1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
3 <TS version=
"2.1" language=
5 <name>AboutDialog
7 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
8 <source>About qBittorrent
9 <translation>За qBittorrent
12 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
13 <source>About
14 <translation>За
17 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
18 <source>Authors
19 <translation>Автори
22 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
23 <source>Current maintainer
24 <translation>Настоящ разработчик
27 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
28 <source>Greece
29 <translation>Гърция
32 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
33 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
34 <source>Nationality:
35 <translation>Държава:
38 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
39 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
40 <source>E-mail:
41 <translation>E-mail:
44 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
45 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
46 <source>Name:
47 <translation>Име:
50 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
51 <source>Original author
52 <translation>Автор на оригиналната версия
55 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
56 <source>France
57 <translation>Франция
60 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
61 <source>Special Thanks
62 <translation>Специални благодарности
65 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
66 <source>Translators
67 <translation>Преводачи
70 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
71 <source>License
72 <translation>Лиценз
75 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
76 <source>Software Used
77 <translation>Използван софтуер
80 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.ui" line=
81 <source>qBittorrent was built with the following libraries:
82 <translation>За qBittorrent са ползвани следните библиотеки:
85 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.cpp" line=
86 <source>An advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C++, based on Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar.
87 <translation>BitTorrent клиент с разширени възможности написан на С++ и базиран на Qt toolkit и libtorrent-rasterbar.
90 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.cpp" line=
91 <source>Copyright %
1 2006-
2022 The qBittorrent project
92 <translation>Авторско право %
1 2006-
2022 The qBittorrent project
95 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.cpp" line=
96 <source>Home Page:
97 <translation>Домашна страница:
100 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.cpp" line=
101 <source>Forum:
102 <translation>Форум:
105 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.cpp" line=
106 <source>Bug Tracker:
107 <translation>Докладване на грешки:
110 <location filename=
"../gui/aboutdialog.cpp" line=
111 <source>The free IP to Country Lite database by DB-IP is used for resolving the countries of peers. The database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License
112 <translation>Свободната IP to Country Lite база данни от DB-IP се използва за разрешаване на държавите на участници. Базата данни е лицензирана под Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License
116 <name>AbstractFileStorage
118 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/abstractfilestorage.cpp" line=
119 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/abstractfilestorage.cpp" line=
120 <source>The old path is invalid:
121 <translation>Старият път е невалиден:
124 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/abstractfilestorage.cpp" line=
125 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/abstractfilestorage.cpp" line=
126 <source>The new path is invalid:
127 <translation>Новият път е невалиден:
130 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/abstractfilestorage.cpp" line=
131 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/abstractfilestorage.cpp" line=
132 <source>Absolute path isn
't allowed:
133 <translation>Абсолютен път не е позволен:
136 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/abstractfilestorage.cpp" line=
137 <source>The file already exists:
138 <translation>Файлът вече съществува:
141 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/abstractfilestorage.cpp" line=
142 <source>No such file:
143 <translation>Няма такъв файл:
146 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/abstractfilestorage.cpp" line=
147 <source>The folder already exists:
148 <translation>Папката вече съществува:
151 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/abstractfilestorage.cpp" line=
152 <source>No such folder:
153 <translation>Няма такава папка:
157 <name>AddNewTorrentDialog
159 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
160 <source>Save at
161 <translation>Съхрани на
164 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
165 <source>Never show again
166 <translation>Не показвай никога повече
169 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
170 <source>Torrent settings
171 <translation>Настройки на торента
174 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
175 <source>Set as default category
176 <translation>Задаване като категория по подразбиране
179 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
180 <source>Category:
181 <translation>Категория:
184 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
185 <source>Start torrent
186 <translation>Стартирай торента
189 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
190 <source>Torrent information
191 <translation>Торент информация
194 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
195 <source>Skip hash check
196 <translation>Прескочи проверката на парчетата
199 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
200 <source>Use another path for incomplete torrent
201 <translation>Използвай друг път за незавършен торент
204 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
205 <source>When checked, the .torrent file will not be deleted regardless of the settings at the
" page of the Options dialog
206 <translation>Когато е поставена отметка, .torrent файлът няма да бъде изтрит независимо от настройките на страницата „Изтегляне“ на диалоговия прозорец Опции
209 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
210 <source>Content layout:
211 <translation>Оформление на съдържанието:
214 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
215 <source>Original
216 <translation>Оригинал
219 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
220 <source>Create subfolder
221 <translation>Създай подпапка
224 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
225 <source>Don
't create subfolder
226 <translation>Не създавай подпапка
229 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
230 <source>Info hash v1:
231 <translation>Инфо хеш в
234 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
235 <source>Size:
236 <translation>Размер:
239 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
240 <source>Comment:
241 <translation>Коментар:
244 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
245 <source>Date:
246 <translation>Дата:
249 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
250 <source>Torrent Management Mode:
251 <translation>Торентов Режим на Управление:
254 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
255 <source>Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category
256 <translation>Автоматичен режим значи, че различни настройки на торент (н. пр. местоположение) ще бъдат решени от асоциираната категория
259 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
260 <source>Manual
261 <translation>Ръчно
264 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
265 <source>Automatic
266 <translation>Автоматично
269 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
270 <source>Remember last used save path
271 <translation>Запомни последното място за съхранение
274 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
275 <source>Do not delete .torrent file
276 <translation>Без изтриване на .torrent файла
279 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
280 <source>Download in sequential order
281 <translation>Сваляне в последователен ред
284 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
285 <source>Download first and last pieces first
286 <translation>Първо изтеглете първата и последната част
289 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
290 <source>Info hash v2:
291 <translation>Инфо хеш v2:
294 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
295 <source>Select All
296 <translation> Избери всички
299 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
300 <source>Select None
301 <translation>Не избирай
304 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line=
305 <source>Save as .torrent file...
306 <translation>Запиши като .torrent файл...
309 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
310 <source>Normal
311 <translation>Нормален
314 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
315 <source>High
316 <translation>Висок
319 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
320 <source>Maximum
321 <translation>Максимален
324 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
325 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
326 <source>Do not download
327 <translation>Не сваляй
330 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
331 <source>I/O Error
332 <translation>Грешка на Вход/Изход
335 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
336 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
337 <source>Invalid torrent
338 <translation>Невалиден торент
341 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
342 <source>Not Available
343 <comment>This comment is unavailable
344 <translation>Не е налично
347 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
348 <source>Not Available
349 <comment>This date is unavailable
350 <translation>Не е налично
353 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
354 <source>Not available
355 <translation>Не е наличен
358 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
359 <source>Invalid magnet link
360 <translation>Невалидна магнитна връзка
363 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
364 <source>Failed to load the torrent: %
366 <comment>Don
't remove the
367 ' characters. They insert a newline.
368 <translation>Неуспешно зареждане на торент: %
369 Грешка: %
372 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
373 <source>This magnet link was not recognized
374 <translation>Тази магнитна връзка не се разпознава
377 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
378 <source>Magnet link
379 <translation>Магнитна връзка
382 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
383 <source>Retrieving metadata...
384 <translation>Извличане на метаданни...
387 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
388 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
389 <source>Choose save path
390 <translation>Избери път за съхранение
393 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
394 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
395 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
396 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
397 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
398 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
399 <source>Torrent is already present
400 <translation>Торентът вече съществува
403 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
404 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
405 <source>Torrent
1' is already in the transfer list. Trackers haven
't been merged because it is a private torrent.
406 <translation>Торент
1" вече е в списъка за трансфер. Тракерите не са обединени, тъй като това е частен торент.
409 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
410 <source>Torrent
1' is already in the transfer list. Trackers have been merged.
411 <translation>Торент
1' вече е в списъка за трансфер. Тракерите са обединени.
414 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
415 <source>Torrent is already queued for processing.
416 <translation>Торентът вече е на опашка за обработка.
419 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
420 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
421 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
422 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
424 <translation>Не е налично
427 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
428 <source>Magnet link
1' is already in the transfer list. Trackers have been merged.
429 <translation>Магнитната връзка
1" е вече в списъка. Тракерите са обединени.
432 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
433 <source>Magnet link is already queued for processing.
434 <translation>Магнитната връзка вече е добавена за обработка.
437 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
438 <source>%
1 (Free space on disk: %
439 <translation>%
1 (Свободно място на диска: %
442 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
443 <source>Not available
444 <comment>This size is unavailable.
445 <translation>Недостъпен
448 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
449 <source>Torrent file (*%
450 <translation>Торент файл (*%
453 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
454 <source>Save as torrent file
455 <translation>Запиши като торент файл
458 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
459 <source>Couldn
't export torrent metadata file
1'. Reason: %
460 <translation>Не може да се експортират метаданни от файл
1'. Причина: %
463 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
464 <source>By shown file order
465 <translation>По реда на показания файл
468 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
469 <source>Normal priority
470 <translation>Нормален приоритет
473 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
474 <source>High priority
475 <translation>Висок приоритет
478 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
479 <source>Maximum priority
480 <translation>Максимален приоритет
483 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
484 <source>Priority by shown file order
485 <translation>Приоритет според реда на показания файл
488 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
489 <source>Resize columns
490 <translation>Преоразмери колони
493 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
494 <source>Resize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contents
495 <translation>Преоразмери всички нескрити колони до размерът на техните съдържания
498 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
499 <source>Cannot create v2 torrent until its data is fully downloaded.
500 <translation>Не може да се създаде v2 торент, докато данните не бъдат напълно свалени.
503 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
504 <source>Cannot download
1': %
505 <translation>Не може да се свали
1': %
508 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
509 <source>Rename...
510 <translation>Преименувай...
513 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
514 <source>Priority
515 <translation>Предимство
518 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
519 <source>Parsing metadata...
520 <translation>Проверка на метаданните...
523 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
524 <source>Metadata retrieval complete
525 <translation>Извличането на метаданни завърши
528 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
529 <source>Failed to load from URL: %
531 <translation>Неуспешно зареждане от URL:%
532 Грешка:%
535 <location filename=
"../gui/addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line=
536 <source>Download Error
537 <translation>Грешка при сваляне
541 <name>AdvancedSettings
543 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
544 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
545 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
546 <source> MiB
547 <translation>МБ
550 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
551 <source>Outgoing ports (Min) [
0: Disabled]
552 <translation>Изходен порт (Мин) [
0: Изключен]
555 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
556 <source>Outgoing ports (Max) [
0: Disabled]
557 <translation>Изходен порт (Макс) [
0: Изключен]
560 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
561 <source>Recheck torrents on completion
562 <translation>Провери торентите при завършване
565 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
566 <source>Transfer list refresh interval
567 <translation>Интервал на обновяване на списъка за трансфер
570 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
571 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
573 <comment> milliseconds
574 <translation>мс
577 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
578 <source>Setting
579 <translation>Настройка
582 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
583 <source>Value
584 <comment>Value set for this setting
585 <translation>Стойност
588 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
589 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
590 <source> (disabled)
591 <translation>(изключено)
594 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
595 <source> (auto)
596 <translation>(автоматично)
599 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
600 <source> min
601 <comment> minutes
602 <translation>min
605 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
606 <source>All addresses
607 <translation>Всички адреси
610 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
611 <source>qBittorrent Section
612 <translation>qBittorrent Раздел
615 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
616 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
617 <source>Open documentation
618 <translation>Отваряне на докумнтация
621 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
622 <source>All IPv4 addresses
623 <translation>Всички IPv4 адреси
626 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
627 <source>All IPv6 addresses
628 <translation>Всички IPv6 адреси
631 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
632 <source>libtorrent Section
633 <translation>libtorrent Раздел
636 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
637 <source>Fastresume files
638 <translation>Бързо възобновяване на файлове
641 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
642 <source>SQLite database (experimental)
643 <translation>SQLite база данни (експериментално)
646 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
647 <source>Resume data storage type (requires restart)
648 <translation>Възобновяване на типа съхранение на данни (изисква рестартиране)
651 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
652 <source>Normal
653 <translation>Нормален
656 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
657 <source>Below normal
658 <translation>Под нормален
661 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
662 <source>Medium
663 <translation>Среден
666 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
668 <translation>Нисък
671 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
672 <source>Very low
673 <translation>Много нисък
676 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
677 <source>Process memory priority (Windows
8 only)
678 <translation>Приоритет за управление на паметта (Само за Windows
8 и по-нов)
681 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
682 <source>Physical memory (RAM) usage limit
683 <translation type=
686 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
687 <source>Asynchronous I/O threads
688 <translation>Асинхронни Входно/Изходни нишки
691 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
692 <source>Hashing threads
693 <translation>Хеширане на нишки
696 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
697 <source>File pool size
698 <translation>Размер на файловия пул
701 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
702 <source>Outstanding memory when checking torrents
703 <translation>Оставаща памет при проверка на торентите
706 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
707 <source>Disk cache
708 <translation>Дисков кеш
711 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
712 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
713 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
714 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
716 <comment> seconds
717 <translation>с
720 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
721 <source>Disk cache expiry interval
722 <translation>Продължителност на дисковия кеш
725 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
726 <source>Disk queue size
727 <translation type=
730 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
731 <source>Enable OS cache
732 <translation>Включи кеширане от ОС
735 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
736 <source>Coalesce reads
& writes
737 <translation>Обединяване на записванията и прочитанията
740 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
741 <source>Use piece extent affinity
742 <translation>Използвай афинитет на размерите на парчета
745 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
746 <source>Send upload piece suggestions
747 <translation>Изпращане на съвети за частите на качване
750 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
751 <source>Maximum outstanding requests to a single peer
752 <translation type=
755 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
756 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
757 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
758 <source> KiB
759 <translation> KiB
762 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
763 <source>Send buffer watermark
764 <translation>Изпращане на буферен воден знак
767 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
768 <source>Send buffer low watermark
769 <translation>Изпращане на нисък буферен воден знак
772 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
773 <source>Send buffer watermark factor
774 <translation>Изпращане на фактор на буферния воден знак
777 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
778 <source>Outgoing connections per second
779 <translation>Изходящи връзки в секунда
782 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
783 <source>Socket backlog size
784 <translation>Размер на задържане на сокет
787 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
788 <source>UPnP lease duration [
0: Permanent lease]
789 <translation>Продължителност на лизинг на UPnP [
0: Постоянен лизинг]
792 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
793 <source>Type of service (ToS) for connections to peers
794 <translation>Тип услуга (ToS) за връзки с пиъри
797 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
798 <source>Prefer TCP
799 <translation>Предпочитане на TCP
802 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
803 <source>Peer proportional (throttles TCP)
804 <translation>Пиър пропорционален (дроселиран TCP)
807 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
808 <source>Support internationalized domain name (IDN)
809 <translation>Поддържа интернационализирано домейн име (IDN)
812 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
813 <source>Allow multiple connections from the same IP address
814 <translation>Позволяване на множество връзки от един и същи IP адрес
817 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
818 <source>Validate HTTPS tracker certificates
819 <translation>Проверявай сертификати на HTTPS тракер
822 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
823 <source>Server-side request forgery (SSRF) mitigation
824 <translation>Подправяне на заявка от страна на сървъра (SSRF) смекчаване
827 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
828 <source>Disallow connection to peers on privileged ports
829 <translation>Не разрешавай връзка към пиъри на привилегировани портове
832 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
833 <source>Resolve peer host names
834 <translation>Намиране името на хоста на участниците
837 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
838 <source>IP address reported to trackers (requires restart)
839 <translation>IP адреси, докладвани на тракерите (изисква рестарт)
842 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
843 <source>System default
844 <translation>Система по подразбиране
847 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
848 <source>Notification timeout [
0: infinite]
849 <translation>Време за изчакване на уведомяване [
0: безкрайно]
852 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
853 <source>Reannounce to all trackers when IP or port changed
854 <translation>Повторно обявяване на всички тракери при промяна на IP или порт
857 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
858 <source>Enable icons in menus
859 <translation>Разрешаване на икони в менюта
862 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
863 <source>Peer turnover disconnect percentage
864 <translation>Процент на прекъсване на оборота на участници
867 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
868 <source>Peer turnover threshold percentage
869 <translation>Процент на праг на оборота на участници
872 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
873 <source>Peer turnover disconnect interval
874 <translation>Интервал на прекъсване на партньорския оборот
877 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
878 <source>Stop tracker timeout
879 <translation>Спиране на времето за изчакване на тракера
882 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
883 <source>Display notifications
884 <translation>Екранни уведомления
887 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
888 <source>Display notifications for added torrents
889 <translation>Екранни уведомления за добавени торенти.
892 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
893 <source>Download tracker
's favicon
894 <translation>Сваляне на логото на тракера
897 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
898 <source>Save path history length
899 <translation>Брой запазени последно използвани местоположения.
902 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
903 <source>Enable speed graphs
904 <translation>Разреши графика на скоростта
907 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
908 <source>Fixed slots
909 <translation>Фиксиран брой слотове
912 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
913 <source>Upload rate based
914 <translation>Скорост на качване въз основа на
917 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
918 <source>Upload slots behavior
919 <translation>Поведение на слотовете за качване
922 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
923 <source>Round-robin
924 <translation>Кръгла система
927 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
928 <source>Fastest upload
929 <translation>Най-бързо качване
932 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
933 <source>Anti-leech
934 <translation>Анти-лийч
937 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
938 <source>Upload choking algorithm
939 <translation>Задушаващ алгоритъм за качване
942 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
943 <source>Confirm torrent recheck
944 <translation>Потвърждаване на проверка на торент
947 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
948 <source>Confirm removal of all tags
949 <translation>Потвърдете изтриването на всички тагове
952 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
953 <source>Always announce to all trackers in a tier
954 <translation>Винаги анонсирай до всички тракери в реда
957 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
958 <source>Always announce to all tiers
959 <translation>Винаги анонсирай до всички тракер-редове
962 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
963 <source>Any interface
964 <comment>i.e. Any network interface
965 <translation>Произволен интерфейс
968 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
969 <source>Save resume data interval
970 <comment>How often the fastresume file is saved.
971 <translation>Интервал на запис на данните за продължаване.
974 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
975 <source>%
1-TCP mixed mode algorithm
976 <comment>uTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm
977 <translation>%
1-TCP алгоритъм смесен режим
980 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
981 <source>Resolve peer countries
982 <translation>Намиране държавата на участниците
985 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
986 <source>Network interface
987 <translation>Мрежов интерфейс
990 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
991 <source>Optional IP address to bind to
992 <translation>Опционален IP адрес за свързване
995 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
996 <source>Max concurrent HTTP announces
997 <translation>Макс. едновременни HTTP анонси
1000 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
1001 <source>Enable embedded tracker
1002 <translation>Включи вградения тракер
1005 <location filename=
"../gui/advancedsettings.cpp" line=
1006 <source>Embedded tracker port
1007 <translation>Вграден порт на тракер
1011 <name>Application
1013 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1014 <source>qBittorrent %
1 started
1015 <comment>qBittorrent v3.2
.0alpha started
1016 <translation>qBittorrent %
1 стартиран
1019 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1020 <source>Running in portable mode. Auto detected profile folder at: %
1021 <translation>Работи в преносим режим. Автоматично открита папка с профил на адрес: %
1024 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1025 <source>Redundant command line flag detected:
1". Portable mode implies relative fastresume.
1026 <translation>Открит е флаг за излишен команден ред:
1". Преносимият режим предполага относително бързо възобновяване.
1029 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1030 <source>Using config directory: %
1031 <translation>Използване на конфигурационна папка: %
1034 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1035 <source>Torrent: %
1, running external program, command: %
1036 <translation>Торент: %
1, изпълнение на въшна програмата, команда: %
1039 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1040 <source>Torrent name: %
1041 <translation>Име но торент: %
1044 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1045 <source>Torrent size: %
1046 <translation>Размер на торент: %
1049 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1050 <source>Save path: %
1051 <translation>Местоположение за запис: %
1054 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1055 <source>The torrent was downloaded in %
1056 <comment>The torrent was downloaded in
1 hour and
20 seconds
1057 <translation>Торента бе свален в %
1060 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1061 <source>Thank you for using qBittorrent.
1062 <translation>Благодарим Ви за ползването на qBittorrent.
1065 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1066 <source>[qBittorrent]
1' has finished downloading
1067 <translation>[qBittorrent]
1' завърши свалянето
1070 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1071 <source>Torrent: %
1, sending mail notification
1072 <translation>Торент: %
1, изпращане на уведомление по имейл.
1075 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1076 <source>Application failed to start.
1077 <translation>Приложението не успя да стартира.
1080 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1081 <source>Information
1082 <translation>Информация
1085 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1086 <source>To control qBittorrent, access the WebUI at: %
1087 <translation>За да контролирате qBittorrent, достъпете УебПИ при: %
1090 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1091 <source>The Web UI administrator username is: %
1092 <translation>Потребителското име на администратор на Web UI е: %
1095 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1096 <source>The Web UI administrator password has not been changed from the default: %
1097 <translation>Администраторската парола на Web UI не е променена от стойността по подразбиране: %
1100 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1101 <source>This is a security risk, please change your password in program preferences.
1102 <translation>Това е риск за сигурността, моля, променете паролата си в предпочитанията на програмата.
1105 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1106 <source>Failed to set physical memory (RAM) usage limit. Error code: %
1. Error message:
1107 <translation type=
1110 <location filename=
"../app/application.cpp" line=
1111 <source>Saving torrent progress...
1112 <translation>Прогрес на записване на торент...
1116 <name>AsyncFileStorage
1118 <location filename=
"../base/asyncfilestorage.cpp" line=
1119 <source>Could not create directory
1120 <translation>Не може да се създаде папка
1124 <name>AuthController
1126 <location filename=
"../webui/api/authcontroller.cpp" line=
1127 <source>WebAPI login failure. Reason: IP has been banned, IP: %
1, username: %
1128 <translation>Грешка при влизане в уеб API. Причина: IP е забранен, IP: %
1, потребителско име: %
1131 <location filename=
"../webui/api/authcontroller.cpp" line=
1132 <source>Your IP address has been banned after too many failed authentication attempts.
1133 <translation>Вашият IP адрес е забранен след твърде много неуспешни опити за удостоверяване.
1136 <location filename=
"../webui/api/authcontroller.cpp" line=
1137 <source>WebAPI login success. IP: %
1138 <translation>Успешно влизане в уеб API. IP: %
1141 <location filename=
"../webui/api/authcontroller.cpp" line=
1142 <source>WebAPI login failure. Reason: invalid credentials, attempt count: %
1, IP: %
2, username: %
1143 <translation>Грешка при влизане в WebAPI. Причина: невалидни идентификационни данни, брой опити: %
1, IP: %
2, потребителско име: %
1147 <name>AutomatedRssDownloader
1149 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1150 <source>Save to:
1151 <translation>Съхрани в:
1154 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1155 <source>RSS Downloader
1156 <translation>RSS Сваляч...
1159 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1160 <source>Download Rules
1161 <translation>Правила за Сваляне
1164 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1165 <source>Rule Definition
1166 <translation>Дефиниция на Правилото
1169 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1170 <source>Use Regular Expressions
1171 <translation>Използване на Регулярни Изрази
1174 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1175 <source>Use Smart Episode Filter
1176 <translation>Използвайте смарт филтър за епизоди
1179 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1180 <source>Must Contain:
1181 <translation>Трябва Да Съдържа:
1184 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1185 <source>Auto downloading of RSS torrents is currently disabled. You can enable it in application settings.
1186 <translation>Автоматичното изтегляне на RSS торенти в момента е деактивирано. Можете да го активирате в настройките на приложението.
1189 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1190 <source>Must Not Contain:
1191 <translation>Трябва Да Не Съдържа:
1194 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1195 <source>Episode Filter:
1196 <translation>Филтър за Епизод:
1199 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1200 <source>Smart Episode Filter will check the episode number to prevent downloading of duplicates.
1201 Supports the formats: S01E01,
2017.12.31 and
31.12.2017 (Date formats also support - as a separator)
1202 <translation>Smart Episode Filter ще провери номера на епизода, за да предотврати изтеглянето на дубликати.
1203 Поддържа форматите: S01E01,
2017.12.31 и
31.12.2017 (поддържат се и форматите за дата - като разделител)
1206 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1207 <source>Category:
1208 <translation>Категория:
1211 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1212 <source>Save to a Different Directory
1213 <translation>Съхрани в Друга Директория
1216 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1217 <source>Ignore Subsequent Matches for (
0 to Disable)
1218 <extracomment>... X days
1219 <translation>Игнориране на следващите съвпадения за (
0 за деактивиране)
1222 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1223 <source>Disabled
1224 <translation>Изключено
1227 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1228 <source> days
1229 <translation>дни
1232 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1233 <source>Add Paused:
1234 <translation>Добави поставените на пауза:
1237 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1238 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1239 <source>Use global settings
1240 <translation>Използвай общите настройки
1243 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1244 <source>Always
1245 <translation>Винаги
1248 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1249 <source>Never
1250 <translation>Никога
1253 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1254 <source>Torrent content layout:
1255 <translation>Оформление на торент съдържанието:
1258 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1259 <source>Original
1260 <translation>Оригинален
1263 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1264 <source>Create subfolder
1265 <translation>Създай подпапка
1268 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1269 <source>Don
't create subfolder
1270 <translation>Не създавай подпапка
1273 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1274 <source>Apply Rule to Feeds:
1275 <translation>Прилагане на Правила към Каналите:
1278 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1279 <source>Matching RSS Articles
1280 <translation>Съответстващи RSS Статии
1283 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1284 <source>&Import...
1285 <translation>&Импортиране...
1288 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line=
1289 <source>&Export...
1290 <translation>&Експортиране...
1293 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1294 <source>Matches articles based on episode filter.
1295 <translation>Намерени статии, базирани на епизодичен филтър.
1298 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1299 <source>Example:
1300 <translation>Пример:
1303 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1304 <source> will match
8 through
30 and onward episodes of season one
1305 <comment>example X will match
1306 <translation>ще търси резултати
8 през
30 и повече епизода на първи сезон
1309 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1310 <source>Episode filter rules:
1311 <translation>Правила на епизодния филтър:
1314 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1315 <source>Season number is a mandatory non-zero value
1316 <translation>Номерът на сезона трябва да бъде със стойност, различна от нула
1319 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1320 <source>Filter must end with semicolon
1321 <translation>Филтърът трябва да завършва с точка и запетая
1324 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1325 <source>Three range types for episodes are supported:
1326 <translation>Три типа диапазони за епизоди се поддържат:
1329 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1330 <source>Single number:
> matches episode
25 of season one
1331 <translation>Едно число:
> съответства на епизод
25 на първи сезон
1334 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1335 <source>Normal range:
> matches episodes
25 through
40 of season one
1336 <translation>Нормален диапазон:
> съответства на епизоди
25 до
40 на първи сезон
1339 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1340 <source>Episode number is a mandatory positive value
1341 <translation>Номерът на е епизода е задължително да е с позитивна стойност
1344 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1345 <source>Rules
1346 <translation>Правила
1349 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1350 <source>Rules (legacy)
1351 <translation>Правила (наследени)
1354 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1355 <source>Infinite range:
> matches episodes
25 and upward of season one, and all episodes of later seasons
1356 <translation>Безкраен диапазон:
> съответства на епизодите от
25 до края на първи сезон и всички епизоди следващите сезони
1359 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1360 <source>Last Match: %
1 days ago
1361 <translation>Последно Съвпадение: преди %
1 дни
1364 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1365 <source>Last Match: Unknown
1366 <translation>Последно Съвпадение: Неизвестно
1369 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1370 <source>New rule name
1371 <translation>Име на ново правила
1374 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1375 <source>Please type the name of the new download rule.
1376 <translation>Моля, въведете името на новото правило за сваляне.
1379 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1380 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1381 <source>Rule name conflict
1382 <translation>Конфликт в имената на правилата
1385 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1386 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1387 <source>A rule with this name already exists, please choose another name.
1388 <translation>Правило с това име вече съществува, моля изберете друго име.
1391 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1392 <source>Are you sure you want to remove the download rule named
1393 <translation>Сигурни ли сте че искате да изтриете правилото с име
1396 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1397 <source>Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules?
1398 <translation>Сигурни ли сте че искате да изтриете избраните правила?
1401 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1402 <source>Rule deletion confirmation
1403 <translation>Потвърждение за изтриване на правилото
1406 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1407 <source>Destination directory
1408 <translation>Директория цел
1411 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1412 <source>Invalid action
1413 <translation>Невалидно действие
1416 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1417 <source>The list is empty, there is nothing to export.
1418 <translation>Списъкът е празен, няма какво да експортирате.
1421 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1422 <source>Export RSS rules
1423 <translation>Експорт на RSS правила
1426 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1427 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1428 <source>I/O Error
1429 <translation>В/И Грешка
1432 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1433 <source>Failed to create the destination file. Reason: %
1434 <translation>Неуспешно създаване на файл. Причина: %
1437 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1438 <source>Import RSS rules
1439 <translation>Импорт на RSS правила
1442 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1443 <source>Failed to open the file. Reason: %
1444 <translation>Неуспешно отваряне на файла. Причина: %
1447 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1448 <source>Import Error
1449 <translation>Грешка при импортиране
1452 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1453 <source>Failed to import the selected rules file. Reason: %
1454 <translation>Неуспешно импортиране на избрания файл с правила. Причина: %
1457 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1458 <source>Add new rule...
1459 <translation>Добави ново правило...
1462 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1463 <source>Delete rule
1464 <translation>Изтрий правилото
1467 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1468 <source>Rename rule...
1469 <translation>Преименувай правилото...
1472 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1473 <source>Delete selected rules
1474 <translation>Изтрий избраните правила
1477 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1478 <source>Clear downloaded episodes...
1479 <translation>Изчистване на изтеглените епизоди...
1482 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1483 <source>Rule renaming
1484 <translation>Преименуване на правилото
1487 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1488 <source>Please type the new rule name
1489 <translation>Моля напишете името на новото правило
1492 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1493 <source>Clear downloaded episodes
1494 <translation>Изчистване на изтеглените епизоди
1497 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1498 <source>Are you sure you want to clear the list of downloaded episodes for the selected rule?
1499 <translation>Наистина ли искате да изчистите списъка с изтеглени епизоди за избраното правило?
