added assay info for SNP and Indel markers
[sgn.git] / cgi-bin / maps / physical /
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
4 use POSIX;
5 use List::Util qw/sum/;
7 use Carp;
9 use Bio::Range;
10 use Bio::Graphics::Gel;
12 use CXGN::Apache::Error;
14 use CXGN::TomatoGenome::BACSubmission;
15 use CXGN::DB::Connection;
16 use CXGN::DB::Physical;
17 use CXGN::DB::DBICFactory;
19 use CXGN::Fish; # helper routines for FISH data.
21 use CXGN::Genomic::Search::Clone;
22 use CXGN::Login;
23 use CXGN::Map;
24 use CXGN::Marker;
25 use CXGN::Page;
27 use CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers qw/ page_title_html
28 info_section_html
29 info_table_html
30 columnar_table_html
31 commify_number
32 simple_selectbox_html
33 truncate_string
34 tooltipped_text
36 use CXGN::People;
37 use CXGN::People::BACStatusLog;
38 use CXGN::People::PageComment;
39 use CXGN::People::Person;
40 use CXGN::Search::CannedForms;
41 use CXGN::TomatoGenome::BACPublish;
42 use CXGN::Tools::Identifiers qw/link_identifier/;
43 use CXGN::Tools::List qw/all distinct any min max str_in/;
44 use CXGN::Tools::Text;
46 use CatalystX::GlobalContext '$c';
48 # some of the newer parts of the page are in a controller object
49 my $self = $c->controller('Clone::Genomic');
51 our %link_pages = (
52 marker_page => '/search/markers/',
53 map_page => '/cview/',
54 overgo_report_page => '/maps/physical/',
55 agi_page => '',
56 bac_page => '/maps/physical/',
57 sgn_search_page => '/search/',
58 plate_design_page => '/maps/physical/',
59 list_bacs_by_plate => '/maps/physical/',
60 mapviewer => '/cview/',
61 overgo_explanation => '/maps/physical/',
62 read_info_page => '/maps/physical/'
64 $link_pages{physical_map_page} = $link_pages{'map_page'} . '1&physical=1';
65 $link_pages{contig_page} = $link_pages{'agi_page'};
67 # Start a new SGN page.
68 my $page = CXGN::Page->new( 'BAC Data', 'Rob Buels' );
69 my $dbh = CXGN::DB::Connection->new();
70 my $chado = CXGN::DB::DBICFactory->open_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema');
72 $page->jsan_use(qw/ MochiKit.Base MochiKit.Async /);
74 # Get arguments from Apache.
75 my %params = $page->get_all_encoded_arguments;
77 #### bac status stuff ####
78 #if someone is logged in, get their information so they can have the option of updating the status of this bac
79 our ( $person, $person_id, $fname, $lname, $username, $user_type ) =
80 ( '', '', '', '', '', '' );
81 my @person_projects;
82 $person_id = CXGN::Login->new($dbh)->has_session();
83 if ($person_id) {
84 $person = CXGN::People::Person->new( $dbh, $person_id );
85 if ($person) {
86 $person_id = $person->get_sp_person_id();
87 $fname = $person->get_first_name() || '';
88 $lname = $person->get_last_name() || '';
89 $username = "$fname $lname";
90 $user_type = $person->get_user_type();
91 @person_projects = $person->get_projects_associated_with_person;
95 ## get the clone in question ###
96 #support legacy identifiers, but complain
97 my $clone;
98 my $clonequery = CXGN::Genomic::Search::Clone->new->new_query;
99 $clonequery->from_request( \%params );
101 #is a random clone wanted?
