struct / union in initializer, RFE #901.
[sdcc.git] / sdcc-web / scripts / jquery.datePicker.js
1 /**
2  * Copyright (c) 2008 Kelvin Luck (
3  * Dual licensed under the MIT ( 
4  * and GPL ( licenses.
5  * .
6  * $Id$
7  **/
9 (function($){
11         $.fn.extend({
12 /**
13  * Render a calendar table into any matched elements.
14  * 
15  * @param Object s (optional) Customize your calendars.
16  * @option Number month The month to render (NOTE that months are zero based). Default is today's month.
17  * @option Number year The year to render. Default is today's year.
18  * @option Function renderCallback A reference to a function that is called as each cell is rendered and which can add classes and event listeners to the created nodes. Default is no callback.
19  * @option Number showHeader Whether or not to show the header row, possible values are: $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_NONE (no header), $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_SHORT (first letter of each day) and $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_LONG (full name of each day). Default is $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_SHORT.
20  * @option String hoverClass The class to attach to each cell when you hover over it (to allow you to use hover effects in IE6 which doesn't support the :hover pseudo-class on elements other than links). Default is dp-hover. Pass false if you don't want a hover class.
21  * @type jQuery
22  * @name renderCalendar
23  * @cat plugins/datePicker
24  * @author Kelvin Luck (
25  *
26  * @example $('#calendar-me').renderCalendar({month:0, year:2007});
27  * @desc Renders a calendar displaying January 2007 into the element with an id of calendar-me.
28  *
29  * @example
30  * var testCallback = function($td, thisDate, month, year)
31  * {
32  * if ($'.current-month') && thisDate.getDay() == 4) {
33  *              var d = thisDate.getDate();
34  *              $td.bind(
35  *                      'click',
36  *                      function()
37  *                      {
38  *                              alert('You clicked on ' + d + '/' + (Number(month)+1) + '/' + year);
39  *                      }
40  *              ).addClass('thursday');
41  *      } else if (thisDate.getDay() == 5) {
42  *              $td.html('Friday the ' + $td.html() + 'th');
43  *      }
44  * }
45  * $('#calendar-me').renderCalendar({month:0, year:2007, renderCallback:testCallback});
46  * 
47  * @desc Renders a calendar displaying January 2007 into the element with an id of calendar-me. Every Thursday in the current month has a class of "thursday" applied to it, is clickable and shows an alert when clicked. Every Friday on the calendar has the number inside replaced with text.
48  **/
49                 renderCalendar  :   function(s)
50                 {
51                         var dc = function(a)
52                         {
53                                 return document.createElement(a);
54                         };
56                         s = $.extend({}, $.fn.datePicker.defaults, s);
58                         if (s.showHeader != $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_NONE) {
59                                 var headRow = $(dc('tr'));
60                                 for (var i=Date.firstDayOfWeek; i<Date.firstDayOfWeek+7; i++) {
61                                         var weekday = i%7;
62                                         var day = Date.dayNames[weekday];
63                                         headRow.append(
64                                                 jQuery(dc('th')).attr({'scope':'col', 'abbr':day, 'title':day, 'class':(weekday == 0 || weekday == 6 ? 'weekend' : 'weekday')}).html(s.showHeader == $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_SHORT ? day.substr(0, 1) : day)
65                                         );
66                                 }
67                         };
69                         var calendarTable = $(dc('table'))
70                                                                         .attr(
71                                                                                 {
72                                                                                         'cellspacing':2
73                                                                                 }
74                                                                         )
75                                                                         .addClass('jCalendar')
76                                                                         .append(
77                                                                                 (s.showHeader != $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_NONE ? 
78                                                                                         $(dc('thead'))
79                                                                                                 .append(headRow)
80                                                                                         :
81                                                                                         dc('thead')
82                                                                                 )
83                                                                         );
84                         var tbody = $(dc('tbody'));
86                         var today = (new Date()).zeroTime();
87                         today.setHours(12);
89                         var month = s.month == undefined ? today.getMonth() : s.month;
90                         var year = s.year || today.getFullYear();
92                         var currentDate = (new Date(year, month, 1, 12, 0, 0));
95                         var firstDayOffset = Date.firstDayOfWeek - currentDate.getDay() + 1;
96                         if (firstDayOffset > 1) firstDayOffset -= 7;
97                         var weeksToDraw = Math.ceil(( (-1*firstDayOffset+1) + currentDate.getDaysInMonth() ) /7);
98                         currentDate.addDays(firstDayOffset-1);
100                         var doHover = function(firstDayInBounds)
101                         {
102                                 return function()
103                                 {
104                                         if (s.hoverClass) {
105                                                 var $this = $(this);
106                                                 if (!s.selectWeek) {
107                                                         $this.addClass(s.hoverClass);
108                                                 } else if (firstDayInBounds && !$'.disabled')) {
109                                                         $this.parent().addClass('activeWeekHover');
110                                                 }
111                                         }
112                                 }
113                         };
114                         var unHover = function()
115                         {
116                                 if (s.hoverClass) {
117                                         var $this = $(this);
118                                         $this.removeClass(s.hoverClass);
119                                         $this.parent().removeClass('activeWeekHover');
120                                 }
121                         };
123                         var w = 0;
124                         while (w++<weeksToDraw) {
125                                 var r = jQuery(dc('tr'));
126                                 var firstDayInBounds = s.dpController ? currentDate > s.dpController.startDate : false;
127                                 for (var i=0; i<7; i++) {
128                                         var thisMonth = currentDate.getMonth() == month;
129                                         var d = $(dc('td'))
130                                                                 .text(currentDate.getDate() + '')
131                                                                 .addClass((thisMonth ? 'current-month ' : 'other-month ') +
132                                                                                                         (currentDate.isWeekend() ? 'weekend ' : 'weekday ') +
133                                                                                                         (thisMonth && currentDate.getTime() == today.getTime() ? 'today ' : '')
134                                                                 )
135                                                                 .data('datePickerDate', currentDate.asString())
136                                                                 .hover(doHover(firstDayInBounds), unHover)
137                                                         ;
138                                         r.append(d);
139                                         if (s.renderCallback) {
140                                                 s.renderCallback(d, currentDate, month, year);
141                                         }
142                                         // addDays(1) fails in some locales due to daylight savings. See issue 39.