1502 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1503 <source>Regex mode: use Perl-compatible regular expressions
1504 <translation>Режим регулярни изрази: използвайте Perl-съвместими регулярни изрази
1507 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1508 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1509 <source>Position %
1: %
1510 <translation>Позиция %
1: %
1513 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1514 <source>Wildcard mode: you can use
1515 <translation>Режим на заместващи символи: можете да изпозвате
1518 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1519 <source>? to match any single character
1520 <translation>? за съвпадане на един, какъвто и да е символ
1523 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1524 <source>* to match zero or more of any characters
1525 <translation>* за съвпадане на нула или повече каквито и да са символи
1528 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1529 <source>Whitespaces count as AND operators (all words, any order)
1530 <translation>Приеми празно пространствените символи като И оператори (всички думи, в независимо какъв ред)
1533 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1534 <source>| is used as OR operator
1535 <translation>| се използва за ИЛИ оператор
1538 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1539 <source>If word order is important use * instead of whitespace.
1540 <translation>Ако поредността на думите е важна, използвайте * вместо пауза.
1543 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1544 <source>An expression with an empty %
1 clause (e.g. %
1545 <comment>We talk about regex/wildcards in the RSS filters section here. So a valid sentence would be: An expression with an empty | clause (e.g. expr|)
1546 <translation>Израз с празна %
1 клауза (пр.: %
1549 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1550 <source> will match all articles.
1551 <translation>ще съответства на всички артикули.
1554 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line=
1555 <source> will exclude all articles.
1556 <translation>ще изключи всички артикули.
1560 <name>BanListOptionsDialog
1562 <location filename=
"../gui/banlistoptionsdialog.ui" line=
1563 <source>List of banned IP addresses
1564 <translation>Списък на забранените IP адреси
1567 <location filename=
"../gui/banlistoptionsdialog.ui" line=
1568 <source>Ban IP
1569 <translation>Блокиране на IP
1572 <location filename=
"../gui/banlistoptionsdialog.ui" line=
1573 <source>Delete
1574 <translation>Изтриване
1577 <location filename=
"../gui/banlistoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
1578 <location filename=
"../gui/banlistoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
1579 <source>Warning
1580 <translation>Предупреждение
1583 <location filename=
"../gui/banlistoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
1584 <source>The entered IP address is invalid.
1585 <translation>Въведеният IP адрес е невалиден.
1588 <location filename=
"../gui/banlistoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
1589 <source>The entered IP is already banned.
1590 <translation>Въведеният IP адрес вече е блокиран.
1594 <name>BitTorrent::BencodeResumeDataStorage
1596 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/bencoderesumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1597 <source>Cannot create torrent resume folder:
1598 <translation>Не може да се създаде папка за възобновяване на торент:
1601 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/bencoderesumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1602 <source>Couldn
't load torrents queue from
1'. Error: %
1603 <translation>Не можа да се зареди опашката с торенти от
1'. Грешка: %
1606 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/bencoderesumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1607 <source>Couldn
't save torrent metadata to
1'. Error: %
1608 <translation>Метаданните на торент не можаха да бъдат запазени
1'. Грешка: %
1611 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/bencoderesumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1612 <source>Couldn
't save torrent resume data to
1'. Error: %
1613 <translation>Не можа да се запишат данните за възобновяване на торента на
1'. Грешка: %
1616 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/bencoderesumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1617 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/bencoderesumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1618 <source>Cannot read file %
1: %
1619 <translation>Не може да се прочете файл %
1: %
1622 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/bencoderesumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1623 <source>Couldn
't save data to
1'. Error: %
1624 <translation>Данните не можаха да бъдат запазени в
1'. Грешка: %
1628 <name>BitTorrent::DBResumeDataStorage
1630 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/dbresumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1631 <source>Not found.
1632 <translation>Не намерено.
1635 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/dbresumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1636 <source>Couldn
't load resume data of torrent
1'. Error: %
1637 <translation>Данните за възобновяване на торент не можаха да се заредят
1'. Грешка: %
1640 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/dbresumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1641 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/dbresumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1642 <source>Database is corrupted.
1643 <translation>Базата данни е повредена.
1646 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/dbresumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1647 <source>Couldn
't save torrent metadata. Error: %
1648 <translation>Метаданните на торент не можаха да бъдат запазени. Грешка: %
1651 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/dbresumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1652 <source>Couldn
't store resume data for torrent
1'. Error: %
1653 <translation>Данните за възобновяване не можаха да се съхранят за торент
1'. Грешка: %
1656 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/dbresumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1657 <source>Couldn
't delete resume data of torrent
1'. Error: %
1658 <translation>Данните за възобновяване на торент не можаха да бъдат изтрити
1'. Грешка: %
1661 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/dbresumedatastorage.cpp" line=
1662 <source>Couldn
't store torrents queue positions. Error: %
1663 <translation>Не можаха да се съхранят позициите на опашката на торенти. Грешка: %
1667 <name>BitTorrent::Session
1669 <source>Restart is required to toggle PeX support
1670 <translation type=
"vanished">Рестартиране е наложително при включване/изключване на PeX поддръжката.
1673 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1674 <source>System network status changed to %
1675 <comment>e.g: System network status changed to ONLINE
1676 <translation>Състоянието на мрежата на системата се промени на %
1679 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1680 <source>ONLINE
1681 <translation>ОНЛАЙН
1684 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1685 <source>OFFLINE
1686 <translation>ОФЛАЙН
1689 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1690 <source>Network configuration of %
1 has changed, refreshing session binding
1691 <comment>e.g: Network configuration of tun0 has changed, refreshing session binding
1692 <translation>Мрежовата конфигурация на %
1 е била променена, опресняване на сесийното обвързване
1695 <source>Encryption support [%
1696 <translation type=
"vanished">Поддръжка кодиране [%
1699 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1700 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1701 <source>FORCED
1702 <translation>Принудително
1705 <source>Anonymous mode [%
1706 <translation type=
"vanished">Анонимен режим [%
1709 <source>'%
1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removed torrent and its files.
1710 <translation type=
1' достигна максималното съотношение, което сте задали. Премахнате торент и неговите файлове.
1713 <source>'%
1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Enabled super seeding for it.
1714 <translation type=
1' достигна максималното съотношение, което сте задали. Активиран супер сийд.
1717 <source>'%
1' reached the maximum seeding time you set. Removed torrent and its files.
1718 <translation type=
1' достигна максималното време за засяване, което сте задали. Премахнат е торента и файловете му.
1721 <source>'%
1' reached the maximum seeding time you set. Enabled super seeding for it.
1722 <translation type=
1' достигна максималното време за сийдване, което сте задали. Активиран супер сийд.
1725 <source>Couldn
't load torrent: %
1726 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се зареди торент: %
1729 <source>Couldn
't export torrent metadata file
1'. Reason: %
1730 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се експортира торент файл с метаданни
1'. Причина: %
1733 <source>Error: Aborted saving resume data for %
1 outstanding torrents.
1734 <translation type=
"vanished">Грешка: Прекратено запазване на данните за възобновяване за %
1 неизпълнени торенти.
1737 <source>Configured network interface address %
1 isn
't valid.
1738 <comment>Configured network interface address isn
't valid.
1739 <translation type=
"vanished">Конфигурираният адрес на мрежовия интерфейс %
1 е навалиден.
1742 <source>Can
't find the configured address
1' to listen on
1743 <comment>Can
't find the configured address
'' to listen on
1744 <translation type=
"vanished">Не може да се открие конфигурираният адрес
1', на който да се слуша
1747 <source>%
1 is not a valid IP address and was rejected while applying the list of banned IP addresses.
1748 <translation type=
1 Невалиден IP адрес, отхвърлен при прилагане на списъка със забранени IP адреси.
1751 <source>Unable to decode
1' torrent file.
1752 <translation type=
"vanished">Не възможност да се декодира
1' торент файла.
1755 <source>Cancelled moving
1" from
2" to
1756 <translation type=
"vanished">Прекратено преместване
1" от
2" до
1759 <source>Couldn
't enqueue move of
1" to
2". Torrent is currently moving to the same destination location.
1760 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се премести поставен на опашка
1" към
2". Торента в момента се премества към същото местонахождение на местоположение.
1763 <source>Couldn
't enqueue move of
1" from
2" to
3". Both paths point to the same location.
1764 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се премести поставен на опашка
1" от
2" към
3". Двете пътища сочат към същото местоположение.
1767 <source>Enqueued to move
1" from
2" to
1768 <translation type=
"vanished">Поставено на опашка да се премести
1" от
2" към
1771 <source>Moving
1" to
1772 <translation type=
1" към
1775 <source>Couldn
't store Categories configuration to %
1. Error: %
1776 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се съхрани Категории конфигурация към %
1. Грешка: %
1779 <source>Couldn
't load Categories from %
1. Error: %
1780 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се зареди Категории от
1'. Грешка: %
1783 <source>Couldn
't parse Categories configuration from %
1. Error: %
1784 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се анализира Категории конфигурация от %
1. Грешка: %
1787 <source>Couldn
't load Categories configuration from %
1. Invalid data format.
1788 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се зареди Категории конфигурация от %
1. Невалиден формат на данните.
1791 <source>Recursive download of file
1' embedded in torrent
1792 <comment>Recursive download of
' embedded in torrent
1793 <translation type=
"vanished">Рекурсивно сваляне на файл
1' вграден в торент
1796 <source>Couldn
't load torrent. Reason: %
1797 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се зареди торент. Причина: %
1800 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1801 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1802 <source>Distributed Hash Table (DHT) support: %
1803 <translation type=
1806 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1807 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1808 <source>Local Peer Discovery support: %
1809 <translation type=
1812 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1813 <source>Restart is required to toggle Peer Exchange (PeX) support
1814 <translation type=
1817 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1818 <source>Peer ID:
1819 <translation type=
1822 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1823 <source>HTTP User-Agent:
1824 <translation type=
1827 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1828 <source>Peer Exchange (PeX) support: %
1829 <translation type=
1832 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1833 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1834 <source>Anonymous mode: %
1835 <translation type=
1838 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1839 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1840 <source>Encryption support: %
1841 <translation type=
1844 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1845 <source>Could not find GUID of network interface. Interface:
1846 <translation type=
1849 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1850 <source>Trying to listen on the following list of IP addresses:
1851 <translation type=
1854 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1855 <source>Torrent reached the share ratio limit.
1856 <translation type=
1859 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1860 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1861 <source>Torrent:
1862 <translation type=
1865 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1866 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1867 <source>Removed torrent.
1868 <translation type=
1871 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1872 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1873 <source>Removed torrent and deleted its content.
1874 <translation type=
1877 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1878 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1879 <source>Torrent paused.
1880 <translation type=
1883 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1884 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1885 <source>Super seeding enabled.
1886 <translation type=
1889 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1890 <source>Torrent reached the seeding time limit.
1891 <translation type=
1894 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1895 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1896 <source>Failed to load torrent. Reason:
1897 <translation type=
1900 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1901 <source>Downloading torrent, please wait... Source:
1902 <translation type=
1905 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1906 <source>Failed to load torrent. Source:
1". Reason:
1907 <translation type=
1910 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1911 <source>Failed to export torrent. Torrent:
1". Destination:
2". Reason:
1912 <translation type=
1915 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1916 <source>Aborted saving resume data. Number of outstanding torrents: %
1917 <translation type=
1920 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1921 <source>The configured network address is invalid. Address:
1922 <translation type=
1925 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1926 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1927 <source>Failed to find the configured network address to listen on. Address:
1928 <translation type=
1931 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1932 <source>The configured network interface is invalid. Interface:
1933 <translation type=
1936 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1937 <source>Rejected invalid IP address while applying the list of banned IP addresses. IP:
1938 <translation type=
1941 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1942 <source>Added tracker to torrent. Torrent:
1". Tracker:
1943 <translation type=
1946 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1947 <source>Removed tracker from torrent. Torrent:
1". Tracker:
1948 <translation type=
1951 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1952 <source>Added URL seed to torrent. Torrent:
1". URL:
1953 <translation type=
1956 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1957 <source>Removed URL seed from torrent. Torrent:
1". URL:
1958 <translation type=
1961 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1962 <source>Torrent paused. Torrent:
1963 <translation type=
1966 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1967 <source>Torrent resumed. Torrent:
1968 <translation type=
1971 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1972 <source>Torrent download finished. Torrent:
1973 <translation type=
1976 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1977 <source>Unable to load torrent. File:
1978 <translation type=
1981 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1982 <source>Torrent move canceled. Torrent:
1". Source:
2". Destination:
1983 <translation type=
1986 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1987 <source>Failed to enqueue torrent move. Torrent:
1". Source:
2". Destination:
3". Reason: torrent is currently moving to the destination
1988 <translation type=
1991 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1992 <source>Failed to enqueue torrent move. Torrent:
1". Source:
2" Destination:
3". Reason: both paths point to the same location
1993 <translation type=
1996 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
1997 <source>Enqueued torrent move. Torrent:
1". Source:
2". Destination:
1998 <translation type=
2001 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2002 <source>Start moving torrent. Torrent:
1". Destination:
2003 <translation type=
2006 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2007 <source>Failed to save Categories configuration. File:
1". Error:
2008 <translation type=
2011 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2012 <source>Failed to load Categories. File:
1". Error:
2013 <translation type=
2016 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2017 <source>Failed to parse Categories configuration. File:
1". Error:
2018 <translation type=
2021 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2022 <source>Failed to load Categories configuration. File:
1". Reason: invalid data format
2023 <translation type=
2026 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2027 <source>Recursive download .torrent file within torrent. Source torrent:
1". File:
2028 <translation type=
2031 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2032 <source>Failed to load torrent. Error:
2033 <translation type=
2036 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2037 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2038 <source>Failed to resume torrent. Torrent:
2039 <translation type=
2042 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2043 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2044 <source>Failed to resume torrent: inconsistent torrent ID is detected. Torrent:
2045 <translation type=
2048 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2049 <source>Detected inconsistent data: category is missing from the configuration file. Category will be recovered but its settings will be reset to default. Torrent:
1". Category:
2050 <translation type=
2053 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2054 <source>Detected inconsistent data: invalid category. Torrent:
1". Category:
2055 <translation type=
2058 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2059 <source>Detected mismatch between the save paths of the recovered category and the current save path of the torrent. Torrent is now switched to Manual mode. Torrent:
1". Category:
2060 <translation type=
2063 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2064 <source>Successfully parsed the IP filter file. Number of rules applied: %
2065 <translation type=
2068 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2069 <source>Failed to parse the IP filter file
2070 <translation type=
2073 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2074 <source>Restored torrent. Torrent:
2075 <translation type=
2078 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2079 <source>Added new torrent. Torrent:
2080 <translation type=
2083 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2084 <source>Torrent errored. Torrent:
1". Error:
2085 <translation type=
2088 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2089 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2090 <source>Removed torrent. Torrent:
2091 <translation type=
2094 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2095 <source>Removed torrent and deleted its content. Torrent:
2096 <translation type=
2099 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2100 <source>Removed torrent but failed to delete its content. Torrent:
1". Error:
2101 <translation type=
2104 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2105 <source>File error alert. Torrent:
1". File:
2". Reason:
2106 <translation type=
2109 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2110 <source>UPnP/NAT-PMP port mapping failed. Message:
2111 <translation type=
2114 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2115 <source>UPnP/NAT-PMP port mapping succeeded. Message:
2116 <translation type=
2119 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2120 <source>IP filter
2121 <comment>this peer was blocked. Reason: IP filter.
2122 <translation>IP филтър
2125 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2126 <source>port filter
2127 <comment>this peer was blocked. Reason: port filter.
2128 <translation>порт филтър
2131 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2132 <source>%
1 mixed mode restrictions
2133 <comment>this peer was blocked. Reason: I2P mixed mode restrictions.
2134 <translation>%
1 ограничения за смесен режим
2137 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2138 <source>use of privileged port
2139 <comment>this peer was blocked. Reason: use of privileged port.
2140 <translation>ползване на привилегирован порт
2143 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2144 <source>%
1 is disabled
2145 <comment>this peer was blocked. Reason: uTP is disabled.
2146 <translation>%
1 е забранен
2149 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2150 <source>%
1 is disabled
2151 <comment>this peer was blocked. Reason: TCP is disabled.
2152 <translation>%
1 е забранен
2155 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2156 <source>URL seed DNS lookup failed. Torrent:
1". URL:
2". Error:
2157 <translation type=
2160 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2161 <source>Received error message from URL seed. Torrent:
1". URL:
2". Message:
2162 <translation type=
2165 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2166 <source>Successfully listening on IP. IP:
1". Port:
2167 <translation type=
2170 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2171 <source>Failed to listen on IP. IP:
1". Port:
3". Reason:
2172 <translation type=
2175 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2176 <source>Detected external IP. IP:
2177 <translation type=
2180 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2181 <source>Error: Internal alert queue is full and alerts are dropped, you might see degraded performance. Dropped alert type:
1". Message:
2182 <translation type=
2185 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2186 <source>Moved torrent successfully. Torrent:
1". Destination:
2187 <translation type=
2190 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2191 <source>Failed to move torrent. Torrent:
1". Source:
2". Destination:
3". Reason:
2192 <translation type=
2195 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2196 <source>SOCKS5 proxy error. Message:
2197 <translation type=
2200 <source>Torrent errored. Torrent:
1". Error: %
2201 <translation type=
"vanished">Грешка в торент. Торент:
1". Грешка: %
2204 <source>'%
1' was removed from the transfer list.
2205 <comment>'xxx.avi
' was removed...
2206 <translation type=
1' бе премахнат от списъка за прехвърляне.
2209 <source>'%
1' was removed from the transfer list and hard disk.
2210 <comment>'xxx.avi
' was removed...
2211 <translation type=
1' бе премахнат от списъка за прехвърляне и от твърдия диск.
2214 <source>'%
1' was removed from the transfer list but the files couldn
't be deleted. Error: %
2215 <comment>'xxx.avi
' was removed...
2216 <translation type=
1' бе премахнат от списъка за прехвърляне, но файловете не могат да се изтрият. Грешка: %
2219 <source>File error alert. Torrent:
1". File:
2". Reason: %
2220 <translation type=
"vanished">Сигнал за грешка на файл. Торент:
1". Файл:
2". Причина: %
2223 <source>URL seed name lookup failed. Torrent:
1". URL:
2". Error:
2224 <translation type=
"vanished">Търсенето на URL споделяне бе неуспешно. Torent:
1". URL:
2". Грешка:
2227 <source>Received error message from a URL seed. Torrent:
1". URL:
2". Message:
2228 <translation type=
"vanished">Получено е съобщение за грешка от URL споделяне. Торент:
1". URL:
2". Съобщение:
2231 <source>Successfully listening on IP: %
1, port: %
2232 <comment>e.g: Successfully listening on IP:, port: TCP/
2233 <translation type=
"vanished">Успешно слушане на IP: %
1, порт: %
2236 <source>Failed to listen on IP: %
1, port: %
3. Reason: %
2237 <comment>e.g: Failed to listen on IP:, port: TCP/
6881. Reason: already in use
2238 <translation type=
"vanished">Неуспех за слушане на IP: %
1, порт: %
3. Причина: %
2241 <source>Detected external IP: %
2242 <comment>e.g. Detected external IP:</comment>
2243 <translation type=
"vanished">Външно IP: %
2246 <source>Error: Internal alert queue full and alerts were dropped, you might see degraded performance. Dropped alert types: %
1. Message: %
2247 <translation type=
"vanished">Грешка: Вътрешната опашка за тревоги е пълна и тревогите са отпаднали, можете да видите понижена производителност. Отпаднали типове на тревога: %
1. Съобщение: %
2250 <source>"%
1" is successfully moved to
2251 <translation type=
1" е успешно преместен към
2254 <source>Failed to move
1" from
2" to
3". Reason: %
2255 <translation type=
"vanished">Неуспешно преместване
1" от
2" към
3". Причина: %
2258 <source>SOCKS5 proxy error. Message: %
2259 <translation type=
"vanished">SOCKS5 прокси грешка. Съобщение: %
2262 <source>Downloading
1', please wait...
2263 <comment>e.g: Downloading
', please wait...
2264 <translation type=
"vanished">Сваляне на
1', моля изчакайте...
2267 <source>The network interface defined is invalid: %
2268 <translation type=
"vanished">Дефинираният мрежови интерфейс е невалиден: %
2271 <source>Peer ID:
2272 <translation type=
"vanished">Пиър ID:
2275 <source>HTTP User-Agent is
2276 <translation type=
"vanished">HTTP Потребителски-агент е
2279 <source>DHT support [%
2280 <translation type=
"vanished">DHT поддръжка [%
2283 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2284 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2285 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2286 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2287 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2288 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2289 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2290 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2291 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2293 <translation>Включено
2296 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2297 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2298 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2299 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2300 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2301 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2302 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2303 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2304 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/session.cpp" line=
2305 <source>OFF
2306 <translation>Изключено
2309 <source>Local Peer Discovery support [%
2310 <translation type=
"vanished">Поддръжка на Откриване на Локални пиъри [%
2313 <source>PeX support [%
2314 <translation type=
"vanished">PeX поддръжка [%
2317 <source>Could not get GUID of network interface: %
2318 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се получи GUID на мрежов интерфейс: %
2321 <source>Trying to listen on: %
2322 <comment>e.g: Trying to listen on:
2323 <translation type=
"vanished">Опит за прослушване на: %
2326 <source>'%
1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Removed.
2327 <translation type=
1' достигна зададеното от вас максимално съотношение. Изтрит.
2330 <source>'%
1' reached the maximum ratio you set. Paused.
2331 <translation type=
1' достигна зададеното от вас максимално съотношение. Поставен в пауза.
2334 <source>'%
1' reached the maximum seeding time you set. Removed.
2335 <translation type=
1' достигна максималното зададено от вас време на споделяне. Изтрит.
2338 <source>'%
1' reached the maximum seeding time you set. Paused.
2339 <translation type=
1' достигна максималното зададено от вас време на споделяне. Поставен в пауза.
2342 <source>Tracker
1' was added to torrent
2343 <translation type=
1' бе добавен към торент
2346 <source>Tracker
1' was deleted from torrent
2347 <translation type=
1' бе изтрит от торент
2350 <source>URL seed
1' was added to torrent
2351 <translation type=
"vanished">URL споделяне
1' бе добавено към торент
2354 <source>URL seed
1' was removed from torrent
2355 <translation type=
"vanished">URL споделяне
1' бе изтрито от торент
2358 <source>Unable to resume torrent
2359 <comment>e.g: Unable to resume torrent
2360 <translation type=
"vanished">Невъзможност за продължаване на торент
2363 <source>Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %
1 rules were applied.
2364 <comment>%
1 is a number
2365 <translation type=
"vanished">Успешно обработване на дадения IP филтър: %
1 правила бяха приложени.
2368 <source>Error: Failed to parse the provided IP filter.
2369 <translation type=
"vanished">Грешка: Неуспешно обработване на дадения IP филтър.
2372 <source>'%
1' restored.
2373 <comment>'torrent name
' restored.
2374 <translation type=
1' възстановен.
2377 <source>'%
1' added to download list.
2378 <comment>'torrent name
' was added to download list.
2379 <translation type=
1' добавен в списъка за сваляне.
2382 <source>UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %
2383 <translation type=
"vanished">UPnP/NAT-PMP: Неуспешно пренасочване на портовете, съобщение: %
2386 <source>UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %
2387 <translation type=
"vanished">UPnP/NAT-PMP: Пренасочването на портовете е успешно, съобщение: %
2391 <name>BitTorrent::TorrentCreatorThread
2393 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentcreatorthread.cpp" line=
2394 <source>Operation aborted
2395 <translation>Операция прекратена
2398 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentcreatorthread.cpp" line=
2399 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentcreatorthread.cpp" line=
2400 <source>Create new torrent file failed. Reason: %
2401 <translation>Неуспешно създаване на нов торент файл. Причина: %
2405 <name>BitTorrent::TorrentImpl
2407 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2408 <source>Failed to add peer
1" to torrent
2". Reason: %
2409 <translation>Неуспешно добавяне на участник
1" към торент
2". Причина: %
2412 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2413 <source>Peer
1" is added to torrent
2414 <translation>Участник
1" е добавен на торент
2417 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2418 <source>Couldn
't write to file.
2419 <translation>Не можа да се пише към файл.
2422 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2423 <source>Torrent is now in
"upload only
" mode.
2424 <translation>Торента е сега в
"само качване
" режим.
2427 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2428 <source>Reason:
2429 <translation>Причина:
2432 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2433 <source>Download first and last piece first: %
1, torrent:
2434 <translation>Изтеглете първо първото и последното парче: %
1, торент:
2437 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2439 <translation>Включено
2442 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2443 <source>Off
2444 <translation>Изключено
2447 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2448 <source>File sizes mismatch for torrent
1'. Cannot proceed further.
2449 <translation>Несъвпадение на файлови размери за торент
1'. Не може да се продължи напред.
2452 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2453 <source>Fast resume data was rejected for torrent
1'. Reason: %
2. Checking again...
2454 <translation>Данните за бързо продължаване бяха отхвърлени за торент
1'. Причина: %
2. Проверка отново...
2457 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2458 <source>File rename failed. Torrent:
1", file:
2", reason:
2459 <translation>Неуспешно преименуване на файл. Торент:
1", файл:
2", причина:
2462 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentimpl.cpp" line=
2463 <source>Performance alert: %
1. More info: %
2464 <translation type=
2467 <source>Performance alert:
2468 <translation type=
"vanished">Тревога за производителност:
2472 <name>BitTorrent::Tracker
2474 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/tracker.cpp" line=
2475 <source>Embedded Tracker: Now listening on IP: %
1, port: %
2476 <translation>Вграден тракер: Сега се слуша на ИП: %
1, порт: %
2479 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/tracker.cpp" line=
2480 <source>Embedded Tracker: Unable to bind to IP: %
1, port: %
2. Reason: %
2481 <translation>Вграден тракер: Невъзможно обвързване с ИП: %
1, порт: %
2. Причина: %
2485 <name>CategoryFilterModel
2487 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfiltermodel.cpp" line=
2488 <source>Categories
2489 <translation>Категории
2492 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfiltermodel.cpp" line=
2493 <source>All
2494 <translation>Всички
2497 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfiltermodel.cpp" line=
2498 <source>Uncategorized
2499 <translation>Некатегоризирани
2503 <name>CategoryFilterWidget
2505 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfilterwidget.cpp" line=
2506 <source>Add category...
2507 <translation>Добавяне категория...
2510 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfilterwidget.cpp" line=
2511 <source>Add subcategory...
2512 <translation>Добавяне подкатегория...
2515 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfilterwidget.cpp" line=
2516 <source>Edit category...
2517 <translation>Редактиране на категория...
2520 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfilterwidget.cpp" line=
2521 <source>Remove category
2522 <translation>Премахване категория
2525 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfilterwidget.cpp" line=
2526 <source>Remove unused categories
2527 <translation>Изтриване на неизползваните категории
2530 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfilterwidget.cpp" line=
2531 <source>Resume torrents
2532 <translation>Продължаване на торентите
2535 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfilterwidget.cpp" line=
2536 <source>Pause torrents
2537 <translation>Пауза на торентите
2540 <location filename=
"../gui/categoryfilterwidget.cpp" line=
2541 <source>Delete torrents
2542 <translation>Изтриване на торентите
2546 <name>CookiesDialog
2548 <location filename=
"../gui/cookiesdialog.ui" line=
2549 <source>Manage Cookies
2550 <translation>Управление на Бисквитки
2554 <name>CookiesModel
2556 <location filename=
"../gui/cookiesmodel.cpp" line=
2557 <source>Domain
2558 <translation>Домейн
2561 <location filename=
"../gui/cookiesmodel.cpp" line=
2562 <source>Path
2563 <translation>Път
2566 <location filename=
"../gui/cookiesmodel.cpp" line=
2567 <source>Name
2568 <translation>Име
2571 <location filename=
"../gui/cookiesmodel.cpp" line=
2572 <source>Value
2573 <translation>Стойност
2576 <location filename=
"../gui/cookiesmodel.cpp" line=
2577 <source>Expiration Date
2578 <translation>Дата на Изтичане
2582 <name>DeletionConfirmationDialog
2584 <location filename=
"../gui/deletionconfirmationdialog.ui" line=
2585 <source>Deletion confirmation
2586 <translation>Потвърждение за изтриване
2589 <location filename=
"../gui/deletionconfirmationdialog.ui" line=
2590 <source>Remember choice
2591 <translation>Запомни избор
2594 <location filename=
"../gui/deletionconfirmationdialog.ui" line=
2595 <source>Also delete the files on the hard disk
2596 <translation>Също изтрий файловете от твърдия диск
2599 <location filename=
"../gui/deletionconfirmationdialog.cpp" line=
2600 <source>Are you sure you want to delete
1' from the transfer list?
2601 <comment>Are you sure you want to delete
' from the transfer list?
2602 <translation>Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете
1' от списъка за трансфер?
2605 <location filename=
"../gui/deletionconfirmationdialog.cpp" line=
2606 <source>Are you sure you want to delete these %
1 torrents from the transfer list?
2607 <comment>Are you sure you want to delete these
5 torrents from the transfer list?
2608 <translation>Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тези %
1 торенти от списъка за трансфер?
2612 <name>DownloadFromURLDialog
2614 <location filename=
"../gui/downloadfromurldialog.ui" line=
2615 <source>Download from URLs
2616 <translation>Сваляне от URL
2619 <location filename=
"../gui/downloadfromurldialog.ui" line=
2620 <source>Add torrent links
2621 <translation>Добави торент връзки
2624 <location filename=
"../gui/downloadfromurldialog.ui" line=
2625 <source>One link per line (HTTP links, Magnet links and info-hashes are supported)
2626 <translation>По една връзка на ред (поддържат се HTTP връзки, магнитни връзки и инфо-хешове)
2629 <location filename=
"../gui/downloadfromurldialog.cpp" line=
2630 <source>Download
2631 <translation>Изтегли
2634 <location filename=
"../gui/downloadfromurldialog.cpp" line=
2635 <source>No URL entered
2636 <translation>Няма въведен URL
2639 <location filename=
"../gui/downloadfromurldialog.cpp" line=
2640 <source>Please type at least one URL.
