Merge branch '138-toggle-free-look-with-hotkey' into 'main/atys-live'
[ryzomcore.git] / nel / src / misc / buf_fifo.cpp
1 // NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
2 // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
3 //
4 // This source file has been modified by the following contributors:
5 // Copyright (C) 2016 Jan BOON (Kaetemi) <>
6 //
7 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
9 // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
10 // License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
18 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 #include "stdmisc.h"
21 #include "nel/misc/time_nl.h"
22 #include "nel/misc/command.h"
23 #include "nel/misc/buf_fifo.h"
25 using namespace std;
27 #define DEBUG_FIFO 0
29 // if 0, don't stat the time of different function
30 #define STAT_FIFO 1
32 #ifdef DEBUG_NEW
33 #define new DEBUG_NEW
34 #endif
36 namespace NLMISC {
39 CBufFIFO::TAllBuffers CBufFIFO::_AllBuffers;
40 #endif
43 CBufFIFO::CBufFIFO() : _Buffer(NULL), _BufferSize(0), _Empty(true), _Head(NULL), _Tail(NULL), _Rewinder(NULL)
46 _AllBuffers.insert(this);
47 #endif
49 // reset statistic
50 _BiggestBlock = 0;
51 _SmallestBlock = 999999999;
52 _BiggestBuffer = 0;
53 _SmallestBuffer = 999999999;
54 _Pushed = 0;
55 _Fronted = 0;
56 _Resized = 0;
57 _PushedTime = 0;
58 _FrontedTime = 0;
59 _ResizedTime = 0;
62 CBufFIFO::~CBufFIFO()
65 _AllBuffers.erase(this);
66 #endif
68 if (_Buffer != NULL)
70 delete []_Buffer;
72 nldebug("%p delete", this);
73 #endif
77 void CBufFIFO::push (const uint8 *buffer, uint32 s)
79 // if the buffer is more than 1 meg, there s surely a problem, no?
80 // nlassert( buffer.size() < 1000000 ); // size check in debug mode
82 #if STAT_FIFO
83 TTicks before = CTime::getPerformanceTime();
84 #endif
87 nldebug("%p push(%d)", this, s);
88 #endif
90 nlassert(s > 0 && s < pow(2.0, static_cast<double>(sizeof(TFifoSize)*8)));
92 // stat code
93 if (s > _BiggestBlock) _BiggestBlock = s;
94 if (s < _SmallestBlock) _SmallestBlock = s;
95 _Pushed++;
97 while (!canFit (s + sizeof (TFifoSize)))
99 resize(_BufferSize * 2);
102 *(TFifoSize *)_Head = s;
103 _Head += sizeof(TFifoSize);
105 CFastMem::memcpy(_Head, buffer, s);
107 _Head += s;
109 _Empty = false;
111 #if STAT_FIFO
112 // stat code
113 TTicks after = CTime::getPerformanceTime();
114 _PushedTime += after - before;
115 #endif
117 #if DEBUG_FIFO
118 display ();
119 #endif
122 void CBufFIFO::push(const std::vector<uint8> &buffer1, const std::vector<uint8> &buffer2)
124 #if STAT_FIFO
125 TTicks before = CTime::getPerformanceTime();
126 #endif
128 TFifoSize s = (TFifoSize)(buffer1.size() + buffer2.size());
130 #if DEBUG_FIFO
131 nldebug("%p push2(%d)", this, s);
132 #endif
134 nlassert((buffer1.size() + buffer2.size ()) > 0 && (buffer1.size() + buffer2.size ()) < pow(2.0, static_cast<double>(sizeof(TFifoSize)*8)));
136 // avoid too big fifo
137 if (this->size() > 10000000)
139 throw Exception ("CBufFIFO::push(): stack full (more than 10mb)");
143 // stat code
144 if (s > _BiggestBlock) _BiggestBlock = s;
145 if (s < _SmallestBlock) _SmallestBlock = s;
147 _Pushed++;
149 // resize while the buffer is enough big to accept the block
150 while (!canFit (s + sizeof (TFifoSize)))
152 resize(_BufferSize * 2);
155 // store the size of the block
156 *(TFifoSize *)_Head = s;
157 _Head += sizeof(TFifoSize);
159 // store the block itself
160 CFastMem::memcpy(_Head, &(buffer1[0]), buffer1.size());
161 CFastMem::memcpy(_Head + buffer1.size(), &(buffer2[0]), buffer2.size());
