Merge branch 'main/rendor-staging' into fixes
[ryzomcore.git] / nel / src / 3d / track_sampled_common.cpp
1 // NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
2 // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
3 //
4 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
6 // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
7 // License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
15 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 #include "std3d.h"
19 #include "nel/misc/quat.h"
20 #include "nel/misc/common.h"
21 #include "nel/misc/algo.h"
22 #include "nel/3d/track_sampled_common.h"
23 #include "nel/misc/vectord.h"
25 using namespace NLMISC;
26 using namespace std;
28 #ifdef DEBUG_NEW
29 #define new DEBUG_NEW
30 #endif
32 namespace NL3D
36 // ***************************************************************************
37 // ***************************************************************************
38 // CTrackSampledCommon
39 // ***************************************************************************
40 // ***************************************************************************
43 // ***************************************************************************
44 CTrackSampledCommon::CTrackSampledCommon()
46 _LoopMode= true;
49 // ***************************************************************************
50 CTrackSampledCommon::~CTrackSampledCommon()
54 // ***************************************************************************
55 bool CTrackSampledCommon::getLoopMode() const
57 return _LoopMode;
60 // ***************************************************************************
61 TAnimationTime CTrackSampledCommon::getBeginTime () const
63 return _BeginTime;
66 // ***************************************************************************
67 TAnimationTime CTrackSampledCommon::getEndTime () const
69 return _EndTime;
73 // ***************************************************************************
74 void CTrackSampledCommon::CTimeBlock::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f)
76 (void)f.serialVersion(0);
78 f.serial(TimeOffset);
79 f.serial(KeyOffset);
80 f.serial(Times);
83 // ***************************************************************************
84 void CTrackSampledCommon::serialCommon(NLMISC::IStream &f)
86 (void)f.serialVersion(0);
88 f.serial(_LoopMode);
89 f.serial(_BeginTime);
90 f.serial(_EndTime) ;
91 f.serial(_TotalRange);
92 f.serial(_OOTotalRange);
93 f.serial(_DeltaTime);
94 f.serial(_OODeltaTime);
95 f.serial(_TimeBlocks);
99 // ***************************************************************************
100 void CTrackSampledCommon::buildCommon(const std::vector<uint16> &timeList, float beginTime, float endTime)
102 nlassert( endTime>beginTime || (beginTime==endTime && timeList.size()<=1) );
103 uint i;
105 // reset.
106 uint numKeys= (uint)timeList.size();
107 _TimeBlocks.clear();
109 // Special case of 0 or 1 key.
110 //===================
111 if(numKeys<=1)
113 _BeginTime= beginTime;
114 _EndTime= endTime;
115 _TotalRange= 0;
116 _OOTotalRange= 0;
117 _DeltaTime= 0;
118 _OODeltaTime= 0;
119 if(numKeys==1)
121 _TimeBlocks.resize(1);
122 _TimeBlocks[0].TimeOffset= 0;
123 _TimeBlocks[0].Times.resize(1);
124 _TimeBlocks[0].Times[0]= 0;
127 return;
130 // Compute All Time blocks.
131 //===================
132 sint32 lastBlockFrame= -1000000;
133 nlassert(timeList[0] == 0);
134 // Header info for creating timeBlocks
135 vector<uint> timeBlockKeyId;
136 vector<uint> timeBlockNumKeys;
138 // compute how many time block we need.
139 for(i=0; i<numKeys; i++)
141 // verify growing order, and time difference.
142 if(i>0)
144 nlassert(timeList[i]>timeList[i-1]);
145 nlassert(timeList[i]-timeList[i-1] <= 255 );
147 // If the current frame is to far from the last TimeBlock frame (or if 1st timeBlock), must create a new timeBlock
148 if(timeList[i]-lastBlockFrame>255)
150 // create a new timeblock
151 timeBlockKeyId.push_back(i);
152 // Add this key to this new time Block (numKey == 1).