102 if ( $params{random} and $params{random} eq 'yes' ) {
103 ( $params{id} ) = $dbh->selectrow_array(<<EOSQL);
104 select clone_id from genomic.clone
105 where bad_clone is null or bad_clone='0'
106 order by random()
107 limit 1
111 if ( $params{id} ) {
112 $clone = CXGN::Genomic::Clone->retrieve(
113 $params{id} + 0 ) #the +0 makes sure it's numeric
114 or clone_not_found_page( $page,
115 "No clone with id $params{id} could be found.", $clonequery );
118 elsif ( $params{bac_id} ) {
120 $clone = CXGN::Genomic::Clone->retrieve( $params{bac_id} + 0 )
121 or clone_not_found_page( $page,
122 "No clone with id $params{bac_id} could be found.", $clonequery );
125 elsif ( $params{cu_name} || $params{az_name} ) {
126 my $search = CXGN::Genomic::Search::Clone->new;
127 my $query = $search->new_query;
128 my $clonename = $params{cu_name} || $params{az_name};
129 my $orig_clonename = $clonename;
130 $clonename =~ s/^P(\d{3})(\D{1})(\d{2})/LE_HBa0$1$2$3/;
131 $query->clone_name("='$clonename'");
132 my $result = $search->do_search($query);
133 $result->total_results > 1
134 and $page->error_page(
135 "SGN bug: multiple clones with clone name $orig_clonename were found.");
137 #clone_not_found_page($page, "Multiple clones with clone name $orig_clonename (a.k.a. $clonename) were found. That's an internal bug.", $link_pages, \%params,$clonequery);
138 $result->total_results < 1
139 and clone_not_found_page( $page,
140 "No clones with clone name $orig_clonename were found.", $clonequery );
142 $clone = $result->next_result;
145 # make sure we have a clone at this point
146 unless ( $clone && $clone->clone_id ) {
147 clone_not_found_page( $page,
148 "No clones found matching the search criteria.", $clonequery );
151 my $clone_id = $clone->clone_id;
153 ####################################
155 ####################################
157 my $head_extra = <<EOEXTRA;
158 <style type="text/css">
159 <!--
160 FORM.changebutton {
161 display: inline;
164 /*FORM.changebutton BUTTON[type="submit"] {
165 padding-left: 2px;
166 padding-right: 2px;
167 line-height: 1.3;
168 background-color: #fff;
169 color: #009;
170 border: none;
171 margin: none;
174 FORM.changebutton BUTTON {
175 margin: 0;
176 padding: 0;
177 background-color: #fff;
178 color: #009;
179 border: 1px solid #fff;
180 font-size: 10px;
183 FORM.changebutton BUTTON:hover {
184 border: 1px solid #444;
188 SPAN.bgcolorstatus1 FORM.changebutton BUTTON,
189 SPAN.bgcolorstatus1 SPAN.colorme {
190 background-color: #ddd;
191 color: #000;
192 border: 1px solid #444;
195 SPAN.bgcolorstatus2 FORM.changebutton BUTTON,
196 SPAN.bgcolorstatus2 SPAN.colorme {
197 background-color: #ffff66;
198 color: #000;
199 border: 1px solid #444;
201 SPAN.bgcolorstatus3 FORM.changebutton BUTTON,
202 SPAN.bgcolorstatus3 SPAN.colorme {
203 background-color: #66ff66;
204 color: #000;
205 border: 1px solid #444;
207 SPAN.bgcolorstatus4 FORM.changebutton BUTTON,
208 SPAN.bgcolorstatus4 SPAN.colorme {
209 background-color: #9999ff;
210 color: #000;
211 border: 1px solid #444;
213 SPAN.colorme {
214 white-space: nowrap;
217 </style>
220 my $az_name = $clone->clone_name;
221 $page->header( "Clone $az_name", undef, $head_extra );
222 print page_title_html("Clone $az_name");
224 print info_section_html(
225 title => 'Clone &amp; library',
226 collapsible => 1,
227 contents => '<table style="margin: 0 auto"><tr><td>'
228 . $c->render_mason( '/genomic/clone/clone_summary.mas', clone => $clone )
229 . '</td><td>'
230 . $c->render_mason(
231 '/genomic/library/library_summary.mas',
232 library => $clone->library_object
234 . info_table_html(
235 __title => 'Ordering Information',
236 'BAC Clones' =>
237 'BAC clones can be ordered from the <a href="">clone ordering page at TFGD</a>',
238 __tableattrs => 'width="100%" height="100%"',
240 . '</td></tr></table>'
243 my $overgo_html = render_overgo( $clone, $dbh );
245 #get data on our computational associations with markers
246 my $computational_associations_html =
247 render_computational_associations( $clone, $dbh );
249 #get data on manual associations
250 my $manual_associations_html = do {
251 my $mas = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( <<EOSQL, undef, $clone->clone_id );
252 select marker_id,pubmed_id,sp_person_id,comment, first_name, last_name, organization
253 from physical.manual_associations
254 join sgn_people.sp_person using(sp_person_id)
255 where clone_id = ?