162 _Head += s;
164 _Empty = false;
166 #if STAT_FIFO
167 // stat code
168 TTicks after = CTime::getPerformanceTime();
169 _PushedTime += after - before;
170 #endif
172 #if DEBUG_FIFO
173 display ();
174 #endif
177 void CBufFIFO::pop ()
179 if (empty ())
181 nlwarning("BF: Try to pop an empty fifo!");
182 return;
185 if (_Rewinder != NULL && _Tail == _Rewinder)
187 #if DEBUG_FIFO
188 nldebug("%p pop rewind!", this);
189 #endif
191 // need to rewind
192 _Tail = _Buffer;
193 _Rewinder = NULL;
196 TFifoSize s = *(TFifoSize *)_Tail;
198 #if DEBUG_FIFO
199 nldebug("%p pop(%d)", this, s);
200 #endif
202 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
203 // clear the message to be sure user doesn't use it anymore
204 memset (_Tail, '-', s + sizeof (TFifoSize));
205 #endif
207 _Tail += s + sizeof (TFifoSize);
209 if (_Tail == _Head) _Empty = true;
211 #if DEBUG_FIFO
212 display ();
213 #endif
216 uint8 CBufFIFO::frontLast ()
218 uint8 *tail = _Tail;
220 if (empty ())
222 nlwarning("BF: Try to get the front of an empty fifo!");
223 return 0;
226 if (_Rewinder != NULL && tail == _Rewinder)
228 #if DEBUG_FIFO
229 nldebug("%p front rewind!", this);
230 #endif
232 // need to rewind
233 tail = _Buffer;
236 TFifoSize s = *(TFifoSize *)tail;
238 #if DEBUG_FIFO
239 nldebug("%p frontLast() returns %d ", this, s, *(tail+sizeof(TFifoSize)+size-1));
240 #endif
242 return *(tail+sizeof(TFifoSize)+s-1);
246 void CBufFIFO::front (vector<uint8> &buffer)
248 uint8 *tmpbuffer;
249 uint32 s;
251 buffer.clear ();
253 front (tmpbuffer, s);
255 buffer.resize (s);
257 CFastMem::memcpy (&(buffer[0]), tmpbuffer, s);
259 /* TTicks before = CTime::getPerformanceTime ();
261 uint8 *tail = _Tail;
263 buffer.clear ();
265 if (empty ())
267 nlwarning("Try to get the front of an empty fifo!");
268 return;
271 _Fronted++;
273 if (_Rewinder != NULL && tail == _Rewinder)
275 #if DEBUG_FIFO
276 nldebug("%p front rewind!", this);
277 #endif
279 // need to rewind
280 tail = _Buffer;
283 TFifoSize size = *(TFifoSize *)tail;
285 #if DEBUG_FIFO
286 nldebug("%p front(%d)", this, size);
287 #endif
289 tail += sizeof (TFifoSize);
291 buffer.resize (size);
293 CFastMem::memcpy (&(buffer[0]), tail, size);
295 // stat code
296 TTicks after = CTime::getPerformanceTime ();
297 _FrontedTime += after - before;
299 #if DEBUG_FIFO
300 display ();
301 #endif
305 void CBufFIFO::front (NLMISC::CMemStream &buffer)
307 uint8 *tmpbuffer;
308 uint32 s;
310 buffer.clear ();
312 front (tmpbuffer, s);
314 buffer.fill (tmpbuffer, s);
317 TTicks before = CTime::getPerformanceTime ();
319 uint8 *tail = _Tail;
321 buffer.clear ();
323 if (empty ())
325 nlwarning("Try to get the front of an empty fifo!");
326 return;
329 _Fronted++;
331 if (_Rewinder != NULL && tail == _Rewinder)
333 #if DEBUG_FIFO
334 nldebug("%p front rewind!", this);
335 #endif
337 // need to rewind
338 tail = _Buffer;
341 TFifoSize size = *(TFifoSize *)tail;
343 #if DEBUG_FIFO
344 nldebug("%p front(%d)", this, size);
345 #endif
347 tail += sizeof (TFifoSize);
349 //buffer.resize (size);
350 //CFastMem::memcpy (&(buffer[0]), tail, size);
352 buffer.fill (tail, size);
354 // stat code
355 TTicks after = CTime::getPerformanceTime ();
356 _FrontedTime += after - before;
358 #if DEBUG_FIFO
359 display ();
360 #endif*/
363 void CBufFIFO::front (uint8 *&buffer, uint32 &s)
365 #if STAT_FIFO
366 TTicks before = CTime::getPerformanceTime ();
367 #endif
369 uint8 *tail = _Tail;
371 if (empty ())
373 nlwarning("BF: Try to get the front of an empty fifo!");
374 return;
377 _Fronted++;