153 timeBlockNumKeys.push_back(1);
154 lastBlockFrame= timeList[i];
156 else
158 // Add this key to the timeBlock.
159 timeBlockNumKeys[timeBlockNumKeys.size()-1]++;
163 // Build the timeBlocks.
164 _TimeBlocks.resize((uint32)timeBlockKeyId.size());
165 for(i=0; i<timeBlockKeyId.size(); i++)
167 CTimeBlock &timeBlock= _TimeBlocks[i];
168 uint firstKeyId= timeBlockKeyId[i];
169 uint numKeys= timeBlockNumKeys[i];
170 // compute the offset time and key
171 timeBlock.KeyOffset= firstKeyId;
172 timeBlock.TimeOffset= timeList[firstKeyId];
173 // create array of key
174 timeBlock.Times.resize(numKeys);
175 for(uint j=0;j<timeBlock.Times.size(); j++)
177 // get the key time and make it local to the timeBlock.
178 timeBlock.Times[j]= timeList[firstKeyId+j] - timeBlock.TimeOffset;
182 // Compute other params
183 //===================
184 _BeginTime= beginTime;
185 _EndTime= endTime;
186 // compute deltatime for a frame to another
187 uint totalFrameCount= timeList[numKeys-1] - timeList[0];
188 nlassert(totalFrameCount>0);
189 _DeltaTime= (_EndTime-_BeginTime) / totalFrameCount;
190 _OODeltaTime= (float)(1.0 / _DeltaTime);
191 // Compute range of anim
192 _TotalRange= _EndTime-_BeginTime;
193 _OOTotalRange= float(1.0/_TotalRange);
197 // ***************************************************************************
198 void CTrackSampledCommon::setLoopMode(bool mode)
200 _LoopMode= mode;
204 // ***************************************************************************
205 CTrackSampledCommon::TEvalType CTrackSampledCommon::evalTime (const TAnimationTime& date, uint numKeys, uint &keyId0, uint &keyId1, float &interpValue)
207 /* IF YOU CHANGE THIS CODE, CHANGE too CTrackSampledQuatSmallHeader
210 // Empty? quit
211 if(numKeys==0)
212 return EvalDiscard;
214 // One Key? easy, and quit.
215 if(numKeys==1)
217 keyId0= 0;
218 return EvalKey0;
221 // manage Loop
222 //=====================
223 float localTime;
224 if(_LoopMode)
226 nlassert(_TotalRange>0);
227 // get relative to BeginTime.
228 localTime= date-_BeginTime;
230 // force us to be in interval [0, _TotalRange[.
231 if( localTime<0 || localTime>=_TotalRange )
233 double d= localTime*_OOTotalRange;
235 // floor(d) is the truncated number of loops.
236 d= localTime- floor(d)*_TotalRange;
237 localTime= (float)d;
239 // For precision problems, ensure correct range.
240 if(localTime<0 || localTime >= _TotalRange)
241 localTime= 0;
245 else
247 // get relative to BeginTime.
248 localTime= date-_BeginTime;
252 // Find the first key before localTime
253 //=====================
254 // get the frame in the track.
255 sint frame= (sint)floor(localTime*_OODeltaTime);
256 // clamp to uint16
257 clamp(frame, 0, 65535);
259 // Search the TimeBlock.
260 CTimeBlock keyTB;
261 keyTB.TimeOffset= frame;
262 uint tbId;
263 tbId= searchLowerBound(_TimeBlocks.getPtr(), _TimeBlocks.size(), keyTB);
265 // get this timeBlock.
266 CTimeBlock &timeBlock= _TimeBlocks[tbId];
267 // get frame relative to this timeBlock.
268 sint frameRel= frame-timeBlock.TimeOffset;
269 // clamp to uint8
270 clamp(frameRel, 0, 255);
271 // get the key in this timeBlock.
272 uint keyIdRel;
273 keyIdRel= searchLowerBound(timeBlock.Times.getPtr(), timeBlock.Times.size(), (uint8)frameRel);
275 // Get the Frame and Value of Key0.
