initial commit
[rofl0r-TntUnicode.git] / Source / TntSystem.pas
2 {*****************************************************************************}
3 { }
4 { Tnt Delphi Unicode Controls }
5 { }
6 { Version: 2.3.0 }
7 { }
8 { Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Troy Wolbrink ( }
9 { }
10 {*****************************************************************************}
12 unit TntSystem;
16 {*****************************************************************************}
17 { Special thanks go to Francisco Leong for originating the design for }
18 { WideString-enabled resourcestrings. }
19 {*****************************************************************************}
21 interface
23 uses
24 Windows;
26 // These functions should not be used by Delphi code since conversions are implicit.
27 {TNT-WARN WideCharToString}
28 {TNT-WARN WideCharLenToString}
29 {TNT-WARN WideCharToStrVar}
30 {TNT-WARN WideCharLenToStrVar}
31 {TNT-WARN StringToWideChar}
33 // ................ ANSI TYPES ................
34 {TNT-WARN Char}
35 {TNT-WARN PChar}
36 {TNT-WARN String}
38 {TNT-WARN CP_ACP} // <-- use DefaultSystemCodePage
39 function DefaultSystemCodePage: Cardinal; // implicitly used when converting AnsiString <--> WideString.
41 var
42 WideCustomLoadResString: function(ResStringRec: PResStringRec; var Value: WideString): Boolean;
44 {TNT-WARN LoadResString}
45 function WideLoadResString(ResStringRec: PResStringRec): WideString;
46 {TNT-WARN ParamCount}
47 function WideParamCount: Integer;
48 {TNT-WARN ParamStr}
49 function WideParamStr(Index: Integer): WideString;
51 // ......... introduced .........
53 const
54 { Each Unicode stream should begin with the code U+FEFF, }
55 { which the standard defines as the *byte order mark*. }
56 UNICODE_BOM = WideChar($FEFF);
58 UTF8_BOM = AnsiString(#$EF#$BB#$BF);
60 function WideStringToUTF8(const S: WideString): AnsiString;
61 function UTF8ToWideString(const S: AnsiString): WideString;
63 function WideStringToUTF7(const W: WideString): AnsiString;
64 function UTF7ToWideString(const S: AnsiString): WideString;
66 function StringToWideStringEx(const S: AnsiString; CodePage: Cardinal): WideString;
67 function WideStringToStringEx(const WS: WideString; CodePage: Cardinal): AnsiString;
69 function UCS2ToWideString(const Value: AnsiString): WideString;
70 function WideStringToUCS2(const Value: WideString): AnsiString;
72 function CharSetToCodePage(ciCharset: UINT): Cardinal;
73 function LCIDToCodePage(ALcid: LCID): Cardinal;
74 function KeyboardCodePage: Cardinal;
75 function KeyUnicode(CharCode: Word): WideChar;
77 procedure StrSwapByteOrder(Str: PWideChar);
79 type
80 TTntSystemUpdate =
81 (tsWideResourceStrings,
82 {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP}tsFixImplicitCodePage, tsFixWideStrConcat, tsFixWideFormat, {$ENDIF}
83 tsWideExceptions
85 TTntSystemUpdateSet = set of TTntSystemUpdate;
87 const
88 AllTntSystemUpdates = [Low(TTntSystemUpdate)..High(TTntSystemUpdate)];
90 procedure InstallTntSystemUpdates(Updates: TTntSystemUpdateSet = AllTntSystemUpdates);
92 implementation
94 uses
95 SysUtils, Variants, Forms, TntWindows, TntSysUtils, TntForms;
97 var
98 GDefaultSystemCodePage: Cardinal;
100 function DefaultSystemCodePage: Cardinal;
101 begin
102 Result := GDefaultSystemCodePage;
103 end;
106 IsDebugging: Boolean;
108 function WideLoadResString(ResStringRec: PResStringRec): WideString;
109 const
110 MAX_RES_STRING_SIZE = 4097; { MSDN documents this as the maximum size of a string in table. }
112 Buffer: array [0..MAX_RES_STRING_SIZE] of WideChar; { Buffer leaves room for null terminator. }
113 PCustom: PAnsiChar;
114 begin
115 if Assigned(WideCustomLoadResString) and WideCustomLoadResString(ResStringRec, Result) then
116 exit; { a custom resourcestring has been loaded. }
118 if ResStringRec = nil then
119 Result := ''
120 else if ResStringRec.Identifier < 64*1024 then
121 SetString(Result, Buffer,
122 Tnt_LoadStringW(FindResourceHInstance(ResStringRec.Module^),
123 ResStringRec.Identifier, Buffer, MAX_RES_STRING_SIZE))
124 else begin
125 // custom string pointer
126 PCustom := PAnsiChar(ResStringRec.Identifier); { I would like to use PWideChar, but this would break legacy code. }
127 if (StrLen{TNT-ALLOW StrLen}(PCustom) > Cardinal(Length(UTF8_BOM)))
128 and CompareMem(PCustom, PAnsiChar(UTF8_BOM), Length(UTF8_BOM)) then
129 // detected UTF8
130 Result := UTF8ToWideString(PAnsiChar(PCustom + Length(UTF8_BOM)))
131 else
132 // normal
133 Result := PCustom;
134 end;
135 end;
137 function WideGetParamStr(P: PWideChar; var Param: WideString): PWideChar;
139 i, Len: Integer;
140 Start, S, Q: PWideChar;
141 begin
142 while True do
143 begin
144 while (P[0] <> #0) and (P[0] <= ' ') do
145 Inc(P);
146 if (P[0] = '"') and (P[1] = '"') then Inc(P, 2) else Break;
147 end;
148 Len := 0;
149 Start := P;
150 while P[0] > ' ' do
151 begin
152 if P[0] = '"' then
153 begin
154 Inc(P);
155 while (P[0] <> #0) and (P[0] <> '"') do
156 begin
157 Q := P + 1;
158 Inc(Len, Q - P);
159 P := Q;
160 end;
161 if P[0] <> #0 then
162 Inc(P);
164 else
165 begin
166 Q := P + 1;
167 Inc(Len, Q - P);
168 P := Q;
169 end;
170 end;
172 SetLength(Param, Len);
174 P := Start;
175 S := PWideChar(Param);
176 i := 0;
177 while P[0] > ' ' do
178 begin
