add trial design store subclasses.
[sgn.git] / lib / CXGN / Trial /
2 package CXGN::Trial::Download;
4 =head1 NAME
6 CXGN::Trial::Download
8 =head1 SYNOPSIS
10 This module loads one of the plugins in /CXGN/Trial/Download/Plugin/
11 This module is used differently depending on the plugin.
12 Example usage for all plugins is listed here.
14 ------------------------------------------------------------------
16 For downloading trial(s) xls spreadsheet for collecting phenotypes (as used
17 from SGN::Controller::AJAX::PhenotypesDownload->create_phenotype_spreadsheet):
19 my $rel_file = $c->tempfile( TEMPLATE => 'download/downloadXXXXX');
20 my $tempfile = $c->config->{basepath}."/".$rel_file.".xls";
21 my $create_spreadsheet = CXGN::Trial::Download->new({
22 bcs_schema => $schema,
23 trial_list => \@trial_id_list,
24 trait_list => \@trait_list,
25 filename => $tempfile,
26 format => "ExcelBasic",
27 data_level => $data_level,
28 sample_number => $sample_number,
29 predefined_columns => $predefined_columns,
30 });
31 $create_spreadsheet->download();
32 $c->stash->{rest} = { filename => $urlencode{$rel_file.".xls"} };
34 ------------------------------------------------------------------
36 For downloading phenotypes in a matrix where columns contain the phenotypes
37 and rows contain the observation unit (as used from
38 SGN::Controller::BreedersToolbox::Download->download_phenotypes_action which
39 is used from the wizard, trial detail page, and manage trials page for
40 downlading phenotypes):
42 There a number of optional keys for filtering down the phenotypes
43 (trait_list, year_list, location_list, etc). Keys can be entirely ignored
44 if you don't need to filter by them.
46 As a CSV:
47 my $plugin = 'TrialPhenotypeCSV';
49 As a xls:
50 my $plugin = 'TrialPhenotypeExcel';
52 my $download = CXGN::Trial::Download->new({
53 bcs_schema => $schema,
54 trait_list => \@trait_list_int,
55 year_list => \@year_list,
56 location_list => \@location_list_int,
57 trial_list => \@trial_list_int,
58 accession_list => \@accession_list_int,
59 plot_list => \@plot_list_int,
60 plant_list => \@plant_list_int,
61 filename => $tempfile,
62 format => $plugin,
63 data_level => $data_level,
64 include_timestamp => $timestamp_option,
65 exclude_phenotype_outlier => $exclude_phenotype_outlier,
66 trait_contains => \@trait_contains_list,
67 phenotype_min_value => $phenotype_min_value,
68 phenotype_max_value => $phenotype_max_value,
69 has_header=>$has_header
70 });
71 my $error = $download->download();
72 my $file_name = "phenotype.$format";
73 $c->res->content_type('Application/'.$format);
74 $c->res->header('Content-Disposition', qq[attachment; filename="$file_name"]);
75 my $output = read_file($tempfile);
76 $c->res->body($output);
78 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 For downloading a "DataCollector Spreadsheet" for collecting phenotypes (as
81 used in SGN::Controller::AJAX::DataCollectorDownload->create_DataCollector_spreadsheet_POST):
83 my $create_spreadsheet = CXGN::Trial::Download->new({
84 bcs_schema => $schema,
85 trial_id => $trial_id,
86 trait_list => \@trait_list,
87 filename => $file_path,
88 format => 'DataCollectorExcel',
89 data_level => $data_level,
90 });
91 my $spreadsheet_response = $create_spreadsheet->download();
92 if ($spreadsheet_response->{error}) {
93 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $spreadsheet_response->{error} };
94 return;
96 my $file_name = basename($file_path);
97 $c->stash->{rest} = { filename => $urlencode{$tempfile.".xls"} };
99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 For downloading a trial's layout (as used from CXGN::Trial::Download->trial_download):
103 A trial's layout can optionally include treatment and phenotype summary
104 information, mapping to treatment_project_ids and trait_list.