258 if ( $mas and @$mas ) {
259 join '', map "$_\n", map {
260 my ( $marker_id, $pubmed_id, $sp_person_id, $comment_text, $fname,
261 $lname, $org )
262 = @$_;
263 my $marker = CXGN::Marker->new( $dbh, $marker_id );
264 '<div style="border: 1px solid #bbb">' . info_table_html(
265 Marker => qq|<a href="$link_pages{marker_page}$marker_id">|
266 . $marker->name_that_marker . '</a>',
267 Publication => (
268 $pubmed_id
269 ? qq|<a href="$pubmed_id">PubMed $pubmed_id</a>|
270 : '<span class="ghosted">unpublished</span>'
273 'Submitted by' => "$fname $lname " . ( $org ? "($org)" : '' ),
274 __multicol => 3,
275 __border => 0,
277 . info_table_html(
278 Comment => $comment_text || '<span class="ghosted">none</span>',
279 __border => 0,
281 . '</div>'
282 } @$mas;
284 else {
289 my $physical_map_link = do {
290 if ( $overgo_html
291 || $computational_associations_html
292 || $manual_associations_html )
294 my $chr = $clone->chromosome_num;
295 my $url =
296 "/cview/"
297 . $clone->clone_name
298 . "&chr_nr=$chr";
299 qq|<a href="$url">View on physical map chromosome $chr</a>|;
301 else {
306 my $fish_link = do {
307 my $on_fish_map =
308 $dbh->selectall_arrayref( <<EOQ, undef, $clone->clone_id );
309 select map_id, chromo_num
310 from sgn.fish_result
311 where clone_id = ?
313 if ( $on_fish_map && @$on_fish_map ) {
314 my $url =
315 "/cview/$on_fish_map->[0][0]&hilite="
316 . $clone->clone_name
317 . "&chr_nr=$on_fish_map->[0][1]";
318 qq|<a href="$url">View on FISH map chromosome $on_fish_map->[0][1]</a>|;
322 my $reg_info = $clone->reg_info_hashref;
324 #output physical mapping stuff
325 if ( $self->_is_tomato($clone) ) {
326 print info_section_html(
327 title => 'Physical mapping',
328 collapsible => 1,
329 contents => info_section_html(
330 title => 'Fingerprint Contig Builds (FPC)',
331 is_subsection => 1,
332 contents => join "\n",
333 '<dl class="fpc_results">',
335 sort {
336 my ( $ad, $bd ) = map m|(20\d\d).+</dt>|, $a, $b;
337 $bd <=> $ad
338 } #< sort by date in the FPC desc
341 { #< do a search and render links for each gbrowse FPC data source
342 my $ds = $_;
343 my @x = $ds->xrefs(
344 { -attributes => { Name => $clone->clone_name } } );
345 my $ext_desc = ( $ds->extended_description
346 || 'no extended description' );
348 if (@x) {
349 map {
350 join '',
352 '<dt><a href="', $_->url,
353 '">', $ds->description,
354 '</a></dt> ', '<dd>',
355 $ext_desc, '</dd>',
357 } @x;
359 else {
360 '<dt class="ghosted">not present in '
361 . $ds->description
362 . '</dt><dd class="ghosted">'
363 . $ext_desc . '</dd>';
366 grep $_->description =~
367 /FPC/i, #< select list of GBrowse FPC data sources
368 map $_->data_sources,
369 $c->enabled_feature('gbrowse2')
371 render_old_arizona_fpc( $dbh, $clone ),
373 '</dl>',
375 . info_section_html(
376 title =>
377 qq|Marker matches - overgo <a class="context_help" href="/maps/physical/">what's this?</a>|,
378 contents => $overgo_html,
379 is_subsection => 1,
381 . info_section_html(
382 title => qq|Marker matches - BLAST|,
383 contents => $computational_associations_html,
384 is_subsection => 1,
386 . info_section_html(
387 title => qq|Marker matches - manual|,
388 contents => $manual_associations_html,
389 is_subsection => 1,
391 . info_section_html(
392 title => qq|Physical map (from marker matches)|,
393 contents => $physical_map_link,
394 empty_message => 'Not on Physical Map',
395 is_subsection => 1,
397 . info_section_html(