143                                         //currentDate.addDays(1);
144                                         // set the time to midday to avoid any weird timezone issues??
145                                         currentDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate()+1, 12, 0, 0);
146                                 }
147                                 tbody.append(r);
148                         }
149                         calendarTable.append(tbody);
151                         return this.each(
152                                 function()
153                                 {
154                                         $(this).empty().append(calendarTable);
155                                 }
156                         );
157                 },
159  * Create a datePicker associated with each of the matched elements.
161  * The matched element will receive a few custom events with the following signatures:
163  * dateSelected(event, date, $td, status)
164  * Triggered when a date is selected. event is a reference to the event, date is the Date selected, $td is a jquery object wrapped around the TD that was clicked on and status is whether the date was selected (true) or deselected (false)
165  * 
166  * dpClosed(event, selected)
167  * Triggered when the date picker is closed. event is a reference to the event and selected is an Array containing Date objects.
169  * dpMonthChanged(event, displayedMonth, displayedYear)
170  * Triggered when the month of the popped up calendar is changed. event is a reference to the event, displayedMonth is the number of the month now displayed (zero based) and displayedYear is the year of the month.
172  * dpDisplayed(event, $datePickerDiv)
173  * Triggered when the date picker is created. $datePickerDiv is the div containing the date picker. Use this event to add custom content/ listeners to the popped up date picker.
175  * @param Object s (optional) Customize your date pickers.
176  * @option Number month The month to render when the date picker is opened (NOTE that months are zero based). Default is today's month.
177  * @option Number year The year to render when the date picker is opened. Default is today's year.
178  * @option String|Date startDate The first date date can be selected.
179  * @option String|Date endDate The last date that can be selected.
180  * @option Boolean inline Whether to create the datePicker as inline (e.g. always on the page) or as a model popup. Default is false (== modal popup)
181  * @option Boolean createButton Whether to create a .dp-choose-date anchor directly after the matched element which when clicked will trigger the showing of the date picker. Default is true.
182  * @option Boolean showYearNavigation Whether to display buttons which allow the user to navigate through the months a year at a time. Default is true.
183  * @option Boolean closeOnSelect Whether to close the date picker when a date is selected. Default is true.
184  * @option Boolean displayClose Whether to create a "Close" button within the date picker popup. Default is false.
185  * @option Boolean selectMultiple Whether a user should be able to select multiple dates with this date picker. Default is false.
186  * @option Number numSelectable The maximum number of dates that can be selected where selectMultiple is true. Default is a very high number.
187  * @option Boolean clickInput If the matched element is an input type="text" and this option is true then clicking on the input will cause the date picker to appear.
188  * @option Boolean rememberViewedMonth Whether the datePicker should remember the last viewed month and open on it. If false then the date picker will always open with the month for the first selected date visible.
189  * @option Boolean selectWeek Whether to select a complete week at a time...
190  * @option Number verticalPosition The vertical alignment of the popped up date picker to the matched element. One of $.dpConst.POS_TOP and $.dpConst.POS_BOTTOM. Default is $.dpConst.POS_TOP.
191  * @option Number horizontalPosition The horizontal alignment of the popped up date picker to the matched element. One of $.dpConst.POS_LEFT and $.dpConst.POS_RIGHT.
192  * @option Number verticalOffset The number of pixels offset from the defined verticalPosition of this date picker that it should pop up in. Default in 0.
193  * @option Number horizontalOffset The number of pixels offset from the defined horizontalPosition of this date picker that it should pop up in. Default in 0.
194  * @option (Function|Array) renderCallback A reference to a function (or an array of separate functions) that is called as each cell is rendered and which can add classes and event listeners to the created nodes. Each callback function will receive four arguments; a jquery object wrapping the created TD, a Date object containing the date this TD represents, a number giving the currently rendered month and a number giving the currently rendered year. Default is no callback.
195  * @option String hoverClass The class to attach to each cell when you hover over it (to allow you to use hover effects in IE6 which doesn't support the :hover pseudo-class on elements other than links). Default is dp-hover. Pass false if you don't want a hover class.
196  * @option String autoFocusNextInput Whether focus should be passed onto the next input in the form (true) or remain on this input (false) when a date is selected and the calendar closes
197  * @type jQuery
198  * @name datePicker
199  * @cat plugins/datePicker
200  * @author Kelvin Luck (
202  * @example $('').datePicker();
203  * @desc Creates a date picker button next to all matched input elements. When the button is clicked on the value of the selected date will be placed in the corresponding input (formatted according to Date.format).
205  * @example demo/index.html
206  * @desc See the projects homepage for many more complex examples...
207  **/
208                 datePicker : function(s)
209                 {                       
210                         if (!$.event._dpCache) $.event._dpCache = [];
212                         // initialise the date picker controller with the relevant settings...
213                         s = $.extend({}, $.fn.datePicker.defaults, s);
215                         return this.each(
216                                 function()
217                                 {
218                                         var $this = $(this);
219                                         var alreadyExists = true;
221                                         if (!this._dpId) {
222                                                 this._dpId = $.event.guid++;
223                                                 $.event._dpCache[this._dpId] = new DatePicker(this);
224                                                 alreadyExists = false;
225                                         }
227                                         if (s.inline) {
228                                                 s.createButton = false;
229                                                 s.displayClose = false;
230                                                 s.closeOnSelect = false;
231                                                 $this.empty();
232                                         }
234                                         var controller = $.event._dpCache[this._dpId];
236                                         controller.init(s);
238                                         if (!alreadyExists && s.createButton) {
239                                                 // create it!