2641 <translation>Моля, въведете поне един URL
2645 <name>DownloadHandlerImpl
2647 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2648 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2649 <source>I/O Error: %
2650 <translation>В/И грешка: %
2653 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2654 <source>The file size (%
1) exceeds the download limit (%
2655 <translation>Файловият размер (%
1) надхвърля ограничението за изтегляне (%
2658 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2659 <source>Exceeded max redirections (%
2660 <translation>Превишени максимални пренасочвания (%
2663 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2664 <source>Redirected to magnet URI
2665 <translation>Пренасочено към магнитен URI
2668 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2669 <source>The remote host name was not found (invalid hostname)
2670 <translation>Името на отдалечения хост не бе намерено (невалидно име на хост)
2673 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2674 <source>The operation was canceled
2675 <translation>Операцията бе прекъсната
2678 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2679 <source>The remote server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processed
2680 <translation>Отдалечения сървър затвори връзката преждевременно, преди пълният отговор да е получен и обработен
2683 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2684 <source>The connection to the remote server timed out
2685 <translation>Времето за връзка към отдалечения сървър изтече
2688 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2689 <source>SSL/TLS handshake failed
2690 <translation>Неуспешно SSL/TLS уговаряне
2693 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2694 <source>The remote server refused the connection
2695 <translation>Отдалеченият сървър отхвърли връзката
2698 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2699 <source>The connection to the proxy server was refused
2700 <translation>Връзката с прокси сървъра бе отхвърлена
2703 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2704 <source>The proxy server closed the connection prematurely
2705 <translation>Прокси сървърът затвори връзката преждевременно
2708 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2709 <source>The proxy host name was not found
2710 <translation>Името на прокси хоста не бе намерено
2713 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2714 <source>The connection to the proxy timed out or the proxy did not reply in time to the request sent
2715 <translation>Времето за връзка с проксито изтече или проксито не отговори своевременно на изпратеното запитване
2718 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2719 <source>The proxy requires authentication in order to honor the request but did not accept any credentials offered
2720 <translation>Проксито изисква удостоверяване, за да уважи запитването, но не прие никакви предложени акредитации
2723 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2724 <source>The access to the remote content was denied (
2725 <translation>Достъпът до отдалеченото съдържание бе отказан (
2728 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2729 <source>The operation requested on the remote content is not permitted
2730 <translation>Изискваната операция върху отдалеченото съдържание не е позволена
2733 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2734 <source>The remote content was not found at the server (
2735 <translation>Отдалеченото съдържание не бе намерено на сървъра (
2738 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2739 <source>The remote server requires authentication to serve the content but the credentials provided were not accepted
2740 <translation>Отдалеченият сървър изисква удостоверяване, за да предостави съдържанието, но дадените акредитации не бяха приети
2743 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2744 <source>The Network Access API cannot honor the request because the protocol is not known
2745 <translation>API-то за мрежов достъп не може да уважи запитването, защото протокола е непознат
2748 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2749 <source>The requested operation is invalid for this protocol
2750 <translation>Изискваната операция е невалидна за този протокол
2753 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2754 <source>An unknown network-related error was detected
2755 <translation>Установена е неизвестна грешка свързана с мрежата
2758 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2759 <source>An unknown proxy-related error was detected
2760 <translation>Непозната свързана с проксито грешка бе установена
2763 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2764 <source>An unknown error related to the remote content was detected
2765 <translation>Непозната свързана със отдалеченото съдържание грешка бе установена
2768 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2769 <source>A breakdown in protocol was detected
2770 <translation>Повреда в протокола бе установена
2773 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadhandlerimpl.cpp" line=
2774 <source>Unknown error
2775 <translation>Непозната грешка
2779 <name>DownloadedPiecesBar
2781 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/downloadedpiecesbar.cpp" line=
2782 <source>Missing pieces
2783 <translation>Липсващи парчета
2786 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/downloadedpiecesbar.cpp" line=
2787 <source>Partial pieces
2788 <translation>Частични парчета
2791 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/downloadedpiecesbar.cpp" line=
2792 <source>Completed pieces
2793 <translation>Завършени парчета
2797 <name>ExecutionLogWidget
2799 <location filename=
"../gui/executionlogwidget.ui" line=
2800 <source>General
2801 <translation>Общи
2804 <location filename=
"../gui/executionlogwidget.ui" line=
2805 <source>Blocked IPs
2806 <translation>Блокирани IP-та
2809 <location filename=
"../gui/executionlogwidget.cpp" line=
2810 <source>Copy
2811 <translation>Копирай
2814 <location filename=
"../gui/executionlogwidget.cpp" line=
2815 <source>Clear
2816 <translation>Изчистване
2820 <name>FeedListWidget
2822 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/feedlistwidget.cpp" line=
2823 <source>RSS feeds
2824 <translation>RSS канали
2827 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/feedlistwidget.cpp" line=
2828 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/feedlistwidget.cpp" line=
2829 <source>Unread (%
2830 <translation>Непрочетени (%
2834 <name>FileLogger
2836 <location filename=
"../app/filelogger.cpp" line=
2837 <source>An error occurred while trying to open the log file. Logging to file is disabled.
2838 <translation>Грешка възникна при опита за отваряне на лог файла. Логването към файл е деактивирано.
2842 <name>FileSystemPathEdit
2844 <location filename=
"../gui/fspathedit.cpp" line=
2845 <source>...
2846 <comment>Launch file dialog button text (brief)
2847 <translation>...
2850 <location filename=
"../gui/fspathedit.cpp" line=
2851 <source>&Browse...
2852 <comment>Launch file dialog button text (full)
2853 <translation>&Преглед...
2856 <location filename=
"../gui/fspathedit.cpp" line=
2857 <source>Choose a file
2858 <comment>Caption for file open/save dialog
2859 <translation>Избор на файл
2862 <location filename=
"../gui/fspathedit.cpp" line=
2863 <source>Choose a folder
2864 <comment>Caption for directory open dialog
2865 <translation>Избор на папка
2868 <location filename=
"../gui/fspathedit.cpp" line=
2869 <source>Any file
2870 <translation>Всеки файл
2874 <name>FilterParserThread
2876 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2877 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2878 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2879 <source>I/O Error: Could not open IP filter file in read mode.
2880 <translation>В/И Грешка: Не може да се отвори файл на IP филтър в режим за четене.
2883 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2884 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2885 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2886 <source>IP filter line %
1 is malformed.
2887 <translation>Ред %
1 на IP филтъра е неправилен.
2890 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2891 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2892 <source>IP filter line %
1 is malformed. Start IP of the range is malformed.
2893 <translation>Ред %
1 на IP филтъра е неправилен. Началото на IP диапазон е неправилно.
2896 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2897 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2898 <source>IP filter line %
1 is malformed. End IP of the range is malformed.
2899 <translation>Ред %
1 на IP филтъра е неправилен. Края на IP диапазон е неправилен.
2902 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2903 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2904 <source>IP filter line %
1 is malformed. One IP is IPv4 and the other is IPv6!
2905 <translation>Ред %
1 на IP филтъра е неправилен. Едното IP е IPv4 и другото е IPv6!
2908 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2909 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2910 <source>IP filter exception thrown for line %
1. Exception is: %
2911 <translation>Възражение за ред %
1 на IP филтъра е направено. Възражението е: %
2914 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2915 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2916 <source>%
1 extra IP filter parsing errors occurred.
2917 <comment>513 extra IP filter parsing errors occurred.
2918 <translation>%
1 допълнителни грешки в анализирането на IP филтъра.
2921 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2922 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2923 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2924 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2925 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2926 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2927 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/filterparserthread.cpp" line=
2928 <source>Parsing Error: The filter file is not a valid PeerGuardian P2B file.
2929 <translation>Грешка при обработване: Файлът на филтъра не е валиден PeerGuardian P2B файл.
2933 <name>GeoIPDatabase
2935 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipdatabase.cpp" line=
2936 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipdatabase.cpp" line=
2937 <source>Unsupported database file size.
2938 <translation>Неподдържан размер за файл на базата данни.
2941 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipdatabase.cpp" line=
2942 <source>Metadata error:
1' entry not found.
2943 <translation>Грешка в метаинформацията:
1' елемент не е намерен.
2946 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipdatabase.cpp" line=
2947 <source>Metadata error:
1' entry has invalid type.
2948 <translation>Грешка в метаинформацията:
1' елемент има невалиден тип.
2951 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipdatabase.cpp" line=
2952 <source>Unsupported database version: %
2953 <translation>Неподдържана версия на базата данни: %
2956 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipdatabase.cpp" line=
2957 <source>Unsupported IP version: %
2958 <translation>Неподдържана IP версия: %
2961 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipdatabase.cpp" line=
2962 <source>Unsupported record size: %
2963 <translation>Неподдържан размер на запис: %
2966 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipdatabase.cpp" line=
2967 <source>Database corrupted: no data section found.
2968 <translation>Базата данни е развалена: няма намерена информационна секция.
2972 <name>Http::Connection
2974 <location filename=
"../base/http/connection.cpp" line=
2975 <source>Http request size exceeds limitation, closing socket. Limit: %
1, IP: %
2976 <translation>Http размера на заявка надхвърля ограничение, затваряне на гнездо. Ограничение: %
1, ИП: %
2979 <location filename=
"../base/http/connection.cpp" line=
2980 <source>Bad Http request, closing socket. IP: %
2981 <translation>Лоша Http заявка, затваряне на гнездо. ИП: %
2985 <name>IPSubnetWhitelistOptionsDialog
2987 <location filename=
"../gui/ipsubnetwhitelistoptionsdialog.ui" line=
2988 <source>List of whitelisted IP subnets
2989 <translation>Списък на позволените IP подмрежи
2992 <location filename=
"../gui/ipsubnetwhitelistoptionsdialog.ui" line=
2993 <source>Example:
24, fdff:ffff:c8::/
2994 <translation>Пример:
24, fdff:ffff:c8::/
2997 <location filename=
"../gui/ipsubnetwhitelistoptionsdialog.ui" line=
2998 <source>Add subnet
2999 <translation>Добави подмрежа
3002 <location filename=
"../gui/ipsubnetwhitelistoptionsdialog.ui" line=
3003 <source>Delete
3004 <translation>Изтрий
3007 <location filename=
"../gui/ipsubnetwhitelistoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
3008 <source>Error
3009 <translation>Грешка
3012 <location filename=
"../gui/ipsubnetwhitelistoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
3013 <source>The entered subnet is invalid.
3014 <translation>Въведената подмрежа е невалидна.
3018 <name>LogPeerModel
3020 <location filename=
"../gui/log/logmodel.cpp" line=
3021 <source>%
1 was blocked. Reason: %
3022 <comment> was blocked. Reason: reason for blocking.
3023 <translation>%
1 бе блокиран. Причина: %
3026 <location filename=
"../gui/log/logmodel.cpp" line=
3027 <source>%
1 was banned
3028 <comment> was banned
3029 <translation>%
1 бе баннат
3033 <name>MainWindow
3035 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3036 <source>&Edit
3037 <translation>&Редактирай
3040 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3041 <source>&Tools
3042 <translation>&Инструменти
3045 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3046 <source>&File
3047 <translation>&Файл
3050 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3051 <source>&Help
3052 <translation>&Помощ
3055 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3056 <source>On Downloads
3057 <translation>При
&Приключване на Свалянията:
3060 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3061 <source>&View
3062 <translation>&Оглед
3065 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3066 <source>&Options...
3067 <translation>&Опции...
3070 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3071 <source>&Resume
3072 <translation>&Пауза
3075 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3076 <source>Torrent
3077 <translation>Торент
3080 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3081 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3082 <source>Alternative Speed Limits
3083 <translation>Алтернативни Лимити за Скорост
3086 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3087 <source>&Top Toolbar
3088 <translation>&Горна Лента с Инструменти
3091 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3092 <source>Display Top Toolbar
3093 <translation>Показване на Горна Лента с Инструменти
3096 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3097 <source>Status
3098 <translation>Статус
3101 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3102 <source>Filters Sidebar
3103 <translation type=
3106 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3107 <source>S
&peed in Title Bar
3108 <translation>С
&корост в Заглавната Лента
3111 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3112 <source>Show Transfer Speed in Title Bar
3113 <translation>Показване на Скорост на Трансфер в Заглавната Лента
3116 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3117 <source>&RSS Reader
3118 <translation>&RSS Четец
3121 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3122 <source>Search
3123 <translation>Програма за
3126 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3127 <source>L
&ock qBittorrent
3128 <translation>З
&аключи qBittorrent
3131 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3132 <source>Do
3133 <translation>Да
3136 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3137 <source>&Do nothing
3138 <translation>&Не прави нищо
3141 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3142 <source>Close Window
3143 <translation>Затвори прозореца
3146 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3147 <source>R
&esume All
3148 <translation>П
&ауза Всички
3151 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3152 <source>Manage Cookies...
3153 <translation>Управление на Бисквитките...
3156 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3157 <source>Manage stored network cookies
3158 <translation>Управление на запазените мрежови бисквитки
3161 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3162 <source>Normal Messages
3163 <translation>Нормални Съобщения
3166 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3167 <source>Information Messages
3168 <translation>Информационни Съобщения
3171 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3172 <source>Warning Messages
3173 <translation>Предупредителни Съобщения
3176 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3177 <source>Critical Messages
3178 <translation>Критични Съобщения
3181 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3182 <source>&Log
3183 <translation>&Журнал
3186 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3187 <source>Set Global Speed Limits...
3188 <translation>Задаване на глобални ограничения на скоростта...
3191 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3192 <source>Bottom of Queue
3193 <translation>Най-отдолу в опашката
3196 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3197 <source>Move to the bottom of the queue
3198 <translation>Премести в дъното на опашката
3201 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3202 <source>Top of Queue
3203 <translation>Най-горната част на опашката
3206 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3207 <source>Move to the top of the queue
3208 <translation>Преместети в началото на опашката
3211 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3212 <source>Move Down Queue
3213 <translation>Премести надолу
3216 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3217 <source>Move down in the queue
3218 <translation>Премести надолу в опашката
3221 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3222 <source>Move Up Queue
3223 <translation>Премести нагоре
3226 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3227 <source>Move up in the queue
3228 <translation>Преместване нагоре в опашката
3231 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3232 <source>&Exit qBittorrent
3233 <translation>&Изход от qBittorrent
3236 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3237 <source>&Suspend System
3238 <translation>&Приспиване на Системата
3241 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3242 <source>&Hibernate System
3243 <translation>&Хибернация на Системата
3246 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3247 <source>S
&hutdown System
3248 <translation>И
&зклюване на Системата
3251 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3252 <source>&Statistics
3253 <translation>&Статистики
3256 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3257 <source>Check for Updates
3258 <translation>Проверка за Обновления
3261 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3262 <source>Check for Program Updates
3263 <translation>Проверка за Обновяване на Програмата
3266 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3267 <source>&About
3268 <translation>&Относно
3271 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3272 <source>&Pause
3273 <translation>&Пауза
3276 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3277 <source>&Delete
3278 <translation>&Изтрий
3281 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3282 <source>P
&ause All
3283 <translation>П
&ауза Всички
3286 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3287 <source>&Add Torrent File...
3288 <translation>&Добавяне Торент Файл...
3291 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3292 <source>Open
3293 <translation>Отваряне
3296 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3297 <source>E
3298 <translation>И
3301 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3302 <source>Open URL
3303 <translation>Отваряне URL
3306 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3307 <source>&Documentation
3308 <translation>&Документация
3311 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3312 <source>Lock
3313 <translation>Заключване
3316 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3317 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3318 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3319 <source>Show
3320 <translation>Покажи
3323 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3324 <source>Check for program updates
3325 <translation>Проверка за обновления на програмата
3328 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3329 <source>Add Torrent
3330 <translation>Добавяне
&Линк на Торент
3333 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.ui" line=
3334 <source>If you like qBittorrent, please donate!
3335 <translation>Ако ви харесва qBittorrent, моля дарете!
3338 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3339 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3340 <source>Execution Log
3341 <translation>Изпълнение на Запис
3344 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3345 <source>Clear the password
3346 <translation>Изчистване на паролата
3349 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3350 <source>&Set Password
3351 <translation>&Задаване на Парола
3354 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3355 <source>Preferences
3356 <translation>Предпочитания
3359 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3360 <source>&Clear Password
3361 <translation>&Изчистване на Парола
3364 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3365 <source>Filter torrent names...
3366 <translation>Филтриране на имена на торенти...
3369 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3370 <source>Transfers
3371 <translation>Трансфери
3374 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3375 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3376 <source>qBittorrent is minimized to tray
3377 <translation>qBittorrent е минимизиран в трея
3380 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3381 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3382 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3383 <source>This behavior can be changed in the settings. You won
't be reminded again.
3384 <translation>Това поведение може да се промени в настройките. Няма да ви се напомня отново.
3387 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3388 <source>Torrent file association
3389 <translation>Свързване на торент файла
3392 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3393 <source>Icons Only
3394 <translation>Само Икони
3397 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3398 <source>Text Only
3399 <translation>Само Текст
3402 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3403 <source>Text Alongside Icons
3404 <translation>Текст Успоредно с Икони
3407 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3408 <source>Text Under Icons
3409 <translation>Текст Под Икони
3412 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3413 <source>Follow System Style
3414 <translation>Следване на Стила на Системата
3417 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3418 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3419 <source>UI lock password
3420 <translation>Парола за потребителски интерфейс
3423 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3424 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3425 <source>Please type the UI lock password:
3426 <translation>Моля въведете парола за заключване на потребителския интерфейс:
3429 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3430 <source>Are you sure you want to clear the password?
3431 <translation>Наистина ли искате да изчистите паролата?
3434 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3435 <source>Use regular expressions
3436 <translation>Ползване на регулярни изрази
3439 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3440 <source>Search
3441 <translation>Търси
3444 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3445 <source>Transfers (%
3446 <translation>Трансфери (%
3449 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3450 <source>Error
3451 <translation>Грешка
3454 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3455 <source>Failed to add torrent: %
3456 <translation>Неуспешно добавяне на торент: %
3459 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3460 <source>Torrent added
3461 <translation>Торентът е довен
3464 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3465 <source>'%
1' was added.
3466 <comment>e.g: xxx.avi was added.
3467 <translation>'%
1' беше добавен.
3470 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3471 <source>I/O Error
3472 <comment>i.e: Input/Output Error
3473 <translation>В/И Грешка
3476 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3477 <source>Recursive download confirmation
3478 <translation>Допълнително потвърждение за сваляне
3481 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3482 <source>Yes
3483 <translation>Да
3486 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3488 <translation>Не
3491 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3492 <source>Never
3493 <translation>Никога
3496 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3497 <source>qBittorrent was just updated and needs to be restarted for the changes to be effective.
3498 <translation>qBittorrent току-що бе обновен и има нужда от рестарт, за да влязат в сила промените.
3501 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3502 <source>qBittorrent is closed to tray
3503 <translation>qBittorrent е затворен в трея
3506 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3507 <source>Some files are currently transferring.
3508 <translation>Няколко файлове в момента се прехвърлят.
3511 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3512 <source>Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent?
3513 <translation>Сигурни ли сте, че искате на излезете от qBittorent?
3516 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3517 <source>&No
3518 <translation>&Не
3521 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3522 <source>&Yes
3523 <translation>&Да
3526 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3527 <source>&Always Yes
3528 <translation>&Винаги Да
3531 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3532 <source>qBittorrent is shutting down...
3533 <translation>qBittorrent се изключва...
3536 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3537 <source>Options saved.
3538 <translation>Опциите са запазени.
3541 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3542 <source>%
3543 <comment>s is a shorthand for seconds
3544 <translation>%
3547 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3548 <source>System tray icon is not available, retrying...
3549 <translation type=
3552 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3553 <source>System tray icon is still not available after retries. Disabling it.
3554 <translation type=
3557 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3558 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3559 <source>Missing Python Runtime
3560 <translation>Липсва Python Runtime
3563 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3564 <source>qBittorrent Update Available
3565 <translation>Обновление на qBittorrent е Налично
3568 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3569 <source>'%
1' has finished downloading.
3570 <comment>e.g: xxx.avi has finished downloading.
3571 <translation>'%
1' завърши свалянето.
3574 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3575 <source>An I/O error occurred for torrent
3577 <comment>e.g: An error occurred for torrent
3578 Reason: disk is full.
3579 <translation>В/И грешка възникна за торент
3580 Причина: %
3583 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3584 <source>The torrent
1' contains torrent files, do you want to proceed with their download?
3585 <translation>Торентът
'1 съдържа торент файлове, искате ли да продължите с тяхното сваляне?
3588 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3589 <source>Couldn
't download file at URL
1', reason: %
3590 <translation>Не може да се свали файл на URL
1', причина: %
3593 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3594 <source>Python is required to use the search engine but it does not seem to be installed.
3595 Do you want to install it now?
3596 <translation>Python е необходим за употребата на търсачката, но изглежда не е инсталиран.
3597 Искате ли да го инсталирате сега?
3600 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3601 <source>Python is required to use the search engine but it does not seem to be installed.
3602 <translation>Python е необходим за употребата на търсачката, но изглежда не е инсталиран.
3605 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3606 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3607 <source>Old Python Runtime
3608 <translation>Остарял Python Runtime
3611 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3612 <source>A new version is available.
3613 <translation>Налична е нова версия.
3616 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3617 <source>Do you want to download %
3618 <translation>Искате ли да изтеглите %
3621 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3622 <source>Open changelog...
3623 <translation>Отваряне списък с промените...
3626 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3627 <source>No updates available.
3628 You are already using the latest version.
3629 <translation>Няма обновления.
3630 Вече използвате последната версия.
3633 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3634 <source>&Check for Updates
3635 <translation>&Проверка за Обновление
3638 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3639 <source>Your Python version (%
1) is outdated. Minimum requirement: %
3640 Do you want to install a newer version now?
3641 <translation>Вашата Python версия (%
1) е остаряла. Минимално изискване: %
3642 Искате ли да инсталирате по-нова версия сега?
3645 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3646 <source>Your Python version (%
1) is outdated. Please upgrade to latest version for search engines to work.
3647 Minimum requirement: %
3648 <translation>Вашата Python версия (%
1) е остаряла. Моля надстройте до най-нова версия за да работят търсачките.
3649 Минимално изискване: %
3652 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3653 <source>Checking for Updates...
3654 <translation>Проверяване за Обновление...
3657 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3658 <source>Already checking for program updates in the background
3659 <translation>Проверката за обновления на програмата вече е извършена
3662 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3663 <source>Download error
3664 <translation>Грешка при сваляне
3667 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3668 <source>Python setup could not be downloaded, reason: %
3669 Please install it manually.
3670 <translation>Инсталаторът на Python не може да се свали, причина: %
3671 Моля инсталирайте го ръчно.
3674 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3675 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3676 <source>Invalid password
3677 <translation>Невалидна парола
3680 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3681 <source>qBittorrent is not the default application for opening torrent files or Magnet links.
3682 Do you want to make qBittorrent the default application for these?
3683 <translation>qBittorrent не е приложението по подразбиране за отваряне на торент файлове или магнитни връзки.
3684 Искате ли да направите qBittorrent приложението по подразбиране за тези?
3687 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3688 <source>The password must be at least
3 characters long
3689 <translation>Паролата трябва да бъде поне
3 символи дълга
3692 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3693 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3694 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3695 <source>RSS (%
3696 <translation>RSS (%
3699 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3700 <source>Download completed
3701 <translation>Сваляне приключено
3704 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3705 <source>URL download error
3706 <translation>URL грешка при сваляне
3709 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3710 <source>The password is invalid
3711 <translation>Невалидна парола
3714 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3715 <source>DL speed: %
3716 <comment>e.g: Download speed:
10 KiB/s
3717 <translation>СВ скорост: %
3720 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3721 <source>UP speed: %
3722 <comment>e.g: Upload speed:
10 KiB/s
3723 <translation>КЧ скорост: %
3726 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3727 <source>[D: %
1, U: %
2] qBittorrent %
3728 <comment>D = Download; U = Upload; %
3 is qBittorrent version
3729 <translation>[С: %
1, К: %
2] qBittorrent %
3732 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3733 <source>Hide
3734 <translation>Скрий
3737 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3738 <source>Exiting qBittorrent
3739 <translation>Напускам qBittorrent
3742 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3743 <source>Open Torrent Files
3744 <translation>Отвори Торент Файлове
3747 <location filename=
"../gui/mainwindow.cpp" line=
3748 <source>Torrent Files
3749 <translation>Торент Файлове
3753 <name>Net::DNSUpdater
3755 <location filename=
"../base/net/dnsupdater.cpp" line=
3756 <source>Your dynamic DNS was successfully updated.
3757 <translation>Вашата динамична DNS бе успешно обновена.
3760 <location filename=
"../base/net/dnsupdater.cpp" line=
3761 <source>Dynamic DNS error: The service is temporarily unavailable, it will be retried in
30 minutes.
3762 <translation>Грешка от Динамичната DNS: Услугата е временно недостъпна, повторен опит след
30 минути.
3765 <location filename=
"../base/net/dnsupdater.cpp" line=
3766 <source>Dynamic DNS error: hostname supplied does not exist under specified account.
3767 <translation>Грешка от Динамичната DNS: името на хоста не съществува в определената регистрация.
3770 <location filename=
"../base/net/dnsupdater.cpp" line=
3771 <source>Dynamic DNS error: Invalid username/password.
3772 <translation>Грешка от Динамичната DNS: Невалидно потребителско име/парола.
3775 <location filename=
"../base/net/dnsupdater.cpp" line=
3776 <source>Dynamic DNS error: qBittorrent was blacklisted by the service, please submit a bug report at http://bugs.qbittorrent.org.
3777 <translation>Динамичен DNS грешка: qBittorrent бе в черният списък от услугата, моля изпратете доклад за грешка при http://bugs.qbittorrent.org.
3780 <location filename=
"../base/net/dnsupdater.cpp" line=
3781 <source>Dynamic DNS error: %
1 was returned by the service, please submit a bug report at http://bugs.qbittorrent.org.
3782 <translation>Динамичен DNS грешка: %
1 бе върнат от услугата, моля изпратете доклад за грешка при http://bugs.qbittorrent.org.
3785 <location filename=
"../base/net/dnsupdater.cpp" line=
3786 <source>Dynamic DNS error: Your username was blocked due to abuse.
3787 <translation>Грешка от Динамичната DNS: Вашето потребителско име е било блокирано заради злоупотреба.
3790 <location filename=
"../base/net/dnsupdater.cpp" line=
3791 <source>Dynamic DNS error: supplied domain name is invalid.
3792 <translation>Грешка от Динамичната DNS: зададеното домейн име е невалидно.
3795 <location filename=
"../base/net/dnsupdater.cpp" line=
3796 <source>Dynamic DNS error: supplied username is too short.
3797 <translation>Грешка от Динамичната DNS: зададеното потребителско име е твърде късо.
3800 <location filename=
"../base/net/dnsupdater.cpp" line=
3801 <source>Dynamic DNS error: supplied password is too short.
3802 <translation>Грешка от Динамичната DNS: зададената парола е твърде къса.