398 title => "FISH map",
399 contents => $fish_link,
400 is_subsection => 1,
401 empty_message => 'Not on FISH map',
403 . info_section_html(
404 title => "FISH images",
405 contents => CXGN::Fish::fish_image_html_table(
406 CXGN::DB::Connection->new,
407 $clone->clone_id
409 is_subsection => 1,
411 . info_section_html(
412 title => "IL Mapping",
413 subtitle => do {
414 if ( str_in( $user_type, qw/sequencer curator/ ) ) {
415 my $qstr = do {
416 my $q = CXGN::Genomic::Search::Clone->new->new_query;
417 $q->clone_id( '=?', $clone_id );
418 $q->to_query_string;
420 qq|<a style="font-weight: bold" href="$qstr">Edit IL mapping info</a>|;
422 else {
423 undef;
426 is_empty =>
427 !any( map $_->{val}, @{$reg_info}{qw/il_proj il_chr il_bin/} ),
428 contents => info_table_html(
429 __multicol => 3,
430 __border => 0,
431 'Assigned to project' =>
432 qq|<span id="clone_il_mapping_project">$reg_info->{il_proj}{disp}</span>|,
433 'IL-mapped to chromosome' =>
434 qq|<span id="clone_il_mapping_chr">$reg_info->{il_chr}{disp}</span>|,
435 'IL-mapped to IL segment' =>
436 qq|<span id="clone_il_mapping_line">$reg_info->{il_bin}{disp}</span>|,
438 . info_table_html(
439 __border => 0,
440 'IL mapping notes' =>
441 qq|<span id="clone_il_mapping_notes">$reg_info->{il_notes}{disp}</span>|,
443 is_subsection => 1,
448 else {
449 print info_section_html(
450 title => 'Physical mapping',
451 collapsible => 1,
452 contents => '',
453 empty_message => 'not available',
457 #output sequencing status
458 print info_section_html(
459 title => 'Sequencing',
460 collapsible => 1,
461 contents => sequencing_content( $self, $c, $clone, $person, $dbh, $chado ),
464 # compute content for prelim. annot section
465 my $latest_seq = $clone->latest_sequence_name;
467 print info_section_html(
468 title => 'Sequence Annotations',
469 collapsible => 1,
470 contents => info_table_html(
471 __border => 0,
472 Browse => join(
473 "<br />\n",
474 map '<a href="' . $_->url . '">' . $_->text . '</a>',
475 map {
476 my $gb = $_;
477 $gb->xrefs($latest_seq), $gb->xrefs( $clone->clone_name )
478 } $c->enabled_feature('gbrowse2')
480 || '<span class="ghosted">'
481 . $clone->clone_name
482 . ' has no browsable sequence annotations</span>',
483 Download => (
484 $self->_is_tomato($clone)
485 ? render_tomato_bac_annot_download( $c, $clone )
486 : '<span class="ghosted">not available</span>'
491 #print field for page comments
492 print CXGN::People::PageComment->new( $dbh, "BAC", $clone->clone_id )
493 ->get_html();
495 # Search again.
496 print info_section_html(
497 title => 'Search again',
498 collapsible => 1,
499 contents =>
500 CXGN::Search::CannedForms::clone_search_form( $page, $clonequery ),
503 $page->footer;
505 ######################################################################
507 # Subroutines
509 ######################################################################
511 #compare an in-vitro and in-silico restriction fragment set
512 #against eachother, rate how well they match up on a scale of 0 to 1
513 sub frag_match_score {
514 my @a = @{ shift() };
515 my @b = @{ shift() };
517 my @max_hs = map {
518 my $b = $_ || 1;
519 max map {
520 my $a = $_ || 1;
521 min( $a / $b, $b / $a );
522 } @a;
523 } @b;
525 #print join(',',@max_hs),"\n";
526 return sum(@max_hs) / max( scalar(@a), scalar(@b) );
529 sub clone_not_found_page {
531 my ( $page, $message, $query ) = @_;
532 $page->header('Clone not found.');
534 # No BAC found.