240                                                 controller.button = $('<a href="#" class="dp-choose-date" title="' + $.dpText.TEXT_CHOOSE_DATE + '">' + $.dpText.TEXT_CHOOSE_DATE + '</a>')
241                                                                 .bind(
242                                                                         'click',
243                                                                         function()
244                                                                         {
245                                                                                 $this.dpDisplay(this);
246                                                                                 this.blur();
247                                                                                 return false;
248                                                                         }
249                                                                 );
250                                                 $this.after(controller.button);
251                                         }
253                                         if (!alreadyExists && $':text')) {
254                                                 $this
255                                                         .bind(
256                                                                 'dateSelected',
257                                                                 function(e, selectedDate, $td)
258                                                                 {
259                                                                         this.value = selectedDate.asString();
260                                                                 }
261                                                         ).bind(
262                                                                 'change',
263                                                                 function()
264                                                                 {
265                                                                         if (this.value == '') {
266                                                                                 controller.clearSelected();
267                                                                         } else {
268                                                                                 var d = Date.fromString(this.value);
269                                                                                 if (d) {
270                                                                                         controller.setSelected(d, true, true);
271                                                                                 }
272                                                                         }
273                                                                 }
274                                                         );
275                                                 if (s.clickInput) {
276                                                         $this.bind(
277                                                                 'click',
278                                                                 function()
279                                                                 {
280                                                                         // The change event doesn't happen until the input loses focus so we need to manually trigger it...
281                                                                         $this.trigger('change');
282                                                                         $this.dpDisplay();
283                                                                 }
284                                                         );
285                                                 }
286                                                 var d = Date.fromString(this.value);
287                                                 if (this.value != '' && d) {
288                                                         controller.setSelected(d, true, true);
289                                                 }
290                                         }
292                                         $this.addClass('dp-applied');
294                                 }
295                         )
296                 },
298  * Disables or enables this date picker
300  * @param Boolean s Whether to disable (true) or enable (false) this datePicker
301  * @type jQuery
302  * @name dpSetDisabled
303  * @cat plugins/datePicker
304  * @author Kelvin Luck (
306  * @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
307  * $('.date-picker').dpSetDisabled(true);
308  * @desc Prevents this date picker from displaying and adds a class of dp-disabled to it (and it's associated button if it has one) for styling purposes. If the matched element is an input field then it will also set the disabled attribute to stop people directly editing the field.
309  **/
310                 dpSetDisabled : function(s)
311                 {
312                         return, 'setDisabled', s);
313                 },
315  * Updates the first selectable date for any date pickers on any matched elements.
317  * @param String|Date d A Date object or string representing the first selectable date (formatted according to Date.format).
318  * @type jQuery
319  * @name dpSetStartDate
320  * @cat plugins/datePicker
321  * @author Kelvin Luck (
323  * @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
324  * $('.date-picker').dpSetStartDate('01/01/2000');
325  * @desc Creates a date picker associated with all elements with a class of "date-picker" then sets the first selectable date for each of these to the first day of the millenium.
326  **/
327                 dpSetStartDate : function(d)
328                 {
329                         return, 'setStartDate', d);
330                 },
332  * Updates the last selectable date for any date pickers on any matched elements.
334  * @param String|Date d A Date object or string representing the last selectable date (formatted according to Date.format).
335  * @type jQuery
336  * @name dpSetEndDate
337  * @cat plugins/datePicker
338  * @author Kelvin Luck (
340  * @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
341  * $('.date-picker').dpSetEndDate('01/01/2010');
342  * @desc Creates a date picker associated with all elements with a class of "date-picker" then sets the last selectable date for each of these to the first Janurary 2010.
343  **/
344                 dpSetEndDate : function(d)
345                 {
346                         return, 'setEndDate', d);
347                 },
349  * Gets a list of Dates currently selected by this datePicker. This will be an empty array if no dates are currently selected or NULL if there is no datePicker associated with the matched element.
351  * @type Array
352  * @name dpGetSelected
353  * @cat plugins/datePicker
354  * @author Kelvin Luck (
356  * @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
357  * alert($('.date-picker').dpGetSelected());
358  * @desc Will alert an empty array (as nothing is selected yet)
359  **/
360                 dpGetSelected : function()
361                 {
362                         var c = _getController(this[0]);
363                         if (c) {
364                                 return c.getSelected();
365                         }
366                         return null;
367                 },
369  * Selects or deselects a date on any matched element's date pickers. Deselcting is only useful on date pickers where selectMultiple==true. Selecting will only work if the passed date is within the startDate and endDate boundries for a given date picker.
371  * @param String|Date d A Date object or string representing the date you want to select (formatted according to Date.format).
372  * @param Boolean v Whether you want to select (true) or deselect (false) this date. Optional - default = true.
373  * @param Boolean m Whether you want the date picker to open up on the month of this date when it is next opened. Optional - default = true.
374  * @param Boolean e Whether you want the date picker to dispatch events related to this change of selection. Optional - default = true.
375  * @type jQuery
376  * @name dpSetSelected
377  * @cat plugins/datePicker
378  * @author Kelvin Luck (
380  * @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
381  * $('.date-picker').dpSetSelected('01/01/2010');
382  * @desc Creates a date picker associated with all elements with a class of "date-picker" then sets the selected date on these date pickers to the first Janurary 2010. When the date picker is next opened it will display Janurary 2010.
383  **/
384                 dpSetSelected : function(d, v, m, e)
385                 {
386                         if (v == undefined) v=true;
387                         if (m == undefined) m=true;
388                         if (e == undefined) e=true;
389                         return, 'setSelected', Date.fromString(d), v, m, e);
390                 },
392  * Sets the month that will be displayed when the date picker is next opened. If the passed month is before startDate then the month containing startDate will be displayed instead. If the passed month is after endDate then the month containing the endDate will be displayed instead.
394  * @param Number m The month you want the date picker to display. Optional - defaults to the currently displayed month.
395  * @param Number y The year you want the date picker to display. Optional - defaults to the currently displayed year.
396  * @type jQuery
397  * @name dpSetDisplayedMonth
398  * @cat plugins/datePicker
399  * @author Kelvin Luck (
401  * @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
402  * $('.date-picker').dpSetDisplayedMonth(10, 2008);
403  * @desc Creates a date picker associated with all elements with a class of "date-picker" then sets the selected date on these date pickers to the first Janurary 2010. When the date picker is next opened it will display Janurary 2010.
404  **/
405                 dpSetDisplayedMonth : function(m, y)
406                 {
407                         return, 'setDisplayedMonth', Number(m), Number(y), true);
408                 },
410  * Displays the date picker associated with the matched elements. Since only one date picker can be displayed at once then the date picker associated with the last matched element will be the one that is displayed.