179 if P[0] = '"' then
180 begin
181 Inc(P);
182 while (P[0] <> #0) and (P[0] <> '"') do
183 begin
184 Q := P + 1;
185 while P < Q do
186 begin
187 S[i] := P^;
188 Inc(P);
189 Inc(i);
190 end;
191 end;
192 if P[0] <> #0 then Inc(P);
194 else
195 begin
196 Q := P + 1;
197 while P < Q do
198 begin
199 S[i] := P^;
200 Inc(P);
201 Inc(i);
202 end;
203 end;
204 end;
206 Result := P;
207 end;
209 function WideParamCount: Integer;
211 P: PWideChar;
212 S: WideString;
213 begin
214 P := WideGetParamStr(GetCommandLineW, S);
215 Result := 0;
216 while True do
217 begin
218 P := WideGetParamStr(P, S);
219 if S = '' then Break;
220 Inc(Result);
221 end;
222 end;
224 function WideParamStr(Index: Integer): WideString;
226 P: PWideChar;
227 begin
228 if Index = 0 then
229 Result := WideGetModuleFileName(0)
230 else
231 begin
232 P := GetCommandLineW;
233 while True do
234 begin
235 P := WideGetParamStr(P, Result);
236 if (Index = 0) or (Result = '') then Break;
237 Dec(Index);
238 end;
239 end;
240 end;
242 function WideStringToUTF8(const S: WideString): AnsiString;
243 begin
244 Result := UTF8Encode(S);
245 end;
247 function UTF8ToWideString(const S: AnsiString): WideString;
248 begin
249 Result := UTF8Decode(S);
250 end;
252 { ======================================================================= }
253 { Original File: ConvertUTF7.c }
254 { Author: David B. Goldsmith }
255 { Copyright (C) 1994, 1996 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved. }
257 { This code is copyrighted. Under the copyright laws, this code may not }
258 { be copied, in whole or part, without prior written consent of Taligent. }
260 { Taligent grants the right to use this code as long as this ENTIRE }
261 { copyright notice is reproduced in the code. The code is provided }
274 { RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the }
275 { government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph }
276 { (c)(l)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software }
277 { clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and FAR 52.227-19. }
279 { This code may be protected by one or more U.S. and International }
280 { Patents. }
282 { TRADEMARKS: Taligent and the Taligent Design Mark are registered }
283 { trademarks of Taligent, Inc. }
284 { ======================================================================= }
286 type UCS2 = Word;
288 const
289 _base64: AnsiString = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
290 _direct: AnsiString = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789''(),-./:?';
291 _optional: AnsiString = '!"#$%&*;<=>@[]^_`{|}';
292 _spaces: AnsiString = #9#13#10#32;
295 base64: PAnsiChar;
296 invbase64: array[0..127] of SmallInt;
297 direct: PAnsiChar;
298 optional: PAnsiChar;
299 spaces: PAnsiChar;
300 mustshiftsafe: array[0..127] of AnsiChar;
301 mustshiftopt: array[0..127] of AnsiChar;
304 needtables: Boolean = True;
306 procedure Initialize_UTF7_Data;
307 begin
308 base64 := PAnsiChar(_base64);
309 direct := PAnsiChar(_direct);
310 optional := PAnsiChar(_optional);
311 spaces := PAnsiChar(_spaces);
312 end;
314 procedure tabinit;
316 i: Integer;
317 limit: Integer;
318 begin
319 i := 0;
320 while (i < 128) do
321 begin
322 mustshiftopt[i] := #1;
323 mustshiftsafe[i] := #1;
324 invbase64[i] := -1;
325 Inc(i);
326 end { For };
327 limit := Length(_Direct);
328 i := 0;
329 while (i < limit) do
330 begin
331 mustshiftopt[Integer(direct[i])] := #0;
332 mustshiftsafe[Integer(direct[i])] := #0;
333 Inc(i);
334 end { For };
335 limit := Length(_Spaces);
336 i := 0;
337 while (i < limit) do
338 begin
339 mustshiftopt[Integer(spaces[i])] := #0;
340 mustshiftsafe[Integer(spaces[i])] := #0;
341 Inc(i);
342 end { For };
343 limit := Length(_Optional);
344 i := 0;
345 while (i < limit) do
346 begin
347 mustshiftopt[Integer(optional[i])] := #0;
348 Inc(i);
349 end { For };
350 limit := Length(_Base64);
351 i := 0;
352 while (i < limit) do
353 begin
354 invbase64[Integer(base64[i])] := i;
355 Inc(i);
356 end { For };
357 needtables := False;
358 end; { tabinit }
360 function WRITE_N_BITS(x: UCS2; n: Integer; var BITbuffer: Cardinal; var bufferbits: Integer): Integer;
361 begin
362 BITbuffer := BITbuffer or (x and (not (-1 shl n))) shl (32 - n - bufferbits);
363 bufferbits := bufferbits + n;
364 Result := bufferbits;
365 end; { WRITE_N_BITS }
367 function READ_N_BITS(n: Integer; var BITbuffer: Cardinal; var bufferbits: Integer): UCS2;
369 buffertemp: Cardinal;
370 begin
371 buffertemp := BITbuffer shr (32 - n);
372 BITbuffer := BITbuffer shl n;
373 bufferbits := bufferbits - n;
374 Result := UCS2(buffertemp);
375 end; { READ_N_BITS }
377 function ConvertUCS2toUTF7(var sourceStart: PWideChar; sourceEnd: PWideChar;
378 var targetStart: PAnsiChar; targetEnd: PAnsiChar; optional: Boolean;
379 verbose: Boolean): Integer;
381 r: UCS2;
382 target: PAnsiChar;
383 source: PWideChar;
384 BITbuffer: Cardinal;
385 bufferbits: Integer;
386 shifted: Boolean;
387 needshift: Boolean;
388 done: Boolean;
389 mustshift: PAnsiChar;
390 begin
391 Initialize_UTF7_Data;
392 Result := 0;
393 BITbuffer := 0;
394 bufferbits := 0;
395 shifted := False;
396 source := sourceStart;
397 target := targetStart;
398 r := 0;
399 if needtables then
400 tabinit;
401 if optional then
