Fix saving lists of arrays with recent versions of numpy
[qpms.git] / notes / mathjax_newcommands.js
1 MathJax.Hub.Config({
2     TeX: {
3         Macros: {
5                 //    Abs: ['\\left\\lvert #2 \\right\\rvert_{\\text{#1}}', 2, ""] // optional arg. example
6                 //    from
7             vect: ["{\\mathbf{#1}}",1],
8             abs: ["{\\left|{#1}\\right|}",1],
9             ud: "{\\mathrm{d}}",
10             pr: ["{\\left({#1}\\right)}", 1], // parentheses to save typing
11             uvec: ["{\\mathbf{\\hat{#1}}}", 1],
13             vsh: "{\\mathbf{A}}", // vector spherical harmonic, general
14             vshD: "\\mathbf{A}^\\dagger", // dual vector spherical harmonic, general
15             vshrad: "{\\mathbf{A}_3}", // vector spherical harmonic radial, general
16             vshrot: "{\\mathbf{A}_1}", // vector spherical harmonic "rotational", general
17             vshgrad: "{\\mathbf{A}_2}", // vector spherical harmonic "gradiental", general
18             vshradD: "{\\mathbf{A}_3}^\\dagger}", // dual vector spherical harmonic radial, general
19             vshrotD: "{\\mathbf{A}_1^\\dagger}", // dual vector spherical harmonic "rotational", general
20             vshgradD: "{\\mathbf{A}_2^\\dagger}", // dual vector spherical harmonic "gradiental", general
21             wfe: "{\\mathbf{N}}", // Electric wave general
22             wfm: "{\\mathbf{M}}", // Magnetic wave general
23             sphbes: "{z}", // General spherical Bessel fun
24             rawLeg: ["{\\mathfrak{P}_{#1}^{#2}}", 2], // "Canonical" associated Legendre polynomial without C.S. phase
25             rawFer: ["\\rawLeg{#1}{#2}", 2], // "Canonical" associated Legendre polynomial without C.S. phase
26             dlmfLeg: ["{P_{#1}^{#2}}", 2], // Associated Legendre function as in DLMF (14.3.6)
27             dlmfFer: ["{\\mathsf{P}_{#1}^{#2}}", 2], // Ferrers Function as in DLMF (14.3.1)
28             dlmfYc: ["{Y_{{#1},{#2}}}", 2], // Complex spherical harmonics as in DLMF (14.30.1)
29             dlmfYrUnnorm: ["{Y_{#1}^{#2}}", 2], // Real spherical harmonics as in DLMF (14.30.2)
30             Fer: ["{{P_{\\mathrm{#1}}}_{#2}^{#3}}", 3, ""], // Legendre / Ferrers function
31             spharm: ["{{Y_{\\mathrm{#1}}}_{#2}^{#3}}", 3, ""], // Spherical harmonics
32             spharmR: ["{{Y_{\\mathrm{#1}}}_{\\mathrm{#1}{#2}{#3}}", 4, ""], // Spherical harmonics
33             csphase: "\\mathsf{C_{CS}}", // Condon-Shortley phase
34             tropSrr: ["{{S^\\mathrm{#1}}\\pr{{#2} \\leftarrow {#3}}}", 3, ""], // Translation operator singular
35             tropRrr: ["{{R^\\mathrm{#1}}\\pr{{#2} \\leftarrow {#3}}}", 3, ""], // Translation operator regular
37             // Kristensson's VSWFs, complex version (2014 notes)
38             wfkc: "{\\vect{y}}", // any wave
39             wfkcreg: "{\\vect{v}}", // regular wave
40             wfkcout: "{\\vect{u}}", // outgoing wave
41             wckcreg: "{a}", // regular wave coeff
42             wckcout: "{f}", // outgoing wave coeff
44             // Kristensson's VSWFs, real version (2014 book)
45             wfkr: "{\\vect{y}_{\\mathrm{r}}}", // any wave
46             wfkrreg: "{\\vect{v}_{\\mathrm{r}}}", // regular wave
47             wfkrout: "{\\vect{u}_{\\mathrm{r}}}", // outgoing wave
48             wckrreg: "{a}", // regular wave coeff
49             wckrout: "{f}", // outgoing wave coeff
51             // Taylor's VSWFs
52             wfmt: "{\\widetilde{\\vect{M}}}",
53             wfet: "{\\widetilde{\\vect{N}}}",
54             wfmtreg: "{\\widetilde{\\vect{M}}^{(1)}}", // regular magnetic wave
55             wfetreg: "{\\widetilde{\\vect{N}}^{(1)}}", // regular electric wave
56             wfmtout: "{\\widetilde{\\vect{M}}^{(3)}}", // outgoing magnetic wave
57             wfetout: "{\\widetilde{\\vect{N}}^{(3)}}", // outgoing electric wave
58             wcmtreg: "{q}", // regular magnetic wave coeff
59             wcetreg: "{p}", // regular electric wave coeff
60             wcmtout: "{b}", // outgoing magnetic wave coeff
61             wcetout: "{a}", // outgoing electric wave coeff
63             // Reid's VSWFs
64             wfr: "\\mathbf{\\mathcal{W}}",
65             wfrreg: "\\mathbf{\\mathcal{W}}^{\\mathrm{reg}}", // regular wave
66             wfrout: "\\mathbf{\\mathcal{W}}^{\\mathrm{out}}", // outgoing wave
67             wcrreg: "C^\\mathrm{inc}", // regular wave coeff
68             wcrout: "C^\\mathrm{scat}", // outgoing wave coeff
69         }
70     }
71 });