412  * @param HTMLElement e An element that you want the date picker to pop up relative in position to. Optional - default behaviour is to pop up next to the element associated with this date picker.
413  * @type jQuery
414  * @name dpDisplay
415  * @cat plugins/datePicker
416  * @author Kelvin Luck (
418  * @example $('#date-picker').datePicker();
419  * $('#date-picker').dpDisplay();
420  * @desc Creates a date picker associated with the element with an id of date-picker and then causes it to pop up.
421  **/
422                 dpDisplay : function(e)
423                 {
424                         return, 'display', e);
425                 },
427  * Sets a function or array of functions that is called when each TD of the date picker popup is rendered to the page
429  * @param (Function|Array) a A function or an array of functions that are called when each td is rendered. Each function will receive four arguments; a jquery object wrapping the created TD, a Date object containing the date this TD represents, a number giving the currently rendered month and a number giving the currently rendered year.
430  * @type jQuery
431  * @name dpSetRenderCallback
432  * @cat plugins/datePicker
433  * @author Kelvin Luck (
435  * @example $('#date-picker').datePicker();
436  * $('#date-picker').dpSetRenderCallback(function($td, thisDate, month, year)
437  * {
438  *      // do stuff as each td is rendered dependant on the date in the td and the displayed month and year
439  * });
440  * @desc Creates a date picker associated with the element with an id of date-picker and then creates a function which is called as each td is rendered when this date picker is displayed.
441  **/
442                 dpSetRenderCallback : function(a)
443                 {
444                         return, 'setRenderCallback', a);
445                 },
447  * Sets the position that the datePicker will pop up (relative to it's associated element)
449  * @param Number v The vertical alignment of the created date picker to it's associated element. Possible values are $.dpConst.POS_TOP and $.dpConst.POS_BOTTOM
450  * @param Number h The horizontal alignment of the created date picker to it's associated element. Possible values are $.dpConst.POS_LEFT and $.dpConst.POS_RIGHT
451  * @type jQuery
452  * @name dpSetPosition
453  * @cat plugins/datePicker
454  * @author Kelvin Luck (
456  * @example $('#date-picker').datePicker();
457  * $('#date-picker').dpSetPosition($.dpConst.POS_BOTTOM, $.dpConst.POS_RIGHT);
458  * @desc Creates a date picker associated with the element with an id of date-picker and makes it so that when this date picker pops up it will be bottom and right aligned to the #date-picker element.
459  **/
460                 dpSetPosition : function(v, h)
461                 {
462                         return, 'setPosition', v, h);
463                 },
465  * Sets the offset that the popped up date picker will have from it's default position relative to it's associated element (as set by dpSetPosition)
467  * @param Number v The vertical offset of the created date picker.
468  * @param Number h The horizontal offset of the created date picker.
469  * @type jQuery
470  * @name dpSetOffset
471  * @cat plugins/datePicker
472  * @author Kelvin Luck (
474  * @example $('#date-picker').datePicker();
475  * $('#date-picker').dpSetOffset(-20, 200);
476  * @desc Creates a date picker associated with the element with an id of date-picker and makes it so that when this date picker pops up it will be 20 pixels above and 200 pixels to the right of it's default position.
477  **/
478                 dpSetOffset : function(v, h)
479                 {
480                         return, 'setOffset', v, h);
481                 },
483  * Closes the open date picker associated with this element.
485  * @type jQuery
486  * @name dpClose
487  * @cat plugins/datePicker
488  * @author Kelvin Luck (
490  * @example $('.date-pick')
491  *              .datePicker()
492  *              .bind(
493  *                      'focus',
494  *                      function()
495  *                      {
496  *                              $(this).dpDisplay();
497  *                      }
498  *              ).bind(
499  *                      'blur',
500  *                      function()
501  *                      {
502  *                              $(this).dpClose();
503  *                      }
504  *              );
505  **/
506                 dpClose : function()
507                 {
508                         return, '_closeCalendar', false, this[0]);
509                 },
511  * Rerenders the date picker's current month (for use with inline calendars and renderCallbacks).
513  * @type jQuery
514  * @name dpRerenderCalendar
515  * @cat plugins/datePicker
516  * @author Kelvin Luck (
518  **/
519                 dpRerenderCalendar : function()
520                 {
521                         return, '_rerenderCalendar');
522                 },
523                 // private function called on unload to clean up any expandos etc and prevent memory links...
524                 _dpDestroy : function()
525                 {
526                         // TODO - implement this?
527                 }
528         });
530         // private internal function to cut down on the amount of code needed where we forward
531         // dp* methods on the jQuery object on to the relevant DatePicker controllers...
532         var _w = function(f, a1, a2, a3, a4)
533         {
534                 return this.each(
535                         function()
536                         {
537                                 var c = _getController(this);
538                                 if (c) {
539                                         c[f](a1, a2, a3, a4);
540                                 }
541                         }
542                 );
543         };
545         function DatePicker(ele)
546         {
547                 this.ele = ele;
549                 // initial values...