402 mustshift := @mustshiftopt[0]
403 else
404 mustshift := @mustshiftsafe[0];
405 repeat
406 done := source >= sourceEnd;
407 if not Done then
408 begin
409 r := Word(source^);
410 Inc(Source);
411 end { If };
412 needshift := (not done) and ((r > $7F) or (mustshift[r] <> #0));
413 if needshift and (not shifted) then
414 begin
415 if (Target >= TargetEnd) then
416 begin
417 Result := 2;
418 break;
419 end { If };
420 target^ := '+';
421 Inc(target);
422 { Special case handling of the SHIFT_IN character }
423 if (r = UCS2('+')) then
424 begin
425 if (target >= targetEnd) then
426 begin
427 Result := 2;
428 break;
429 end;
430 target^ := '-';
431 Inc(target);
433 else
434 shifted := True;
435 end { If };
436 if shifted then
437 begin
438 { Either write the character to the bit buffer, or pad }
439 { the bit buffer out to a full base64 character. }
441 if needshift then
442 WRITE_N_BITS(r, 16, BITbuffer, bufferbits)
443 else
444 WRITE_N_BITS(0, (6 - (bufferbits mod 6)) mod 6, BITbuffer,
445 bufferbits);
446 { Flush out as many full base64 characters as possible }
447 { from the bit buffer. }
449 while (target < targetEnd) and (bufferbits >= 6) do
450 begin
451 Target^ := base64[READ_N_BITS(6, BITbuffer, bufferbits)];
452 Inc(Target);
453 end { While };
454 if (bufferbits >= 6) then
455 begin
456 if (target >= targetEnd) then
457 begin
458 Result := 2;
459 break;
460 end { If };
461 end { If };
462 if (not needshift) then
463 begin
464 { Write the explicit shift out character if }
465 { 1) The caller has requested we always do it, or }
466 { 2) The directly encoded character is in the }
467 { base64 set, or }
468 { 3) The directly encoded character is SHIFT_OUT. }
470 if verbose or ((not done) and ((invbase64[r] >= 0) or (r =
471 Integer('-')))) then
472 begin
473 if (target >= targetEnd) then
474 begin
475 Result := 2;
476 Break;
477 end { If };
478 Target^ := '-';
479 Inc(Target);
480 end { If };
481 shifted := False;
482 end { If };
483 { The character can be directly encoded as ASCII. }
484 end { If };
485 if (not needshift) and (not done) then
486 begin
487 if (target >= targetEnd) then
488 begin
489 Result := 2;
490 break;
491 end { If };
492 Target^ := AnsiChar(r);
493 Inc(Target);
494 end { If };
495 until (done);
496 sourceStart := source;
497 targetStart := target;
498 end; { ConvertUCS2toUTF7 }
500 function ConvertUTF7toUCS2(var sourceStart: PAnsiChar; sourceEnd: PAnsiChar;
501 var targetStart: PWideChar; targetEnd: PWideChar): Integer;
503 target: PWideChar { Register };
504 source: PAnsiChar { Register };
505 BITbuffer: Cardinal { & "Address Of" Used };
506 bufferbits: Integer { & "Address Of" Used };
507 shifted: Boolean { Used In Boolean Context };
508 first: Boolean { Used In Boolean Context };
509 wroteone: Boolean;
510 base64EOF: Boolean;
511 base64value: Integer;
512 done: Boolean;
513 c: UCS2;
514 prevc: UCS2;
515 junk: UCS2 { Used In Boolean Context };
516 begin
517 Initialize_UTF7_Data;
518 Result := 0;
519 BITbuffer := 0;
520 bufferbits := 0;
521 shifted := False;
522 first := False;
523 wroteone := False;
524 source := sourceStart;
525 target := targetStart;
526 c := 0;
527 if needtables then
528 tabinit;
529 repeat
530 { read an ASCII character c }
531 done := Source >= SourceEnd;
532 if (not done) then
533 begin
534 c := Word(Source^);
535 Inc(Source);
536 end { If };
537 if shifted then
538 begin
539 { We're done with a base64 string if we hit EOF, it's not a valid }
540 { ASCII character, or it's not in the base64 set. }
542 base64value := invbase64[c];
543 base64EOF := (done or (c > $7F)) or (base64value < 0);
544 if base64EOF then
545 begin
546 shifted := False;
547 { If the character causing us to drop out was SHIFT_IN or }
548 { SHIFT_OUT, it may be a special escape for SHIFT_IN. The }
549 { test for SHIFT_IN is not necessary, but allows an alternate }
550 { form of UTF-7 where SHIFT_IN is escaped by SHIFT_IN. This }
551 { only works for some values of SHIFT_IN. }
553 if ((not done) and ((c = Integer('+')) or (c = Integer('-')))) then
554 begin
555 { get another character c }
556 prevc := c;
557 Done := Source >= SourceEnd;
558 if (not Done) then
559 begin
560 c := Word(Source^);
561 Inc(Source);
562 { If no base64 characters were encountered, and the }
563 { character terminating the shift sequence was }
564 { SHIFT_OUT, then it's a special escape for SHIFT_IN. }
566 end;
567 if first and (prevc = Integer('-')) then
568 begin
569 { write SHIFT_IN unicode }
570 if (target >= targetEnd) then
571 begin
572 Result := 2;
573 break;
574 end { If };
575 Target^ := WideChar('+');
576 Inc(Target);
578 else
579 begin
580 if (not wroteone) then
581 begin
582 Result := 1;
583 end { If };
584 end { Else };
586 end { If }
587 else
588 begin
589 if (not wroteone) then
590 begin
591 Result := 1;
592 end { If };
593 end { Else };
594 end { If }
595 else
596 begin
597 { Add another 6 bits of base64 to the bit buffer. }
598 WRITE_N_BITS(base64value, 6, BITbuffer,
599 bufferbits);
600 first := False;
601 end { Else };
602 { Extract as many full 16 bit characters as possible from the }
603 { bit buffer. }
605 while (bufferbits >= 16) and (target < targetEnd) do
606 begin
607 { write a unicode }
608 Target^ := WideChar(READ_N_BITS(16, BITbuffer, bufferbits));