379 if (_Rewinder != NULL && tail == _Rewinder)
381 #if DEBUG_FIFO
382 nldebug("%p front rewind!", this);
383 #endif
385 // need to rewind
386 tail = _Buffer;
389 s = *(TFifoSize *)tail;
391 #if DEBUG_FIFO
392 nldebug("%p front(%d)", this, s);
393 #endif
395 tail += sizeof (TFifoSize);
397 #if STAT_FIFO
398 // stat code
399 TTicks after = CTime::getPerformanceTime ();
400 _FrontedTime += after - before;
401 #endif
403 #if DEBUG_FIFO
404 display ();
405 #endif
407 buffer = tail;
412 void CBufFIFO::clear ()
414 _Tail = _Head = _Buffer;
415 _Rewinder = NULL;
416 _Empty = true;
419 uint32 CBufFIFO::size ()
421 if (empty ())
423 return 0;
425 else if (_Head == _Tail)
427 // buffer is full
428 if (_Rewinder == NULL)
429 return _BufferSize;
430 else
431 return (uint32)(_Rewinder - _Buffer);
433 else if (_Head > _Tail)
435 return (uint32)(_Head - _Tail);
437 else if (_Head < _Tail)
439 nlassert (_Rewinder != NULL);
440 return (uint32)((_Rewinder - _Tail) + (_Head - _Buffer));
442 nlstop;
443 return 0;
446 void CBufFIFO::resize (uint32 s)
448 #if STAT_FIFO
449 TTicks before = CTime::getPerformanceTime();
450 #endif
452 if (s == 0) s = 100;
454 #if DEBUG_FIFO
455 nldebug("%p resize(%d)", this, s);
456 #endif
458 if (s > _BiggestBuffer) _BiggestBuffer = s;
459 if (s < _SmallestBuffer) _SmallestBuffer = s;
461 _Resized++;
463 uint32 UsedSize = CBufFIFO::size();
465 // create a new array and copy the old in the new one
466 if (s < _BufferSize && UsedSize > s)
468 // problem, we don't have enough room for putting data => don't do it
469 nlwarning("BF: Can't resize the FIFO because there's not enough room in the new wanted buffer (%d bytes needed at least)", UsedSize);
470 return;
473 uint8 *NewBuffer = new uint8[s];
474 if (NewBuffer == NULL)
476 nlerror("Not enough memory to resize the FIFO to %u bytes", s);
478 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
479 // clear the message to be sure user doesn't use it anymore
480 memset (NewBuffer, '-', s);
481 #endif
483 #if DEBUG_FIFO
484 nldebug("%p new %d bytes", this, s);
485 #endif
487 // copy the old buffer to the new one
488 // if _Tail == _Head => empty fifo, don't copy anything
489 if (!empty())
491 if (_Tail < _Head)
493 CFastMem::memcpy (NewBuffer, _Tail, UsedSize);
495 else if (_Tail >= _Head)
497 nlassert (_Rewinder != NULL);
499 uint size1 = (uint)(_Rewinder - _Tail);
500 CFastMem::memcpy (NewBuffer, _Tail, size1);
501 uint size2 = (uint)(_Head - _Buffer);
502 CFastMem::memcpy (NewBuffer + size1, _Buffer, size2);
504 nlassert (size1+size2==UsedSize);
508 // resync the circular pointer
509 // Warning: don't invert these 2 lines position or it ll not work
510 _Tail = NewBuffer;
511 _Head = NewBuffer + UsedSize;
512 _Rewinder = NULL;
514 // delete old buffer if needed
515 if (_Buffer != NULL)
517 delete []_Buffer;
518 #if DEBUG_FIFO
519 nldebug ("delete", this);
520 #endif
523 // affect new buffer
524 _Buffer = NewBuffer;
525 _BufferSize = s;
527 #if STAT_FIFO
528 TTicks after = CTime::getPerformanceTime();
529 _ResizedTime += after - before;
530 #endif
532 #if DEBUG_FIFO
533 display ();
534 #endif
537 void CBufFIFO::displayStats (CLog *log)
539 log->displayNL ("%p CurrentQueueSize: %d, TotalQueueSize: %d", this, size(), _BufferSize);
540 log->displayNL ("%p InQueue: %d", this, _Pushed - _Fronted);
542 log->displayNL ("%p BiggestBlock: %d, SmallestBlock: %d", this, _BiggestBlock, _SmallestBlock);
543 log->displayNL ("%p BiggestBuffer: %d, SmallestBuffer: %d", this, _BiggestBuffer, _SmallestBuffer);