550                 this.displayedMonth             =       null;
551                 this.displayedYear              =       null;
552                 this.startDate                  =       null;
553                 this.endDate                    =       null;
554                 this.showYearNavigation =       null;
555                 this.closeOnSelect              =       null;
556                 this.displayClose               =       null;
557                 this.rememberViewedMonth=       null;
558                 this.selectMultiple             =       null;
559                 this.numSelectable              =       null;
560                 this.numSelected                =       null;
561                 this.verticalPosition   =       null;
562                 this.horizontalPosition =       null;
563                 this.verticalOffset             =       null;
564                 this.horizontalOffset   =       null;
565                 this.button                             =       null;
566                 this.renderCallback             =       [];
567                 this.selectedDates              =       {};
568                 this.inline                             =       null;
569                 this.context                    =       '#dp-popup';
570                 this.settings                   =       {};
571         };
572         $.extend(
573                 DatePicker.prototype,
574                 {       
575                         init : function(s)
576                         {
577                                 this.setStartDate(s.startDate);
578                                 this.setEndDate(s.endDate);
579                                 this.setDisplayedMonth(Number(s.month), Number(s.year));
580                                 this.setRenderCallback(s.renderCallback);
581                                 this.showYearNavigation = s.showYearNavigation;
582                                 this.closeOnSelect = s.closeOnSelect;
583                                 this.displayClose = s.displayClose;
584                                 this.rememberViewedMonth =      s.rememberViewedMonth;
585                                 this.selectMultiple = s.selectMultiple;
586                                 this.numSelectable = s.selectMultiple ? s.numSelectable : 1;
587                                 this.numSelected = 0;
588                                 this.verticalPosition = s.verticalPosition;
589                                 this.horizontalPosition = s.horizontalPosition;
590                                 this.hoverClass = s.hoverClass;
591                                 this.setOffset(s.verticalOffset, s.horizontalOffset);
592                                 this.inline = s.inline;
593                                 this.settings = s;
594                                 if (this.inline) {
595                                         this.context = this.ele;
596                                         this.display();
597                                 }
598                         },
599                         setStartDate : function(d)
600                         {
601                                 if (d) {
602                                         if (d instanceof Date) {
603                                                 this.startDate = d;
604                                         } else {
605                                                 this.startDate = Date.fromString(d);
606                                         }
607                                 }
608                                 if (!this.startDate) {
609                                         this.startDate = (new Date()).zeroTime();
610                                 }
611                                 this.setDisplayedMonth(this.displayedMonth, this.displayedYear);
612                         },
613                         setEndDate : function(d)
614                         {
615                                 if (d) {
616                                         if (d instanceof Date) {
617                                                 this.endDate = d;
618                                         } else {
619                                                 this.endDate = Date.fromString(d);
620                                         }
621                                 }
622                                 if (!this.endDate) {
623                                         this.endDate = (new Date('12/31/2999')); // using the JS Date.parse function which expects mm/dd/yyyy
624                                 }
625                                 if (this.endDate.getTime() < this.startDate.getTime()) {
626                                         this.endDate = this.startDate;
627                                 }
628                                 this.setDisplayedMonth(this.displayedMonth, this.displayedYear);
629                         },
630                         setPosition : function(v, h)
631                         {
632                                 this.verticalPosition = v;
633                                 this.horizontalPosition = h;
634                         },
635                         setOffset : function(v, h)
636                         {
637                                 this.verticalOffset = parseInt(v) || 0;
638                                 this.horizontalOffset = parseInt(h) || 0;
639                         },
640                         setDisabled : function(s)
641                         {
642                                 $e = $(this.ele);
643                                 $e[s ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('dp-disabled');
644                                 if (this.button) {
645                                         $but = $(this.button);
646                                         $but[s ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('dp-disabled');
647                                         $but.attr('title', s ? '' : $.dpText.TEXT_CHOOSE_DATE);
648                                 }
649                                 if ($':text')) {
650                                         $e.attr('disabled', s ? 'disabled' : '');
651                                 }
652                         },
653                         setDisplayedMonth : function(m, y, rerender)
654                         {
655                                 if (this.startDate == undefined || this.endDate == undefined) {
656                                         return;
657                                 }
658                                 var s = new Date(this.startDate.getTime());
659                                 s.setDate(1);
660                                 var e = new Date(this.endDate.getTime());
661                                 e.setDate(1);
663                                 var t;
664                                 if ((!m && !y) || (isNaN(m) && isNaN(y))) {
665                                         // no month or year passed - default to current month
666                                         t = new Date().zeroTime();
667                                         t.setDate(1);
668                                 } else if (isNaN(m)) {
669                                         // just year passed in - presume we want the displayedMonth
670                                         t = new Date(y, this.displayedMonth, 1);
671                                 } else if (isNaN(y)) {
672                                         // just month passed in - presume we want the displayedYear
673                                         t = new Date(this.displayedYear, m, 1);
674                                 } else {
675                                         // year and month passed in - that's the date we want!
676                                         t = new Date(y, m, 1)
677                                 }
678                                 // check if the desired date is within the range of our defined startDate and endDate
679                                 if (t.getTime() < s.getTime()) {
680                                         t = s;
681                                 } else if (t.getTime() > e.getTime()) {
682                                         t = e;
683                                 }
684                                 var oldMonth = this.displayedMonth;
685                                 var oldYear = this.displayedYear;
686                                 this.displayedMonth = t.getMonth();
687                                 this.displayedYear = t.getFullYear();
689                                 if (rerender && (this.displayedMonth != oldMonth || this.displayedYear != oldYear))
690                                 {
691                                         this._rerenderCalendar();
692                                         $(this.ele).trigger('dpMonthChanged', [this.displayedMonth, this.displayedYear]);
693                                 }
694                         },
695                         setSelected : function(d, v, moveToMonth, dispatchEvents)
696                         {
697                                 if (d < this.startDate || d.zeroTime() > this.endDate.zeroTime()) {
698                                         // Don't allow people to select dates outside range...
699                                         return;
700                                 }
701                                 var s = this.settings;
702                                 if (s.selectWeek)
703                                 {
704                                         d = d.addDays(- (d.getDay() - Date.firstDayOfWeek + 7) % 7);
705                                         if (d < this.startDate) // The first day of this week is before the start date so is unselectable...
706                                         {
707                                                 return;
708                                         }
709                                 }
710                                 if (v == this.isSelected(d)) // this date is already un/selected
711                                 {
712                                         return;
713                                 }
714                                 if (this.selectMultiple == false) {
715                                         this.clearSelected();
716                                 } else if (v && this.numSelected == this.numSelectable) {
717                                         // can't select any more dates...