3806 <name>Net::DownloadManager
3808 <location filename=
"../base/net/downloadmanager.cpp" line=
3809 <source>Ignoring SSL error, URL:
1", errors:
3810 <translation>Пренебрегване SSL грешка, URL:
1", грешки:
3814 <name>Net::GeoIPManager
3816 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3817 <source>Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
3818 <translation>Боливарска република Венесуела
3821 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3822 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3823 <source>N/A
3824 <translation>Няма
3827 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3828 <source>Andorra
3829 <translation>Андора
3832 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3833 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3834 <source>IP geolocation database loaded. Type: %
1. Build time: %
3835 <translation>GeoIP базата данни е заредена. Тип: %
1. Време на изграждане: %
3838 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3839 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3840 <source>Couldn
't load IP geolocation database. Reason: %
3841 <translation>Не може да се зареди GeoIP базата данни. Причина: %
3844 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3845 <source>United Arab Emirates
3846 <translation>Обединени Арабски Емирства
3849 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3850 <source>Afghanistan
3851 <translation>Афганистан
3854 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3855 <source>Antigua and Barbuda
3856 <translation>Антигуа и Барбуда
3859 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3860 <source>Anguilla
3861 <translation>Ангуила
3864 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3865 <source>Albania
3866 <translation>Албания
3869 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3870 <source>Armenia
3871 <translation>Армения
3874 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3875 <source>Angola
3876 <translation>Ангола
3879 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3880 <source>Antarctica
3881 <translation>Антарктида
3884 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3885 <source>Argentina
3886 <translation>Аржентина
3889 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3890 <source>American Samoa
3891 <translation>Американска Самоа
3894 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3895 <source>Austria
3896 <translation>Австрия
3899 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3900 <source>Australia
3901 <translation>Австралия
3904 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3905 <source>Aruba
3906 <translation>Аруба
3909 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3910 <source>Azerbaijan
3911 <translation>Азербайджан
3914 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3915 <source>Bosnia and Herzegovina
3916 <translation>Босна и Херцеговина
3919 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3920 <source>Barbados
3921 <translation>Барбадос
3924 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3925 <source>Bangladesh
3926 <translation>Бангладеш
3929 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3930 <source>Belgium
3931 <translation>Белгия
3934 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3935 <source>Burkina Faso
3936 <translation>Буркина Фасо
3939 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3940 <source>Bulgaria
3941 <translation>България
3944 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3945 <source>Bahrain
3946 <translation>Бахрейн
3949 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3950 <source>Burundi
3951 <translation>Бурунди
3954 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3955 <source>Benin
3956 <translation>Бенин
3959 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3960 <source>Bermuda
3961 <translation>Бермудски острови
3964 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3965 <source>Brunei Darussalam
3966 <translation>Бруней
3969 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3970 <source>Brazil
3971 <translation>Бразилия
3974 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3975 <source>Bahamas
3976 <translation>Бахамски острови
3979 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3980 <source>Bhutan
3981 <translation>Бутан
3984 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3985 <source>Bouvet Island
3986 <translation>Остров Буве
3989 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3990 <source>Botswana
3991 <translation>Ботсвана
3994 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
3995 <source>Belarus
3996 <translation>Беларус
3999 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4000 <source>Belize
4001 <translation>Белиз
4004 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4005 <source>Canada
4006 <translation>Канада
4009 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4010 <source>Cocos (Keeling) Islands
4011 <translation>Кокосови (Килинг) острови
4014 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4015 <source>Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
4016 <translation>Демократична Република Конго
4019 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4020 <source>Central African Republic
4021 <translation>Централна Африканска Република
4024 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4025 <source>Congo
4026 <translation>Конго
4029 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4030 <source>Switzerland
4031 <translation>Швейцария
4034 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4035 <source>Cook Islands
4036 <translation>Острови Кук
4039 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4040 <source>Chile
4041 <translation>Чили
4044 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4045 <source>Cameroon
4046 <translation>Камерун
4049 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4050 <source>China
4051 <translation>Китай
4054 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4055 <source>Colombia
4056 <translation>Колумбия
4059 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4060 <source>Costa Rica
4061 <translation>Коста Рика
4064 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4065 <source>Cuba
4066 <translation>Куба
4069 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4070 <source>Cape Verde
4071 <translation>Кабо Верде
4074 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4075 <source>Curacao
4076 <translation>Кюрасао
4079 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4080 <source>Christmas Island
4081 <translation>Остров Рождество
4084 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4085 <source>Cyprus
4086 <translation>Кипър
4089 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4090 <source>Czech Republic
4091 <translation>Чешка Република
4094 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4095 <source>Germany
4096 <translation>Германия
4099 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4100 <source>Djibouti
4101 <translation>Джибути
4104 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4105 <source>Denmark
4106 <translation>Дания
4109 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4110 <source>Dominica
4111 <translation>Доминика
4114 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4115 <source>Dominican Republic
4116 <translation>Доминиканска Република
4119 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4120 <source>Algeria
4121 <translation>Алжир
4124 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4125 <source>Ecuador
4126 <translation>Еквадор
4129 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4130 <source>Estonia
4131 <translation>Естония
4134 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4135 <source>Egypt
4136 <translation>Египет
4139 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4140 <source>Western Sahara
4141 <translation>Западна Сахара
4144 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4145 <source>Eritrea
4146 <translation>Еритрея
4149 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4150 <source>Spain
4151 <translation>Испания
4154 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4155 <source>Ethiopia
4156 <translation>Етиопия
4159 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4160 <source>Finland
4161 <translation>Финландия
4164 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4165 <source>Fiji
4166 <translation>Фиджи
4169 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4170 <source>Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
4171 <translation>Фолкландски (Малвинкси) острови
4174 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4175 <source>Micronesia, Federated States of
4176 <translation>Федерални щати на Микронезия
4179 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4180 <source>Faroe Islands
4181 <translation>Фарьорски острови
4184 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4185 <source>France
4186 <translation>Франция
4189 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4190 <source>Gabon
4191 <translation>Габон
4194 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4195 <source>United Kingdom
4196 <translation>Великобритания
4199 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4200 <source>Grenada
4201 <translation>Гренада
4204 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4205 <source>Georgia
4206 <translation>Грузия
4209 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4210 <source>French Guiana
4211 <translation>Френска Гвиана
4214 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4215 <source>Ghana
4216 <translation>Гана
4219 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4220 <source>Gibraltar
4221 <translation>Гибралтар
4224 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4225 <source>Greenland
4226 <translation>Гренландия
4229 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4230 <source>Gambia
4231 <translation>Гамбия
4234 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4235 <source>Guinea
4236 <translation>Гвинея
4239 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4240 <source>Guadeloupe
4241 <translation>Гваделупа
4244 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4245 <source>Equatorial Guinea
4246 <translation>Екваториална Гвинея
4249 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4250 <source>Greece
4251 <translation>Гърция
4254 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4255 <source>South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
4256 <translation>Южна Джорджия и Южни Сандвичеви острови
4259 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4260 <source>Guatemala
4261 <translation>Гватемала
4264 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4265 <source>Guam
4266 <translation>Гуам
4269 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4270 <source>Guinea-Bissau
4271 <translation>Гвинея-Бисау
4274 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4275 <source>Guyana
4276 <translation>Гвиана
4279 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4280 <source>Hong Kong
4281 <translation>Хонконг
4284 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4285 <source>Heard Island and McDonald Islands
4286 <translation>Острови Хърд и Макдоналд
4289 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4290 <source>Honduras
4291 <translation>Хондурас
4294 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4295 <source>Croatia
4296 <translation>Хърватия
4299 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4300 <source>Haiti
4301 <translation>Хайти
4304 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4305 <source>Hungary
4306 <translation>Унгария
4309 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4310 <source>Indonesia
4311 <translation>Индонезия
4314 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4315 <source>Ireland
4316 <translation>Ирландия
4319 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4320 <source>Israel
4321 <translation>Израел
4324 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4325 <source>India
4326 <translation>Индия
4329 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4330 <source>British Indian Ocean Territory
4331 <translation>Британска индоокеанска територия
4334 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4335 <source>Iraq
4336 <translation>Ирак
4339 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4340 <source>Iran, Islamic Republic of
4341 <translation>Ислямска Република Иран
4344 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4345 <source>Iceland
4346 <translation>Исландия
4349 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4350 <source>Italy
4351 <translation>Италия
4354 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4355 <source>Jamaica
4356 <translation>Ямайка
4359 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4360 <source>Jordan
4361 <translation>Йордан
4364 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4365 <source>Japan
4366 <translation>Япония
4369 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4370 <source>Kenya
4371 <translation>Кения
4374 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4375 <source>Kyrgyzstan
4376 <translation>Киргизстан
4379 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4380 <source>Cambodia
4381 <translation>Камбоджа
4384 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4385 <source>Kiribati
4386 <translation>Кирибати
4389 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4390 <source>Comoros
4391 <translation>Коморски острови
4394 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4395 <source>Saint Kitts and Nevis
4396 <translation>Сейнт Китс и Невис
4399 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4400 <source>Korea, Democratic People
's Republic of
4401 <translation>Демократична Република Кореа
4404 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4405 <source>Korea, Republic of
4406 <translation>Република Кореа
4409 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4410 <source>Kuwait
4411 <translation>Кувейт
4414 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4415 <source>Cayman Islands
4416 <translation>Кайманови острови
4419 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4420 <source>Kazakhstan
4421 <translation>Казахстан
4424 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4425 <source>Lao People
's Democratic Republic
4426 <translation>Народнодемократична Република Лаос
4429 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4430 <source>Lebanon
4431 <translation>Ливан
4434 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4435 <source>Saint Lucia
4436 <translation>Сейнт Лусия
4439 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4440 <source>Liechtenstein
4441 <translation>Лихтенщайн
4444 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4445 <source>Sri Lanka
4446 <translation>Шри Ланка
4449 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4450 <source>Liberia
4451 <translation>Либерия
4454 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4455 <source>Lesotho
4456 <translation>Лесото
4459 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4460 <source>Lithuania
4461 <translation>Литва
4464 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4465 <source>Luxembourg
4466 <translation>Люксембург
4469 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4470 <source>Latvia
4471 <translation>Латвия
4474 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4475 <source>Morocco
4476 <translation>Мароко
4479 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4480 <source>Monaco
4481 <translation>Монако
4484 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4485 <source>Moldova, Republic of
4486 <translation>Република Молдова
4489 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4490 <source>Madagascar
4491 <translation>Мадагаскар
4494 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4495 <source>Marshall Islands
4496 <translation>Маршалови острови
4499 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4500 <source>Mali
4501 <translation>Мали
4504 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4505 <source>Myanmar
4506 <translation>Мианмар
4509 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4510 <source>Mongolia
4511 <translation>Монголия
4514 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4515 <source>Northern Mariana Islands
4516 <translation>Северни Мариански острови
4519 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4520 <source>Martinique
4521 <translation>Мартиника
4524 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4525 <source>Mauritania
4526 <translation>Мавритания
4529 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4530 <source>Montserrat
4531 <translation>Монсерат
4534 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4535 <source>Malta
4536 <translation>Малта
4539 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4540 <source>Mauritius
4541 <translation>Мавриций
4544 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4545 <source>Maldives
4546 <translation>Малдиви
4549 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4550 <source>Malawi
4551 <translation>Малави
4554 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4555 <source>Mexico
4556 <translation>Мексико
4559 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4560 <source>Malaysia
4561 <translation>Малайзия
4564 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4565 <source>Mozambique
4566 <translation>Мозамбик
4569 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4570 <source>Namibia
4571 <translation>Намибия
4574 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4575 <source>New Caledonia
4576 <translation>Нова Каледония
4579 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4580 <source>Niger
4581 <translation>Нигер
4584 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4585 <source>Norfolk Island
4586 <translation>Остров Норфолк
4589 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4590 <source>Nigeria
4591 <translation>Нигерия
4594 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4595 <source>Nicaragua
4596 <translation>Никарагуа
4599 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4600 <source>Netherlands
4601 <translation>Нидерландия
4604 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4605 <source>Norway
4606 <translation>Норвегия
4609 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4610 <source>Nepal
4611 <translation>Непал
4614 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4615 <source>Nauru
4616 <translation>Науру
4619 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4620 <source>Niue
4621 <translation>Ниуе
4624 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4625 <source>New Zealand
4626 <translation>Нова Зеландия
4629 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4630 <source>Oman
4631 <translation>Оман
4634 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4635 <source>Panama
4636 <translation>Панама
4639 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4640 <source>Peru
4641 <translation>Перу
4644 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4645 <source>French Polynesia
4646 <translation>Френска Полинезия
4649 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4650 <source>Papua New Guinea
4651 <translation>Папуа Нова Гвинея
4654 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4655 <source>Philippines
4656 <translation>Филипини
4659 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4660 <source>Pakistan
4661 <translation>Пакистан
4664 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4665 <source>Poland
4666 <translation>Полша
4669 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4670 <source>Saint Pierre and Miquelon
4671 <translation>Сен Пиер и Микелон
4674 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4675 <source>Puerto Rico
4676 <translation>Пуерто Рико
4679 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4680 <source>Portugal
4681 <translation>Португалия
4684 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4685 <source>Palau
4686 <translation>Палау
4689 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4690 <source>Paraguay
4691 <translation>Парагвай
4694 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4695 <source>Qatar
4696 <translation>Катар
4699 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4700 <source>Reunion
4701 <translation>Реюнион
4704 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4705 <source>Romania
4706 <translation>Румъния
4709 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4710 <source>Russian Federation
4711 <translation>Русия
4714 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4715 <source>Rwanda
4716 <translation>Руанда
4719 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4720 <source>Saudi Arabia
4721 <translation>Саудитска Арабия
4724 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4725 <source>Solomon Islands
4726 <translation>Соломонови острови
4729 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4730 <source>Seychelles
4731 <translation>Сейшели
4734 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4735 <source>Sudan
4736 <translation>Судан
4739 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4740 <source>Sweden
4741 <translation>Швеция
4744 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4745 <source>Singapore
4746 <translation>Сингапур
4749 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4750 <source>Slovenia
4751 <translation>Словения
4754 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4755 <source>Svalbard and Jan Mayen
4756 <translation>Свалбард и Ян Майен
4759 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4760 <source>Slovakia
4761 <translation>Словакия
4764 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4765 <source>Sierra Leone
4766 <translation>Сиера Леоне
4769 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4770 <source>San Marino
4771 <translation>Сан Марино
4774 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4775 <source>Senegal
4776 <translation>Сенегал
4779 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4780 <source>Somalia
4781 <translation>Сомалия
4784 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4785 <source>Suriname
4786 <translation>Суринам
4789 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4790 <source>Sao Tome and Principe
4791 <translation>Сао Томе и Принсипи
4794 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4795 <source>El Salvador
4796 <translation>Салвадор
4799 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4800 <source>Syrian Arab Republic
4801 <translation>Република Сирия
4804 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4805 <source>Swaziland
4806 <translation>Свазиленд
4809 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4810 <source>Turks and Caicos Islands
4811 <translation>Търкс и Кайкос
4814 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4815 <source>Chad
4816 <translation>Чад
4819 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4820 <source>French Southern Territories
4821 <translation>Френски южни и антарктически територии
4824 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4825 <source>Togo
4826 <translation>Того
4829 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4830 <source>Thailand
4831 <translation>Тайланд
4834 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4835 <source>Tajikistan
4836 <translation>Таджикистан
4839 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4840 <source>Tokelau
4841 <translation>Токелау
4844 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4845 <source>Turkmenistan
4846 <translation>Туркменистан
4849 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4850 <source>Tunisia
4851 <translation>Тунис
4854 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4855 <source>Tonga
4856 <translation>Тонга
4859 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4860 <source>Vietnam
4861 <translation>Виетнам
4864 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4865 <source>Couldn
't download IP geolocation database file. Reason: %
4866 <translation>Не може да се свали файлът на GeoIP базата данни. Причина: %
4869 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4870 <source>Could not decompress IP geolocation database file.
4871 <translation>Не може да се декомпресира файла на GeoIP базата данни.
4874 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4875 <source>Couldn
't save downloaded IP geolocation database file. Reason: %
4876 <translation>Не мога да се запази ИП геолокация база данни файл. Причина: %
4879 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4880 <source>Successfully updated IP geolocation database.
4881 <translation>Успешно е обновена GeoIP базата данни.
4884 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4885 <source>Timor-Leste
4886 <translation>Източен Тимор
4889 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4890 <source>Bolivia, Plurinational State of
4891 <translation>Многонационална държава Боливия
4894 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4895 <source>Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
4896 <translation>Бонер, Сейнт Естасиус и Саба
4899 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4900 <source>Cote d
4901 <translation>Кот д
4904 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4905 <source>Libya
4906 <translation>Либия
4909 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4910 <source>Saint Martin (French part)
4911 <translation>Сен Мартен (Френска част)
4914 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4915 <source>Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
4916 <translation>Македония
4919 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4920 <source>Macao
4921 <translation>Макао
4924 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4925 <source>Pitcairn
4926 <translation>Питкерн
4929 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4930 <source>Palestine, State of
4931 <translation>Палестина
4934 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4935 <source>Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
4936 <translation>Света Елена, Възнесение и Тристан да Куня
4939 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4940 <source>South Sudan
4941 <translation>Южен Судан
4944 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4945 <source>Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
4946 <translation>Синт Мартен (Нидерландска част)
4949 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4950 <source>Turkey
4951 <translation>Турция
4954 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4955 <source>Trinidad and Tobago
4956 <translation>Тринидад и Тобаго
4959 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4960 <source>Tuvalu
4961 <translation>Тувалу
4964 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4965 <source>Taiwan
4966 <translation>Тайван
4969 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4970 <source>Tanzania, United Republic of
4971 <translation>Обединена Република Танзания
4974 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4975 <source>Ukraine
4976 <translation>Украйна
4979 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4980 <source>Uganda
4981 <translation>Уганда
4984 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4985 <source>United States Minor Outlying Islands
4986 <translation>Малки далечни острови на САЩ
4989 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4990 <source>United States
4991 <translation>Съединени американски щати
4994 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
4995 <source>Uruguay
4996 <translation>Уругвай
4999 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5000 <source>Uzbekistan
5001 <translation>Узбекистан
5004 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5005 <source>Holy See (Vatican City State)
5006 <translation>Светия Престол (Ватиканска Град Държава)
5009 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5010 <source>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
5011 <translation>Сейнт Винсент и Гренадини
5014 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5015 <source>Virgin Islands, British
5016 <translation>Британски Вирджински острови
5019 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5020 <source>Virgin Islands, U.S.
5021 <translation>Американски Вирджински острови
5024 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5025 <source>Vanuatu
5026 <translation>Вануату
5029 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5030 <source>Wallis and Futuna
5031 <translation>Уолис и Футуна
5034 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5035 <source>Samoa
5036 <translation>Самоа
5039 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5040 <source>Yemen
5041 <translation>Йемен
5044 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5045 <source>Mayotte
5046 <translation>Майот
5049 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5050 <source>Serbia
5051 <translation>Сърбия
5054 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5055 <source>South Africa
5056 <translation>Южна Африка
5059 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5060 <source>Zambia
5061 <translation>Замбия
5064 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5065 <source>Montenegro
5066 <translation>Черна гора
5069 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5070 <source>Zimbabwe
5071 <translation>Зимбабве
5074 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5075 <source>Aland Islands
5076 <translation>Оландски острови
5079 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5080 <source>Guernsey
5081 <translation>Гърнзи
5084 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5085 <source>Isle of Man
5086 <translation>Остров Ман
5089 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5090 <source>Jersey
5091 <translation>Джърси
5094 <location filename=
"../base/net/geoipmanager.cpp" line=
5095 <source>Saint Barthelemy
5096 <translation>Сен Бартелми
5100 <name>Net::Smtp
5102 <source>Email Notification Error:
5103 <translation type=
"vanished">Грешка при известяването по e-mail:
5106 <location filename=
"../base/net/smtp.cpp" line=
5107 <source>Connection failed, unrecognized reply: %
5108 <translation type=
5111 <location filename=
"../base/net/smtp.cpp" line=
5112 <source>Authentication failed, msg: %
5113 <translation type=
5116 <location filename=
"../base/net/smtp.cpp" line=
5117 <source><mail from
> was rejected by server, msg: %
5118 <translation type=
5121 <location filename=
"../base/net/smtp.cpp" line=
5122 <source><Rcpt to
> was rejected by server, msg: %
5123 <translation type=
5126 <location filename=
"../base/net/smtp.cpp" line=
5127 <source><data
> was rejected by server, msg: %
5128 <translation type=
5131 <location filename=
"../base/net/smtp.cpp" line=
5132 <source>Message was rejected by the server, error: %
5133 <translation type=
5136 <location filename=
"../base/net/smtp.cpp" line=
5137 <source>Both EHLO and HELO failed, msg: %
5138 <translation type=
5141 <location filename=
"../base/net/smtp.cpp" line=
5142 <source>The SMTP server does not seem to support any of the authentications modes we support [CRAM-MD5|PLAIN|LOGIN], skipping authentication, knowing it is likely to fail... Server Auth Modes: %
5143 <translation type=
5146 <location filename=
"../base/net/smtp.cpp" line=
5147 <source>Email Notification Error: %
5148 <translation type=
5152 <name>OptionsDialog
5154 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5155 <source>Options
5156 <translation>Настройки
5159 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5160 <source>Behavior
5161 <translation>Поведение
5164 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5165 <source>Downloads
5166 <translation>Сваляния
5169 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5170 <source>Connection
5171 <translation>Връзка
5174 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5175 <source>Speed
5176 <translation>Скорост
5179 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5180 <source>BitTorrent
5181 <translation>BitTorrent
5184 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5185 <source>RSS
5186 <translation>RSS
5189 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5190 <source>Web UI
5191 <translation>Уеб ПИ
5194 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5195 <source>Advanced
5196 <translation>Разширени
5199 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5200 <source>Transfer List
5201 <translation>Трансферен Списък
5204 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5205 <source>Confirm when deleting torrents
5206 <translation>Потвърждаване при изтриването на торенти
5209 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5210 <source>Use alternating row colors
5211 <extracomment>In table elements, every other row will have a grey background.
5212 <translation>Ползвай различно оцветени редове
5215 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5216 <source>Hide zero and infinity values
5217 <translation>Скриване на нулата и безкрайните стойности
5220 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5221 <source>Always
5222 <translation>Винаги
5225 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5226 <source>Paused torrents only
5227 <translation>Само торентите в пауза
5230 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5231 <source>Action on double-click
5232 <translation>Действие при двойно щракване
5235 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5236 <source>Downloading torrents:
5237 <translation>Сваляне на торенти:
5240 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5241 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5242 <source>Start / Stop Torrent
5243 <translation>Пускане / Спиране Торент
5246 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5247 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5248 <source>Open destination folder
5249 <translation>Отваряне на съдържащата директория
5252 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5253 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5254 <source>No action
5255 <translation>Без действие
5258 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5259 <source>Completed torrents:
5260 <translation>Завършени торенти:
5263 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5264 <source>Desktop
5265 <translation>Десктоп
5268 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5269 <source>Start qBittorrent on Windows start up
5270 <translation>Стартирай qBittorrent със стартирането на Windows
5273 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5274 <source>Show splash screen on start up
5275 <translation>Покажи начален екран при стартиране
5278 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5279 <source>Start qBittorrent minimized
5280 <translation>Стартирай qBittorrent минимизиран
5283 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5284 <source>Confirmation on exit when torrents are active
5285 <translation>Потвърждаване при изход, когато има активни торенти.
5288 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5289 <source>Confirmation on auto-exit when downloads finish
5290 <translation>Потвърждение при авто-изход, когато свалящите се приключат
5293 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5294 <source> KiB
5295 <translation> KB
5298 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5299 <source>Torrent content layout:
5300 <translation>Оформление на съдържанието на торента:
5303 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5304 <source>Original
5305 <translation>Оригинал
5308 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5309 <source>Create subfolder
5310 <translation>Създай подпапка
5313 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5314 <source>Don
't create subfolder
5315 <translation>Не създавай подпапка
5318 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5319 <source>Add...
5320 <translation>Добавяне...
5323 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5324 <source>Options..
5325 <translation>Опции...
5328 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5329 <source>Remove
5330 <translation>Премахни
5333 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5334 <source>Email notification
&upon download completion
5335 <translation>Уведомяване с имейл
&при завършване на свалянето
5338 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5339 <source>Run e
&xternal program on torrent completion
5340 <translation>Изпълняване на в
&ъншна програма при завършване на торент
5343 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5344 <source>Peer connection protocol:
5345 <translation>Протокол за връзка с участника:
5348 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5349 <source>Any
5350 <translation>Всякакви
5353 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5354 <source>IP Fi
5355 <translation>IP Фи
5358 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5359 <source>Schedule
&the use of alternative rate limits
5360 <translation>График на
&използването на алтернативни пределни скорости
5363 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5364 <source>From:
5365 <comment>From start time
5366 <translation>От:
5369 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5370 <source>To:
5371 <comment>To end time
5372 <translation>До:
5375 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5376 <source>Find peers on the DHT network
5377 <translation>Намиране на пиъри в DHT
5380 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5381 <source>Allow encryption: Connect to peers regardless of setting
5382 Require encryption: Only connect to peers with protocol encryption
5383 Disable encryption: Only connect to peers without protocol encryption
5384 <translation>Позволи шифроване: Свързвай се с участници независимо от настройката
5385 Изисквай шифроване: Свързвай се само с участници с шифроване на протокола
5386 Забрани шифроване: Свързвай се само с участници без шифроване на протокола
5389 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5390 <source>Allow encryption
5391 <translation>Позволи криптиране
5394 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5395 <source>(
<a href=
">More information
5396 <translation>(
<a href=
">Повече информация
5399 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5400 <source>Maximum active checking torrents:
5401 <translation type=
5404 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5405 <source>&Torrent Queueing
5406 <translation>&Нареждане на Oпашка на Торенти
5409 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5410 <source>A
&utomatically add these trackers to new downloads:
5411 <translation>Автоматично добавяне на тези тракери към нови сваляния:
5414 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5415 <source>RSS Reader
5416 <translation>RSS Четец
5419 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5420 <source>Enable fetching RSS feeds
5421 <translation>Включване получаването от RSS канали.
5424 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5425 <source>Feeds refresh interval:
5426 <translation>Интервал за опресняване на каналите:
5429 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5430 <source>Maximum number of articles per feed:
5431 <translation>Максимален брой на статии за канал:
5434 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5435 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5436 <source> min
5437 <extracomment>minutes
5438 <translation>мин
5441 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5442 <source>Seeding Limits
5443 <translation>Лимит за качване
5446 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5447 <source>When seeding time reaches
5448 <translation>Когато времето за сийдване достигне
5451 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5452 <source>Pause torrent
5453 <translation>Пауза на торент
5456 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5457 <source>Remove torrent
5458 <translation>Премахни торент
5461 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5462 <source>Remove torrent and its files
5463 <translation>Премахване на торент и неговите файлове
5466 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5467 <source>Enable super seeding for torrent
5468 <translation>Разреши супер сийд за торент
5471 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5472 <source>When ratio reaches
5473 <translation>Когато съотношението достигне
5476 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5477 <source>RSS Torrent Auto Downloader
5478 <translation>RSS Торентов Авто Сваляч
5481 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5482 <source>Enable auto downloading of RSS torrents
5483 <translation>Включване на автоматичното сваляне на RSS торенти
5486 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5487 <source>Edit auto downloading rules...
5488 <translation>Редактиране на правилата за автоматично сваляне...
5491 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5492 <source>RSS Smart Episode Filter
5493 <translation>RSS Разумен Филтър на Епизоди
5496 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5497 <source>Download REPACK/PROPER episodes
5498 <translation>Изтегли REPACK/PROPER епизоди
5501 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5502 <source>Filters:
5503 <translation>Филтри:
5506 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5507 <source>Web User Interface (Remote control)
5508 <translation>Потребителски Уеб Интерфейс (Отдалечен контрол)
5511 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5512 <source>IP address:
5513 <translation>IP адрес:
5516 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5517 <source>IP address that the Web UI will bind to.
5518 Specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address. You can specify
"" for any IPv4 address,
5519 "::
" for any IPv6 address, or
" for both IPv4 and IPv6.
5520 <translation>IP адрес, с който Уеб ПИ ще се обвърже.
5521 Задайте IPv4 или IPv6 адрес. Можете да зададете
"" за всеки IPv4 адрес,
5522 "::
" за всеки IPv6 адрес, или
" за двата IPv4 или IPv6.
5525 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5526 <source>Ban client after consecutive failures:
5527 <translation>Банни клиент след последователни провали:
5530 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5531 <source>Never
5532 <translation>Никога
5535 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5536 <source>ban for:
5537 <translation>забрана за:
5540 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5541 <source>Session timeout:
5542 <translation>Изтекла сесия:
5545 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5546 <source>Disabled
5547 <translation>Забранено
5550 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5551 <source>Enable cookie Secure flag (requires HTTPS)
5552 <translation>Разреши флаг за сигурност на бисквитка (изисква HTTPS)
5555 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5556 <source>Server domains:
5557 <translation>Сървърни домейни:
5560 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5561 <source>Whitelist for filtering HTTP Host header values.
5562 In order to defend against DNS rebinding attack,
5563 you should put in domain names used by WebUI server.
5565 Use
' to split multiple entries. Can use wildcard
5566 <translation>Списък с разрешени за филтриране стойности на HTTP хост хедъри. За защита срещу атака
"ДНС повторно свързване
" въведете тук домейните използвани от Уеб ПИ сървъра. Използвайте
' за разделител. Може да се използва и заместител
5569 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5570 <source>&Use HTTPS instead of HTTP
5571 <translation>&Използване на HTTPS вместо HTTP
5574 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5575 <source>Bypass authentication for clients on localhost
5576 <translation>Заобиколи удостоверяването на клиенти от localhost
5579 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5580 <source>Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets
5581 <translation>Заобиколи удостоверяването на клиенти от позволените IP подмрежи
5584 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5585 <source>IP subnet whitelist...
5586 <translation>Позволени IP подмрежи...
5589 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5590 <source>Upda
&te my dynamic domain name
5591 <translation>Обнови моето динамично име на домейн
5594 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5595 <source>Minimize qBittorrent to notification area
5596 <translation>Минимизиране на qBittorrent в зоната за уведомяване
5599 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5600 <source>Interface
5601 <translation>Интерфейс
5604 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5605 <source>Language:
5606 <translation>Език:
5609 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5610 <source>Tray icon style:
5611 <translation>Стил на иконата в лентата:
5614 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5615 <source>Normal
5616 <translation>Нормален
5619 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5620 <source>File association
5621 <translation>Файлови асоциации
5624 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5625 <source>Use qBittorrent for .torrent files
5626 <translation>Използване на qBittorrent за торент файлове
5629 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5630 <source>Use qBittorrent for magnet links
5631 <translation>Използване на qBittorrent за магнитни връзки
5634 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5635 <source>Check for program updates
5636 <translation>Проверка за обновления на програмата
5639 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5640 <source>Power Management
5641 <translation>Управление на Енергията
5644 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5645 <source>Save path:
5646 <translation>Местоположение за запис:
5649 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5650 <source>Backup the log file after:
5651 <translation>Резервно копие на лог файла след:
5654 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5655 <source>Delete backup logs older than:
5656 <translation>Изтриване на резервните копия на лог файловете по-стари от:
5659 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5660 <source>When adding a torrent
5661 <translation>При добавяне на торент
5664 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5665 <source>Bring torrent dialog to the front
5666 <translation>Изнасяне на диалога за добавяне на торент най-отпред
5669 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5670 <source>Also delete .torrent files whose addition was cancelled
5671 <translation>Също изтриване на .torrent файловете, чието добавяне е било отказано
5674 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5675 <source>Also when addition is cancelled
5676 <translation>Също, когато добавянето е отказано
5679 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5680 <source>Warning! Data loss possible!
5681 <translation>Предупреждение! Загуба на информация е възможна!