535 print page_title_html('CLONE NOT FOUND');
537 print qq|<h2>$message</h2>\n|;
539 print info_section_html(
540 title => 'Search again',
541 contents =>
542 CXGN::Search::CannedForms::clone_search_form( $page, $query ),
545 # Finish.
546 $page->footer;
547 exit;
550 sub sequencing_content {
551 my ( $self, $c, $clone, $person, $dbh, $chado ) = @_;
552 my $clone_id = $clone->clone_id;
554 my $bac_status_log = CXGN::People::BACStatusLog->new($dbh);
556 #get bac status
557 my $sequencing_content = '';
559 #print STDERR "user type '$user_type'\n";
560 my $welcome_message_html = do {
561 if ( $person
562 && str_in( $person->get_user_type, qw/sequencer curator/ ) )
564 "Welcome, <b>"
565 . $person->get_first_name . ' '
566 . $person->get_last_name
567 . "</b>. You are logged in as a $user_type.\n";
570 || '';
572 my $sequencing_status_html = do {
573 my ( $status, ) = $bac_status_log->get_status( $clone->clone_id );
574 $status;
577 my $chr = $clone->chromosome_num;
579 my $sequencing_project_html =
580 sequencing_project_html( $user_type, $chr, $clone );
582 my $latest_seq = $clone->latest_sequence_name;
583 my $seqlen = $clone->seqlen;
584 my $is_finished =
585 $latest_seq && !( $latest_seq =~ /-\d+$/ ) && $clone->seq !~ /N/;
586 my %sequencing_files =
587 $self->_is_tomato($clone)
588 ? CXGN::TomatoGenome::BACPublish::sequencing_files( $clone,
589 $c->config->{'ftpsite_root'} )
590 : $self->_potato_seq_files( $c, $clone );
592 #make info on the full sequence of this clone
593 my $sequence_info = do {
594 if ($latest_seq) {
595 my $tot_len = commify_number($seqlen);
596 my $dl_links = '';
598 if ( $sequencing_files{seq} ) {
599 $dl_links .= <<EOHTML
600 <a href="$clone_id&amp;annot_set=all&amp;annot_format=seq">[Download fasta]</a><br />
604 if ( $sequencing_files{tar} ) {
605 my $tarsize =
606 sprintf( "%0.2f", ( -s $sequencing_files{tar} ) / 1_000_000 );
607 $dl_links .= <<EOHTML
608 <a href="$clone_id&amp;annot_set=all&amp;annot_format=tar">[Download full submission]</a> ($tarsize MB)
613 my $gb = $clone->genbank_accession($chado);
614 $gb =
616 ? ( link_identifier( $gb, 'genbank_accession' ) || $gb )
617 . ' (GenBank)'
618 : '';
619 <<EOHTML
620 <table width="100%"><tr>
621 <td>
622 $tot_len bp <br />
623 $latest_seq <br/>
625 </td>
626 <td><a href="/maps/physical/$clone_id">[View]</a><br />
627 $dl_links
628 </td>
629 </tr></table>
632 else {
633 qq|<span class="ghosted">Sequence not available.</span>|;
637 #make an ftp site link
638 my $ftp_link = $self->_ftp_seq_repos_link( $c, $clone );
640 #make displays of the in-vitro restriction fragments we have in our
641 #records, versus the predicted in-silico fragments. also, set a flag
642 #if any of them have low match scores
643 my $low_restriction_match_score = 0; #< flag
644 my $restriction_match_threshold = 0.70;
645 my $restriction_frags_html = do {
646 my @iv_frags = $clone->in_vitro_restriction_fragment_sizes();
648 join '', map {
649 my $fingerprint_id = shift @$_;
650 my $enzyme = shift @$_;
651 my $iv_frags = $_;
652 my $gel_img =
653 qq|<img border="1" style="margin-right: 1em" src="$clone_id&amp;enzyme=$enzyme&amp;fp_id=$fingerprint_id" />|;
654 if ( my $is_frags =
655 $clone->in_silico_restriction_fragment_sizes($enzyme) )
657 $is_frags = [ grep { $_ > 1000 } @$is_frags ];
658 my $match_score =
659 ( frag_match_score( $is_frags, $iv_frags ) +
660 frag_match_score( $iv_frags, $is_frags ) ) / 2;
661 $low_restriction_match_score = 1
662 if $match_score < $restriction_match_threshold;
663 my $frag_listing = info_table_html(
664 __sub => 1,
665 __border => 0,
666 "$enzyme <i>in vitro</i> ("
667 . scalar(@$iv_frags)
668 . ')' => join( ', ', @$iv_frags ),
669 "$enzyme <i>in silico</i> ("
670 . scalar(@$is_frags)
671 . ')' => join( ', ', @$is_frags ),