718                                         return;
719                                 }
720                                 if (moveToMonth && (this.displayedMonth != d.getMonth() || this.displayedYear != d.getFullYear())) {
721                                         this.setDisplayedMonth(d.getMonth(), d.getFullYear(), true);
722                                 }
723                                 this.selectedDates[d.asString()] = v;
724                                 this.numSelected += v ? 1 : -1;
725                                 var selectorString = 'td.' + (d.getMonth() == this.displayedMonth ? 'current-month' : 'other-month');
726                                 var $td;
727                                 $(selectorString, this.context).each(
728                                         function()
729                                         {
730                                                 if ($(this).data('datePickerDate') == d.asString()) {
731                                                         $td = $(this);
732                                                         if (s.selectWeek)
733                                                         {
734                                                                 $td.parent()[v ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('selectedWeek');
735                                                         }
736                                                         $td[v ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('selected'); 
737                                                 }
738                                         }
739                                 );
740                                 $('td', this.context).not('.selected')[this.selectMultiple &&  this.numSelected == this.numSelectable ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('unselectable');
742                                 if (dispatchEvents)
743                                 {
744                                         var s = this.isSelected(d);
745                                         $e = $(this.ele);
746                                         var dClone = Date.fromString(d.asString());
747                                         $e.trigger('dateSelected', [dClone, $td, s]);
748                                         $e.trigger('change');
749                                 }
750                         },
751                         isSelected : function(d)
752                         {
753                                 return this.selectedDates[d.asString()];
754                         },
755                         getSelected : function()
756                         {
757                                 var r = [];
758                                 for(var s in this.selectedDates) {
759                                         if (this.selectedDates[s] == true) {
760                                                 r.push(Date.fromString(s));
761                                         }
762                                 }
763                                 return r;
764                         },
765                         clearSelected : function()
766                         {
767                                 this.selectedDates = {};
768                                 this.numSelected = 0;
769                                 $('td.selected', this.context).removeClass('selected').parent().removeClass('selectedWeek');
770                         },
771                         display : function(eleAlignTo)
772                         {
773                                 if ($(this.ele).is('.dp-disabled')) return;
775                                 eleAlignTo = eleAlignTo || this.ele;
776                                 var c = this;
777                                 var $ele = $(eleAlignTo);
778                                 var eleOffset = $ele.offset();
780                                 var $createIn;
781                                 var attrs;
782                                 var attrsCalendarHolder;
783                                 var cssRules;
785                                 if (c.inline) {
786                                         $createIn = $(this.ele);
787                                         attrs = {
788                                                 'id'            :       'calendar-' + this.ele._dpId,
789                                                 'class' :       'dp-popup dp-popup-inline'
790                                         };
792                                         $('.dp-popup', $createIn).remove();
793                                         cssRules = {
794                                         };
795                                 } else {
796                                         $createIn = $('body');
797                                         attrs = {
798                                                 'id'            :       'dp-popup',
799                                                 'class' :       'dp-popup'
800                                         };
801                                         cssRules = {
802                                                 'top'   : + c.verticalOffset,
803                                                 'left'  :       eleOffset.left + c.horizontalOffset
804                                         };
806                                         var _checkMouse = function(e)
807                                         {
808                                                 var el =;
809                                                 var cal = $('#dp-popup')[0];
811                                                 while (true){
812                                                         if (el == cal) {
813                                                                 return true;
814                                                         } else if (el == document) {
815                                                                 c._closeCalendar();
816                                                                 return false;
817                                                         } else {
818                                                                 el = $(el).parent()[0];
819                                                         }
820                                                 }
821                                         };
822                                         this._checkMouse = _checkMouse;
824                                         c._closeCalendar(true);
825                                         $(document).bind(
826                                                 'keydown.datepicker', 
827                                                 function(event)
828                                                 {
829                                                         if (event.keyCode == 27) {
830                                                                 c._closeCalendar();
831                                                         }
832                                                 }
833                                         );
834                                 }
836                                 if (!c.rememberViewedMonth)
837                                 {
838                                         var selectedDate = this.getSelected()[0];
839                                         if (selectedDate) {
840                                                 selectedDate = new Date(selectedDate);
841                                                 this.setDisplayedMonth(selectedDate.getMonth(), selectedDate.getFullYear(), false);
842                                         }
843                                 }
845                                 $createIn
846                                         .append(
847                                                 $('<div></div>')
848                                                         .attr(attrs)
849                                                         .css(cssRules)
850                                                         .append(
851 //                                                              $('<a href="#" class="selecteee">aaa</a>'),
852                                                                 $('<h2></h2>'),
853                                                                 $('<div class="dp-nav-prev"></div>')
854                                                                         .append(
855                                                                                 $('<a class="dp-nav-prev-year" href="#" title="' + $.dpText.TEXT_PREV_YEAR + '">&lt;&lt;</a>')
856                                                                                         .bind(
857                                                                                                 'click',
858                                                                                                 function()
859                                                                                                 {
860                                                                                                         return, this, 0, -1);
861                                                                                                 }
862                                                                                         ),
863                                                                                 $('<a class="dp-nav-prev-month" href="#" title="' + $.dpText.TEXT_PREV_MONTH + '">&lt;</a>')
864                                                                                         .bind(
865                                                                                                 'click',
866                                                                                                 function()
867                                                                                                 {
868                                                                                                         return, this, -1, 0);
869                                                                                                 }
870                                                                                         )
871                                                                         ),
872                                                                 $('<div class="dp-nav-next"></div>')
873                                                                         .append(
874                                                                                 $('<a class="dp-nav-next-year" href="#" title="' + $.dpText.TEXT_NEXT_YEAR + '">&gt;&gt;</a>')
875                                                                                         .bind(
876                                                                                                 'click',
877                                                                                                 function()
878                                                                                                 {
879                                                                                                         return, this, 0, 1);
880                                                                                                 }
881                                                                                         ),
882                                                                                 $('<a class="dp-nav-next-month" href="#" title="' + $.dpText.TEXT_NEXT_MONTH + '">&gt;</a>')
883                                                                                         .bind(
884                                                                                                 'click',
885                                                                                                 function()
886                                                                                                 {
887                                                                                                         return, this, 1, 0);
888                                                                                                 }
889                                                                                         )
890                                                                         ),
891                                                                 $('<div class="dp-calendar"></div>')
892                                                         )
893                                                         .bgIframe()
894                                                 );
896                                 var $pop = this.inline ? $('.dp-popup', this.context) : $('#dp-popup');
898                                 if (this.showYearNavigation == false) {
899                                         $('.dp-nav-prev-year, .dp-nav-next-year', c.context).css('display', 'none');
900                                 }
901                                 if (this.displayClose) {
902                                         $pop.append(
903                                                 $('<a href="#" id="dp-close">' + $.dpText.TEXT_CLOSE + '</a>')
904                                                         .bind(
905                                                                 'click',
906                                                                 function()
907                                                                 {
908                                                                         c._closeCalendar();
909                                                                         return false;
910                                                                 }
911                                                         )
912                                         );
913                                 }
914                                 c._renderCalendar();
916                                 $(this.ele).trigger('dpDisplayed', $pop);
918                                 if (!c.inline) {
919                                         if (this.verticalPosition == $.dpConst.POS_BOTTOM) {
920                                                 $pop.css('top', + $ele.height() - $pop.height() + c.verticalOffset);
921                                         }
922                                         if (this.horizontalPosition == $.dpConst.POS_RIGHT) {
923                                                 $pop.css('left', eleOffset.left + $ele.width() - $pop.width() + c.horizontalOffset);
924                                         }
925 //                                      $('.selectee', this.context).focus();
926                                         $(document).bind('mousedown.datepicker', this._checkMouse);
927                                 }
929                         },
930                         setRenderCallback : function(a)
931                         {
932                                 if (a == null) return;
933                                 if (a && typeof(a) == 'function') {
934                                         a = [a];
935                                 }
936                                 this.renderCallback = this.renderCallback.concat(a);
937                         },
938                         cellRender : function ($td, thisDate, month, year) {
939                                 var c = this.dpController;
940                                 var d = new Date(thisDate.getTime());
942                                 // add our click handlers to deal with it when the days are clicked...