5684 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5685 <source>Saving Management
5686 <translation>Управление на Съхранението
5689 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5690 <source>Default Torrent Management Mode:
5691 <translation>Торентов Режим на Управление по подразбиране:
5694 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5695 <source>Manual
5696 <translation>Ръчно
5699 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5700 <source>Automatic
5701 <translation>Автоматично
5704 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5705 <source>When Torrent Category changed:
5706 <translation>Когато Категорията на Торента се промени:
5709 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5710 <source>Relocate torrent
5711 <translation>Преместване на торента
5714 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5715 <source>Switch torrent to Manual Mode
5716 <translation>Превключване на торента към Ръчен Режим
5719 <source>When Default Save Path changed:
5720 <translation type=
"vanished">Когато Местоположението за Запис по Подразбиране се промени:
5723 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5724 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5725 <source>Relocate affected torrents
5726 <translation>Преместване на засегнатите торенти
5729 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5730 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5731 <source>Switch affected torrents to Manual Mode
5732 <translation>Превключване на засегнатите торенти в Ръчен Режим
5735 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5736 <source>Use Subcategories
5737 <translation>Използване на Под-категории
5740 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5741 <source>Default Save Path:
5742 <translation>Местоположение за Запис по подразбиране:
5745 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5746 <source>Copy .torrent files to:
5747 <translation>Копирай .торент файловете в:
5750 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5751 <source>Show
&qBittorrent in notification area
5752 <translation>Показване на
&qBittorrent в зоната за уведомяване
5755 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5756 <source>&Log file
5757 <translation>&Лог файл
5760 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5761 <source>Display
&torrent content and some options
5762 <translation>Показване съдържание на
&торента и някои опции
5765 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5766 <source>De
&lete .torrent files afterwards
5767 <translation>Из
&триване на .torrent файловете след това
5770 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5771 <source>Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to:
5772 <translation>Копирай .torrent файловете от приключилите изтегляния в:
5775 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5776 <source>Pre-allocate disk space for all files
5777 <translation>Преразпредели дисково пространство за всички файлове
5780 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5781 <source>Use custom UI Theme
5782 <translation>Ползвай персонализирана ПИ тема
5785 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5786 <source>UI Theme file:
5787 <translation>ПИ тема файл:
5790 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5791 <source>Use system icon theme
5792 <translation>Ползвай темата на системната икона
5795 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5796 <source>Changing Interface settings requires application restart
5797 <translation>Смяната на интерфейсни настройки изисква рестартиране на приложение
5800 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5801 <source>Shows a confirmation dialog upon torrent deletion
5802 <translation>Показва диалог за потвърждение при изтриването на торента
5805 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5806 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5807 <source>Preview file, otherwise open destination folder
5808 <translation>Прегледай файл, иначе отвори папката на местонахождение
5811 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5812 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5813 <source>Show torrent options
5814 <translation>Покажи торент опции
5817 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5818 <source>When qBittorrent is started, the main window will be minimized
5819 <translation>Когато qBittorrent е стартиран, главният прозорец ще бъде минимизиран
5822 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5823 <source>Shows a confirmation dialog when exiting with active torrents
5824 <translation>Показва диалог за потвърждение, когато се излиза с активни торенти
5827 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5828 <source>When minimizing, the main window is closed and must be reopened from the systray icon
5829 <translation>Когато се минимизира, главният прозорец е затворен и трябва да бъде отворен наново от систрей иконата
5832 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5833 <source>The systray icon will still be visible when closing the main window
5834 <translation>Систрей иконата все още ще бъде видима, когато се затвори главният прозорец
5837 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5838 <source>Close qBittorrent to notification area
5839 <extracomment>The systray icon will still be visible when closing the main window
5840 <translation>Затваряне на qBittorrent в зоната за уведомяване
5843 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5844 <source>Monochrome (for dark theme)
5845 <translation>Едноцветно (Тъмна тема)
5848 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5849 <source>Monochrome (for light theme)
5850 <translation>Едноцветно (Светла тема)
5853 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5854 <source>Inhibit system sleep when torrents are downloading
5855 <translation>Попречи на системата да заспи, когато има изтеглящи се торенти
5858 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5859 <source>Inhibit system sleep when torrents are seeding
5860 <translation>Попречи на системата да заспи, когато има споделящи се торенти
5863 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5864 <source>Creates an additional log file after the log file reaches the specified file size
5865 <translation>Създава допълнителен лог файл, след като лог файлът достигне посочения файлов размер
5868 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5869 <source>days
5870 <extracomment>Delete backup logs older than
10 days
5871 <translation>дни
5874 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5875 <source>months
5876 <extracomment>Delete backup logs older than
10 months
5877 <translation>месеци
5880 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5881 <source>years
5882 <extracomment>Delete backup logs older than
10 years
5883 <translation>години
5886 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5887 <source>Log performance warnings
5888 <translation type=
5891 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5892 <source>The torrent will be added to download list in a paused state
5893 <translation>Торентът ще бъде добавен към списъка за изтегляне в състояние на пауза
5896 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5897 <source>Do not start the download automatically
5898 <extracomment>The torrent will be added to download list in a paused state
5899 <translation>Не стартирай свалянето автоматично
5902 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5903 <source>Whether the .torrent file should be deleted after adding it
5904 <translation>Дали .torrent файлът трябва да бъде изтрит след добавянето му
5907 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5908 <source>Allocate full file sizes on disk before starting downloads, to minimize fragmentation. Only useful for HDDs.
5909 <translation>Задели пълните файлови размери на диск преди започване на изтегляния, да се минимизира фрагментацията. Полезно е само за HDD-та.
5912 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5913 <source>Append .!qB extension to incomplete files
5914 <translation>Добави .!qB разширение към незавършени файлове
5917 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5918 <source>When a torrent is downloaded, offer to add torrents from any .torrent files found inside it
5919 <translation>След като торент е изтеглен, предложи да се добавят торенти от всякакви .torrent файлове намерени вътре
5922 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5923 <source>Enable recursive download dialog
5924 <translation>Разреши диалог за рекурсивно изтегляне
5927 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5928 <source>Automatic: Various torrent properties (e.g. save path) will be decided by the associated category
5929 Manual: Various torrent properties (e.g. save path) must be assigned manually
5930 <translation>Автоматичен: Разни торентни свойства (напр. пътя на запазване) ще бъде решен от асоциираната категория
5931 Ръчен: Разни торентни свойства (напр. пътя на запазване) трябва да бъдат възложени ръчно
5934 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5935 <source>When Default Save/Incomplete Path changed:
5936 <translation type=
5939 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5940 <source>When Category Save Path changed:
5941 <translation>Когато пътя за запазване на категория се промени:
5944 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5945 <source>Use Category paths in Manual Mode
5946 <translation>Използвай Категория пътища в ръчен режим
5949 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5950 <source>Resolve relative Save Path against appropriate Category path instead of Default one
5951 <translation>Решавай относителен път на запазване срещу подходящ път на категория вместо такъв по подразбиране
5954 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5955 <source>Use another path for incomplete torrents:
5956 <translation>Използвай друг път за незавършени торенти:
5959 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5960 <source>Automatically add torrents from:
5961 <translation>Автоматично добави торенти от:
5964 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5965 <source>Receiver
5966 <translation>Приемник
5969 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5970 <source>To:
5971 <comment>To receiver
5972 <translation>До:
5975 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5976 <source>SMTP server:
5977 <translation>SMTP сървър:
5980 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5981 <source>Sender
5982 <translation>Изпращач
5985 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5986 <source>From:
5987 <comment>From sender
5988 <translation>От:
5991 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5992 <source>This server requires a secure connection (SSL)
5993 <translation>Този сървър изисква защитена връзка (SSL)
5996 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5997 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
5998 <source>Authentication
5999 <translation>Удостоверяване
6002 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6003 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6004 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6005 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6006 <source>Username:
6007 <translation>Име на потребителя:
6010 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6011 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6012 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6013 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6014 <source>Password:
6015 <translation>Парола:
6018 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6019 <source>Show console window
6020 <translation>Покажи конзолен прозорец
6023 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6024 <source>TCP and μTP
6025 <translation>TCP и μTP
6028 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6029 <source>Listening Port
6030 <translation>Порт за слушане
6033 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6034 <source>Port used for incoming connections:
6035 <translation>Порт ползван за входящи връзки:
6038 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6039 <source>Set to
0 to let your system pick an unused port
6040 <translation>Задайте на
0, за да позволите на вашата система да избере неизползван порт
6043 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6044 <source>Random
6045 <translation>Приблизително
6048 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6049 <source>Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router
6050 <translation>Използване на UPnP / NAT-PMP порт за препращане от моя рутер
6053 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6054 <source>Connections Limits
6055 <translation>Ограничения на Връзките
6058 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6059 <source>Maximum number of connections per torrent:
6060 <translation>Максимален брой връзки на торент:
6063 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6064 <source>Global maximum number of connections:
6065 <translation>Общ максимален брой на връзки:
6068 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6069 <source>Maximum number of upload slots per torrent:
6070 <translation>Максимален брой слотове за качване на торент:
6073 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6074 <source>Global maximum number of upload slots:
6075 <translation>Глобален максимален брой слотове за качване:
6078 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6079 <source>Proxy Server
6080 <translation>Прокси Сървър
6083 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6084 <source>Type:
6085 <translation>Тип:
6088 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6089 <source>(None)
6090 <translation>(Без)
6093 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6094 <source>SOCKS4
6095 <translation>SOCKS4
6098 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6099 <source>SOCKS5
6100 <translation>SOCKS5
6103 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6104 <source>HTTP
6105 <translation>HTTP
6108 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6109 <source>Host:
6110 <translation>Хост:
6113 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6114 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6115 <source>Port:
6116 <translation>Порт:
6119 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6120 <source>Otherwise, the proxy server is only used for tracker connections
6121 <translation>В противен случай, прокси сървъра се използва само за връзки с тракера
6124 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6125 <source>Use proxy for peer connections
6126 <translation>Използвайте прокси за свързване между участниците
6129 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6130 <source>RSS feeds, search engine, software updates or anything else other than torrent transfers and related operations (such as peer exchanges) will use a direct connection
6131 <translation>RSS канали, търсачка, софтуерни обновления или всичко друго освен торент трансфери и свързаните с тях операции (като обмяна на участници) ще използва директна връзка
6134 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6135 <source>Use proxy only for torrents
6136 <translation>Използване на прокси само за торентите
6139 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6140 <source>A
6141 <translation>У
6144 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6145 <source>Info: The password is saved unencrypted
6146 <translation>Информация: Паролата е запазена некриптирана
6149 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6150 <source>Filter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b):
6151 <translation>Филтър път (.dat, .p2p, .p2b):
6154 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6155 <source>Reload the filter
6156 <translation>Зареди повторно филтъра
6159 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6160 <source>Manually banned IP addresses...
6161 <translation>Ръчно блокирани IP адреси...
6164 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6165 <source>Apply to trackers
6166 <translation>Прилагане към тракери
6169 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6170 <source>Global Rate Limits
6171 <translation>Общи Пределни Скорости
6174 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6175 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6176 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6177 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6178 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6179 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6180 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6182 <translation>∞
6185 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6186 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6187 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6188 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6189 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6190 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6191 <source> KiB/s
6192 <translation>КиБ/с
6195 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6196 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6197 <source>Upload:
6198 <translation>Качване:
6201 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6202 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6203 <source>Download:
6204 <translation>Сваляне:
6207 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6208 <source>Alternative Rate Limits
6209 <translation>Алтернативни Пределни Скорости
6212 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6213 <source>Start time
6214 <translation>Начален час
6217 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6218 <source>End time
6219 <translation>Крайно час
6222 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6223 <source>When:
6224 <translation>Когато:
6227 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6228 <source>Every day
6229 <translation>Всеки ден
6232 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6233 <source>Weekdays
6234 <translation>Дни през седмицата
6237 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6238 <source>Weekends
6239 <translation>Почивни дни
6242 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6243 <source>Rate Limits Settings
6244 <translation>Настройки на Пределни Скорости
6247 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6248 <source>Apply rate limit to peers on LAN
6249 <translation>Прилагане на пределна скорост за участници от локалната мрежа
6252 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6253 <source>Apply rate limit to transport overhead
6254 <translation>Прилагане на пределна скорост за пренатоварено пренасяне
6257 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6258 <source>Apply rate limit to µTP protocol
6259 <translation>Прилагане на пределна скорост за µTP протокола
6262 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6263 <source>Privacy
6264 <translation>Дискретност
6267 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6268 <source>Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers
6269 <translation>Активиране на DHT (децентрализирана мрежа) за намиране на повече участници
6272 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6273 <source>Exchange peers with compatible Bittorrent clients (µTorrent, Vuze, ...)
6274 <translation>Обмени участници със съвместими Bittorrent клиенти (µTorrent, Vuze, ...)
6277 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6278 <source>Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers
6279 <translation>Активиране на Обмяна на Участници (PeX) за намиране на повече участници
6282 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6283 <source>Look for peers on your local network
6284 <translation>Търси участници в твоята локална мрежа
6287 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6288 <source>Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers
6289 <translation>Включи Откриване на Локални Участници за намиране на повече връзки
6292 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6293 <source>Encryption mode:
6294 <translation>Режим на кодиране:
6297 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6298 <source>Require encryption
6299 <translation>Изискване на кодиране
6302 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6303 <source>Disable encryption
6304 <translation>Изключване на кодиране
6307 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6308 <source>Enable when using a proxy or a VPN connection
6309 <translation>Активиране при използване на прокси или VPN връзка
6312 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6313 <source>Enable anonymous mode
6314 <translation>Включи анонимен режим
6317 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6318 <source>Maximum active downloads:
6319 <translation>Максимум активни сваляния:
6322 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6323 <source>Maximum active uploads:
6324 <translation>Максимум активни качвания:
6327 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6328 <source>Maximum active torrents:
6329 <translation>Максимум активни торенти:
6332 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6333 <source>Do not count slow torrents in these limits
6334 <translation>Не изчислявай бавни торенти в тези лимити
6337 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6338 <source>Upload rate threshold:
6339 <translation>Праг на скоростта на качване:
6342 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6343 <source>Download rate threshold:
6344 <translation>Праг на скоростта на изтегляне:
6347 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6348 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6349 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6350 <source> sec
6351 <extracomment>seconds
6352 <translation>сек
6355 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6356 <source>Torrent inactivity timer:
6357 <translation>Таймер за неактивност на торент:
6360 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6361 <source>then
6362 <translation>тогава
6365 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6366 <source>Use UPnP / NAT-PMP to forward the port from my router
6367 <translation>Изпозване на UPnP / NAT-PMP за препращане порта от моя рутер
6370 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6371 <source>Certificate:
6372 <translation>Сертификат:
6375 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6376 <source>Key:
6377 <translation>Ключ:
6380 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6381 <source><a href=https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts
>Information about certificates
6382 <translation><a href=https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts
>Информация за сертификати
6385 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6386 <source>Change current password
6387 <translation>Промени текущата парола
6390 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6391 <source>Use alternative Web UI
6392 <translation>Ползвай алтернативен Уеб ПИ
6395 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6396 <source>Files location:
6397 <translation>Местоположение на файловете:
6400 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6401 <source>Security
6402 <translation>Сигурност
6405 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6406 <source>Enable clickjacking protection
6407 <translation>Разрежи защита от прихващане на щракване
6410 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6411 <source>Enable Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection
6412 <translation>Разреши Фалшифициране на заявки между сайтове (CSRF) защита
6415 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6416 <source>Enable Host header validation
6417 <translation>Разреши потвърждаване на заглавната част на хоста
6420 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6421 <source>Add custom HTTP headers
6422 <translation>Добави разширени HTTP заглавни части
6425 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6426 <source>Header: value pairs, one per line
6427 <translation>Заглавна част: стойностни чифтове, един на ред
6430 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6431 <source>Enable reverse proxy support
6432 <translation>Разреши поддръжка на обратно прокси
6435 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6436 <source>Trusted proxies list:
6437 <translation>Списък на доверени прокси:
6440 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6441 <source>Specify reverse proxy IPs in order to use forwarded client address (X-Forwarded-For attribute), use
' to split multiple entries.
6442 <translation>Посочете ИП-та на обратно прокси, за да използвате препратени клиент адреси (X-Препратени-За атрибут), използвайте
' да разделите множество вписвания.
6445 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6446 <source>Service:
6447 <translation>Услуга:
6450 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6451 <source>Register
6452 <translation>Регистър
6455 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line=
6456 <source>Domain name:
6457 <translation>Домейн име:
6460 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6461 <source>By enabling these options, you can
>irrevocably lose
> your .torrent files!
6462 <translation>Чрез активиране на тези опции, можете
>безвъзвратно да загубите
> вашите .torrent файлове!
6465 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6466 <source>If you enable the second option (
&ldquo;Also when addition is cancelled
&rdquo;) the .torrent file
>will be deleted
> even if you press
>&rdquo; in the
&ldquo;Add torrent
&rdquo; dialog
6467 <translation>Ако активирате втората опция (
&ldquo;Също, когато добавянето е отказна
&rdquo;) .torrent файлът
>ще бъде изтрит
> дори ако натиснете
>&rdquo; в диалога
&ldquo;Добавяне торент
6470 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6471 <source>Select qBittorrent UI Theme file
6472 <translation>Избиране на qBittorrent ПИ тема-файл
6475 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6476 <source>Choose Alternative UI files location
6477 <translation>Избиране на алтернативно местоположение за ПИ файлове
6480 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6481 <source>Supported parameters (case sensitive):
6482 <translation>Поддържани параметри (чувствителност към регистъра)
6485 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6486 <source>%N: Torrent name
6487 <translation>%N: Име на торент
6490 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6491 <source>%L: Category
6492 <translation>%L: Категория
6495 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6496 <source>%F: Content path (same as root path for multifile torrent)
6497 <translation>%F: Местоположение на съдържанието (същото като местоположението на основната директория за торент с множество файлове)
6500 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6501 <source>%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)
6502 <translation>%R: Местоположение на основната директория (местоположението на първата поддиректория за торент)
6505 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6506 <source>%D: Save path
6507 <translation>%D: Местоположение за запис
6510 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6511 <source>%C: Number of files
6512 <translation>%C: Брой на файловете
6515 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6516 <source>%Z: Torrent size (bytes)
6517 <translation>%Z: Размер на торента (байтове)
6520 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6521 <source>%T: Current tracker
6522 <translation>%T: Сегашен тракер
6525 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6526 <source>Tip: Encapsulate parameter with quotation marks to avoid text being cut off at whitespace (e.g.,
6527 <translation>Подсказка: Обградете параметър с кавички за предотвратяваме орязването на текста при пауза (пр.,
6530 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6531 <source>A torrent will be considered slow if its download and upload rates stay below these values for
"Torrent inactivity timer
" seconds
6532 <translation>Торент ще бъде считан за бавен, ако скоростите му за изтегляне и качване стоят под тези стойности за
"Таймер за неактивност на торент
" секунди
6535 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6536 <source>Certificate
6537 <translation>Сертификат
6540 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6541 <source>Select certificate
6542 <translation>Избиране на сертификат
6545 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6546 <source>Private key
6547 <translation>Частен ключ
6550 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6551 <source>Select private key
6552 <translation>Избиране на частен ключ
6555 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6556 <source>Select folder to monitor
6557 <translation>Избиране на директория за наблюдение
6560 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6561 <source>Adding entry failed
6562 <translation>Добавянето на запис е неуспешно
6565 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6566 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6567 <source>Invalid path
6568 <translation>Невалиден път
6571 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6572 <source>Location Error
6573 <translation>Грешка в местоположението
6576 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6577 <source>The alternative Web UI files location cannot be blank.
6578 <translation>Алтернативното местоположение за Уеб ПИ файлове не може да бъде празно.
6581 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6582 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6583 <source>Choose export directory
6584 <translation>Избиране на директория за експорт
6587 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6588 <source>When these options are enabled, qBittorrent will
> .torrent files after they were successfully (the first option) or not (the second option) added to its download queue. This will be applied
>not only
> to the files opened via
&ldquo;Add torrent
&rdquo; menu action but to those opened via
>file type association
> as well
6589 <translation>Когато тези опции са активирани, qBittorent ще
> .torrent файловете след като са били успешно (първата опция) или не (втората опция) добавени към тяхната опашка за сваляне. Това ще бъде приложено
>не само
> върху файловете отворени чрез
&ldquo;Добави торент
&rdquo; действието в менюто, но и също така върху тези отворени чрез
>асоцииране по файлов тип
6592 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6593 <source>qBittorrent UI Theme file (*.qbtheme config.json)
6594 <translation>qBittorrent ПИ файл тема (*.qbtheme config.json)
6597 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6598 <source>%G: Tags (separated by comma)
6599 <translation>%G: Тагове (разделени чрез запетая)
6602 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6603 <source>%I: Info hash v1 (or
' if unavailable)
6604 <translation>%I: Инфо хеш в
1 (или
', ако недостъпен)
6607 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6608 <source>%J: Info hash v2 (or
' if unavailable)
6609 <translation>%J: Инфо хеш в
2 (или
', ако недостъпен)
6612 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6613 <source>%K: Torrent ID (either sha-
1 info hash for v1 torrent or truncated sha-
256 info hash for v2/hybrid torrent)
6614 <translation>%K: Торент ИД (или sha-
1 инфо хеш за в
1 торент или пресечен sha-
256 инфо хеш за в
2/хибриден торент)
6617 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6618 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6619 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6620 <source>Choose a save directory
6621 <translation>Избиране на директория за запис
6624 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6625 <source>Choose an IP filter file
6626 <translation>Избиране файл на IP филтър
6629 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6630 <source>All supported filters
6631 <translation>Всички подържани филтри
6634 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6635 <source>Parsing error
6636 <translation>Грешка при обработване
6639 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6640 <source>Failed to parse the provided IP filter
6641 <translation>Неуспешно обработване на дадения IP филтър
6644 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6645 <source>Successfully refreshed
6646 <translation>Успешно обновен
6649 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6650 <source>Successfully parsed the provided IP filter: %
1 rules were applied.
6651 <comment>%
1 is a number
6652 <translation>Успешно обработване на дадения IP филтър: %
1 правила бяха приложени.
6655 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6656 <source>Invalid key
6657 <translation>Невалиден ключ
6660 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6661 <source>This is not a valid SSL key.
6662 <translation>Това е невалиден SSL ключ.
6665 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6666 <source>Invalid certificate
6667 <translation>Невалиден сертификат
6670 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6671 <source>Preferences
6672 <translation>Предпочитания
6675 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6676 <source>This is not a valid SSL certificate.
6677 <translation>Това не е валиден SSL сертификат.
6680 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6681 <source>Time Error
6682 <translation>Времева грешка
6685 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6686 <source>The start time and the end time can
't be the same.
6687 <translation>Времето на стартиране и приключване не може да бъде едно и също.
6690 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6691 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6692 <source>Length Error
6693 <translation>Дължинна Грешка
6696 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6697 <source>The Web UI username must be at least
3 characters long.
6698 <translation>Потребителското име на Web UI трябва да е поне от
3 символа.
6701 <location filename=
"../gui/optionsdialog.cpp" line=
6702 <source>The Web UI password must be at least
6 characters long.
6703 <translation>Паролата на Web UI трябва да е поне от
6 символа.
6707 <name>PeerInfo
6709 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6710 <source>Interested (local) and choked (peer)
6711 <translation>Заинтересуван (местен) и запушен (участник)
6714 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6715 <source>Interested (local) and unchoked (peer)
6716 <translation>Заинтересуван (местен) и незапушен (участник)
6719 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6720 <source>Interested (peer) and choked (local)
6721 <translation>Заинтересуван (участник) и запушен (местен)
6724 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6725 <source>Interested (peer) and unchoked (local)
6726 <translation>Заинтересуван (участник) и незапушен (местен)
6729 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6730 <source>Not interested (local) and unchoked (peer)
6731 <translation>Незаинтересуван (местен) и незапушен (участник)
6734 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6735 <source>Not interested (peer) and unchoked (local)
6736 <translation>Незаинтересуван (участник) и незапушен (местен)
6739 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6740 <source>Optimistic unchoke
6741 <translation>Оптимистично отпушване
6744 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6745 <source>Peer snubbed
6746 <translation>Сгушен участник
6749 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6750 <source>Incoming connection
6751 <translation>Входяща връзка
6754 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6755 <source>Peer from DHT
6756 <translation>Участник от DHT
6759 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6760 <source>Peer from PEX
6761 <translation>Участник от PEX
6764 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6765 <source>Peer from LSD
6766 <translation>Участник от LSD
6769 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6770 <source>Encrypted traffic
6771 <translation>Шифрован трафик
6774 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/peerinfo.cpp" line=
6775 <source>Encrypted handshake
6776 <translation>Шифровано уговаряне
6780 <name>PeerListWidget
6782 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6783 <source>Country/Region
6784 <translation>Държава/Област
6787 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6789 <translation>IP
6792 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6793 <source>Port
6794 <translation>Порт
6797 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6798 <source>Flags
6799 <translation>Флагове
6802 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6803 <source>Connection
6804 <translation>Връзка
6807 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6808 <source>Client
6809 <comment>i.e.: Client application
6810 <translation>Клиент
6813 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6814 <source>Progress
6815 <comment>i.e: % downloaded
6816 <translation>Изпълнение
6819 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6820 <source>Down Speed
6821 <comment>i.e: Download speed
6822 <translation>Скорост на сваляне
6825 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6826 <source>Up Speed
6827 <comment>i.e: Upload speed
6828 <translation>Скорост на качване
6831 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6832 <source>Downloaded
6833 <comment>i.e: total data downloaded
6834 <translation>Свалени
6837 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6838 <source>Uploaded
6839 <comment>i.e: total data uploaded
6840 <translation>Качени
6843 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6844 <source>Relevance
6845 <comment>i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don
6846 <translation>Уместност
6849 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6850 <source>Files
6851 <comment>i.e. files that are being downloaded right now
6852 <translation>Файлове
6855 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6856 <source>Column visibility
6857 <translation>Видимост на колона
6860 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6861 <source>Resize columns
6862 <translation>Преоразмери колони
6865 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6866 <source>Resize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contents
6867 <translation>Преоразмери всички нескрити колони до размерът на техните съдържания
6870 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6871 <source>Add peers...
6872 <translation>Добави участници...
6875 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6876 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6877 <source>Adding peers
6878 <translation>Добавяне на участници
6881 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6882 <source>Some peers cannot be added. Check the Log for details.
6883 <translation>Някои участници не можаха да се добавят. Проверете Журнала за детайли.
6886 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6887 <source>Peers are added to this torrent.
6888 <translation>Участниците бяха добавени към този торент.
6891 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6892 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6893 <source>Ban peer permanently
6894 <translation>Блокиране на участника за постоянно
6897 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6898 <source>Cannot add peers to a private torrent
6899 <translation>Не могат да се добавят участници към частен торент
6902 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6903 <source>Cannot add peers when the torrent is checking
6904 <translation>Не могат да се добавят участници, когато торентът се проверява
6907 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6908 <source>Cannot add peers when the torrent is queued
6909 <translation>Не могат да се добавят участници, когато торентът е в опашка
6912 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6913 <source>No peer was selected
6914 <translation>Не е избран участник
6917 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6918 <source>Are you sure you want to permanently ban the selected peers?
6919 <translation>Сигурни ли сте че искате да блокирате за постоянно избраните участници?
6922 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6923 <source>Peer
1" is manually banned
6924 <translation>Участник
1" е ръчно блокиран
6927 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line=
6928 <source>Copy IP:port
6929 <translation>Копирай IP:порт
6933 <name>PeersAdditionDialog
6935 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peersadditiondialog.ui" line=
6936 <source>Add Peers
6937 <translation>Добави участници
6940 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peersadditiondialog.ui" line=
6941 <source>List of peers to add (one IP per line):
6942 <translation>Списък на участниците за добавяне (едно ИП на ред):
6945 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peersadditiondialog.ui" line=
6946 <source>Format: IPv4:port / [IPv6]:port
6947 <translation>Формат: IPv4:порт / [IPv6]:порт
6950 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peersadditiondialog.cpp" line=
6951 <source>No peer entered
6952 <translation>Няма въведен участник
6955 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peersadditiondialog.cpp" line=
6956 <source>Please type at least one peer.
6957 <translation>Моля въведете поне един участник.
6960 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peersadditiondialog.cpp" line=
6961 <source>Invalid peer
6962 <translation>Невалиден участник
6965 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/peersadditiondialog.cpp" line=
6966 <source>The peer
1' is invalid.
6967 <translation>Участникът
1' е невалиден.
6971 <name>PieceAvailabilityBar
6973 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/pieceavailabilitybar.cpp" line=
6974 <source>Unavailable pieces
6975 <translation>Недостъпни части
6978 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/pieceavailabilitybar.cpp" line=
6979 <source>Available pieces
6980 <translation>Достъпни части
6984 <name>PiecesBar
6986 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/piecesbar.cpp" line=
6987 <source>Files in this piece:
6988 <translation>Файлове в това парче:
6991 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/piecesbar.cpp" line=
6992 <source>File in this piece
6993 <translation>Файл в това парче:
6996 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/piecesbar.cpp" line=
6997 <source>File in these pieces
6998 <translation>Файл в тези парчета
7001 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/piecesbar.cpp" line=
7002 <source>Wait until metadata become available to see detailed information
7003 <translation>Изчакайте, докато мета информацията стане налична, за да видите подробна информация
7006 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/piecesbar.cpp" line=
7007 <source>Hold Shift key for detailed information
7008 <translation>Задържете клавиша Shift за подробна информация
7012 <name>PluginSelectDialog
7014 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7015 <source>Search plugins
7016 <translation>Търсене на добавки
7019 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7020 <source>Installed search plugins:
7021 <translation>Инсталирани добавки за търсене:
7024 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7025 <source>Name
7026 <translation>Име
7029 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7030 <source>Version
7031 <translation>Версия
7034 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7035 <source>Url
7036 <translation>Url
7039 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7040 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7041 <source>Enabled
7042 <translation>Разрешено
7045 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7046 <source>Warning: Be sure to comply with your country
's copyright laws when downloading torrents from any of these search engines.
7047 <translation>Предупреждение: Не забравяйте да спазвате законите за авторското право на вашата страна, когато изтегляте торенти от някоя от тези търсачки.
7050 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7051 <source>You can get new search engine plugins here:
<a href=
7052 <translation>Може да вземете нови добавки за търсене оттук:
<a href=
7055 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7056 <source>Install a new one
7057 <translation>Инсталиране само на нови
7060 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7061 <source>Check for updates
7062 <translation>Провери за обновяване
7065 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7066 <source>Close
7067 <translation>Затвари
7070 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.ui" line=
7071 <source>Uninstall
7072 <translation>Деинсталирай
7075 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7076 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7077 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7078 <source>Yes
7079 <translation>Да
7082 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7083 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7084 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7085 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7087 <translation>Не
7090 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7091 <source>Uninstall warning
7092 <translation>Предупреждение при деинсталиране
7095 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7096 <source>Some plugins could not be uninstalled because they are included in qBittorrent. Only the ones you added yourself can be uninstalled.
7097 Those plugins were disabled.
7098 <translation>Някои плъгини не могат да бъдат деинсталирани, защото са включени в qBittorrent. Само тези, които сте добавили сами, могат да бъдат деинсталирани.
7099 Тези плъгини бяха деактивирани.
7102 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7103 <source>Uninstall success
7104 <translation>Успешно деинсталиране
7107 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7108 <source>All selected plugins were uninstalled successfully
7109 <translation>Всички избрани плъгини бяха деинсталирани успешно
7112 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7113 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7114 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7115 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7116 <source>Search plugin update
7117 <translation>Обновяване на добавката за търсене
7120 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7121 <source>Plugins installed or updated: %
7122 <translation>Добавки са инсталирани или обновени: %
7125 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7126 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7127 <source>New search engine plugin URL
7128 <translation>Нов URL за добавки на търсачката
7131 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7132 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7133 <source>URL:
7134 <translation>URL:
7137 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7138 <source>Invalid link
7139 <translation>Невалиден линк
7142 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7143 <source>The link doesn
't seem to point to a search engine plugin.
7144 <translation>Изглежда, че линкът не води към добавка за търсене.
7147 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7148 <source>Select search plugins
7149 <translation>Избери добавки за търсене
7152 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7153 <source>qBittorrent search plugin
7154 <translation>qBittorrent добавка за търсене
7157 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7158 <source>All your plugins are already up to date.
7159 <translation>Всички ваши добавки са вече обновени.