105 These keys can be ignored if you don't need them in the layout.
107 As a XLS:
108 my $plugin = "TrialLayoutExcel";
110 As a CSV:
111 my $plugin = "TrialLayoutCSV";
113 my $download = CXGN::Trial::Download->new({
114 bcs_schema => $schema,
115 trial_id => $c->stash->{trial_id},
116 trait_list => \@trait_list,
117 filename => $tempfile,
118 format => $plugin,
119 data_level => $data_level,
120 treatment_project_ids => \@treatment_project_ids,
121 selected_columns => $selected_cols,
123 my $error = $download->download();
124 my $file_name = $trial_id . "_" . "$what" . ".$format";
125 $c->res->content_type('Application/'.$format);
126 $c->res->header('Content-Disposition', qq[attachment; filename="$file_name"]);
127 my $output = read_file($tempfile);
128 $c->res->body($output);
130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 For downloading the IGD sequencing facility spreadsheet (as used from
133 SGN::Controller::BreedersToolbox::Download->download_sequencing_facility_spreadsheet):
135 my $td = CXGN::Trial::Download->new({
136 bcs_schema => $schema,
137 trial_id => $trial_id,
138 format => "IGDFacilitySpreadsheet",
139 filename => $file_path,
140 user_id => $c->user->get_object()->get_sp_person_id(),
141 trial_download_logfile => $c->config->{trial_download_logfile},
143 $td->download();
144 my $file_name = basename($file_path);
145 $c->res->content_type('Application/xls');
146 $c->res->header('Content-Disposition', qq[attachment; filename="$file_name"]);
147 my $output = read_file($file_path, binmode=>':raw');
148 $c->res->body($output);
151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 =head1 AUTHORS
156 =cut
159 use Moose;
160 use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
161 use Try::Tiny;
162 use File::Basename qw | basename dirname|;
163 use Digest::MD5;
164 use CXGN::List::Validate;
165 use Data::Dumper;
166 use CXGN::Trial;
167 use CXGN::Trial::TrialLayout;
168 use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
169 use CXGN::Trait;
170 use CXGN::List::Transform;
171 use CXGN::People::Person;
172 use DateTime;
174 with 'MooseX::Object::Pluggable';
177 has 'bcs_schema' => (
178 isa => "Bio::Chado::Schema",
179 is => 'ro',
180 required => 1,
183 has 'trial_id' => (
184 isa => "Int",
185 is => 'ro',
188 # can be provided for logging purposes
189 has 'user_id' => (
190 is => 'ro',
191 isa => 'Int',
194 has 'trial_download_logfile' => (
195 is => 'ro',
196 isa => 'Str',
199 ## defines the plugin with which the download will be processed
200 has 'format' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1);
201 has 'data_level' => (isa => 'Str | Undef', is => 'ro', default => 'plots');
202 has 'sample_number' => (isa => 'Int | Undef', is => 'ro', default => 0);
203 has 'predefined_columns' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[HashRef] | Undef', is => 'ro');
204 has 'trait_list' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Int|Str]|Undef', is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_trait_list' );
205 has 'trait_component_list' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]|Undef', is => 'rw' );
206 has 'trial_list' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]|Undef', is => 'rw' );
207 has 'accession_list' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]|Undef', is => 'rw' );
208 has 'plot_list' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]|Undef', is => 'rw' );
209 has 'plant_list' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]|Undef', is => 'rw' );
210 has 'location_list' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]|Undef', is => 'rw' );
211 has 'year_list' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]|Undef', is => 'rw' );
212 has 'include_timestamp' => (isa => 'Bool', is => 'ro', default => 0);
213 has 'exclude_phenotype_outlier' => (isa => 'Bool', is => 'ro', default => 0);
214 has 'has_header' => (isa => 'Bool', is => 'ro', default => 1);
215 has 'trait_contains' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]|Undef', is => 'rw');
216 has 'phenotype_min_value' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw');
217 has 'phenotype_max_value' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw');
218 has 'search_type' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw');
219 has 'treatment_project_ids' => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]|Undef', is => 'rw');
220 has 'selected_columns' => (isa => 'HashRef|Undef', is => 'rw');
221 has 'include_notes' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw');
222 has 'filename' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro',
223 predicate => 'has_filename',
224 required => 1,
227 has 'file_metadata' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_file_metadata');
228 has 'trial_stock_type' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_trial_stock_type', required => 0);
230 sub BUILD {
231 my $self = shift;
232 $self->load_plugin($self->format());
235 # sub verify {
236 # my $self = shift;
238 # $self->load_plugin($self->format());
240 # return $self->plugin_verify();
243 # sub download {
244 # my $self = shift;
246 # print STDERR "Format: ".$self->format()."\n";
247 # eval {
248 # $self->load_plugin($self->format());
249 # };
250 # if ($@) {
251 # die "The plugin specified (".$self->format().") for the download does not exist";
254 # my $error = $self->plugin_download();
256 # return $error;
259 sub trial_download_log {
260 my $self = shift;
261 my $trial_id = shift;
262 my $message = shift;
264 if (! $self->user_id && !$self->trial_download_logfile()) {
265 return;
267 else {
268 print STDERR "Note: set config variable trial_download_logfile to obtain a log of downloaded trials.\n";
271 my $now = DateTime->now();
273 open (my $F, ">>", $self->trial_download_logfile()) || die "Can't open ".$self->trial_download_logfile();
274 my $username = CXGN::People::Person->new($self->bcs_schema->storage->dbh(), $self->user_id())->get_username();
275 print $F join("\t", (
276 $username,
277 $trial_id,
278 $message,
279 $now->year()."-".$now->month()."-".$now->day()." ".$now->hour().":".$now->minute()));
280 print $F "\n";
282 close($F);