673 #__tableattrs => 'style="margin-top: 30px"',
674 "Fragment Lengths Match Score" =>
675 sprintf( "%.2f", $match_score ),
677 info_table_html(
678 __border => 0,
679 'Restriction Fragments' => <<EOHTML,
680 <table><tr><td>$gel_img</td><td valign="middle">$frag_listing</td></tr></table>
684 else {
685 my $frag_listing = info_table_html(
686 __sub => 1,
687 __border => 0,
688 "$enzyme <i>in vitro</i> ("
689 . scalar(@$iv_frags)
690 . ')' => join( ', ', @$iv_frags ),
692 info_table_html(
693 __border => 0,
694 'Restriction Fragments' => <<EOHTML,
695 <table><tr><td>$gel_img</td><td valign="middle">$frag_listing</td></tr></table>
700 } @iv_frags;
703 ### if this clone has a sequence, check it for various kinds of
704 ### badness
705 my $warnings_html = do {
706 if ($latest_seq) {
707 my @warnings;
708 unless ($is_finished) {
709 push @warnings, 'sequence is not finished to HTGS3';
712 my $feature_query = $dbh->prepare(<<EOQ);
713 select fl.fmin, fl.fmax,
714 from clone_feature
715 join feature f2 using(feature_id)
716 join featureloc fl on f2.feature_id=srcfeature_id
717 join feature f1 on fl.feature_id=f1.feature_id
718 join feature_dbxref fd on fl.feature_id=fd.feature_id
719 where fd.dbxref_id=(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession=?)
720 and clone_id = ?
723 #given a list of 2-element arrayrefs which are ranges,
724 #find the sum number of bases they cover, *not counting overlaps*
725 sub sum_ranges {
727 map { #warn "got range ".$_->start.", ".$_->end."\n";
728 $_->length()
729 } Bio::Range->disconnected_ranges(
730 map {
731 Bio::Range->new( -start => $_->[0], -end => $_->[1] )
732 } @_
736 #check for too much vector in the sequence
737 $feature_query->execute( 'Cross_match_vector', $clone->clone_id );
738 my $matches = $feature_query->fetchall_arrayref;
739 if ( $matches && @$matches ) {
740 if ( sum_ranges(@$matches) / $seqlen > 0.1 ) {
741 push @warnings,
742 "more than 10% of sequence matches cloning vector";
744 if ($is_finished) {
745 my $seq_middle = Bio::Range->new(
746 -start => int( 0.1 * $seqlen ),
747 -end => int( 0.9 * $seqlen )
750 #convert the vector matches to ranges so we can work with them more easily
751 my @vector_ranges = map {
752 Bio::Range->new(
753 -start => $_->[0] + 1,
754 -end => $_->[1]
756 } @$matches;
757 if ( any( map { $_->overlaps($seq_middle) } @vector_ranges )
760 push @warnings,
761 "vector found in middle 80% of sequence";
766 #check for E.coli blast hits in the sequence
767 $feature_query->execute( 'BLAST_E_coli_K12', $clone->clone_id );
768 $matches = $feature_query->fetchall_arrayref;
769 if ( $matches && @$matches ) {
770 push @warnings,
771 "full sequence contains matches to E. coli K12 genome";
774 #check for tomato chloroplast hits
775 $feature_query->execute( 'BLAST_tomato_chloroplast',
776 $clone->clone_id );
777 $matches = $feature_query->fetchall_arrayref;
778 if ( $matches && @$matches ) {
779 push @warnings,
780 "full sequence contains matches to Tomato chloroplast genome";
783 #check for hits to other bacs
784 $feature_query->execute( 'BLAST_tomato_bacs', $clone->clone_id );
785 $matches = $feature_query->fetchall_arrayref;
786 $matches = [
787 grep {
788 index( $_->[2], $clone->clone_name_with_chromosome ) != 0
789 } @$matches
791 if ( $matches
792 && @$matches
793 && sum_ranges(@$matches) / $seqlen > 0.2 )
795 push @warnings,
796 "more than 20% of full sequence matches other tomato genomic clones";
799 #check for the low restriction match score flag
800 if ($low_restriction_match_score) {
801 push @warnings,
802 "poor correspondence with <i>in vitro</i> restriction fragments<br/>(match score below $restriction_match_threshold)";
805 #check this sequence's length vs. estimated length
806 if (
807 $clone->estimated_length