7162 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7163 <source>Sorry, couldn
't check for plugin updates. %
7164 <translation>Извинявайте, не може да се провери за обновления на добавката. %
7167 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7168 <source>Search plugin install
7169 <translation>Инсталиране на добавка за търсене
7172 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7173 <source>Couldn
't install
1" search engine plugin. %
7174 <translation>Не може да се инсталира
1" добавка за търсене. %
7177 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginselectdialog.cpp" line=
7178 <source>Couldn
't update
1" search engine plugin. %
7179 <translation>Не може да се обнови
1" добавката за търсене. %
7183 <name>PluginSourceDialog
7185 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginsourcedialog.ui" line=
7186 <source>Plugin source
7187 <translation>Източник на приставката
7190 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginsourcedialog.ui" line=
7191 <source>Search plugin source:
7192 <translation>Източник на приставка за търсене:
7195 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginsourcedialog.ui" line=
7196 <source>Local file
7197 <translation>Локален файл
7200 <location filename=
"../gui/search/pluginsourcedialog.ui" line=
7201 <source>Web link
7202 <translation>Уеб линк
7206 <name>PortForwarderImpl
7208 <source>UPnP / NAT-PMP support [ON]
7209 <translation type=
"vanished">UPnP / NAT-PMP [ВКЛ]
7212 <source>UPnP / NAT-PMP support [OFF]
7213 <translation type=
"vanished">UPnP / NAT-PMP поддръжка [ИЗКЛ]
7216 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/portforwarderimpl.cpp" line=
7217 <source>UPnP/NAT-PMP support: ON
7218 <translation type=
7221 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/portforwarderimpl.cpp" line=
7222 <source>UPnP/NAT-PMP support: OFF
7223 <translation type=
7227 <name>PowerManagement
7229 <location filename=
"../gui/powermanagement/powermanagement.cpp" line=
7230 <source>qBittorrent is active
7231 <translation>qBittorrent е активен
7235 <name>PreviewSelectDialog
7237 <location filename=
"../gui/previewselectdialog.cpp" line=
7238 <source>The following files from torrent
1" support previewing, please select one of them:
7239 <translation>Следните файлове от торент
1" поддържат визуализация, моля изберете един от тях:
7242 <location filename=
"../gui/previewselectdialog.cpp" line=
7243 <source>Preview
7244 <translation>Преглед
7247 <location filename=
"../gui/previewselectdialog.cpp" line=
7248 <source>Name
7249 <translation>Име
7252 <location filename=
"../gui/previewselectdialog.cpp" line=
7253 <source>Size
7254 <translation>Размер
7257 <location filename=
"../gui/previewselectdialog.cpp" line=
7258 <source>Progress
7259 <translation>Напредък
7262 <location filename=
"../gui/previewselectdialog.cpp" line=
7263 <source>Preview impossible
7264 <translation>Прегледът е невъзможен
7267 <location filename=
"../gui/previewselectdialog.cpp" line=
7268 <source>Sorry, we can
't preview this file:
7269 <translation>Съжаляваме, не можем да прегледаме този файл:
7272 <location filename=
"../gui/previewselectdialog.cpp" line=
7273 <source>Resize columns
7274 <translation>Преоразмери колони
7277 <location filename=
"../gui/previewselectdialog.cpp" line=
7278 <source>Resize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contents
7279 <translation>Преоразмери всички нескрити колони до размерът на техните съдържания
7282 <location filename=
"../gui/previewselectdialog.ui" line=
7283 <source>Preview selection
7284 <translation>Преглед на избраното
7288 <name>Private::FileLineEdit
7290 <location filename=
"../gui/fspathedit_p.cpp" line=
7291 <source>'%
1' does not exist
7292 <translation>'%
1' не съществува
7295 <location filename=
"../gui/fspathedit_p.cpp" line=
7296 <source>'%
1' does not point to a directory
7297 <translation>'%
1' не сочи към директория
7300 <location filename=
"../gui/fspathedit_p.cpp" line=
7301 <source>'%
1' does not point to a file
7302 <translation>'%
1' не сочи към файл
7305 <location filename=
"../gui/fspathedit_p.cpp" line=
7306 <source>Does not have read permission in
7307 <translation>Няма права за четене в
7310 <location filename=
"../gui/fspathedit_p.cpp" line=
7311 <source>Does not have write permission in
7312 <translation>Няма права за писане в
7316 <name>PropListDelegate
7318 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proplistdelegate.cpp" line=
7319 <source>Normal
7320 <comment>Normal (priority)
7321 <translation>Нормален
7324 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proplistdelegate.cpp" line=
7325 <source>Do not download
7326 <comment>Do not download (priority)
7327 <translation>Не сваляй
7330 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proplistdelegate.cpp" line=
7331 <source>High
7332 <comment>High (priority)
7333 <translation>Висок
7336 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proplistdelegate.cpp" line=
7337 <source>Maximum
7338 <comment>Maximum (priority)
7339 <translation>Максимален
7342 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proplistdelegate.cpp" line=
7343 <source>Mixed
7344 <comment>Mixed (priorities)
7345 <translation type=
7349 <name>PropTabBar
7351 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proptabbar.cpp" line=
7352 <source>General
7353 <translation>Общи
7356 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proptabbar.cpp" line=
7357 <source>Trackers
7358 <translation>Тракери
7361 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proptabbar.cpp" line=
7362 <source>Peers
7363 <translation>Участници
7366 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proptabbar.cpp" line=
7367 <source>HTTP Sources
7368 <translation>HTTP Източници
7371 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proptabbar.cpp" line=
7372 <source>Content
7373 <translation>Съдържание
7376 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/proptabbar.cpp" line=
7377 <source>Speed
7378 <translation>Скорост
7382 <name>PropertiesWidget
7384 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7385 <source>Downloaded:
7386 <translation>Свалени:
7389 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7390 <source>Availability:
7391 <translation>Наличност:
7394 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7395 <source>Progress:
7396 <translation>Напредък:
7399 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7400 <source>Transfer
7401 <translation>Трансфер
7404 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7405 <source>Time Active:
7406 <extracomment>Time (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)
7407 <translation>Време на активност:
7410 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7411 <source>ETA:
7412 <translation>Оставащо време:
7415 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7416 <source>Uploaded:
7417 <translation>Качени:
7420 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7421 <source>Seeds:
7422 <translation>Споделящи:
7425 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7426 <source>Download Speed:
7427 <translation>Скорост на Сваляне:
7430 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7431 <source>Upload Speed:
7432 <translation>Скорост на Качване:
7435 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7436 <source>Peers:
7437 <translation>Участници:
7440 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7441 <source>Download Limit:
7442 <translation>Ограничение на Сваляне:
7445 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7446 <source>Upload Limit:
7447 <translation>Ограничение на Качване:
7450 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7451 <source>Wasted:
7452 <translation>Изгубени:
7455 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7456 <source>Connections:
7457 <translation>Връзки:
7460 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7461 <source>Information
7462 <translation>Информация
7465 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7466 <source>Info Hash v1:
7467 <translation>Инфо хеш v1:
7470 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7471 <source>Info Hash v2:
7472 <translation>Инфо хеш v2:
7475 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7476 <source>Comment:
7477 <translation>Коментар:
7480 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7481 <source>Select All
7482 <translation> Избери всички
7485 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7486 <source>Select None
7487 <translation>Не избирай
7490 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7491 <source>Normal
7492 <translation>Нормален
7495 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7496 <source>High
7497 <translation>Висок
7500 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7501 <source>Share Ratio:
7502 <translation>Съотношение на Споделяне:
7505 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7506 <source>Reannounce In:
7507 <translation>Повторно анонсиране В:
7510 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7511 <source>Last Seen Complete:
7512 <translation>Последно Видян Приключен:
7515 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7516 <source>Total Size:
7517 <translation>Общ Размер:
7520 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7521 <source>Pieces:
7522 <translation>Части:
7525 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7526 <source>Created By:
7527 <translation>Създаден От:
7530 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7531 <source>Added On:
7532 <translation>Добавен На:
7535 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7536 <source>Completed On:
7537 <translation>Завършен На:
7540 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7541 <source>Created On:
7542 <translation>Създаден На:
7545 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.ui" line=
7546 <source>Save Path:
7547 <translation>Местоположение за Запис:
7550 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7551 <source>Maximum
7552 <translation>Максимален
7555 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7556 <source>Do not download
7557 <translation>Не сваляй
7560 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7561 <source>Never
7562 <translation>Никога
7565 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7566 <source>%
1 x %
2 (have %
7567 <comment>(torrent pieces) eg
152 x
4MB (have
7568 <translation>%
1 x %
2 (средно %
7571 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7572 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7573 <source>%
1 (%
2 this session)
7574 <translation>%
1 (%
2 тази сесия)
7577 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7578 <source>Column visibility
7579 <translation>Видимост на колона
7582 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7583 <source>Resize columns
7584 <translation>Преоразмери колони
7587 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7588 <source>Resize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contents
7589 <translation>Преоразмери всички нескрити колони до размерът на техните съдържания
7592 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7593 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7594 <source>N/A
7595 <translation>Няма
7598 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7599 <source>%
1 (seeded for %
7600 <comment>e.g.
4m39s (seeded for
7601 <translation>%
1 (споделян за %
7604 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7605 <source>%
1 (%
2 max)
7606 <comment>%
1 and %
2 are numbers, e.g.
3 (
10 max)
7607 <translation>%
1 (%
2 макс.)
7610 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7611 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7612 <source>%
1 (%
2 total)
7613 <comment>%
1 and %
2 are numbers, e.g.
3 (
10 total)
7614 <translation>%
1 (%
2 общо)
7617 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7618 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7619 <source>%
1 (%
2 avg.)
7620 <comment>%
1 and %
2 are speed rates, e.g.
200KiB/s (
100KiB/s avg.)
7621 <translation>%
1 (%
2 средно)
7624 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7625 <source>Open
7626 <translation>Отваряне
7629 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7630 <source>Open Containing Folder
7631 <translation>Отваряне на Съдържащата Директория
7634 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7635 <source>Rename...
7636 <translation>Преименувай...
7639 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7640 <source>Priority
7641 <translation>Предимство
7644 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7645 <source>By shown file order
7646 <translation>По реда на показания файл
7649 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7650 <source>New Web seed
7651 <translation>Ново Web споделяне
7654 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7655 <source>Remove Web seed
7656 <translation>Изтриване на Web споделяне
7659 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7660 <source>Copy Web seed URL
7661 <translation>Копиране URL на Web споделяне
7664 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7665 <source>Edit Web seed URL
7666 <translation>Редактиране URL на Web споделяне
7669 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7670 <source>Filter files...
7671 <translation>Филтриране на файловете...
7674 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7675 <source>Speed graphs are disabled
7676 <translation>Графиките на скоростта са изключени
7679 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7680 <source>You can enable it in Advanced Options
7681 <translation>Можете да го разрешите в Разширени опции
7684 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7685 <source>New URL seed
7686 <comment>New HTTP source
7687 <translation>Ново URL споделяне
7690 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7691 <source>New URL seed:
7692 <translation>Ново URL споделяне:
7695 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7696 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7697 <source>This URL seed is already in the list.
7698 <translation>Това URL споделяне е вече в списъка.
7701 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7702 <source>Web seed editing
7703 <translation>Редактиране на Web споделяне
7706 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line=
7707 <source>Web seed URL:
7708 <translation>URL на Web споделяне:
7712 <name>QObject
7714 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7715 <source>%
1 is an unknown command line parameter.
7716 <comment>--random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter.
7717 <translation>%
1 е непознат параметър на командния ред.
7720 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7721 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7722 <source>%
1 must be the single command line parameter.
7723 <translation>%
1 трябва да бъде единствен параметър на командния ред.
7726 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7727 <source>You cannot use %
1: qBittorrent is already running for this user.
7728 <translation>Не можете да използвате %
1: qBittorrent вече работи за този потребител.
7731 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7732 <source>Usage:
7733 <translation>Ползване:
7736 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7737 <source>Options:
7738 <translation>Настройки:
7741 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7742 <source>Parameter
1' must follow syntax
7743 <comment>e.g. Parameter
' must follow syntax
7744 <translation>Параметър
1' трябва да следва синтаксиса
7747 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7748 <source>Parameter
1' must follow syntax
7749 <comment>e.g. Parameter
' must follow syntax
7750 <translation>Параметър
1' трябва да следва синтаксиса
7753 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7754 <source>Expected integer number in environment variable
1', but got
7755 <translation>Очаква се цяло число в променливата от средата
1', но се получи
7758 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7759 <source>Parameter
1' must follow syntax
7760 <comment>e.g. Parameter
' must follow syntax
7761 <translation>Параметър
1' трябва да следва синтаксиса
7764 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7765 <source>Expected %
1 in environment variable
2', but got
7766 <translation>Очаква се %
1 променливата от средата
2', но се получи
7769 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7770 <source>port
7771 <translation>порт
7774 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7775 <source>%
1 must specify a valid port (
1 to
7776 <translation>%
1 трябва да задава валиден порт (
1 до
7779 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7780 <source>Display program version and exit
7781 <translation>Показване на версията на програмата и изход
7784 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7785 <source>Display this help message and exit
7786 <translation>Показване на това помощно съобщение и изход
7789 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7790 <source>Change the Web UI port
7791 <translation>Променяне на порта на Уеб ПИ
7794 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7795 <source>Disable splash screen
7796 <translation>Деактивиране на начален екран
7799 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7800 <source>Run in daemon-mode (background)
7801 <translation>Стартиране в режим на услуга (фонов процес)
7804 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7805 <source>dir
7806 <extracomment>Use appropriate short form or abbreviation of
7807 <translation>dir
7810 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7811 <source>Store configuration files in
7812 <translation>Съхранение на конфигурационните файлове в
7815 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7816 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7817 <source>name
7818 <translation>име
7821 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7822 <source>Store configuration files in directories qBittorrent_
7823 <translation>Съхранение на конфигурационните файлове в директории qBittorent_
7826 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7827 <source>Hack into libtorrent fastresume files and make file paths relative to the profile directory
7828 <translation>Намеса във файловете за бързо подновяване на ЛибТорент и редактиране директориите като относителни към директорията на профила
7831 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7832 <source>files or URLs
7833 <translation>файлове или URL-и
7836 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7837 <source>Download the torrents passed by the user
7838 <translation>Сваля торентите дадени от потребителя.
7841 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7842 <source>Specify whether the
"Add New Torrent
" dialog opens when adding a torrent.
7843 <translation>Определяне дали диалога
'Добавяне на Нов Торент
' се отваря, когато се добави торент.
7846 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7847 <source>Options when adding new torrents:
7848 <translation>Опции, когато се добавят нови торенти:
7851 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7852 <source>path
7853 <translation>път
7856 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7857 <source>Torrent save path
7858 <translation>Път на запис на торент
7861 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7862 <source>Add torrents as started or paused
7863 <translation>Добавяне на торентите стартирани или в пауза.
7866 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7867 <source>Skip hash check
7868 <translation>Пропускане на проверката на контролната сума
7871 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7872 <source>Assign torrents to category. If the category doesn
't exist, it will be created.
7873 <translation>Свързване на торенти към категория. Ако категорията не съществува ще бъде създадена.
7876 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7877 <source>Download files in sequential order
7878 <translation>Сваляне в последователен ред
7881 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7882 <source>Download first and last pieces first
7883 <translation>Сваляне първо на първото и последното парче
7886 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7887 <source>Option values may be supplied via environment variables. For option named
', environment variable name is
' (in upper case,
' replaced with
'). To pass flag values, set the variable to
'1' or
'. For example, to disable the splash screen:
7888 <translation>Стойности могат да бъдат въведени и като променливи на средата. За опция с име
' променливата на средата би била
' (всичко с главни букви и
' вместо
'). За отбелязване на флагове задайте променливата като
'1' или
'. Например за скриване на началния екран при стартиране:
7891 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7892 <source>Command line parameters take precedence over environment variables
7893 <translation>Параметрите от командния ред са приоритетни пред променливите от средата
7896 <location filename=
"../app/cmdoptions.cpp" line=
7897 <source>Help
7898 <translation>Помощ
7901 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7902 <source>Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters.
7903 <translation>Стартирайте програмата с параметър -h, за да получите информация за параметрите на командния ред.
7906 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7907 <source>Bad command line
7908 <translation>Некоректен команден ред
7911 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7912 <source>Bad command line:
7913 <translation>Некоректен команден ред:
7916 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7917 <source>Legal Notice
7918 <translation>Юридическа бележка
7921 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7922 <source>qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility.
7923 <translation>qBittorrent е програма за обмяна на файлове. Когато стартирате торент, данните му ще са достъпни за останалите посредством споделяне. Носите персонална отговорност за всяка информация, която споделяте.
7926 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7927 <source>No further notices will be issued.
7928 <translation>Последващи предупреждения няма да бъдат правени.
7931 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7932 <source>qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility.
7934 No further notices will be issued.
7935 <translation>qBittorrent е програма за обмяна на файлове. Когато стартирате торент, данните му ще са достъпни за останалите посредством споделяне. Носите персонална отговорност за всяка информация, която споделяте.
7937 Последващи предупреждения няма да бъдат правени.
7940 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7941 <source>Press %
1 key to accept and continue...
7942 <translation>Натиснете клавиш %
1, че приемате и за продължение...
7945 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7946 <source>Legal notice
7947 <translation>Юридическа бележка
7950 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7951 <source>Cancel
7952 <translation>Отказване
7955 <location filename=
"../app/main.cpp" line=
7956 <source>I Agree
7957 <translation>Съгласен съм
7960 <location filename=
"../base/settingsstorage.cpp" line=
7961 <source>Detected unclean program exit. Using fallback file to restore settings: %
7962 <translation>Открит е некоректен изход от програмата. За възстановяване на настройките се използва резервен файл: %
7965 <location filename=
"../base/settingsstorage.cpp" line=
7966 <source>An access error occurred while trying to write the configuration file.
7967 <translation>Грешка за достъп възникна при опита за запис на конфигурационния файл.
7970 <location filename=
"../base/settingsstorage.cpp" line=
7971 <source>A format error occurred while trying to write the configuration file.
7972 <translation>Форматна грешка възникна при опита за запис на конфигурационния файл.
7975 <location filename=
"../base/settingsstorage.cpp" line=
7976 <source>An unknown error occurred while trying to write the configuration file.
7977 <translation>Непозната грешка възникна при опит за запис на конфигурационният файл.
7980 <location filename=
"../app/upgrade.cpp" line=
7981 <source>Migrate preferences failed: WebUI https, file:
1", error:
7982 <translation>Мигриране на предпочитанията се провали: УебПИ http-та, файл:
1", грешка:
7985 <location filename=
"../app/upgrade.cpp" line=
7986 <source>Migrated preferences: WebUI https, exported data to file:
7987 <translation>Мигрирани предпочитания: УебПИ http-та, изнесени данни във файл:
7990 <location filename=
"../app/upgrade.cpp" line=
7991 <location filename=
"../app/upgrade.cpp" line=
7992 <location filename=
"../app/upgrade.cpp" line=
7993 <location filename=
"../app/upgrade.cpp" line=
7994 <source>Invalid value found in configuration file, reverting it to default. Key:
1". Invalid value:
7995 <translation>Невалидна стойност намерена в конфигурационен файл, връщане към по подразбиране. Ключ:
1". Невалидна стойност:
7999 <name>RSS::AutoDownloader
8001 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_autodownloader.cpp" line=
8002 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_autodownloader.cpp" line=
8003 <source>Invalid data format.
8004 <translation>Невалиден формат на данни.
8007 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_autodownloader.cpp" line=
8008 <source>Directory for RSS AutoDownloader data is unavailable.
8009 <translation>Директория за RSS АвтоСваляч данни е недостъпна.
8012 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_autodownloader.cpp" line=
8013 <source>Couldn
't save RSS AutoDownloader data in %
1. Error: %
8014 <translation>Запазване данни на RSS АвтоСваляч в %
1 неуспешно. Грешка: %
8017 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_autodownloader.cpp" line=
8018 <source>Invalid data format
8019 <translation>Невалиден формат на данни
8022 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_autodownloader.cpp" line=
8023 <source>Couldn
't read RSS AutoDownloader rules from %
1. Error: %
8024 <translation>Четене данни на RSS АвтоСваляч от %
1 неуспешно. Грешка: %
2 </translation>
8027 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_autodownloader.cpp" line=
8028 <source>Couldn
't load RSS AutoDownloader rules. Reason: %
8029 <translation>Зареждане данни на RSS АвтоСваляч неуспешно. Причина: %
8033 <name>RSS::Feed
8035 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_feed.cpp" line=
8036 <source>Failed to download RSS feed at
1'. Reason: %
8037 <translation>Не мога да сваля RSS поток от %
1. Причина: %
8040 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_feed.cpp" line=
8041 <source>RSS feed at
1' updated. Added %
2 new articles.
8042 <translation>RSS потока
1' е успешно обновен. Добавени са %
2 нови статии.
8045 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_feed.cpp" line=
8046 <source>Failed to parse RSS feed at
1'. Reason: %
8047 <translation>Не мога да прочета RSS поток от %
1. Причина: %
8050 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_feed.cpp" line=
8051 <source>RSS feed at
1' is successfully downloaded. Starting to parse it.
8052 <translation>RSS потока
1' е успешно свален. Започване на прочитането му.
8055 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_feed.cpp" line=
8056 <source>Couldn
't read RSS Session data from %
1. Error: %
8057 <translation>Не можа да се прочете данните за RSS сесия от %
1. Грешка: %
8060 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_feed.cpp" line=
8061 <source>Couldn
't parse RSS Session data. Error: %
8062 <translation>Не можа да се прочете данните за RSS сесия. Грешка: %
8065 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_feed.cpp" line=
8066 <source>Couldn
't load RSS Session data. Invalid data format.
8067 <translation>Не можа да се зареди RSS данни за сесия. Невалиден формат на данните.
8070 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_feed.cpp" line=
8071 <source>Couldn
't load RSS article
2'. Invalid data format.
8072 <translation>Не можа да се зареди RSS статия
2'. Невалиден формат на данните.
8076 <name>RSS::Private::Parser
8078 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_parser.cpp" line=
8079 <source>Invalid RSS feed.
8080 <translation>Невалиден RSS канал.
8083 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_parser.cpp" line=
8084 <source>%
1 (line: %
2, column: %
3, offset: %
8085 <translation>%
1 (ред: %
2, колона: %
3, отместване: %
8089 <name>RSS::Session
8091 <source>Couldn
't save RSS Session configuration in %
1. Error: %
8092 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се запази конфигурация на RSS сесия в %
1. Грешка: %
8095 <source>Couldn
't save RSS Session data in %
1. Error: %
8096 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можаха да се запазят данни на RSS сесия в %
1. Грешка: %
8099 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8100 <source>Couldn
't save RSS session configuration. File:
1". Error:
8101 <translation type=
8104 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8105 <source>Couldn
't save RSS session data. File:
1". Error:
8106 <translation type=
8109 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8110 <source>RSS feed with given URL already exists: %
8111 <translation>RSS канала със зададения URL вече съществува: %
8114 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8115 <source>Cannot move root folder.
8116 <translation>Не може да се премести коренната директория.
8119 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8120 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8121 <source>Item doesn
't exist: %
8122 <translation>Елементът не съществува: %
8125 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8126 <source>Cannot delete root folder.
8127 <translation>Не може да се изтрие коренната директория.
8130 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8131 <source>Couldn
't read RSS session data. File:
1". Error:
8132 <translation type=
8135 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8136 <source>Couldn
't parse RSS session data. File:
1". Error:
8137 <translation type=
8140 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8141 <source>Couldn
't load RSS session data. File:
1". Error: Invalid data format.
8142 <translation type=
8145 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8146 <source>Couldn
't load RSS feed. Feed:
1". Reason: URL is required.
8147 <translation type=
8150 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8151 <source>Couldn
't load RSS feed. Feed:
1". Reason: UID is invalid.
8152 <translation type=
8155 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8156 <source>Duplicate RSS feed found. UID:
1". Error: Configuration seems to be corrupted.
8157 <translation type=
8160 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8161 <source>Couldn
't load RSS item. Item:
1". Invalid data format.
8162 <translation type=
8165 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8166 <source>Corrupted RSS list, not loading it.
8167 <translation type=
8170 <source>Couldn
't load RSS Feed
1'. URL is required.
8171 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се зареди RSS поток
1'. URL се изисква.
8174 <source>Couldn
't load RSS Feed
1'. UID is invalid.
8175 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се зареди RSS поток
1'. UID е невалиден.
8178 <source>Duplicate RSS Feed UID: %
1. Configuration seems to be corrupted.
8179 <translation type=
"vanished">Дупликатен RSS поток UID: %
1. Конфигурацията изглежда е повредена.
8182 <source>Couldn
't load RSS Item
1'. Invalid data format.
8183 <translation type=
"vanished">Не можа да се зареди RSS предмет
1'. Невалиден формат на данните.
8186 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8187 <source>Incorrect RSS Item path: %
8188 <translation>Неправилен път на RSS артикул: %
8191 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8192 <source>RSS item with given path already exists: %
8193 <translation>RSS артикул със зададения път вече съществува: %
8196 <location filename=
"../base/rss/rss_session.cpp" line=
8197 <source>Parent folder doesn
't exist: %
8198 <translation>Родителската папка не съществува: %
8202 <name>RSSWidget
8204 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8205 <source>Search
8206 <translation>Търсене
8209 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8210 <source>Fetching of RSS feeds is disabled now! You can enable it in application settings.
8211 <translation>Получаването от RSS канали е изключено сега! Можете да го включите в програмните настройки.
8214 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8215 <source>New subscription
8216 <translation>Нов абонамент
8219 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8220 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8221 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8222 <source>Mark items read
8223 <translation>Отбелязване на елементите като прочетени
8226 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8227 <source>Refresh RSS streams
8228 <translation>Опресняване на RSS потоците
8231 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8232 <source>Update all
8233 <translation>Обнови всички
8236 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8237 <source>RSS Downloader...
8238 <translation>RSS Сваляч...
8241 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8242 <source>Torrents: (double-click to download)
8243 <translation>Торенти: (двойно кликване за сваляне)
8246 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8247 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8248 <source>Delete
8249 <translation>Изтриване
8252 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8253 <source>Rename...
8254 <translation>Преименуване...
8257 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8258 <source>Rename
8259 <translation>Преименуване
8262 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8263 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8264 <source>Update
8265 <translation>Обновяване
8268 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8269 <source>New subscription...
8270 <translation>Нов абонамент...
8273 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8274 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8275 <source>Update all feeds
8276 <translation>Обновяване на всички канали
8279 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8280 <source>Download torrent
8281 <translation>Сваляне на торент
8284 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8285 <source>Open news URL
8286 <translation>Отваряне на URL за новини
8289 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8290 <source>Copy feed URL
8291 <translation>Копиране URL на канал
8294 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.ui" line=
8295 <source>New folder...
8296 <translation>Нова папка...
8299 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8300 <source>Please choose a folder name
8301 <translation>Моля изберете име на папка
8304 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8305 <source>Folder name:
8306 <translation>Име на папка:
8309 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8310 <source>New folder
8311 <translation>Нова папка
8314 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8315 <source>Please type a RSS feed URL
8316 <translation>Моля въведете URL на RSS канал
8319 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8320 <source>Feed URL:
8321 <translation>URL на канал:
8324 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8325 <source>Deletion confirmation
8326 <translation>Потвърждение за изтриване
8329 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8330 <source>Are you sure you want to delete the selected RSS feeds?
8331 <translation>Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете избраните RSS канали?
8334 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8335 <source>Please choose a new name for this RSS feed
8336 <translation>Моля изберете ново име за този RSS канал
8339 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8340 <source>New feed name:
8341 <translation>Име на нов канал:
8344 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8345 <source>Rename failed
8346 <translation>Преименуването неуспешно
8349 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8350 <source>Date:
8351 <translation>Дата:
8354 <location filename=
"../gui/rss/rsswidget.cpp" line=
8355 <source>Author:
8356 <translation>Автор:
8360 <name>SearchController
8362 <location filename=
"../webui/api/searchcontroller.cpp" line=
8363 <source>Python must be installed to use the Search Engine.
8364 <translation>Python трябва да е инсталиран за да ползвате Търсачката.
8367 <location filename=
"../webui/api/searchcontroller.cpp" line=
8368 <source>Unable to create more than %
1 concurrent searches.
8369 <translation>Не може да се създаде повече от %
1 едновременни търсения.
8372 <location filename=
"../webui/api/searchcontroller.cpp" line=
8373 <location filename=
"../webui/api/searchcontroller.cpp" line=
8374 <source>Offset is out of range
8375 <translation>Отстъпа е извън обхват
8378 <location filename=
"../webui/api/searchcontroller.cpp" line=
8379 <source>All plugins are already up to date.
8380 <translation>Всички ваши добавки са вече обновени.
8383 <location filename=
"../webui/api/searchcontroller.cpp" line=
8384 <source>Updating %
1 plugins
8385 <translation>Обновяване на %
1 добавки
8388 <location filename=
"../webui/api/searchcontroller.cpp" line=
8389 <source>Updating plugin %
8390 <translation>Обновяване на добавка %
1 </translation>
8393 <location filename=
"../webui/api/searchcontroller.cpp" line=
8394 <source>Failed to check for plugin updates: %
8395 <translation>Неуспешна проверка за обновявания на добавка: %
8399 <name>SearchJobWidget
8401 <source>Form
8402 <translation type=
8405 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8406 <source>Results(xxx)
8407 <translation>Резултати(xxx)
8410 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8411 <source>Search in:
8412 <translation>Търсене в:
8415 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8416 <source><html
>Some search engines search in torrent description and in torrent file names too. Whether such results will be shown in the list below is controlled by this mode.
><span style=
" font-weight:
>disables filtering and shows everything returned by the search engines.
><span style=
" font-weight:
">Torrent names only
> shows only torrents whose names match the search query.
8417 <translation><html
>Някой търсачки търсят в описанието на торента и също в имената на файловете в торента. Дали подобни резултати ще бъдат показвани в листа по-долу се контролира от този режим.
><span style=
" font-weight:
>деактивира филтрирането и показва всичко отговорено от търсачките.
><span style=
" font-weight:
">Само имена на торенти
>показва само торенти, чиито имена съвпадат с заявката за търсене..