609 Inc(Target);
610 wroteone := True;
611 end { While };
612 if (bufferbits >= 16) then
613 begin
614 if (target >= targetEnd) then
615 begin
616 Result := 2;
617 Break;
618 end;
619 end { If };
620 if (base64EOF) then
621 begin
622 junk := READ_N_BITS(bufferbits, BITbuffer, bufferbits);
623 if (junk <> 0) then
624 begin
625 Result := 1;
626 end { If };
627 end { If };
628 end { If };
629 if (not shifted) and (not done) then
630 begin
631 if (c = Integer('+')) then
632 begin
633 shifted := True;
634 first := True;
635 wroteone := False;
636 end { If }
637 else
638 begin
639 { It must be a directly encoded character. }
640 if (c > $7F) then
641 begin
642 Result := 1;
643 end { If };
644 if (target >= targetEnd) then
645 begin
646 Result := 2;
647 break;
648 end { If };
649 Target^ := WideChar(c);
650 Inc(Target);
651 end { Else };
652 end { If };
653 until (done);
654 sourceStart := source;
655 targetStart := target;
656 end; { ConvertUTF7toUCS2 }
658 {*****************************************************************************}
659 { Thanks to Francisco Leong for providing the Pascal conversion of }
660 { ConvertUTF7.c (by David B. Goldsmith) }
661 {*****************************************************************************}
663 resourcestring
664 SBufferOverflow = 'Buffer overflow';
665 SInvalidUTF7 = 'Invalid UTF7';
667 function WideStringToUTF7(const W: WideString): AnsiString;
669 SourceStart, SourceEnd: PWideChar;
670 TargetStart, TargetEnd: PAnsiChar;
671 begin
672 if W = '' then
673 Result := ''
674 else
675 begin
676 SetLength(Result, Length(W) * 7); // Assume worst case
677 SourceStart := PWideChar(@W[1]);
678 SourceEnd := PWideChar(@W[Length(W)]) + 1;
679 TargetStart := PAnsiChar(@Result[1]);
680 TargetEnd := PAnsiChar(@Result[Length(Result)]) + 1;
681 if ConvertUCS2toUTF7(SourceStart, SourceEnd, TargetStart,
682 TargetEnd, True, False) <> 0
683 then
684 raise ETntInternalError.Create(SBufferOverflow);
685 SetLength(Result, TargetStart - PAnsiChar(@Result[1]));
686 end;
687 end;
689 function UTF7ToWideString(const S: AnsiString): WideString;
691 SourceStart, SourceEnd: PAnsiChar;
692 TargetStart, TargetEnd: PWideChar;
693 begin
694 if (S = '') then
695 Result := ''
696 else
697 begin
698 SetLength(Result, Length(S)); // Assume Worst case
699 SourceStart := PAnsiChar(@S[1]);
700 SourceEnd := PAnsiChar(@S[Length(S)]) + 1;
701 TargetStart := PWideChar(@Result[1]);
702 TargetEnd := PWideChar(@Result[Length(Result)]) + 1;
703 case ConvertUTF7toUCS2(SourceStart, SourceEnd, TargetStart,
704 TargetEnd) of
705 1: raise ETntGeneralError.Create(SInvalidUTF7);
706 2: raise ETntInternalError.Create(SBufferOverflow);
707 end;
708 SetLength(Result, TargetStart - PWideChar(@Result[1]));
709 end;
710 end;
712 function StringToWideStringEx(const S: AnsiString; CodePage: Cardinal): WideString;
714 InputLength,
715 OutputLength: Integer;
716 begin
717 if CodePage = CP_UTF7 then
718 Result := UTF7ToWideString(S) // CP_UTF7 not supported on Windows 95
719 else if CodePage = CP_UTF8 then
720 Result := UTF8ToWideString(S) // CP_UTF8 not supported on Windows 95
721 else begin
722 InputLength := Length(S);
723 OutputLength := MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, 0, PAnsiChar(S), InputLength, nil, 0);
724 SetLength(Result, OutputLength);
725 MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, 0, PAnsiChar(S), InputLength, PWideChar(Result), OutputLength);
726 end;
727 end;
729 function WideStringToStringEx(const WS: WideString; CodePage: Cardinal): AnsiString;
731 InputLength,
732 OutputLength: Integer;
733 begin
734 if CodePage = CP_UTF7 then
735 Result := WideStringToUTF7(WS) // CP_UTF7 not supported on Windows 95
736 else if CodePage = CP_UTF8 then
737 Result := WideStringToUTF8(WS) // CP_UTF8 not supported on Windows 95
738 else begin
739 InputLength := Length(WS);
740 OutputLength := WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, 0, PWideChar(WS), InputLength, nil, 0, nil, nil);
741 SetLength(Result, OutputLength);
742 WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, 0, PWideChar(WS), InputLength, PAnsiChar(Result), OutputLength, nil, nil);
743 end;
744 end;
746 function UCS2ToWideString(const Value: AnsiString): WideString;
747 begin
748 if Length(Value) = 0 then
749 Result := ''
750 else
751 SetString(Result, PWideChar(@Value[1]), Length(Value) div SizeOf(WideChar))
752 end;
754 function WideStringToUCS2(const Value: WideString): AnsiString;
755 begin
756 if Length(Value) = 0 then
757 Result := ''
758 else
759 SetString(Result, PAnsiChar(@Value[1]), Length(Value) * SizeOf(WideChar))
760 end;
762 { Windows.pas doesn't declare TranslateCharsetInfo() correctly. }
763 function TranslateCharsetInfo(lpSrc: PDWORD; var lpCs: TCharsetInfo; dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; external gdi32 name 'TranslateCharsetInfo';
765 function CharSetToCodePage(ciCharset: UINT): Cardinal;
767 C: TCharsetInfo;
768 begin
769 Win32Check(TranslateCharsetInfo(PDWORD(ciCharset), C, TCI_SRCCHARSET));
770 Result := C.ciACP
771 end;
773 function LCIDToCodePage(ALcid: LCID): Cardinal;
775 Buf: array[0..6] of AnsiChar;
776 begin
777 GetLocaleInfo(ALcid, LOCALE_IDefaultAnsiCodePage, Buf, 6);
778 Result := StrToIntDef(Buf, GetACP);
779 end;