808 and ( my $pdiff =
809 abs( $seqlen - $clone->estimated_length ) /
810 $clone->estimated_length ) > 0.4
813 push @warnings,
814 sprintf(
815 "sequence length %s is %0.1f%% different from estimated length %s",
816 commify_number($seqlen),
817 $pdiff * 100,
818 commify_number( $clone->estimated_length )
822 if (@warnings) {
823 "<ul>\n"
824 . join( '', map { "<li>$_</li>\n" } @warnings )
825 . "</ul>\n";
831 my $htgs_phase_html = (
832 'none',
833 '1 - fragmented, unordered',
834 '2 - fragmented, ordered',
835 '3 - finished'
836 )[ $clone->seqprops->{htgs_phase} ]
837 || 'not sequenced';
838 my $sequenced_by_html = do {
839 if ( my $seq_shortname = $clone->seqprops->{sequenced_by} ) {
841 #look up the organization for that shortname
842 my $matching_orgs = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
843 'select name from sgn_people.sp_organization where shortname = ?',
844 undef, $seq_shortname
846 if ( @$matching_orgs == 1 ) {
847 $matching_orgs->[0];
849 else {
850 qq|<span class="ghosted">$seq_shortname</span>|;
853 elsif ( my $ul = $clone->seqprops->{upload_account_name} ) {
854 "Uploaded by account '$ul'";
856 else {
857 '<span class="ghosted">not recorded</span>';
861 my $agp_map_link = do {
862 if ( my @agp_pos = agp_positions($clone) ) {
863 my $url =
864 "/cview/"
865 . $clone->clone_name
866 . "&chr_nr="
867 . $agp_pos[0][0];
868 qq|<a href="$url">View on AGP map chromosome $agp_pos[0][0]</a>|;
870 else {
875 return $sequencing_project_html . info_table_html(
876 'Sequencing Project' => $self->_clone_seq_project_name($clone),
877 'Sequencing Status' => $sequencing_status_html,
878 'Full Sequence' => $sequence_info,
879 Warnings => $warnings_html || qq|<span class="ghosted">none</span>|,
881 $self->_is_tomato($clone)
882 ? ( 'Chromosome Assembly' => $agp_map_link
883 || 'this clone is not part of a chromosome assembly' )
884 : ()
886 'HTGS phase' => $htgs_phase_html,
887 'Sequencing Organization' => $sequenced_by_html,
888 'End Sequences' => do {
890 #get BAC end data
891 if ( my @chromats = $clone->chromat_objects ) {
892 join '', map { "$_\n" } (
893 '<ul style="margin: 0; padding-left: 2em">',
895 map {
896 '<li>'
897 . $_->read_link_html(
898 $link_pages{read_info_page} )
899 . '</li>'
900 } @chromats
902 '</ul>',
905 else {
906 '<span class="ghosted">None</span>';
909 FTP => $ftp_link,
910 __border => 0,
911 __multicol => 2,
912 __tableattrs => 'width="100%"',
913 ) . $restriction_frags_html;
917 sub sequencing_project_html {
918 my ( $user_type, $chr, $clone ) = @_;
920 my ( undef, $organism, $accession ) =
921 $clone->library_object->accession_name;
922 return '' unless $organism =~ /lycopersicum/i;
924 return do {
925 if ( $chr eq 'unmapped' ) {
926 qq|<div class="specialnote">This clone is registered to be sequenced, but has not been successfully mapped to any chromosome.</div>|;
928 elsif ($chr) {
929 qq|This clone is being sequenced by the Chromosome $chr Sequencing Project. (<a href="/about/">View projects</a>)|;
931 else {
932 "This clone is not assigned to any sequencing project.\n";
935 . '<br />'
936 . do {
937 if ( $user_type eq 'curator' or $user_type eq 'sequencer' ) {
938 my $q = CXGN::Genomic::Search::Clone->new->new_query;
939 $q->clone_id( '=?', $clone->clone_id );
940 my $clone_reg_link = '' . $q->to_query_string;
941 qq| To change this clone's sequencing project assignment or other registry information, use the <a href="$clone_reg_link">Clone Registry Editor</a>.|;
943 else {
944 qq|<span class="ghosted">Log in as a curator or sequencer to edit this clone's registry information.</span>|;
949 sub render_tomato_bac_annot_download {
950 my ( $c, $clone ) = @_;
952 #look at the keys in the sequencing_files hash to figure out the
953 #analysis formats we have available.