8420 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8421 <source>Set minimum and maximum allowed number of seeders
8422 <translation type=
8425 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8426 <source>Minimum number of seeds
8427 <translation type=
8430 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8431 <source>Maximum number of seeds
8432 <translation type=
8435 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8436 <source>Set minimum and maximum allowed size of a torrent
8437 <translation type=
8440 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8441 <source>Minimum torrent size
8442 <translation type=
8445 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8446 <source>Maximum torrent size
8447 <translation type=
8450 <source><html
>Set minimal and maximal allowed number of seeders
8451 <translation type=
>Задаване на минимален и максимален позволен брой на споделящи
8454 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8455 <source>Seeds:
8456 <translation>Споделяни:
8459 <source><html
>Minimal number of seeds
8460 <translation type=
>Минимален брой на споделящи
8463 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8464 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8466 <translation>към
8469 <source><html
>Maximal number of seeds
8470 <translation type=
>Максимален брой споделящи
8473 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8474 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8476 <translation>∞
8479 <source><html
>Set minimal and maximal allowed size of a torrent
8480 <translation type=
>Задаване на минимален и максимален позволен размер на торент
8483 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.ui" line=
8484 <source>Size:
8485 <translation>Размер:
8488 <source><html
>Minimal torrent size
8489 <translation type=
>Минимален размер на торент
8492 <source><html
>Maximal torrent size
8493 <translation type=
>Максимален размер на торент
8496 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8497 <source>Name
8498 <comment>i.e: file name
8499 <translation>Име
8502 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8503 <source>Size
8504 <comment>i.e: file size
8505 <translation>Размер
8508 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8509 <source>Seeders
8510 <comment>i.e: Number of full sources
8511 <translation>Споделящи
8514 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8515 <source>Leechers
8516 <comment>i.e: Number of partial sources
8517 <translation>Вземащи
8520 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8521 <source>Search engine
8522 <translation>Търсачка
8525 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8526 <source>Filter search results...
8527 <translation>Филтрирай резултати на търсене...
8530 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8531 <source>Results (showing
> out of
8532 <comment>i.e: Search results
8533 <translation>Резултати (показва
> от
8536 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8537 <source>Torrent names only
8538 <translation>Само имена на торентите
8541 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8542 <source>Everywhere
8543 <translation>Навсякъде
8546 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8547 <source>Use regular expressions
8548 <translation>Ползване на регулярни изрази
8551 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8552 <source>Open download window
8553 <translation>Отвори прозорец сваляне
8556 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8557 <source>Download
8558 <translation>Свали
8561 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8562 <source>Open description page
8563 <translation>Отиди в страницата с описанието
8566 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8567 <source>Copy
8568 <translation>Копирай
8571 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8572 <source>Name
8573 <translation>Име
8576 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8577 <source>Download link
8578 <translation>Връзка за сваляне
8581 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8582 <source>Description page URL
8583 <translation>URL на страница с описание
8586 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8587 <source>Searching...
8588 <translation>Търсене...
8591 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8592 <source>Search has finished
8593 <translation>Търсенето завърши
8596 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8597 <source>Search aborted
8598 <translation>Търсенето е прекъснато
8601 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8602 <source>An error occurred during search...
8603 <translation>Грешка възникна при търсене...
8606 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8607 <source>Search returned no results
8608 <translation>Търсенето не даде резултати
8611 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8612 <source>Column visibility
8613 <translation>Видимост на колона
8616 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8617 <source>Resize columns
8618 <translation>Преоразмери колони
8621 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchjobwidget.cpp" line=
8622 <source>Resize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contents
8623 <translation>Преоразмери всички нескрити колони до размерът на техните съдържания
8627 <name>SearchPluginManager
8629 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8630 <source>Unknown search engine plugin file format.
8631 <translation>Непознат формат на файла за добавката за търсене.
8634 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8635 <source>Plugin already at version %
1, which is greater than %
8636 <translation>Добавката вече е на версия %
1, която е по-голяма от %
8639 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8640 <source>A more recent version of this plugin is already installed.
8641 <translation>По-нова версия на тази добавка е вече инсталирана.
8644 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8645 <source>Plugin %
1 is not supported.
8646 <translation>Добавката %
1 не се поддържа.
8649 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8650 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8651 <source>Plugin is not supported.
8652 <translation>Добавката не се поддържа.
8655 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8656 <source>Plugin %
1 has been successfully updated.
8657 <translation>%
1 добавка на търсачката беше успешно обновена.
8660 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8661 <source>All categories
8662 <translation>Всички категории
8665 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8666 <source>Movies
8667 <translation>Филми
8670 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8671 <source>TV shows
8672 <translation>TV предавания
8675 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8676 <source>Music
8677 <translation>Музика
8680 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8681 <source>Games
8682 <translation>Игри
8685 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8686 <source>Anime
8687 <translation>Аниме
8690 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8691 <source>Software
8692 <translation>Софтуер
8695 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8696 <source>Pictures
8697 <translation>Картини
8700 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8701 <source>Books
8702 <translation>Книги
8705 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8706 <source>Update server is temporarily unavailable. %
8707 <translation>Сървърът за обновления е временно недостъпен. %
8710 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8711 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8712 <source>Failed to download the plugin file. %
8713 <translation>Неуспешно сваляне на файла на добавката. %
8716 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8717 <source>Plugin
1" is outdated, updating to version %
8718 <translation>Добавката
1" е остаряла, обновяване до версия %
8721 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8722 <source>Incorrect update info received for %
1 out of %
2 plugins.
8723 <translation>Неправилна информация за обновление е получена за %
1 от %
2 добавки.
8726 <location filename=
"../base/search/searchpluginmanager.cpp" line=
8727 <source>Search plugin
1' contains invalid version string (
8728 <translation>Добавката за търсене
1' съдържа невалидна версия (
8732 <name>SearchWidget
8734 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.ui" line=
8735 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.ui" line=
8736 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8737 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8738 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8739 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8740 <source>Search
8741 <translation>Търсене
8744 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.ui" line=
8745 <source>There aren
't any search plugins installed.
8746 Click the
"Search plugins...
" button at the bottom right of the window to install some.
8747 <translation>Няма никакви инсталирани добавки за търсене.
8748 Кликнете бутона
"Търсене на добавки...
" в долния десен ъгъл на прозореца, за да инсталирате някоя.
8751 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.ui" line=
8752 <source>Search plugins...
8753 <translation>Търсене на добавки...
8756 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8757 <source>A phrase to search for.
8758 <translation>Фраза за търсене.
8761 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8762 <source>Spaces in a search term may be protected by double quotes.
8763 <translation>Паузите в фразата за търсене могат да бъдат предпазени с двойни кавички.
8766 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8767 <source>Example:
8768 <comment>Search phrase example
8769 <translation>Пример:
8772 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8773 <source><b
>foo bar
>: search for
> and
8774 <comment>Search phrase example, illustrates quotes usage, a pair of space delimited words, individal words are highlighted
8775 <translation><b
>foo bar
>: търси за
> и
8778 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8779 <source><b
>&quot;foo bar
>: search for
>foo bar
8780 <comment>Search phrase example, illustrates quotes usage, double quotedpair of space delimited words, the whole pair is highlighted
8781 <translation><b
>&quot;foo bar
>: търси за
8784 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8785 <source>All plugins
8786 <translation>Всички добавки
8789 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8790 <source>Only enabled
8791 <translation>Само активиран
8794 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8795 <source>Close tab
8796 <translation>Затваряне на раздел
8799 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8800 <source>Close all tabs
8801 <translation>Затваряне на всички раздели
8804 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8805 <source>Select...
8806 <translation>Избор...
8809 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8810 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8811 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8812 <source>Search Engine
8813 <translation>Търсачка
8816 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8817 <source>Please install Python to use the Search Engine.
8818 <translation>Моля инсталирайте Python, за да ползвате Търсачката.
8821 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8822 <source>Empty search pattern
8823 <translation>Празен шаблон за търсене
8826 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8827 <source>Please type a search pattern first
8828 <translation>Моля въведете първо шаблон за търсене
8831 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8832 <source>Stop
8833 <translation>Спиране
8836 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8837 <source>Search has finished
8838 <translation>Търсенето завърши
8841 <location filename=
"../gui/search/searchwidget.cpp" line=
8842 <source>Search has failed
8843 <translation>Търсенето бе неуспешно
8847 <name>ShutdownConfirmDialog
8849 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.ui" line=
8850 <source>Don
't show again
8851 <translation>Не показвай отново
8854 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8855 <source>qBittorrent will now exit.
8856 <translation>qBittorrent сега ще излезне.
8859 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8860 <source>E
&xit Now
8861 <translation>И
&зход Сега
8864 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8865 <source>Exit confirmation
8866 <translation>Потвърждение за изход
8869 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8870 <source>The computer is going to shutdown.
8871 <translation>Компютъра ще бъде изключен.
8874 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8875 <source>&Shutdown Now
8876 <translation>&Изключване Сега
8879 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8880 <source>Shutdown confirmation
8881 <translation>Потвърждение за изключване
8884 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8885 <source>The computer is going to enter suspend mode.
8886 <translation>Компютъра ще бъде поставен в режим на сън.
8889 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8890 <source>&Suspend Now
8891 <translation>&Заспиване Сега
8894 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8895 <source>Suspend confirmation
8896 <translation>Потвърждение за заспиване
8899 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8900 <source>The computer is going to enter hibernation mode.
8901 <translation>Компютъра ще бъде поставен в режим на хибернация.
8904 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8905 <source>&Hibernate Now
8906 <translation>&Хибернация Сега
8909 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8910 <source>Hibernate confirmation
8911 <translation>Потвърждение за хибернация
8914 <location filename=
"../gui/shutdownconfirmdialog.cpp" line=
8915 <source>You can cancel the action within %
1 seconds.
8916 <translation>Можете да откажете действието в %
1 секунди.
8920 <name>SpeedLimitDialog
8922 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8923 <source>Global Speed Limits
8924 <translation>Глобални ограничения за скорост
8927 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8928 <source>Speed limits
8929 <translation>Ограничения за скорост
8932 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8933 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8934 <source>Upload:
8935 <translation>Качване:
8938 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8939 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8940 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8941 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8943 <translation>∞
8946 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8947 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8948 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8949 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8950 <source> KiB/s
8951 <translation>КиБ/с
8954 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8955 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8956 <source>Download:
8957 <translation>Сваляне:
8960 <location filename=
"../gui/speedlimitdialog.ui" line=
8961 <source>Alternative speed limits
8962 <translation>Други ограничения за скорост
8966 <name>SpeedPlotView
8968 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedplotview.cpp" line=
8969 <source>Total Upload
8970 <translation>Общо Качени
8973 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedplotview.cpp" line=
8974 <source>Total Download
8975 <translation>Общо Свалени
8978 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedplotview.cpp" line=
8979 <source>Payload Upload
8980 <translation>Полезни данни Качени
8983 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedplotview.cpp" line=
8984 <source>Payload Download
8985 <translation>Полезни данни Свалени
8988 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedplotview.cpp" line=
8989 <source>Overhead Upload
8990 <translation>Служебни данни Качени
8993 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedplotview.cpp" line=
8994 <source>Overhead Download
8995 <translation>Служебни данни Свалени
8998 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedplotview.cpp" line=
8999 <source>DHT Upload
9000 <translation>DHT Качване
9003 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedplotview.cpp" line=
9004 <source>DHT Download
9005 <translation>DHT Сваляне
9008 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedplotview.cpp" line=
9009 <source>Tracker Upload
9010 <translation>Качване чрез Тракер
9013 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedplotview.cpp" line=
9014 <source>Tracker Download
9015 <translation>Сваляне чрез Тракер
9019 <name>SpeedWidget
9021 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9022 <source>Period:
9023 <translation>Период:
9026 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9027 <source>1 Minute
9028 <translation>1 Минута
9031 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9032 <source>5 Minutes
9033 <translation>5 Минути
9036 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9037 <source>30 Minutes
9038 <translation>30 Минути
9041 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9042 <source>6 Hours
9043 <translation>6 Часа
9046 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9047 <source>Select Graphs
9048 <translation>Избиране на Графики
9051 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9052 <source>Total Upload
9053 <translation>Общо Качени
9056 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9057 <source>3 Hours
9058 <translation>3 часа
9061 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9062 <source>12 Hours
9063 <translation>12 часа
9066 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9067 <source>24 Hours
9068 <translation>24 часа
9071 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9072 <source>Total Download
9073 <translation>Общо Свалени
9076 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9077 <source>Payload Upload
9078 <translation>Полезни данни Качени
9081 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9082 <source>Payload Download
9083 <translation>Полезни данни Свалени
9086 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9087 <source>Overhead Upload
9088 <translation>Служебни данни Качени
9091 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9092 <source>Overhead Download
9093 <translation>Служебни данни Свалени
9096 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9097 <source>DHT Upload
9098 <translation>DHT Качване
9101 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9102 <source>DHT Download
9103 <translation>DHT Сваляне
9106 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9107 <source>Tracker Upload
9108 <translation>Качване чрез Тракер
9111 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/speedwidget.cpp" line=
9112 <source>Tracker Download
9113 <translation>Сваляне чрез Тракер
9117 <name>StacktraceDialog
9119 <location filename=
"../app/stacktracedialog.ui" line=
9120 <source>Crash info
9121 <translation>Информация за сривове
9125 <name>StatsDialog
9127 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9128 <source>Statistics
9129 <translation>Статистики
9132 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9133 <source>User statistics
9134 <translation>Потребителски статистики
9137 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9138 <source>Cache statistics
9139 <translation>Статистика на кеша
9142 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9143 <source>Read cache hits:
9144 <translation>Прочитане на кешираните попадения:
9147 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9148 <source>Average time in queue:
9149 <translation>Осреднено време на опашка:
9152 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9153 <source>Connected peers:
9154 <translation>Свързани пиъри:
9157 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9158 <source>All-time share ratio:
9159 <translation>Съотношение за споделяне за всичкото време:
9162 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9163 <source>All-time download:
9164 <translation>Общо свалено:
9167 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9168 <source>Session waste:
9169 <translation>Загуба на сесия:
9172 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9173 <source>All-time upload:
9174 <translation>Общо качено:
9177 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9178 <source>Total buffer size:
9179 <translation>Общ размер на буфера:
9182 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9183 <source>Performance statistics
9184 <translation>Статистика на дейността
9187 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9188 <source>Queued I/O jobs:
9189 <translation>Наредени на опашка В/И задачи:
9192 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9193 <source>Write cache overload:
9194 <translation>Запиши кеша при претоварване:
9197 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9198 <source>Read cache overload:
9199 <translation>Прочети кеша при претоварване:
9202 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.ui" line=
9203 <source>Total queued size:
9204 <translation>Общ размер на опашката:
9207 <location filename=
"../gui/statsdialog.cpp" line=
9208 <source>%
1 ms
9209 <comment>18 milliseconds
9210 <translation>%
1 мс
9214 <name>StatusBar
9216 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9217 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9218 <source>Connection status:
9219 <translation>Състояние на връзката:
9222 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9223 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9224 <source>No direct connections. This may indicate network configuration problems.
9225 <translation>Няма директни връзки. Това може да е от проблеми в мрежовата настройка.
9228 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9229 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9230 <source>DHT: %
1 nodes
9231 <translation>DHT: %
1 възли
9234 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9235 <source>qBittorrent needs to be restarted!
9236 <translation>qBittorrent се нуждае от рестарт
9239 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9240 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9241 <source>Connection Status:
9242 <translation>Състояние на връзката:
9245 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9246 <source>Offline. This usually means that qBittorrent failed to listen on the selected port for incoming connections.
9247 <translation>Извън мрежа. Това обикновено означава, че qBittorrent не е успял да прослуша избрания порт за входни връзки.
9250 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9251 <source>Online
9252 <translation>Онлайн
9255 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9256 <source>Click to switch to alternative speed limits
9257 <translation>Натисни за смяна към други ограничения за скорост
9260 <location filename=
"../gui/statusbar.cpp" line=
9261 <source>Click to switch to regular speed limits
9262 <translation>Натисни за смяна към стандартни ограничения за скорост
9266 <name>StatusFilterWidget
9268 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9269 <source>All (
9270 <comment>this is for the status filter
9271 <translation>Всички (
9274 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9275 <source>Downloading (
9276 <translation>Свалящи се (
9279 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9280 <source>Seeding (
9281 <translation>Споделящи (
9284 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9285 <source>Completed (
9286 <translation>Приключени (
9289 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9290 <source>Resumed (
9291 <translation>Продължени (
9294 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9295 <source>Paused (
9296 <translation>В пауза (
9299 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9300 <source>Active (
9301 <translation>Активни (
9304 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9305 <source>Inactive (
9306 <translation>Неактивни (
9309 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9310 <source>Stalled (
9311 <translation>Застоели (
9314 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9315 <source>Stalled Uploading (
9316 <translation>Застоели качващи се (
9319 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9320 <source>Stalled Downloading (
9321 <translation>Застоели свалящи се (
9324 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9325 <source>Checking (
9326 <translation>Проверяване (
9329 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9330 <source>Errored (
9331 <translation>С грешки (
9334 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9335 <source>All (%
9336 <translation>Всички (%
9339 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9340 <source>Downloading (%
9341 <translation>Свалящи се (%
9344 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9345 <source>Seeding (%
9346 <translation>Споделящи (%
9349 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9350 <source>Completed (%
9351 <translation>Приключени (%
9354 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9355 <source>Paused (%
9356 <translation>В Пауза (%
9359 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9360 <source>Resume torrents
9361 <translation type=
9364 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9365 <source>Pause torrents
9366 <translation type=
"unfinished">Пауза на торентите
9369 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9370 <source>Delete torrents
9371 <translation type=
9374 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9375 <source>Resumed (%
9376 <translation>Продължени (%
9379 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9380 <source>Active (%
9381 <translation>Активни (%
9384 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9385 <source>Inactive (%
9386 <translation>Неактивни (%
9389 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9390 <source>Stalled (%
9391 <translation>Застоели (%
9394 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9395 <source>Stalled Uploading (%
9396 <translation>Застоели качващи се (%
9399 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9400 <source>Stalled Downloading (%
9401 <translation>Застоели свалящи се (%
9404 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9405 <source>Checking (%
9406 <translation>Проверяване (%
9409 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
9410 <source>Errored (%
9411 <translation>С грешки (%
9415 <name>TagFilterModel
9417 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfiltermodel.cpp" line=
9418 <source>Tags
9419 <translation>Етикети
9422 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfiltermodel.cpp" line=
9423 <source>All
9424 <translation>Всички
9427 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfiltermodel.cpp" line=
9428 <source>Untagged
9429 <translation>Без етикет
9433 <name>TagFilterWidget
9435 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9436 <source>Add tag...
9437 <translation>Добави етикет...
9440 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9441 <source>Remove tag
9442 <translation>Изтриване на етикет
9445 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9446 <source>Remove unused tags
9447 <translation>Изтриване на неизползвани етикети
9450 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9451 <source>Resume torrents
9452 <translation>Продължаване на торенти
9455 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9456 <source>Pause torrents
9457 <translation>Пауза на торентите
9460 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9461 <source>Delete torrents
9462 <translation>Изтриване на торенти
9465 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9466 <source>New Tag
9467 <translation>Нов Етикет
9470 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9471 <source>Tag:
9472 <translation>Етикет:
9475 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9476 <source>Invalid tag name
9477 <translation>Невалидно име на етикет
9480 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9481 <source>Tag name
1' is invalid
9482 <translation>Името на етикета
1' е невалидно
9485 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9486 <source>Tag exists
9487 <translation>Етикетът вече съществува
9490 <location filename=
"../gui/tagfilterwidget.cpp" line=
9491 <source>Tag name already exists.
9492 <translation>Името на етикета вече съществува.
9496 <name>TorrentCategoryDialog
9498 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.ui" line=
9499 <source>Torrent Category Properties
9500 <translation>Свойства на Torrent Категория
9503 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.ui" line=
9504 <source>Name:
9505 <translation>Име:
9508 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.ui" line=
9509 <source>Save path for incomplete torrents:
9510 <translation>Път за съхранение на незавършени торенти:
9513 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.ui" line=
9514 <source>Use another path for incomplete torrents:
9515 <translation>Използвай друг път за незавършени торенти:
9518 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.ui" line=
9519 <source>Default
9520 <translation>По подразбиране
9523 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.ui" line=
9524 <source>Yes
9525 <translation>Да
9528 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.ui" line=
9530 <translation>Не
9533 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.ui" line=
9534 <source>Path:
9535 <translation>Път:
9538 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.ui" line=
9539 <source>Save path:
9540 <translation>Местоположение за запис:
9543 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.cpp" line=
9544 <source>Choose save path
9545 <translation>Избери път за съхранение
9548 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.cpp" line=
9549 <source>Choose download path
9550 <translation>Избери път за сваляне
9553 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.cpp" line=
9554 <source>New Category
9555 <translation>Нова Категория
9558 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.cpp" line=
9559 <source>Invalid category name
9560 <translation>Невалидно име на категория
9563 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.cpp" line=
9564 <source>Category name cannot contain
9565 Category name cannot start/end with
9566 Category name cannot contain
' sequence.
9567 <translation>Името на категория не трябва да съдържа
9568 Името на категория не трябва да започва/завършва с
9569 Името на категория не трябва съдържа
' последователност.
9572 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.cpp" line=
9573 <source>Category creation error
9574 <translation>Грешка при създаване на категория
9577 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcategorydialog.cpp" line=
9578 <source>Category with the given name already exists.
9579 Please choose a different name and try again.
9580 <translation>Правило с това име вече съществува.
9581 Моля изберете друго име и опитайте отново.
9585 <name>TorrentContentModel
9587 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodel.cpp" line=
9588 <source>Name
9589 <translation>Име
9592 <source>Size
9593 <translation type=
9596 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodel.cpp" line=
9597 <source>Progress
9598 <translation>Изпълнение
9601 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodel.cpp" line=
9602 <source>Download Priority
9603 <translation>Приоритет на Сваляне
9606 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodel.cpp" line=
9607 <source>Remaining
9608 <translation>Остават
9611 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodel.cpp" line=
9612 <source>Availability
9613 <translation>Наличност
9616 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodel.cpp" line=
9617 <source>Total Size
9618 <translation type=
"unfinished">Общ размер
9622 <name>TorrentContentModelItem
9624 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodelitem.cpp" line=
9625 <source>Mixed
9626 <comment>Mixed (priorities
9627 <translation>Смесени
9630 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodelitem.cpp" line=
9631 <source>Not downloaded
9632 <translation>Не свалени
9635 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodelitem.cpp" line=
9636 <source>High
9637 <comment>High (priority)
9638 <translation>Висок
9641 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodelitem.cpp" line=
9642 <source>Maximum
9643 <comment>Maximum (priority)
9644 <translation>Максимален
9647 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodelitem.cpp" line=
9648 <source>Normal
9649 <comment>Normal (priority)
9650 <translation>Нормален
9653 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontentmodelitem.cpp" line=
9654 <source>N/A
9655 <translation>Няма
9659 <name>TorrentContentTreeView
9661 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontenttreeview.cpp" line=
9662 <source>Renaming
9663 <translation>Преименуване
9666 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontenttreeview.cpp" line=
9667 <source>New name:
9668 <translation>Ново име:
9671 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcontenttreeview.cpp" line=
9672 <source>Rename error
9673 <translation>Грешка при преименуване
9677 <name>TorrentCreatorDialog
9679 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9680 <source>Torrent Creator
9681 <translation>Торентов Създател
9684 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9685 <source>Select file/folder to share
9686 <translation>Избор на източник
9689 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9690 <source>Path:
9691 <translation>Път:
9694 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9695 <source>[Drag and drop area]
9696 <translation>[Област за плъзгане и пускане]
9699 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9700 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9701 <source>Select file
9702 <translation>Избери файл
9705 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9706 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9707 <source>Select folder
9708 <translation>Избери папка
9711 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9712 <source>Settings
9713 <translation>Настройки
9716 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9717 <source>Torrent format:
9718 <translation>Торент формат:
9721 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9722 <source>Hybrid
9723 <translation>Хибриден
9726 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9727 <source>Piece size:
9728 <translation>Размер на частта:
9731 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9732 <source>Auto
9733 <translation>Автоматично
9736 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9737 <source>16 KiB
9738 <translation>16 КиБ
9741 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9742 <source>32 KiB
9743 <translation>32 КиБ
9746 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9747 <source>64 KiB
9748 <translation>64 КиБ
9751 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9752 <source>128 KiB
9753 <translation>128 КиБ
9756 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9757 <source>256 KiB
9758 <translation>256 КиБ
9761 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9762 <source>512 KiB
9763 <translation>512 КиБ
9766 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9767 <source>1 MiB
9768 <translation>1 МиБ
9771 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9772 <source>2 MiB
9773 <translation>2 МиБ
9776 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9777 <source>4 MiB
9778 <translation>4 МиБ
9781 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9782 <source>8 MiB
9783 <translation>8 МиБ
9786 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9787 <source>16 MiB
9788 <translation>16 МиБ
9791 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9792 <source>32 MiB
9793 <translation>32 МиБ
9796 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9797 <source>Calculate number of pieces:
9798 <translation>Изчисляване на броя на частите:
9801 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9802 <source>Private torrent (Won
't distribute on DHT network)
9803 <translation>Частен торент (няма да се разпространява в DHT мрежа)
9806 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9807 <source>Start seeding immediately
9808 <translation>Започни незабавен сийд
9811 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9812 <source>Ignore share ratio limits for this torrent
9813 <translation>Игнориране на коефициента на споделяне за този торент
9816 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9817 <source>Optimize alignment
9818 <translation>Оптимизиране на файловата подредба
9821 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9822 <source>Align to piece boundary for files larger than:
9823 <translation>Подравняване на части от файлове по-големи от:
9826 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9827 <source>Disabled
9828 <translation>Забранено
9831 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9832 <source> KiB
9833 <translation>КиБ
9836 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9837 <source>Fields
9838 <translation>Полета
9841 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9842 <source>You can separate tracker tiers / groups with an empty line.
9843 <translation>Можете да разделите тракер комплекти / групи с празен ред.
9846 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9847 <source>Web seed URLs:
9848 <translation>Уеб сийд:
9851 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9852 <source>Tracker URLs:
9853 <translation>Адрес на тракера:
9856 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9857 <source>Comments:
9858 <translation>Коментари:
9861 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9862 <source>Source:
9863 <translation>Източник:
9866 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.ui" line=
9867 <source>Progress:
9868 <translation>Напредък:
9871 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9872 <source>Create Torrent
9873 <translation>Създай торент
9876 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9877 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9878 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9879 <source>Torrent creation failed
9880 <translation>Създаването на торента се провали
9883 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9884 <source>Reason: Path to file/folder is not readable.
9885 <translation>Причина: Пътят до файл/папка не може да се чете.
9888 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9889 <source>Select where to save the new torrent
9890 <translation>Изберете къде да запазите новия торент
9893 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9894 <source>Torrent Files (*.torrent)
9895 <translation>Торент файлове (*.torrent)
9898 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9899 <source>Reason: %
9900 <translation>Причина: %
9903 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9904 <source>Reason: Created torrent is invalid. It won
't be added to download list.
9905 <translation>Причина: Създаденият торент е невалиден. Няма да бъде добавен към списъка за сваляне.
9908 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9909 <source>Torrent creator
9910 <translation>Създаване на нов торент
9913 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentcreatordialog.cpp" line=
9914 <source>Torrent created:
9915 <translation>Торентът е създаден:
9919 <name>TorrentFilesWatcher
9921 <location filename=
"../base/torrentfileswatcher.cpp" line=
9922 <source>Couldn
't load Watched Folders configuration from %
1. Error: %
9923 <translation>Не можа да се зареди Наблюдавани папки конфигурация от %
1. Грешка: %
9926 <location filename=
"../base/torrentfileswatcher.cpp" line=
9927 <source>Couldn
't parse Watched Folders configuration from %
1. Error: %
9928 <translation>Не можа да се анализира Наблюдавани папки конфигурация от %
1. Грешка: %
9931 <location filename=
"../base/torrentfileswatcher.cpp" line=
9932 <source>Couldn
't load Watched Folders configuration from %
1. Invalid data format.
9933 <translation>Не можа да се зареди Наблюдавани папки конфигурация от %
1. Невалиден формат на данните.
9936 <location filename=
"../base/torrentfileswatcher.cpp" line=
9937 <source>Couldn
't store Watched Folders configuration to %
1. Error: %
9938 <translation>Не можа да се съхрани Наблюдавани папки конфигурация към %
1. Грешка: %
9941 <location filename=
"../base/torrentfileswatcher.cpp" line=
9942 <source>Watched folder Path cannot be empty.
9943 <translation>Пътя на наблюдаваната папка не може да бъде празен.
9946 <location filename=
"../base/torrentfileswatcher.cpp" line=
9947 <source>Watched folder Path cannot be relative.
9948 <translation>Пътя на наблюдаваната папка не може да бъде относителен.