944                                 $td.bind(
945                                         'click',
946                                         function()
947                                         {
948                                                 var $this = $(this);
949                                                 if (!$'.disabled')) {
950                                                         c.setSelected(d, !$'.selected') || !c.selectMultiple, false, true);
951                                                         if (c.closeOnSelect) {
952                                                                 // Focus the next input in the form…
953                                                                 if (c.settings.autoFocusNextInput) {
954                                                                         var ele = c.ele;
955                                                                         var found = false;
956                                                                         $(':input', ele.form).each(
957                                                                                 function()
958                                                                                 {
959                                                                                         if (found) {
960                                                                                                 $(this).focus();
961                                                                                                 return false;
962                                                                                         }
963                                                                                         if (this == ele) {
964                                                                                                 found = true;
965                                                                                         }
966                                                                                 }
967                                                                         );
968                                                                 } else {
969                                                                         c.ele.focus();
970                                                                 }
971                                                                 c._closeCalendar();
972                                                         }
973                                                 }
974                                         }
975                                 );
976                                 if (c.isSelected(d)) {
977                                         $td.addClass('selected');
978                                         if (c.settings.selectWeek)
979                                         {
980                                                 $td.parent().addClass('selectedWeek');
981                                         }
982                                 } else  if (c.selectMultiple && c.numSelected == c.numSelectable) {
983                                         $td.addClass('unselectable');
984                                 }
986                         },
987                         _applyRenderCallbacks : function()
988                         {
989                                 var c = this;
990                                 $('td', this.context).each(
991                                         function()
992                                         {
993                                                 for (var i=0; i<c.renderCallback.length; i++) {
994                                                         $td = $(this);
995                                                         c.renderCallback[i].apply(this, [$td, Date.fromString($'datePickerDate')), c.displayedMonth, c.displayedYear]);
996                                                 }
997                                         }
998                                 );
999                                 return;
1000                         },
1001                         // ele is the clicked button - only proceed if it doesn't have the class disabled...
1002                         // m and y are -1, 0 or 1 depending which direction we want to go in...
1003                         _displayNewMonth : function(ele, m, y) 
1004                         {
1005                                 if (!$(ele).is('.disabled')) {
1006                                         this.setDisplayedMonth(this.displayedMonth + m, this.displayedYear + y, true);
1007                                 }
1008                                 ele.blur();
1009                                 return false;
1010                         },
1011                         _rerenderCalendar : function()
1012                         {
1013                                 this._clearCalendar();
1014                                 this._renderCalendar();
1015                         },
1016                         _renderCalendar : function()
1017                         {
1018                                 // set the title...
1019                                 $('h2', this.context).html((new Date(this.displayedYear, this.displayedMonth, 1)).asString($.dpText.HEADER_FORMAT));
1021                                 // render the calendar...
1022                                 $('.dp-calendar', this.context).renderCalendar(
1023                                         $.extend(
1024                                                 {},
1025                                                 this.settings, 
1026                                                 {
1027                                                         month                   : this.displayedMonth,
1028                                                         year                    : this.displayedYear,
1029                                                         renderCallback  : this.cellRender,
1030                                                         dpController    : this,
1031                                                         hoverClass              : this.hoverClass
1032                                                 })
1033                                 );
1035                                 // update the status of the control buttons and disable dates before startDate or after endDate...
1036                                 // TODO: When should the year buttons be disabled? When you can't go forward a whole year from where you are or is that annoying?
1037                                 if (this.displayedYear == this.startDate.getFullYear() && this.displayedMonth == this.startDate.getMonth()) {
1038                                         $('.dp-nav-prev-year', this.context).addClass('disabled');
1039                                         $('.dp-nav-prev-month', this.context).addClass('disabled');
1040                                         $('.dp-calendar td.other-month', this.context).each(
1041                                                 function()
1042                                                 {
1043                                                         var $this = $(this);
1044                                                         if (Number($this.text()) > 20) {
1045                                                                 $this.addClass('disabled');
1046                                                         }
1047                                                 }
1048                                         );
1049                                         var d = this.startDate.getDate();
1050                                         $('.dp-calendar td.current-month', this.context).each(
1051                                                 function()
1052                                                 {
1053                                                         var $this = $(this);
1054                                                         if (Number($this.text()) < d) {
1055                                                                 $this.addClass('disabled');
1056                                                         }
1057                                                 }
1058                                         );
1059                                 } else {
1060                                         $('.dp-nav-prev-year', this.context).removeClass('disabled');
1061                                         $('.dp-nav-prev-month', this.context).removeClass('disabled');
1062                                         var d = this.startDate.getDate();
1063                                         if (d > 20) {
1064                                                 // check if the startDate is last month as we might need to add some disabled classes...