781 function KeyboardCodePage: Cardinal;
782 begin
783 Result := LCIDToCodePage(GetKeyboardLayout(0) and $FFFF);
784 end;
786 function KeyUnicode(CharCode: Word): WideChar;
788 AChar: AnsiChar;
789 begin
790 // converts the given character (as it comes with a WM_CHAR message) into its
791 // corresponding Unicode character depending on the active keyboard layout
792 if CharCode <= Word(High(AnsiChar)) then begin
793 AChar := AnsiChar(CharCode);
794 MultiByteToWideChar(KeyboardCodePage, MB_USEGLYPHCHARS, @AChar, 1, @Result, 1);
795 end else
796 Result := WideChar(CharCode);
797 end;
799 procedure StrSwapByteOrder(Str: PWideChar);
801 P: PWord;
802 begin
803 P := PWord(Str);
804 While (P^ <> 0) do begin
805 P^ := MakeWord(HiByte(P^), LoByte(P^));
806 Inc(P);
807 end;
808 end;
810 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
811 // LoadResString()
813 // This system function is used to retrieve a resourcestring and
814 // return the result as an AnsiString. If we believe that the result
815 // is only a temporary value, and that it will be immediately
816 // assigned to a WideString or a Variant, then we will save the
817 // Unicode result as well as a reference to the original Ansi string.
818 // WStrFromPCharLen() or VarFromLStr() will return this saved
819 // Unicode string if it appears to receive the most recent result
820 // of LoadResString.
821 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
824 //===========================================================================================
826 // function CodeMatchesPatternForUnicode(...);
828 // GIVEN: SomeWideString := SSomeResString; { WideString := resourcestring }
830 // Delphi will compile this statement into the following:
831 // -------------------------------------------------
832 // TempAnsiString := LoadResString(@SSomeResString);
833 // LINE 1: lea edx,[SomeTempAnsiString]
834 // LINE 2: mov eax,[@SomeResString]
835 // LINE 3: call LoadResString
837 // WStrFromLStr(SomeWideString, TempAnsiString); { SomeWideString := TempAnsiString }
838 // LINE 4: mov edx,[SomeTempAnsiString]
839 // LINE 5: mov/lea eax [@SomeWideString]
840 // LINE 6: call @WStrFromLStr
841 // -------------------------------------------------
843 // The order in which the parameters are prepared for WStrFromLStr (ie LINE 4 & 5) is
844 // reversed when assigning a non-temporary AnsiString to a WideString.
846 // This code, for example, results in LINE 4 and LINE 5 being swapped.
848 // SomeAnsiString := SSomeResString;
849 // SomeWideString := SomeAnsiString;
851 // Since we know the "signature" used by the compiler, we can detect this pattern.
852 // If we believe it is only temporary, we can save the Unicode results for later
853 // retrieval from WStrFromLStr.
855 // One final note: When assigning a resourcestring to a Variant, the same patterns exist.
856 //===========================================================================================
858 function CodeMatchesPatternForUnicode(PLine4: PAnsiChar): Boolean;
859 const
860 SIZEOF_OPCODE = 1 {byte};
861 MOV_16_OPCODE = AnsiChar($8B); { we'll assume operand size is 16 bits }
862 MOV_32_OPCODE = AnsiChar($B8); { we'll assume operand size is 32 bits }
863 LEA_OPCODE = AnsiChar($8D); { operand size can be 16 or 40 bits }
864 CALL_OPCODE = AnsiChar($E8); { assumed operand size is 32 bits }
865 BREAK_OPCODE = AnsiChar($CC); {in a breakpoint}
867 PLine1: PAnsiChar;
868 PLine2: PAnsiChar;
869 PLine3: PAnsiChar;
870 DataSize: Integer; // bytes in first LEA operand
871 begin
872 Result := False;
874 PLine3 := PLine4 - SizeOf(CALL_OPCODE) - 4;
875 PLine2 := PLine3 - SizeOf(MOV_32_OPCODE) - 4;
877 // figure PLine1 and operand size
878 DataSize := 2; { try 16 bit operand for line 1 }
879 PLine1 := PLine2 - DataSize - SizeOf(LEA_OPCODE);
880 if (PLine1^ <> LEA_OPCODE) and (not (IsDebugging and (PLine1^ = BREAK_OPCODE))) then
881 begin
882 DataSize := 5; { try 40 bit operand for line 1 }
883 PLine1 := PLine2 - DataSize - SizeOf(LEA_OPCODE);
884 end;
885 if (PLine1^ = LEA_OPCODE) or (IsDebugging and (PLine1^ = BREAK_OPCODE)) then
886 begin
887 if CompareMem(PLine1 + SIZEOF_OPCODE, PLine4 + SIZEOF_OPCODE, DataSize) then
888 begin
889 // After this check, it seems to match the WideString <- (temp) AnsiString pattern
890 Result := True; // It is probably OK. (The side effects of being wrong aren't very bad.)
891 end;
892 end;
893 end;
895 threadvar
896 PLastResString: PAnsiChar;
897 LastResStringValue: AnsiString;
898 LastWideResString: WideString;
900 procedure FreeTntSystemThreadVars;
901 begin
902 LastResStringValue := '';
903 LastWideResString := '';
904 end;
906 procedure Custom_System_EndThread(ExitCode: Integer);
907 begin
908 FreeTntSystemThreadVars;
910 if Assigned(SystemThreadEndProc) then
911 SystemThreadEndProc(ExitCode);
912 {$ENDIF}
913 ExitThread(ExitCode);
914 end;
916 function Custom_System_LoadResString(ResStringRec: PResStringRec): AnsiString;
918 ReturnAddr: Pointer;
919 begin
920 // get return address
923 MOV ECX, [EBP + 4]
924 MOV ReturnAddr, ECX
926 end;
927 // check calling code pattern
928 if CodeMatchesPatternForUnicode(ReturnAddr) then begin
929 // result will probably be assigned to an intermediate AnsiString
930 // on its way to either a WideString or Variant.