276 uint frameKey0= timeBlock.TimeOffset + timeBlock.Times[keyIdRel];
277 // this is the key to evaluate
278 keyId0= timeBlock.KeyOffset + keyIdRel;
281 // Interpolate with next key
282 //=====================
284 // If not the last Key
285 if(keyId0<numKeys-1)
287 // Get the next key.
288 keyId1= keyId0+1;
289 uint frameKey1;
290 // If last key of the timeBlock, get the first time of the next timeBlock.
291 if( keyIdRel+1 >= timeBlock.Times.size() )
293 nlassert(tbId+1<_TimeBlocks.size());
294 frameKey1= _TimeBlocks[tbId+1].TimeOffset;
296 else
298 frameKey1= timeBlock.TimeOffset + timeBlock.Times[keyIdRel+1];
301 // unpack time.
302 float time0= frameKey0*_DeltaTime;
303 float time1= frameKey1*_DeltaTime;
305 // interpolate.
306 float t= (localTime-time0);
307 // If difference is one frame, optimize.
308 if(frameKey1-frameKey0==1)
309 t*= _OODeltaTime;
310 else
311 t/= (time1-time0);
312 clamp(t, 0.f, 1.f);
314 // store this interp value.
315 interpValue= t;
317 return EvalInterpolate;
319 // else (last key of anim), just eval this key.
320 return EvalKey0;
324 // ***************************************************************************
325 void CTrackSampledCommon::applySampleDivisorCommon(uint sampleDivisor, std::vector<uint32> &keepKeys)
327 nlassert(sampleDivisor>=2);
328 uint i,j;
331 NB: to be faster, if we have multiple timeblock (rare, cause implies the anim>8.5 sec), the
332 number of time block is kept after this process, either if it could be lowered.
333 NB: for same reason, the first and last key of each timeBlock is kept to be simpler, and to avoid bug
334 in searchLowerBound() (we must keep first key of each timeBlock)
337 // clear
338 keepKeys.clear();
340 // **** build the key indices to keep
341 static std::vector<uint32> blockKeepStart;
342 static std::vector<uint32> blockKeepEnd;
343 blockKeepStart.resize(_TimeBlocks.size());
344 blockKeepEnd.resize(_TimeBlocks.size());
345 // must Keep the first and last key.
346 uint lastKeyTime= 0;
347 for(i=0;i<_TimeBlocks.size();i++)
349 CTimeBlock &timeBlock= _TimeBlocks[i];
351 // keep track of the start new key for this block
352 blockKeepStart[i]= (uint32)keepKeys.size();
354 for(j=0;j<timeBlock.Times.size();j++)
356 // get the time of this key
357 uint keyTime= timeBlock.Times[j] + timeBlock.TimeOffset;
358 // if the diff time with last inserted key is >= than the sampleDivisor, add it!
359 if( (keyTime - lastKeyTime >= sampleDivisor) ||
360 // add it also if it is the first or last key of the block
361 (j==0 || j==timeBlock.Times.size()-1) )
363 lastKeyTime= keyTime;
364 keepKeys.push_back(j+timeBlock.KeyOffset);
368 // keep track of the end (not included) new key for this block
369 blockKeepEnd[i]= (uint32)keepKeys.size();
372 // **** rebuild the TimeBlocks
373 for(i=0;i<_TimeBlocks.size();i++)
375 CTimeBlock &timeBlock= _TimeBlocks[i];
376 uint keepStart= blockKeepStart[i];
377 uint keepEnd= blockKeepEnd[i];
379 NLMISC::CObjectVector<uint8, false> newKeys;
380 newKeys.resize(keepEnd-keepStart);
381 for(uint j=0;j<newKeys.size();j++)
383 newKeys[j]= timeBlock.Times[keepKeys[keepStart+j]-timeBlock.KeyOffset];
385 // copy
386 timeBlock.Times= newKeys;
387 // change the key offset!
388 timeBlock.KeyOffset= keepStart;
394 } // NL3D