1065                                                 var st = this.startDate.getTime();
1066                                                 var sd = new Date(st);
1067                                                 sd.addMonths(1);
1068                                                 if (this.displayedYear == sd.getFullYear() && this.displayedMonth == sd.getMonth()) {
1069                                                         $('.dp-calendar td.other-month', this.context).each(
1070                                                                 function()
1071                                                                 {
1072                                                                         var $this = $(this);
1073                                                                         if (Date.fromString($'datePickerDate')).getTime() < st) {
1074                                                                                 $this.addClass('disabled');
1075                                                                         }
1076                                                                 }
1077                                                         );
1078                                                 }
1079                                         }
1080                                 }
1081                                 if (this.displayedYear == this.endDate.getFullYear() && this.displayedMonth == this.endDate.getMonth()) {
1082                                         $('.dp-nav-next-year', this.context).addClass('disabled');
1083                                         $('.dp-nav-next-month', this.context).addClass('disabled');
1084                                         $('.dp-calendar td.other-month', this.context).each(
1085                                                 function()
1086                                                 {
1087                                                         var $this = $(this);
1088                                                         if (Number($this.text()) < 14) {
1089                                                                 $this.addClass('disabled');
1090                                                         }
1091                                                 }
1092                                         );
1093                                         var d = this.endDate.getDate();
1094                                         $('.dp-calendar td.current-month', this.context).each(
1095                                                 function()
1096                                                 {
1097                                                         var $this = $(this);
1098                                                         if (Number($this.text()) > d) {
1099                                                                 $this.addClass('disabled');
1100                                                         }
1101                                                 }
1102                                         );
1103                                 } else {
1104                                         $('.dp-nav-next-year', this.context).removeClass('disabled');
1105                                         $('.dp-nav-next-month', this.context).removeClass('disabled');
1106                                         var d = this.endDate.getDate();
1107                                         if (d < 13) {
1108                                                 // check if the endDate is next month as we might need to add some disabled classes...
1109                                                 var ed = new Date(this.endDate.getTime());
1110                                                 ed.addMonths(-1);
1111                                                 if (this.displayedYear == ed.getFullYear() && this.displayedMonth == ed.getMonth()) {
1112                                                         $('.dp-calendar td.other-month', this.context).each(
1113                                                                 function()
1114                                                                 {
1115                                                                         var $this = $(this);
1116                                                                         var cellDay = Number($this.text());
1117                                                                         if (cellDay < 13 && cellDay > d) {
1118                                                                                 $this.addClass('disabled');
1119                                                                         }
1120                                                                 }
1121                                                         );
1122                                                 }
1123                                         }
1124                                 }
1125                                 this._applyRenderCallbacks();
1126                         },
1127                         _closeCalendar : function(programatic, ele)
1128                         {
1129                                 if (!ele || ele == this.ele)
1130                                 {
1131                                         $(document).unbind('mousedown.datepicker');
1132                                         $(document).unbind('keydown.datepicker');
1133                                         this._clearCalendar();
1134                                         $('#dp-popup a').unbind();
1135                                         $('#dp-popup').empty().remove();
1136                                         if (!programatic) {
1137                                                 $(this.ele).trigger('dpClosed', [this.getSelected()]);
1138                                         }
1139                                 }
1140                         },
1141                         // empties the current dp-calendar div and makes sure that all events are unbound
1142                         // and expandos removed to avoid memory leaks...
1143                         _clearCalendar : function()
1144                         {
1145                                 // TODO.
1146                                 $('.dp-calendar td', this.context).unbind();
1147                                 $('.dp-calendar', this.context).empty();
1148                         }
1149                 }
1150         );
1152         // static constants
1153         $.dpConst = {
1154                 SHOW_HEADER_NONE        :       0,
1155                 SHOW_HEADER_SHORT       :       1,
1156                 SHOW_HEADER_LONG        :       2,
1157                 POS_TOP                         :       0,
1158                 POS_BOTTOM                      :       1,
1159                 POS_LEFT                        :       0,
1160                 POS_RIGHT                       :       1,
1161                 DP_INTERNAL_FOCUS       :       'dpInternalFocusTrigger'
1162         };
1163         // localisable text
1164         $.dpText = {
1165                 TEXT_PREV_YEAR          :       'Previous year',
1166                 TEXT_PREV_MONTH         :       'Previous month',
1167                 TEXT_NEXT_YEAR          :       'Next year',
1168                 TEXT_NEXT_MONTH         :       'Next month',
1169                 TEXT_CLOSE                      :       'Close',
1170                 TEXT_CHOOSE_DATE        :       'Choose date',
1171                 HEADER_FORMAT           :       'mmmm yyyy'
1172         };
1173         // version
1174         $.dpVersion = '$Id$';
1176         $.fn.datePicker.defaults = {
1177                 month                           : undefined,
1178                 year                            : undefined,
1179                 showHeader                      : $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_SHORT,
1180                 startDate                       : undefined,
1181                 endDate                         : undefined,
1182                 inline                          : false,
1183                 renderCallback          : null,
1184                 createButton            : true,
1185                 showYearNavigation      : true,
1186                 closeOnSelect           : true,
1187                 displayClose            : false,
1188                 selectMultiple          : false,
1189                 numSelectable           : Number.MAX_VALUE,
1190                 clickInput                      : false,
1191                 rememberViewedMonth     : true,
1192                 selectWeek                      : false,
1193                 verticalPosition        : $.dpConst.POS_TOP,
1194                 horizontalPosition      : $.dpConst.POS_LEFT,
1195                 verticalOffset          : 0,
1196                 horizontalOffset        : 0,
1197                 hoverClass                      : 'dp-hover',
1198                 autoFocusNextInput  : false
1199         };
1201         function _getController(ele)
1202         {
1203                 if (ele._dpId) return $.event._dpCache[ele._dpId];
1204                 return false;
1205         };
1207         // make it so that no error is thrown if bgIframe plugin isn't included (allows you to use conditional
1208         // comments to only include bgIframe where it is needed in IE without breaking this plugin).
1209         if ($.fn.bgIframe == undefined) {
1210                 $.fn.bgIframe = function() {return this; };
1211         };
1214         // clean-up
1215         $(window)
1216                 .bind('unload', function() {
1217                         var els = $.event._dpCache || [];
1218                         for (var i in els) {
1219                                 $(els[i].ele)._dpDestroy();
1220                         }
1221                 });
1224 })(jQuery);