9952 <name>TorrentFilesWatcher::Worker
9954 <location filename=
"../base/torrentfileswatcher.cpp" line=
9955 <source>Failed to open magnet file: %
9956 <translation>Неуспешно отваряне на магнитен файл: %
9959 <location filename=
"../base/torrentfileswatcher.cpp" line=
9960 <source>Rejecting failed torrent file: %
9961 <translation>Отхвърляне на неуспешен торент файл: %
9964 <location filename=
"../base/torrentfileswatcher.cpp" line=
9965 <source>Watching folder:
9966 <translation>Наблюдаване на папка:
9970 <name>TorrentInfo
9972 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentinfo.cpp" line=
9973 <source>File size exceeds max limit %
9974 <translation>Файловият размер надхвърля макс ограничение %
9977 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentinfo.cpp" line=
9978 <source>Torrent file read error: %
9979 <translation>Грешка при четене на торент файл: %
9982 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentinfo.cpp" line=
9983 <source>Torrent file read error: size mismatch
9984 <translation>Грешка при четене на торент файл: несъвпадение на размер
9987 <location filename=
"../base/bittorrent/torrentinfo.cpp" line=
9988 <source>Invalid metadata
9989 <translation>Невалидни метаданни
9993 <name>TorrentOptionsDialog
9995 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
9996 <source>Torrent Options
9997 <translation>Торент опции
10000 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10001 <source>Automatic mode means that various torrent properties (e.g. save path) will be decided by the associated category
10002 <translation>Автоматичен режим значи, че различни свойства на торент (н. пр. местоположение) ще бъдат решени от асоциираната категория
10005 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10006 <source>Automatic Torrent Management
10007 <translation>Автоматично управление на торент
10010 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10011 <source>Save at
10012 <translation>Съхрани при
10015 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10016 <source>Use another path for incomplete torrent
10017 <translation>Използвай друг път за незавършен торент
10020 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10021 <source>Category:
10022 <translation>Категория:
10025 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10026 <source>Torrent speed limits
10027 <translation>Ограничения за скорост на торент
10030 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10031 <source>Download:
10032 <translation>Сваляне:
10035 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10036 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10038 <translation>∞
10041 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10042 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10043 <source> KiB/s
10044 <translation>КиБ/с
10047 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10048 <source>These will not exceed the global limits
10049 <translation>Тези няма да надхвърлят глобалните ограничения
10052 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10053 <source>Upload:
10054 <translation>Качване:
10057 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10058 <source>Torrent share limits
10059 <translation>Ограничения за споделяне на торент
10062 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10063 <source>Use global share limit
10064 <translation>Използвай глобално ограничение за споделяне
10067 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10068 <source>Set no share limit
10069 <translation>Задаване без ограничение на споделяне
10072 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10073 <source>Set share limit to
10074 <translation>Задаване на ограничение за споделяне на
10077 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10078 <source>minutes
10079 <translation>минути
10082 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10083 <source>ratio
10084 <translation>съотношение
10087 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10088 <source>Disable DHT for this torrent
10089 <translation>Забраняване DHT за този торент
10092 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10093 <source>Download in sequential order
10094 <translation>Сваляне в последователен ред
10097 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10098 <source>Disable PeX for this torrent
10099 <translation>Забраняване PeX за този торент
10102 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10103 <source>Download first and last pieces first
10104 <translation>Сваляне на първите и последните парчета първо
10107 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.ui" line=
10108 <source>Disable LSD for this torrent
10109 <translation>Забраняване LSD за този торент
10112 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
10113 <source>Currently used categories
10114 <translation>Текущо използвани категории
10117 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
10118 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
10119 <source>Choose save path
10120 <translation>Избери път на запазване
10123 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
10124 <source>Not applicable to private torrents
10125 <translation>Не приложимо за частни торенти
10128 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
10129 <source>No share limit method selected
10130 <translation>Няма избран метод на ограничение на споделяне
10133 <location filename=
"../gui/torrentoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
10134 <source>Please select a limit method first
10135 <translation>Моля първо изберете метод на ограничение първо
10139 <name>TorrentsController
10141 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10142 <source>Error:
1' is not a valid torrent file.
10143 <translation>Грешка:
1' не е валиден торент файл.
10146 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10147 <source>Priority must be an integer
10148 <translation>Приоритет трябва да е цяло число
10151 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10152 <source>Priority is not valid
10153 <translation>Приоритет не е валиден
10156 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10157 <source>Torrent
's metadata has not yet downloaded
10158 <translation>Метаданни на торент все още не са свалени
10161 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10162 <source>File IDs must be integers
10163 <translation>Файлови ИД-та трябва да са цели числа
10166 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10167 <source>File ID is not valid
10168 <translation>Файлов ИД не е валиден
10171 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10172 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10173 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10174 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10175 <source>Torrent queueing must be enabled
10176 <translation>Торентово нареждане на опашка трябва да бъде разрешено
10179 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10180 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10181 <source>Save path cannot be empty
10182 <translation>Пътя на запазване не може да бъде празен
10185 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10186 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10187 <source>Cannot create target directory
10188 <translation>Не може да се създаде целева директория
10191 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10192 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10193 <source>Category cannot be empty
10194 <translation>Категория не може да бъде празна
10197 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10198 <source>Unable to create category
10199 <translation>Не можа да се създаде категория
10202 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10203 <source>Unable to edit category
10204 <translation>Не можа са се редактира категория
10207 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10208 <source>Cannot make save path
10209 <translation>Не може да се направи път на запазване
10212 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10213 <source>'sort
' parameter is invalid
10214 <translation>'сортиране
' параметър е невалиден
10217 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10218 <source>"%
1" is not a valid file index.
10219 <translation>"%
1" не е валиден файлов индекс.
10222 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10223 <source>Index %
1 is out of bounds.
10224 <translation>Индекс %
1 е извън граници.
10227 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10228 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10229 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10230 <source>Cannot write to directory
10231 <translation>Не може да се запише в директория
10234 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10235 <source>WebUI Set location: moving
1", from
2" to
10236 <translation>УебПИ Задаване на местоположение: преместване
1", от
2" в
10239 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10240 <source>Incorrect torrent name
10241 <translation>Неправилно име на торент
10244 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10245 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10246 <source>Incorrect category name
10247 <translation>Неправилно име на категория
10251 <name>TrackerEntriesDialog
10253 <location filename=
"../gui/trackerentriesdialog.ui" line=
10254 <source>Edit trackers
10255 <translation>Редактирай тракери
10258 <location filename=
"../gui/trackerentriesdialog.ui" line=
10259 <source>One tracker URL per line.
10261 - You can split the trackers into groups by inserting blank lines.
10262 - All trackers within the same group will belong to the same tier.
10263 - The group on top will be tier
0, the next group tier
1 and so on.
10264 - Below will show the common subset of trackers of the selected torrents.
10265 <translation>Един URL на тракер на ред.
10267 - Можете да разделите тракерите по групи като вмъкнете празни редове.
10268 - Всички тракери в същата група ще принадлежат към същият ред.
10269 - Групата на върха ще бъде ред
0, следващата група ред
1 и така нататък.
10270 - Отдолу ще се покажат често срещаните подмножества на тракери на избраните торенти.
10274 <name>TrackerFiltersList
10276 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10277 <source>All (
10278 <comment>this is for the tracker filter
10279 <translation>Всички (
10282 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10283 <source>Trackerless (
10284 <translation>Без тракери (
10287 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10288 <source>Error (
10289 <translation>Грешки (
10292 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10293 <source>Warning (
10294 <translation>Предупреждения (
10297 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10298 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10299 <source>Trackerless (%
10300 <translation>Без тракери (%
10303 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10304 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10305 <source>Error (%
10306 <translation>Грешка (%
10309 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10310 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10311 <source>Warning (%
10312 <translation>Внимание (%
10315 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10316 <source>Resume torrents
10317 <translation>Продължи торентите
10320 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10321 <source>Pause torrents
10322 <translation>Пауза на торентите
10325 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10326 <source>Delete torrents
10327 <translation>Изтрий торентите
10330 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10331 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10332 <source>All (%
10333 <comment>this is for the tracker filter
10334 <translation>Всички (%
10338 <name>TrackerListWidget
10340 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10341 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10342 <source>Working
10343 <translation>Работи
10346 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10347 <source>Disabled
10348 <translation>Забранено
10351 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10352 <source>Disabled for this torrent
10353 <translation>Забранено за този торент
10356 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10357 <location filename=
"../webui/api/torrentscontroller.cpp" line=
10358 <source>This torrent is private
10359 <translation>Този торент е частен
10362 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10363 <source>Updating...
10364 <translation>Обновяване...
10367 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10368 <source>Not working
10369 <translation>Не работи
10372 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10373 <source>Not contacted yet
10374 <translation>Още не е свързан
10377 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10378 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10379 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10380 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10381 <source>N/A
10382 <translation>Няма
10385 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10386 <source>Tracker editing
10387 <translation>Редактиране на тракера
10390 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10391 <source>Tracker URL:
10392 <translation>URL адрес на тракера:
10395 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10396 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10397 <source>Tracker editing failed
10398 <translation>Редактирането на тракера е неуспешно
10401 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10402 <source>The tracker URL entered is invalid.
10403 <translation>Въведеният URL адрес на тракер е невалиден.
10406 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10407 <source>The tracker URL already exists.
10408 <translation>URL адреса на тракера вече съществува.
10411 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10412 <source>Add a new tracker...
10413 <translation>Добави нов тракер...
10416 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10417 <source>Edit tracker URL...
10418 <translation>Редактирай URL на тракера...
10421 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10422 <source>Remove tracker
10423 <translation>Премахни тракер
10426 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10427 <source>Copy tracker URL
10428 <translation>Копиране на URL на тракер
10431 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10432 <source>Force reannounce to selected trackers
10433 <translation>Принудително повторно анонсиране към избраните тракери
10436 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10437 <source>Force reannounce to all trackers
10438 <translation>Принудително анонсиране към всички тракери
10441 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10442 <source>Tier
10443 <translation>Ред
10446 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10447 <source>URL
10448 <translation>URL
10451 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10452 <source>Status
10453 <translation>Състояние
10456 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10457 <source>Seeds
10458 <translation>Споделящи
10461 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10462 <source>Resize columns
10463 <translation>Преоразмери колони
10466 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10467 <source>Resize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contents
10468 <translation>Преоразмери всички нескрити колони до размерът на техните съдържания
10471 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10472 <source>Peers
10473 <translation>Участници
10476 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10477 <source>Leeches
10478 <translation>Лийчове
10481 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10482 <source>Downloaded
10483 <translation>Свалени
10486 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10487 <source>Message
10488 <translation>Съобщение
10491 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackerlistwidget.cpp" line=
10492 <source>Column visibility
10493 <translation>Видимост на колона
10497 <name>TrackersAdditionDialog
10499 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackersadditiondialog.ui" line=
10500 <source>Trackers addition dialog
10501 <translation>Диалог за добавяне на тракери
10504 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackersadditiondialog.ui" line=
10505 <source>List of trackers to add (one per line):
10506 <translation>Списък тракери за добавяне (по един на ред):
10509 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackersadditiondialog.ui" line=
10510 <source>µTorrent compatible list URL:
10511 <translation>µTorrent съвместим списък URL:
10514 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackersadditiondialog.cpp" line=
10515 <source>No change
10516 <translation>Без промяна
10519 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackersadditiondialog.cpp" line=
10520 <source>No additional trackers were found.
10521 <translation>Допълнителни тракери не бяха намерени.
10524 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackersadditiondialog.cpp" line=
10525 <source>Download error
10526 <translation>Грешка при сваляне
10529 <location filename=
"../gui/properties/trackersadditiondialog.cpp" line=
10530 <source>The trackers list could not be downloaded, reason: %
10531 <translation>Списъкът с тракери не може да бъде свален, причина: %
10535 <name>TransferListFiltersWidget
10537 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10538 <source>Status
10539 <translation>Състояние
10542 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10543 <source>Categories
10544 <translation>Категории
10547 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10548 <source>Tags
10549 <translation>Етикети
10552 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistfilterswidget.cpp" line=
10553 <source>Trackers
10554 <translation>Тракери
10558 <name>TransferListModel
10560 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10561 <source>Downloading
10562 <translation>Сваляне
10565 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10566 <source>Stalled
10567 <comment>Torrent is waiting for download to begin
10568 <translation>Застоял
10571 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10572 <source>Downloading metadata
10573 <comment>Used when loading a magnet link
10574 <translation>Сваляне на метаданни
10577 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10578 <source>[F] Downloading metadata
10579 <comment>Used when forced to load a magnet link. You probably shouldn
't translate the F.
10580 <translation>[Ф] Сваляне метаданни
10583 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10584 <source>[F] Downloading
10585 <comment>Used when the torrent is forced started. You probably shouldn
't translate the F.
10586 <translation>[Ф] Сваляне
10589 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10590 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10591 <source>Seeding
10592 <comment>Torrent is complete and in upload-only mode
10593 <translation>Споделяне
10596 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10597 <source>[F] Seeding
10598 <comment>Used when the torrent is forced started. You probably shouldn
't translate the F.
10599 <translation>[Ф] Сийдване
10602 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10603 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10604 <source>Queued
10605 <comment>Torrent is queued
10606 <translation>На опашка
10609 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10610 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10611 <source>Checking
10612 <comment>Torrent local data is being checked
10613 <translation>Направи проверка
10616 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10617 <source>Checking resume data
10618 <comment>Used when loading the torrents from disk after qbt is launched. It checks the correctness of the .fastresume file. Normally it is completed in a fraction of a second, unless loading many many torrents.
10619 <translation>Проверка на данните за продължаване
10622 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10623 <source>Paused
10624 <translation>В Пауза
10627 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10628 <source>Completed
10629 <translation>Приключено
10632 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10633 <source>Moving
10634 <comment>Torrent local data are being moved/relocated
10635 <translation>Преместване
10638 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10639 <source>Missing Files
10640 <translation>Липсващи файлове
10643 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10644 <source>Errored
10645 <comment>Torrent status, the torrent has an error
10646 <translation>С грешки
10649 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10650 <source>Name
10651 <comment>i.e: torrent name
10652 <translation>Име
10655 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10656 <source>Size
10657 <comment>i.e: torrent size
10658 <translation>Размер
10661 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10662 <source>Progress
10663 <comment>% Done
10664 <translation>Напредък
10667 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10668 <source>Status
10669 <comment>Torrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused)
10670 <translation>Статус
10673 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10674 <source>Seeds
10675 <comment>i.e. full sources (often untranslated)
10676 <translation>Споделящи
10679 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10680 <source>Peers
10681 <comment>i.e. partial sources (often untranslated)
10682 <translation>Участници
10685 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10686 <source>Down Speed
10687 <comment>i.e: Download speed
10688 <translation>Скорост теглене
10691 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10692 <source>Up Speed
10693 <comment>i.e: Upload speed
10694 <translation>Скорост качване
10697 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10698 <source>Ratio
10699 <comment>Share ratio
10700 <translation>Съотношение
10703 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10704 <source>ETA
10705 <comment>i.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time left
10706 <translation>Оставащо време
10709 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10710 <source>Category
10711 <translation>Категория
10714 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10715 <source>Tags
10716 <translation>Етикети
10719 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10720 <source>Added On
10721 <comment>Torrent was added to transfer list on
2010 08:
10722 <translation>Добавен на
10725 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10726 <source>Completed On
10727 <comment>Torrent was completed on
2010 08:
10728 <translation>Завършен на
10731 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10732 <source>Tracker
10733 <translation>Тракер
10736 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10737 <source>Down Limit
10738 <comment>i.e: Download limit
10739 <translation>Ограничение теглене
10742 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10743 <source>Up Limit
10744 <comment>i.e: Upload limit
10745 <translation>Ограничение качване
10748 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10749 <source>Downloaded
10750 <comment>Amount of data downloaded (e.g. in MB)
10751 <translation>Свалени
10754 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10755 <source>Uploaded
10756 <comment>Amount of data uploaded (e.g. in MB)
10757 <translation>Качени
10760 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10761 <source>Session Download
10762 <comment>Amount of data downloaded since program open (e.g. in MB)
10763 <translation>Сваляне в сесията
10766 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10767 <source>Session Upload
10768 <comment>Amount of data uploaded since program open (e.g. in MB)
10769 <translation>Качване в сесията
10772 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10773 <source>Remaining
10774 <comment>Amount of data left to download (e.g. in MB)
10775 <translation>Оставащо
10778 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10779 <source>Time Active
10780 <comment>Time (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)
10781 <translation>Време активен
10784 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10785 <source>Save path
10786 <comment>Torrent save path
10787 <translation>Път на запазване
10790 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10791 <source>Completed
10792 <comment>Amount of data completed (e.g. in MB)
10793 <translation>Приключено
10796 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10797 <source>Ratio Limit
10798 <comment>Upload share ratio limit
10799 <translation>Ограничение на коефицента
10802 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10803 <source>Last Seen Complete
10804 <comment>Indicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/whole
10805 <translation>Последно видян приключен
10808 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10809 <source>Last Activity
10810 <comment>Time passed since a chunk was downloaded/uploaded
10811 <translation>Последна активност
10814 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10815 <source>Total Size
10816 <comment>i.e. Size including unwanted data
10817 <translation>Общ размер
10820 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10821 <source>Availability
10822 <comment>The number of distributed copies of the torrent
10823 <translation>Наличност
10826 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10827 <source>N/A
10828 <translation>Няма
10831 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10832 <source>%
1 ago
10833 <comment>e.g.:
20m ago
10834 <translation>преди %
10837 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line=
10838 <source>%
1 (seeded for %
10839 <comment>e.g.
4m39s (seeded for
10840 <translation>%
1 (споделян за %
10844 <name>TransferListWidget
10846 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10847 <source>Column visibility
10848 <translation>Видимост на колона
10851 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10852 <source>Recheck confirmation
10853 <translation>Потвърждение за повторна проверка
10856 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10857 <source>Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)?
10858 <translation>Сигурни ли сте, че искате повторно да проверите избрания торент(и)?
10861 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10862 <source>Rename
10863 <translation>Преименувай
10866 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10867 <source>New name:
10868 <translation>Ново име:
10871 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10872 <source>Resume
10873 <comment>Resume/start the torrent
10874 <translation>Продължи
10877 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10878 <source>Force Resume
10879 <comment>Force Resume/start the torrent
10880 <translation>Насилствено Продължение
10883 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10884 <source>Pause
10885 <comment>Pause the torrent
10886 <translation>Пауза
10889 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10890 <source>Choose save path
10891 <translation>Избери път за съхранение
10894 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10895 <source>Unable to preview
10896 <translation>Не може да се визуализира
10899 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10900 <source>The selected torrent
1" does not contain previewable files
10901 <translation>Избраният торент
1" не съдържа файлове за визуализация
10904 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10905 <source>Resize columns
10906 <translation>Преоразмери колони
10909 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10910 <source>Resize all non-hidden columns to the size of their contents
10911 <translation>Преоразмери всички нескрити колони до размерът на техните съдържания
10914 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10915 <source>Enable automatic torrent management
10916 <translation>Разреши автоматично управление на торент
10919 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10920 <source>Are you sure you want to enable Automatic Torrent Management for the selected torrent(s)? They may be relocated.
10921 <translation>Сигурни ли сте, че искате да разрешите автоматично управление на торент за избраният/те торент(и)? Те могат да бъдат преместени.
10924 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10925 <source>Add Tags
10926 <translation>Добави Етикети
10929 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10930 <source>Remove All Tags
10931 <translation>Изтрий Всички Етикети
10934 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10935 <source>Remove all tags from selected torrents?
10936 <translation>Изтриване на всички етикети от избраните торенти?
10939 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10940 <source>Comma-separated tags:
10941 <translation>Етикети разделени чрез запетаи:
10944 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10945 <source>Invalid tag
10946 <translation>Невалиден етикет
10949 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10950 <source>Tag name:
1' is invalid
10951 <translation>Името на етикета
1' е невалидно
10954 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10955 <source>Delete
10956 <comment>Delete the torrent
10957 <translation>Изтрий
10960 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10961 <source>Preview file...
10962 <translation>Огледай файла...
10965 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10966 <source>Open destination folder
10967 <translation>Отвори папка получател
10970 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10971 <source>Move up
10972 <comment>i.e. move up in the queue
10973 <translation>Нагоре в листата
10976 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10977 <source>Move down
10978 <comment>i.e. Move down in the queue
10979 <translation>Надолу в листата
10982 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10983 <source>Move to top
10984 <comment>i.e. Move to top of the queue
10985 <translation>На върха на листата
10988 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10989 <source>Move to bottom
10990 <comment>i.e. Move to bottom of the queue
10991 <translation>На дъното на листата
10994 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
10995 <source>Set location...
10996 <translation>Определи място...
10999 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11000 <source>Force reannounce
11001 <translation>Принудително реанонсиране
11004 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11005 <source>Magnet link
11006 <translation>Магнитна връзка
11009 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11010 <source>Torrent ID
11011 <translation>ИД на торент
11014 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11015 <source>Name
11016 <translation>Име
11019 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11020 <source>Download in sequential order
11021 <translation>Сваляне по азбучен ред
11024 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11025 <source>Download first and last pieces first
11026 <translation>Сваляне първо на първото и последното парче
11029 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11030 <source>Automatic Torrent Management
11031 <translation>Автоматичен Торентов Режим на Управаление
11034 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11035 <source>Automatic mode means that various torrent properties (e.g. save path) will be decided by the associated category
11036 <translation>Автоматичен режим значи, че различни свойства на торент (н. пр. път на запазване) ще бъдат решени от асоциираната категория
11039 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11040 <source>Category
11041 <translation>Категория
11044 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11045 <source>New...
11046 <comment>New category...
11047 <translation>Нов...
11050 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11051 <source>Reset
11052 <comment>Reset category
11053 <translation>Нулиране
11056 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11057 <source>Can not force reannounce if torrent is Paused/Queued/Errored/Checking
11058 <translation type=
11061 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11062 <source>Queue
11063 <translation>Опашка
11066 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11067 <source>Copy
11068 <translation>Копирай
11071 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11072 <source>Torrent options...
11073 <translation>Торент опции...
11076 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11077 <source>Info hash v1
11078 <translation>Инфо хеш в
11081 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11082 <source>Info hash v2
11083 <translation>Инфо хеш в
11086 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11087 <source>Edit trackers...
11088 <translation>Редактирай тракери...
11091 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11092 <source>Tags
11093 <translation>Етикети
11096 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11097 <source>Add...
11098 <comment>Add / assign multiple tags...
11099 <translation>Добавяне...
11102 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11103 <source>Remove All
11104 <comment>Remove all tags
11105 <translation>Изтриване Всички
11108 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11109 <source>Force recheck
11110 <translation>Включени проверки за промени
11113 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11114 <source>Super seeding mode
11115 <translation>Режим на супер-даване
11118 <location filename=
"../gui/transferlistwidget.cpp" line=
11119 <source>Rename...
11120 <translation>Преименувай...
11124 <name>UIThemeManager
11126 <location filename=
"../gui/uithememanager.cpp" line=
11127 <source>Failed to load UI theme from file:
11128 <translation>Неуспешно зареждане на UI тема от файл:
11131 <location filename=
"../gui/uithememanager.cpp" line=
11132 <source>UITheme - Failed to open
1". Reason: %
11133 <translation>ПИТема - Неуспешно отваряне
1". Причина: %
11136 <location filename=
"../gui/uithememanager.cpp" line=
11137 <location filename=
"../gui/uithememanager.cpp" line=
11138 <source>"%
1" has invalid format. Reason: %
11139 <translation>"%
1" има невалиден формат. Причина: %
11142 <location filename=
"../gui/uithememanager.cpp" line=
11143 <source>Root JSON value is not an object
11144 <translation>Основната стойност на JSON не е обект
11147 <location filename=
"../gui/uithememanager.cpp" line=
11148 <source>Invalid color for ID
1" is provided by theme
11149 <translation>Невалиден цвят за ID
1" е представен от темата
11153 <name>Utils::ForeignApps
11155 <location filename=
"../base/utils/foreignapps.cpp" line=
11156 <source>Python detected, executable name:
1', version: %
11157 <translation>Открит е Python, име на изпълним файл:
1', версия: %
11160 <location filename=
"../base/utils/foreignapps.cpp" line=
11161 <source>Python not detected
11162 <translation>Python не е открит
11166 <name>WatchedFolderOptionsDialog
11168 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11169 <source>Watched Folder Options
11170 <translation>Наблюдавана папка опции
11173 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11174 <source><html
>Will watch the folder and all its subfolders. In Manual torrent management mode it will also add subfolder name to the selected Save path.
11175 <translation><html
>Ще следи папката и всички нейни подпапки. В режим за ръчно управление на торенти също така ще добави име на подпапка към избрания път за запис.
11178 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11179 <source>Recursive mode
11180 <translation>Рекурсивен режим
11183 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11184 <source>Torrent parameters
11185 <translation>Параметри на торента
11188 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11189 <source>Torrent Management Mode:
11190 <translation>Режим управление на торенти:
11193 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11194 <source>Automatic mode means that various torrent properties(eg save path) will be decided by the associated category
11195 <translation>Автоматичният режим означава, че различни свойства на торента (напр. път за запис) ще се определят от асоциираната категория
11198 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11199 <source>Manual
11200 <translation>Ръчно
11203 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11204 <source>Automatic
11205 <translation>Автоматично
11208 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11209 <source>Save at
11210 <translation>Запаи в
11213 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11214 <source>Use another path for incomplete torrents
11215 <translation>Използвай друг път за незавършени торенти
11218 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11219 <source>Category:
11220 <translation>Категория:
11223 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11224 <source>Start torrent
11225 <translation>Стартирай торента
11228 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11229 <source>Skip hash check
11230 <translation>Пропусни хеш проверка
11233 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11234 <source>Content layout:
11235 <translation>Подредба на съдържание:
11238 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11239 <source>Original
11240 <translation>Оригинал
11243 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11244 <source>Create subfolder
11245 <translation>Създай подпапка
11248 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.ui" line=
11249 <source>Don
't create subfolder
11250 <translation>Не създавай подпапка
11253 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
11254 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfolderoptionsdialog.cpp" line=
11255 <source>Choose save path
11256 <translation>Избери път за запазване
11260 <name>WatchedFoldersModel
11262 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfoldersmodel.cpp" line=
11263 <source>Watched Folder
11264 <translation>Наблюдавана папка
11267 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfoldersmodel.cpp" line=
11268 <source>Watched folder path cannot be empty.
11269 <translation>Пътя на наблюдаваната папка не може да бъде празен.
11272 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfoldersmodel.cpp" line=
11273 <source>Watched folder path cannot be relative.
11274 <translation>Пътя на наблюдаваната папка не може да бъде относителен.
11277 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfoldersmodel.cpp" line=
11278 <source>Folder
1' is already in watch list.
11279 <translation>Папката
1' вече е в списъка за наблюдение.
11282 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfoldersmodel.cpp" line=
11283 <source>Folder
1' doesn
't exist.
11284 <translation>Папка
1' не съществува.
11287 <location filename=
"../gui/watchedfoldersmodel.cpp" line=
11288 <source>Folder
1' isn
't readable.
11289 <translation>Папка
1' не се чете.
11293 <name>WebApplication
11295 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11296 <source>Unacceptable file type, only regular file is allowed.
11297 <translation>Неприемлив тип файл, разрешен е само обикновен файл.
11300 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11301 <source>Symlinks inside alternative UI folder are forbidden.
11302 <translation>Символните връзки в алтернативната папка на потребителския интерфейс са забранени.
11305 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11306 <source>Using built-in Web UI.
11307 <translation>Използване на вграден Web UI.
11310 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11311 <source>Using custom Web UI. Location:
11312 <translation>Използване на потребителски Web UI. Местоположение:
11315 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11316 <source>Web UI translation for selected locale (%
1) has been successfully loaded.
11317 <translation>Web UI преводът за избрана езикова променлива (%
1) е успешно зареден.
11320 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11321 <source>Couldn
't load Web UI translation for selected locale (%
11322 <translation>Не можа да се зареди web UI превод за избрана езикова променлива (%
11325 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11326 <source>Missing
' separator in WebUI custom HTTP header:
11327 <translation>Липсва разделител
" в WebUI потребителски HTTP заглавка:
11330 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11331 <source>Exceeded the maximum allowed file size (%
11332 <translation>Надхвърлен максималния разрешен размер на файла (%
11335 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11336 <source>WebUI: Origin header
& Target origin mismatch! Source IP:
1'. Origin header:
2'. Target origin:
11337 <translation>WebUI: Заглавната част на източника и целевия източник не съответстват. IP източник:
1'. Заглавна част на източник:
2'. Целеви източник:
11340 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11341 <source>WebUI: Referer header
& Target origin mismatch! Source IP:
1'. Referer header:
2'. Target origin:
11342 <translation>WebUI: Заглавната част на рефера и целевия източник не съвпадат! IP на източник:
1'. Заглавна част на рефера:
2. Целеви източник:
11345 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11346 <source>WebUI: Invalid Host header, port mismatch. Request source IP:
1'. Server port:
2'. Received Host header:
11347 <translation>WebUI: Невалидна заглавна част на хоста, несъвпадение на порт! Заявка на IP на източник:
1'. Сървър порт:
2. Получена заглавна част на хост:
11350 <location filename=
"../webui/webapplication.cpp" line=
11351 <source>WebUI: Invalid Host header. Request source IP:
1'. Received Host header:
11352 <translation>WebUI: Невалидна заглавна част на хост. Заявка на IP на източник:
1'. Получена заглавна част на хост:
11358 <location filename=
"../webui/webui.cpp" line=
11359 <source>Web UI: HTTPS setup successful
11360 <translation>Уеб ПИ: установяването на HTTPS е успешно
11363 <location filename=
"../webui/webui.cpp" line=
11364 <source>Web UI: HTTPS setup failed, fallback to HTTP
11365 <translation>Уеб ПИ: установяването на HTTPS се провали, прибягване към HTTP
11368 <location filename=
"../webui/webui.cpp" line=
11369 <source>Web UI: Now listening on IP: %
1, port: %
11370 <translation>Уеб ПИ: Очаква връзка на IP: %
1, порт: %
11373 <location filename=
"../webui/webui.cpp" line=
11374 <source>Web UI: Unable to bind to IP: %
1, port: %
2. Reason: %
11375 <translation>Уеб ПИ: Не може да се закачи на IP: %
1, порт: %
2. Причина: %
11381 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11383 <comment>bytes
11384 <translation>Б
11387 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11388 <source>KiB
11389 <comment>kibibytes (
1024 bytes)
11390 <translation>КБ
11393 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11394 <source>MiB
11395 <comment>mebibytes (
1024 kibibytes)
11396 <translation>МБ
11399 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11400 <source>GiB
11401 <comment>gibibytes (
1024 mibibytes)
11402 <translation>ГБ
11405 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11406 <source>TiB
11407 <comment>tebibytes (
1024 gibibytes)
11408 <translation>ТБ
11411 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11412 <source>PiB
11413 <comment>pebibytes (
1024 tebibytes)
11414 <translation>PiB
11417 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11418 <source>EiB
11419 <comment>exbibytes (
1024 pebibytes)
11420 <translation>EiB
11423 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11424 <source>/s
11425 <comment>per second
11426 <translation>/с
11429 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11430 <source>%
1h %
11431 <comment>e.g:
11432 <translation>%
11435 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11436 <source>%
1d %
11437 <comment>e.g:
11438 <translation>%
11441 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11442 <source>%
1y %
11443 <comment>e.g:
11444 <translation>%
1г %
11447 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11448 <source>Unknown
11449 <comment>Unknown (size)
11450 <translation>Неизвестен
11453 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11454 <source>qBittorrent will shutdown the computer now because all downloads are complete.
11455 <translation>qBittorrent ще угаси компютъра, защото всички сваляния са завършени.
11458 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11459 <source>< 1m
11460 <comment>< 1 minute
11461 <translation>< 1мин
11464 <location filename=
"../base/utils/misc.cpp" line=
11465 <source>%
11466 <comment>e.g:
11467 <translation>%