931 LastWideResString := WideLoadResString(ResStringRec);
932 Result := LastWideResString;
933 LastResStringValue := Result;
934 if Result = '' then
935 PLastResString := nil
936 else
937 PLastResString := PAnsiChar(Result);
938 end else begin
939 // result will probably be assigned to an actual AnsiString variable.
940 PLastResString := nil;
941 Result := WideLoadResString(ResStringRec);
942 end;
943 end;
945 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
946 // WStrFromPCharLen()
948 // This system function is used to assign an AnsiString to a WideString.
949 // It has been modified to assign Unicode results from LoadResString.
950 // Another purpose of this function is to specify the code page.
951 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
953 procedure Custom_System_WStrFromPCharLen(var Dest: WideString; Source: PAnsiChar; Length: Integer);
955 DestLen: Integer;
956 Buffer: array[0..2047] of WideChar;
957 Local_PLastResString: Pointer;
958 begin
959 Local_PLastResString := PLastResString;
960 if (Local_PLastResString <> nil)
961 and (Local_PLastResString = Source)
962 and (System.Length(LastResStringValue) = Length)
963 and (LastResStringValue = Source) then begin
964 // use last unicode resource string
965 PLastResString := nil; { clear for further use }
966 Dest := LastWideResString;
967 end else begin
968 if Local_PLastResString <> nil then
969 PLastResString := nil; { clear for further use }
970 if Length <= 0 then
971 begin
972 Dest := '';
973 Exit;
974 end;
975 if Length + 1 < High(Buffer) then
976 begin
977 DestLen := MultiByteToWideChar(DefaultSystemCodePage, 0, Source, Length, Buffer,
978 High(Buffer));
979 if DestLen > 0 then
980 begin
981 SetLength(Dest, DestLen);
982 Move(Pointer(@Buffer[0])^, Pointer(Dest)^, DestLen * SizeOf(WideChar));
983 Exit;
984 end;
985 end;
986 DestLen := (Length + 1);
987 SetLength(Dest, DestLen); // overallocate, trim later
988 DestLen := MultiByteToWideChar(DefaultSystemCodePage, 0, Source, Length, Pointer(Dest),
989 DestLen);
990 if DestLen < 0 then
991 DestLen := 0;
992 SetLength(Dest, DestLen);
993 end;
994 end;
998 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
999 // LStrFromPWCharLen()
1001 // This system function is used to assign an WideString to an AnsiString.
1002 // It has not been modified from its original purpose other than to specify the code page.
1003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1005 procedure Custom_System_LStrFromPWCharLen(var Dest: AnsiString; Source: PWideChar; Length: Integer);
1007 DestLen: Integer;
1008 Buffer: array[0..4095] of AnsiChar;
1009 begin
1010 if Length <= 0 then
1011 begin
1012 Dest := '';
1013 Exit;
1014 end;
1015 if Length + 1 < (High(Buffer) div sizeof(WideChar)) then
1016 begin
1017 DestLen := WideCharToMultiByte(DefaultSystemCodePage, 0, Source,
1018 Length, Buffer, High(Buffer),
1019 nil, nil);
1020 if DestLen >= 0 then
1021 begin
1022 SetLength(Dest, DestLen);
1023 Move(Pointer(@Buffer[0])^, PAnsiChar(Dest)^, DestLen);
1024 Exit;
1025 end;
1026 end;
1028 DestLen := (Length + 1) * sizeof(WideChar);
1029 SetLength(Dest, DestLen); // overallocate, trim later
1030 DestLen := WideCharToMultiByte(DefaultSystemCodePage, 0, Source, Length, Pointer(Dest), DestLen,
1031 nil, nil);
1032 if DestLen < 0 then
1033 DestLen := 0;
1034 SetLength(Dest, DestLen);
1035 end;
1037 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1038 // WStrToString()
1040 // This system function is used to assign an WideString to an short string.
1041 // It has not been modified from its original purpose other than to specify the code page.
1042 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1044 procedure Custom_System_WStrToString(Dest: PShortString; const Source: WideString; MaxLen: Integer);
1046 SourceLen, DestLen: Integer;
1047 Buffer: array[0..511] of AnsiChar;
1048 begin
1049 if MaxLen > 255 then MaxLen := 255;
1050 SourceLen := Length(Source);
1051 if SourceLen >= MaxLen then SourceLen := MaxLen;
1052 if SourceLen = 0 then
1053 DestLen := 0
1054 else begin
1055 DestLen := WideCharToMultiByte(DefaultSystemCodePage, 0, Pointer(Source), SourceLen,
1056 Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), nil, nil);
1057 if DestLen > MaxLen then DestLen := MaxLen;
1058 end;
1059 Dest^[0] := Chr(DestLen);
1060 if DestLen > 0 then Move(Buffer, Dest^[1], DestLen);
1061 end;
1063 {$ENDIF}
1065 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1066 // VarFromLStr()
1068 // This system function is used to assign an AnsiString to a Variant.
1069 // It has been modified to assign Unicode results from LoadResString.