544 log->displayNL ("%p Pushed: %d, PushedTime: total %" NL_I64 "d ticks, mean %f ticks", this, _Pushed, _PushedTime, (_Pushed>0?(double)(sint64)_PushedTime / (double)_Pushed:0.0));
545 log->displayNL ("%p Fronted: %d, FrontedTime: total %" NL_I64 "d ticks, mean %f ticks", this, _Fronted, _FrontedTime, (_Fronted>0?(double)(sint64)_FrontedTime / (double)_Fronted:0.0));
546 log->displayNL ("%p Resized: %d, ResizedTime: total %" NL_I64 "d ticks, mean %f ticks", this, _Resized, _ResizedTime, (_Resized>0?(double)(sint64)_ResizedTime / (double)_Resized:0.0));
549 void CBufFIFO::display ()
551 int s = 64;
552 int gran = s/30;
554 char str[1024];
556 smprintf(str, 1024, "%p %p (%5d %5d) %p %p %p ", this, _Buffer, _BufferSize, CBufFIFO::size(), _Rewinder, _Tail, _Head);
558 int i;
559 for (i = 0; i < (sint32) _BufferSize; i+= gran)
561 uint8 *pos = _Buffer + i;
562 if (_Tail >= pos && _Tail < pos + gran)
564 if (_Head >= pos && _Head < pos + gran)
566 if (_Rewinder != NULL && _Rewinder >= pos && _Rewinder < pos + gran)
568 strncat (str, "*", 1);
570 else
572 strncat (str, "@", 1);
575 else
577 strncat (str, "T", 1);
580 else if (_Head >= pos && _Head < pos + gran)
582 strncat (str, "H", 1);
584 else if (_Rewinder != NULL && _Rewinder >= pos && _Rewinder < pos + gran)
586 strncat (str, "R", 1);
588 else
590 if (strlen(str) < 1023)
592 uint32 p = (uint32)strlen(str);
593 if (isprint(*pos))
594 str[p] = *pos;
595 else
596 str[p] = '$';
598 str[p+1] = '\0';
603 for (; i < s; i+= gran)
605 strncat (str, " ", 1);
607 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
608 strncat (str, "\n", 1);
609 #else
610 strncat (str, "\r", 1);
611 #endif
612 DebugLog->display (str);
615 bool CBufFIFO::canFit (uint32 s)
617 if (_Tail == _Head)
619 if (empty())
621 // is the buffer large enough?
622 if (_BufferSize >= s)
624 // reset the pointer
625 #if DEBUG_FIFO
626 nldebug("%p reset tail and head", this);
627 #endif
628 _Head = _Tail = _Buffer;
629 return true;
631 else
633 // buffer not big enough
634 #if DEBUG_FIFO
635 nldebug("%p buffer full buffersize<size", this);
636 #endif
637 return false;
640 else
642 // buffer full
643 #if DEBUG_FIFO
644 nldebug("%p buffer full h=t", this);
645 #endif
646 return false;
649 else if (_Tail < _Head)
651 if (_Buffer + _BufferSize - _Head >= (sint32) s)
653 // can fit after _Head
654 #if DEBUG_FIFO
655 nldebug("%p fit after", this);
656 #endif
657 return true;
659 else if (_Tail - _Buffer >= (sint32) s)
661 // can fit at the beginning
662 #if DEBUG_FIFO
663 nldebug("%p fit at beginning", this);
664 #endif
665 _Rewinder = _Head;
666 #if DEBUG_FIFO
667 nldebug("%p set the rewinder", this);
668 #endif
669 _Head = _Buffer;
670 return true;
672 else
674 // can't fit
675 #if DEBUG_FIFO
676 nldebug("%p no room t<h", this);
677 #endif
678 return false;
681 else // the last case is : if (_Tail > _Head)
683 if (_Tail - _Head >= (sint32) s)
685 #if DEBUG_FIFO
686 nldebug("%p fit t>h", this);
687 #endif
688 return true;
690 else
692 #if DEBUG_FIFO
693 nldebug("%p no room t>h", this);
694 #endif
695 return false;
701 NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(misc, dumpAllBuffers, "Dump all the fifo buffer", "no args")
703 log.displayNL("Dumping %u FIFO buffers :", CBufFIFO::_AllBuffers.size());
705 CBufFIFO::TAllBuffers::iterator first(CBufFIFO::_AllBuffers.begin()), last(CBufFIFO::_AllBuffers.end());
706 for (; first != last; ++first)
708 CBufFIFO *buf = *first;
710 log.displayNL("Dumping buffer %p:", buf);
712 buf->displayStats(&log);
715 return true;
717 #endif
720 } // NLMISC