seedlot upload with accession synonyms. seedlot upload works to update existing seedlots
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / solGS /
1 package SGN::Controller::solGS::pca;
3 use Moose;
4 use namespace::autoclean;
6 use File::Spec::Functions qw / catfile catdir/;
7 use File::Path qw / mkpath /;
8 use File::Temp qw / tempfile tempdir /;
9 use File::Slurp qw /write_file read_file :edit prepend_file/;
10 use JSON;
12 use CXGN::List;
15 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
18 sub pca_analysis :Path('/pca/analysis/') Args(0) {
19 my ($self, $c) = @_;
21 $c->stash->{template} = '/pca/analysis.mas';
26 sub check_result :Path('/pca/check/result/') Args(1) {
27 my ($self, $c, $pop_id) = @_;
29 $c->stash->{pop_id} = $pop_id;
31 $self->pca_scores_file($c);
32 my $pca_scores_file = $c->stash->{pca_scores_file};
34 my $ret->{result} = undef;
36 if (-s $pca_scores_file && $pop_id =~ /\d+/)
38 $ret->{result} = 1;
41 $ret = to_json($ret);
43 $c->res->content_type('application/json');
44 $c->res->body($ret);
49 sub pca_result :Path('/pca/result/') Args(1) {
50 my ($self, $c, $pop_id) = @_;
52 $c->stash->{pop_id} = $pop_id || $c->req->param('population_id');
54 my $list_id = $c->req->param('list_id');
55 my $list_type = $c->req->param('list_type');
56 my $list_name = $c->req->param('list_name');
58 if ($list_id)
60 $c->stash->{data_set_type} = 'list';
61 $c->stash->{list_id} = $list_id;
62 $c->stash->{list_type} = $list_type;
65 $self->create_pca_genotype_data($c);
67 my @genotype_files_list;
68 my $geno_file;
69 if ($c->stash->{genotype_files_list})
71 @genotype_files_list = @{$c->stash->{genotype_files_list}};
72 $geno_file = $genotype_files_list[0] if !$genotype_files_list[1];
74 else
76 $geno_file = $c->stash->{genotype_file};
79 $self->pca_scores_file($c);
80 my $pca_scores_file = $c->stash->{pca_scores_file};
82 $self->pca_variance_file($c);
83 my $pca_variance_file = $c->stash->{pca_variance_file};
85 my $ret->{status} = 'PCA analysis failed.';
86 if( !-s $pca_scores_file)
88 if (!-s $geno_file )
90 $ret->{status} = 'There is no genotype data. Aborted PCA analysis.';
92 else
94 $self->run_pca($c);
98 my $pca_scores = $c->controller('solGS::solGS')->convert_to_arrayref_of_arrays($c, $pca_scores_file);
99 my $pca_variances = $c->controller('solGS::solGS')->convert_to_arrayref_of_arrays($c, $pca_variance_file);
101 if ($pca_scores)
103 $ret->{pca_scores} = $pca_scores;
104 $ret->{pca_variances} = $pca_variances;
105 $ret->{status} = 'success';
106 $ret->{pop_id} = $c->stash->{pop_id} if $list_type eq 'trials';
109 $ret = to_json($ret);
111 $c->res->content_type('application/json');
112 $c->res->body($ret);
117 sub download_pca_scores : Path('/download/pca/scores/population') Args(1) {
118 my ($self, $c, $id) = @_;
120 $self->create_pca_dir($c);
121 my $pca_dir = $c->stash->{pca_dir};
122 my $pca_file = catfile($pca_dir, "pca_scores_${id}");
124 unless (!-e $pca_file || -s $pca_file <= 1)
126 my @pca_data;
127 my $count=1;
129 foreach my $row ( read_file($pca_file) )
131 if ($count==1) { $row = 'Individuals' . $row;}
132 $row = join(",", split(/\s/, $row));
133 $row .= "\n";
135 push @pca_data, [ $row ];
136 $count++;
139 $c->res->content_type("text/plain");
140 $c->res->body(join "", map{ $_->[0] } @pca_data);
145 sub pca_genotypes_list :Path('/pca/genotypes/list') Args(0) {
146 my ($self, $c) = @_;
148 my $list_id = $c->req->param('list_id');
149 my $list_name = $c->req->param('list_name');
150 my $list_type = $c->req->param('list_type');
151 my $pop_id = $c->req->param('population_id');
153 $c->stash->{list_name} = $list_name;
154 $c->stash->{list_id} = $list_id;
155 $c->stash->{pop_id} = $pop_id;
156 $c->stash->{list_type} = $list_type;
158 $c->stash->{data_set_type} = 'list';
159 $self->create_pca_genotype_data($c);
161 my $geno_file = $c->stash->{genotype_file};
163 my $ret->{status} = 'failed';
164 if (-s $geno_file )
166 $ret->{status} = 'success';
169 $ret = to_json($ret);
171 $c->res->content_type('application/json');
172 $c->res->body($ret);
177 sub format_pca_scores {
178 my ($self, $c) = @_;
180 my $file = $c->stash->{pca_scores_file};
181 my $data = $c->controller('solGS::solGS')->convert_to_arrayref_of_arrays($c, $file);
183 $c->stash->{pca_scores} = $data;
188 sub create_pca_genotype_data {
189 my ($self, $c) = @_;
191 my $data_set_type = $c->stash->{data_set_type};
193 if ($data_set_type =~ /list/)
195 $self->_pca_list_genotype_data($c);
198 else
200 $self->_pca_trial_genotype_data($c);
206 sub _pca_list_genotype_data {
207 my ($self, $c) = @_;
209 my $list_id = $c->stash->{list_id};
210 my $list_type = $c->stash->{list_type};
211 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id};
213 my $referer = $c->req->referer;
214 my $geno_file;
216 if ($referer =~ /solgs\/trait\/\d+\/population\/|solgs\/selection\//)
218 $c->controller('solGS::solGS')->genotype_file_name($c, $pop_id);
219 $geno_file = $c->stash->{genotype_file_name};