1070 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1072 procedure Custom_System_VarFromLStr(var V: TVarData; const Value: AnsiString);
1073 const
1074 varDeepData = $BFE8;
1076 Local_PLastResString: Pointer;
1077 begin
1078 if (V.VType and varDeepData) <> 0 then
1079 VarClear(PVariant(@V)^);
1081 Local_PLastResString := PLastResString;
1082 if (Local_PLastResString <> nil)
1083 and (Local_PLastResString = PAnsiChar(Value))
1084 and (LastResStringValue = Value) then begin
1085 // use last unicode resource string
1086 PLastResString := nil; { clear for further use }
1087 V.VOleStr := nil;
1088 V.VType := varOleStr;
1089 WideString(Pointer(V.VOleStr)) := Copy(LastWideResString, 1, MaxInt);
1090 end else begin
1091 if Local_PLastResString <> nil then
1092 PLastResString := nil; { clear for further use }
1093 V.VString := nil;
1094 V.VType := varString;
1095 AnsiString(V.VString) := Value;
1096 end;
1097 end;
1101 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1102 // WStrCat3() A := B + C;
1104 // This system function is used to concatenate two strings into one result.
1105 // This function is added because A := '' + '' doesn't necessarily result in A = '';
1106 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1108 procedure Custom_System_WStrCat3(var Dest: WideString; const Source1, Source2: WideString);
1110 function NewWideString(CharLength: Longint): Pointer;
1112 _NewWideString: function(CharLength: Longint): Pointer;
1113 begin
1116 MOV ECX, offset System.@NewWideString;
1117 MOV _NewWideString, ECX
1118 POP ECX
1119 end;
1120 Result := _NewWideString(CharLength);
1121 end;
1123 procedure WStrSet(var S: WideString; P: PWideChar);
1125 Temp: Pointer;
1126 begin
1127 Temp := Pointer(InterlockedExchange(Integer(S), Integer(P)));
1128 if Temp <> nil then
1129 WideString(Temp) := '';
1130 end;
1133 Source1Len, Source2Len: Integer;
1134 NewStr: PWideChar;
1135 begin
1136 Source1Len := Length(Source1);
1137 Source2Len := Length(Source2);
1138 if (Source1Len <> 0) or (Source2Len <> 0) then
1139 begin
1140 NewStr := NewWideString(Source1Len + Source2Len);
1141 Move(Pointer(Source1)^, Pointer(NewStr)^, Source1Len * sizeof(WideChar));
1142 Move(Pointer(Source2)^, NewStr[Source1Len], Source2Len * sizeof(WideChar));
1143 WStrSet(Dest, NewStr);
1144 end else
1145 Dest := '';
1146 end;
1148 {$ENDIF}
1150 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1151 // System proc replacements
1152 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1154 type
1155 POverwrittenData = ^TOverwrittenData;
1156 TOverwrittenData = record
1157 Location: Pointer;
1158 OldCode: array[0..6] of Byte;
1159 end;
1161 procedure OverwriteProcedure(OldProcedure, NewProcedure: pointer; Data: POverwrittenData = nil);
1162 { OverwriteProcedure originally from Igor Siticov }
1163 { Modified by Jacques Garcia Vazquez }
1165 x: PAnsiChar;
1166 y: integer;
1167 ov2, ov: cardinal;
1168 p: pointer;
1169 begin
1170 if Assigned(Data) and (Data.Location <> nil) then
1171 exit; { procedure already overwritten }
1173 // need six bytes in place of 5
1174 x := PAnsiChar(OldProcedure);
1175 if not VirtualProtect(Pointer(x), 6, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, @ov) then
1176 RaiseLastOSError;
1178 // if a jump is present then a redirect is found
1179 // $FF25 = jmp dword ptr [xxx]
1180 // This redirect is normally present in bpl files, but not in exe files
1181 p := OldProcedure;
1183 if Word(p^) = $25FF then
1184 begin
1185 Inc(Integer(p), 2); // skip the jump
1186 // get the jump address p^ and dereference it p^^
1187 p := Pointer(Pointer(p^)^);
1189 // release the memory
1190 if not VirtualProtect(Pointer(x), 6, ov, @ov2) then
1191 RaiseLastOSError;
1193 // re protect the correct one
1194 x := PAnsiChar(p);
1195 if not VirtualProtect(Pointer(x), 6, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, @ov) then
1196 RaiseLastOSError;
1197 end;
1199 if Assigned(Data) then
1200 begin
1201 Move(x^, Data.OldCode, 6);
1202 { Assign Location last so that Location <> nil only if OldCode is properly initialized. }
1203 Data.Location := x;
1204 end;
1206 x[0] := AnsiChar($E9);
1207 y := integer(NewProcedure) - integer(p) - 5;
1208 x[1] := AnsiChar(y and 255);
1209 x[2] := AnsiChar((y shr 8) and 255);
1210 x[3] := AnsiChar((y shr 16) and 255);
1211 x[4] := AnsiChar((y shr 24) and 255);
1213 if not VirtualProtect(Pointer(x), 6, ov, @ov2) then
1214 RaiseLastOSError;
1215 end;
1217 procedure RestoreProcedure(OriginalProc: Pointer; Data: TOverwrittenData);
1219 ov, ov2: Cardinal;
1220 begin
1221 if Data.Location <> nil then begin
1222 if not VirtualProtect(Data.Location, 6, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, @ov) then
1223 RaiseLastOSError;
1224 Move(Data.OldCode, Data.Location^, 6);
1225 if not VirtualProtect(Data.Location, 6, ov, @ov2) then
1226 RaiseLastOSError;
1227 end;
1228 end;
1230 function Addr_System_EndThread: Pointer;
1231 begin
1232 Result := @System.EndThread;
1233 end;
1235 function Addr_System_LoadResString: Pointer;
1236 begin
