115 messages. Queue files have no on-disk record for deliveries to
116 sensitive destinations such as files or commands. Instead, programs
117 such as the local delivery agent attempt to make security-sensitive
118 decisions on the basis of first-hand information.
122 Of course, Postfix programs do not trust data received from the
123 network, either. In particular, Postfix filters sender-provided
124 data before exporting it via environment variables. If there is one
125 lesson that people have learned from Web site security disasters
126 it is this one: <i> don't let any data from the network near a
127 shell</i>. Filtering is the best we can do.
129 <h2>Large inputs</h2>
131 <ul>
133 <li>Memory for strings and buffers is allocated dynamically, in
134 order to prevent buffer overrun problems.
138 <li>Long lines in message input are broken up into sequences of
139 reasonably-sized chunks, and are reconstructed upon delivery.
143 <li>Diagnostics are truncated (in one single place!) before they
144 are passed to the syslog(3) interface, in order to prevent buffer
145 overruns on older platforms. However, no general attempt is made
146 to truncate data before it is passed to system calls or to library
147 routines. On some platforms, the software may still exhibit buffer
148 overrun problems, due to vulnerabilities in the underlying software.
152 <li>No specific attempt is made to defend against unreasonably-long
153 command-line arguments. UNIX kernels impose their own limits, which
154 should be sufficient to deal with runaway programs or with malicious
155 users.
157 </ul>
159 <h2>Other defenses</h2>
161 <ul>
163 <li>The number of in-memory instances of any object type is limited,
164 to prevent the mail system from becoming wedged under heavy load.
168 <li>In case of problems, the software pauses before sending an
169 error response to a client, before terminating with a fatal error,
170 or before attempting to restart a failed program. The purpose is
171 to prevent runaway conditions that only make problems worse.
173 </ul>
175 <hr>
177 <a href="docs.html">Up one level</a> | <a
178 href="motivation.html">Introduction</a> | <a href="goals.html">Goals
179 and features</a> | <a href="architecture.html">Global architecture</a>
180 | <a href="queuing.html">Queue Management</a> | Security
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