220 $c->stash->{genotype_file} = $geno_file;
223 else
225 if ($list_type eq 'accessions')
228 my $list = CXGN::List->new( { dbh => $c->dbc()->dbh(), list_id => $list_id });
229 my @genotypes_list = @{$list->elements};
231 $c->stash->{genotypes_list} = \@genotypes_list;
232 my $geno_data = $c->model('solGS::solGS')->genotypes_list_genotype_data(\@genotypes_list);
234 my $tmp_dir = $c->stash->{solgs_prediction_upload_dir};
235 my $file = "genotype_data_uploaded_${list_id}";
236 $file = $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->create_tempfile($tmp_dir, $file);
238 write_file($file, $geno_data);
239 $c->stash->{genotype_file} = $file;
242 elsif ( $list_type eq 'trials')
244 my $list = CXGN::List->new( { dbh => $c->dbc()->dbh(), list_id => $list_id });
245 my @trials_list = @{$list->elements};
247 my @genotype_files;
248 foreach (@trials_list)
250 my $trial_id = $c->model("solGS::solGS")
251 ->project_details_by_name($_)
252 ->first
253 ->project_id;
255 $c->stash->{pop_id} = $trial_id;
256 $self->_pca_trial_genotype_data($c);
257 push @genotype_files, $c->stash->{genotype_file};
260 $c->stash->{genotype_files_list} = \@genotype_files;
267 sub _pca_trial_genotype_data {
268 my ($self, $c) = @_;
270 my $referer = $c->req->referer;
271 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id};
273 my $geno_file;
275 if ($referer =~ /solgs\/selection\//)
277 $c->stash->{selection_pop_id} = $c->stash->{pop_id};
278 $c->controller('solGS::solGS')->filtered_selection_genotype_file($c, $pop_id);
279 $geno_file = $c->stash->{filtered_selection_genotype_file};
281 else
283 $c->stash->{training_pop_id} = $c->stash->{pop_id};
284 $c->controller('solGS::solGS')->filtered_training_genotype_file($c, $pop_id);
285 $geno_file = $c->stash->{filtered_training_genotype_file};
289 if (!-s $geno_file)
291 $c->controller('solGS::solGS')->genotype_file_name($c, $pop_id);
292 $geno_file = $c->stash->{genotype_file_name};
295 if (-s $geno_file)
297 $c->stash->{genotype_file} = $geno_file;
299 else
301 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->genotype_file($c);
306 sub create_pca_dir {
307 my ($self, $c) = @_;
309 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->get_solgs_dirs($c);
314 sub pca_scores_file {
315 my ($self, $c) = @_;
317 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id};
319 $self->create_pca_dir($c);
320 my $pca_dir = $c->stash->{pca_dir};
322 $c->stash->{cache_dir} = $pca_dir;
324 my $cache_data = {key => "pca_scores_${pop_id}",
325 file => "pca_scores_${pop_id}",,
326 stash_key => 'pca_scores_file'
329 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->cache_file($c, $cache_data);
334 sub pca_variance_file {
335 my ($self, $c) = @_;
337 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id};
339 $self->create_pca_dir($c);
340 my $pca_dir = $c->stash->{pca_dir};
342 $c->stash->{cache_dir} = $pca_dir;
344 my $cache_data = {key => "pca_variance_${pop_id}",
345 file => "pca_variance_${pop_id}",,
346 stash_key => 'pca_variance_file'
349 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->cache_file($c, $cache_data);
354 sub pca_loadings_file {
355 my ($self, $c) = @_;
357 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id};
359 $self->create_pca_dir($c);
360 my $pca_dir = $c->stash->{pca_dir};
362 $c->stash->{cache_dir} = $pca_dir;
364 my $cache_data = {key => "pca_loadings_${pop_id}",
365 file => "pca_loadings_${pop_id}",,
366 stash_key => 'pca_loadings_file'
369 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->cache_file($c, $cache_data);
374 sub pca_output_files {
375 my ($self, $c) = @_;
377 $self->pca_scores_file($c);
378 $self->pca_loadings_file($c);
379 $self->pca_variance_file($c);
381 my $file_list = join ("\t",
382 $c->stash->{pca_scores_file},
383 $c->stash->{pca_loadings_file},
384 $c->stash->{pca_variance_file},
387 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id};
388 my $tmp_dir = $c->stash->{solgs_tempfiles_dir};
389 my $name = "pca_output_files_${pop_id}";
390 my $tempfile = $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->create_tempfile($tmp_dir, $name);
391 write_file($tempfile, $file_list);
393 $c->stash->{output_files} = $tempfile;
398 sub run_pca {
399 my ($self, $c) = @_;
401 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id};
403 my $pca_output_file = $self->pca_output_files($c);
404 my $geno_file = $c->stash->{genotype_file};
406 $c->stash->{input_files} = $geno_file;
407 $c->stash->{output_files} = $pca_output_file;
408 $c->stash->{r_temp_file} = "pca-${pop_id}";
409 $c->stash->{r_script} = 'R/solGS/pca.r';
411 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->run_r_script($c);
416 sub begin : Private {
417 my ($self, $c) = @_;
419 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->get_solgs_dirs($c);
425 __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
427 ####
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