1237 Result := @System.LoadResString{TNT-ALLOW LoadResString};
1238 end;
1240 function Addr_System_WStrFromPCharLen: Pointer;
1242 mov eax, offset System.@WStrFromPCharLen;
1243 end;
1246 function Addr_System_LStrFromPWCharLen: Pointer;
1248 mov eax, offset System.@LStrFromPWCharLen;
1249 end;
1251 function Addr_System_WStrToString: Pointer;
1253 mov eax, offset System.@WStrToString;
1254 end;
1255 {$ENDIF}
1257 function Addr_System_VarFromLStr: Pointer;
1259 mov eax, offset System.@VarFromLStr;
1260 end;
1262 function Addr_System_WStrCat3: Pointer;
1264 mov eax, offset System.@WStrCat3;
1265 end;
1268 System_EndThread_Code,
1269 System_LoadResString_Code,
1270 System_WStrFromPCharLen_Code,
1272 System_LStrFromPWCharLen_Code,
1273 System_WStrToString_Code,
1274 {$ENDIF}
1275 System_VarFromLStr_Code,
1277 System_WStrCat3_Code,
1278 SysUtils_WideFmtStr_Code,
1279 {$ENDIF}
1280 Forms_TApplication_ShowException_Code,
1281 SysUtils_RaiseLastOsError_Code: TOverwrittenData;
1283 procedure InstallEndThreadOverride;
1284 begin
1285 OverwriteProcedure(Addr_System_EndThread, @Custom_System_EndThread, @System_EndThread_Code);
1286 end;
1288 procedure InstallStringConversionOverrides;
1289 begin
1290 OverwriteProcedure(Addr_System_WStrFromPCharLen, @Custom_System_WStrFromPCharLen, @System_WStrFromPCharLen_Code);
1292 OverwriteProcedure(Addr_System_LStrFromPWCharLen, @Custom_System_LStrFromPWCharLen, @System_LStrFromPWCharLen_Code);
1293 OverwriteProcedure(Addr_System_WStrToString, @Custom_System_WStrToString, @System_WStrToString_Code);
1294 {$ENDIF}
1295 end;
1297 procedure InstallWideResourceStrings;
1298 begin
1299 OverwriteProcedure(Addr_System_LoadResString, @Custom_System_LoadResString, @System_LoadResString_Code);
1300 OverwriteProcedure(Addr_System_VarFromLStr, @Custom_System_VarFromLStr, @System_VarFromLStr_Code);
1301 end;
1304 procedure InstallWideStringConcatenationFix;
1305 begin
1306 OverwriteProcedure(Addr_System_WStrCat3, @Custom_System_WStrCat3, @System_WStrCat3_Code);
1307 end;
1309 procedure InstallWideFormatFixes;
1310 begin
1311 OverwriteProcedure(@SysUtils.WideFmtStr, @TntSysUtils.Tnt_WideFmtStr, @SysUtils_WideFmtStr_Code);
1312 end;
1313 {$ENDIF}
1315 procedure InstallWideExceptions;
1316 begin
1317 OverwriteProcedure(@Forms.TApplication.ShowException, @TTntApplication.ShowException, @Forms_TApplication_ShowException_Code);
1318 OverwriteProcedure(@SysUtils.RaiseLastOsError, @TntSysUtils.WideRaiseLastOsError, @SysUtils_RaiseLastOsError_Code);
1319 end;
1321 procedure InstallTntSystemUpdates(Updates: TTntSystemUpdateSet = AllTntSystemUpdates);
1322 begin
1323 InstallEndThreadOverride;
1324 if tsWideResourceStrings in Updates then begin
1325 InstallStringConversionOverrides;
1326 InstallWideResourceStrings;
1327 end;
1329 if tsFixImplicitCodePage in Updates then begin
1330 InstallStringConversionOverrides;
1331 { CP_ACP is the code page used by the non-Unicode Windows API. }
1332 GDefaultSystemCodePage := CP_ACP{TNT-ALLOW CP_ACP};
1333 end;
1334 if tsFixWideStrConcat in Updates then begin
1335 InstallWideStringConcatenationFix;
1336 end;
1337 if tsFixWideFormat in Updates then begin
1338 InstallWideFormatFixes;
1339 end;
1340 {$ENDIF}
1341 if tsWideExceptions in Updates then begin
1342 InstallWideExceptions
1343 end;
1344 end;
1348 StartupDefaultUserCodePage: Cardinal;
1349 {$ENDIF}
1351 procedure UninstallSystemOverrides;
1352 begin
1353 RestoreProcedure(Addr_System_EndThread, System_EndThread_Code);
1354 // String Conversion
1355 RestoreProcedure(Addr_System_WStrFromPCharLen, System_WStrFromPCharLen_Code);
1357 RestoreProcedure(Addr_System_LStrFromPWCharLen, System_LStrFromPWCharLen_Code);
1358 RestoreProcedure(Addr_System_WStrToString, System_WStrToString_Code);
1359 GDefaultSystemCodePage := StartupDefaultUserCodePage;
1360 {$ENDIF}
1361 // Wide resourcestring
1362 RestoreProcedure(Addr_System_LoadResString, System_LoadResString_Code);
1363 RestoreProcedure(Addr_System_VarFromLStr, System_VarFromLStr_Code);
1365 // WideString concat fix
1366 RestoreProcedure(Addr_System_WStrCat3, System_WStrCat3_Code);
1367 // WideFormat fixes
1368 RestoreProcedure(@SysUtils.WideFmtStr, SysUtils_WideFmtStr_Code);
1369 {$ENDIF}
1370 // Wide exception
1371 RestoreProcedure(@Forms.TApplication.ShowException, Forms_TApplication_ShowException_Code);
1372 RestoreProcedure(@SysUtils.RaiseLastOsError, SysUtils_RaiseLastOsError_Code);
1373 end;
1375 initialization
1377 GDefaultSystemCodePage := GetACP;
1378 {$ELSE}
1380 if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion >= 5) then
1381 GDefaultSystemCodePage := CP_THREAD_ACP // Win 2K/XP/...
1382 else
1383 GDefaultSystemCodePage := LCIDToCodePage(GetThreadLocale); // Win NT4/95/98/ME
1384 {$ELSE}
1385 GDefaultSystemCodePage := CP_ACP{TNT-ALLOW CP_ACP};
1386 {$ENDIF}
1387 {$ENDIF}
1389 StartupDefaultUserCodePage := DefaultSystemCodePage;
1390 {$ENDIF}
1391 IsDebugging := DebugHook > 0;
1393 finalization
1394 UninstallSystemOverrides;
1395 FreeTntSystemThreadVars; { Make MemorySleuth happy. }
1397 end.