954 my %sequencing_files =
955 CXGN::TomatoGenome::BACPublish::sequencing_files( $clone,
956 $c->config->{'ftpsite_root'} );
958 my @formats =
959 distinct( grep { $_ }
960 map { my ($k) = /_([^_]+)$/; $k } keys %sequencing_files );
962 my @available_analyses =
963 grep { #find analyses that have all their files available
964 my $a = $_ eq 'all' ? '' : $_ . '_';
965 all( map { $sequencing_files{ $a . $_ } } @formats )
966 } 'all', CXGN::TomatoGenome::BACSubmission->list_analyses;
968 if ( @formats && @available_analyses ) {
969 my $set_select = simple_selectbox_html(
970 choices => \@available_analyses,
971 name => 'set',
972 id => 'annot_set_selector',
974 my $type_select = simple_selectbox_html(
975 choices => \@formats,
976 name => 'format',
977 id => 'annot_format_selector',
979 my $id = $clone->clone_id;
981 return <<EOHTML
982 <form name="clone_annot_download" method="GET" action="/genomic/clone/$id/annotation/download">
983 <table><tr><td><label for="annot_set_selector">Analysis:</label></td><td>$set_select</td></tr>
984 <tr><td><label for="annot_format_selector">Format:</label></td><td>$type_select <input type="hidden" name="id" value="$id" /><input type="submit" value="Download" /></td></tr>
985 <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
986 </table>
987 </form>
990 else {
991 return qq|<span class="ghosted">temporarily unavailable</span>|;
994 } # end prelim annot section
996 # NOTE: this function used to be in CXGN::Genomic::Clone
997 # =head2 agp_positions
999 # Usage: my $pos = $clone->agp_position
1000 # Desc : get this clone's position in its chromosome's AGP file,
1001 # or undef if it's not in there
1002 # Args : none
1003 # Ret : nothing if not in AGP file, otherwise a list of
1004 # [ chromonum, global start, global end, local start, local end, length ]
1006 # =cut
1007 sub agp_positions {
1008 my ($clone) = @_;
1010 my $chr = $clone->chromosome_num;
1011 $chr += 0;
1012 $chr >= 1 && $chr <= 12
1013 or return;
1015 my ( undef, $agp_file ) =
1016 CXGN::TomatoGenome::BACPublish::tpf_agp_files($chr);
1018 return unless $agp_file;
1019 unless ( -r $agp_file ) {
1020 warn "agp file $agp_file not readable";
1021 return;
1024 my $name = $clone->clone_name_with_chromosome
1025 or return;
1027 open my $agp, '<', $agp_file
1028 or die "$! reading $agp_file";
1030 return map {
1031 my @fields = split;
1032 my @record = map $_ + 0, ( $chr, @fields[ 1, 2, 6, 7 ] );
1033 $record[5] = $record[2] - $record[1] + 1;
1034 \@record
1036 grep /$name/,
1037 <$agp>;
1040 sub render_old_arizona_fpc {
1041 my ( $dbh, $clone ) = @_;
1043 my $clone_id = $clone->clone_id;
1045 my $map_id = CXGN::DB::Physical::get_current_map_id();
1047 # Get FPC Contigging data.
1048 my ( $fpc_version, $fpc_date ) =
1049 CXGN::DB::Physical::get_current_fpc_version_and_date($dbh);
1050 my $fpc_sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<EOQ);
1051 SELECT bc.bac_contig_id,
1052 bc.contig_name,
1053 bap.plausible
1054 FROM physical.bac_associations AS ba
1055 INNER JOIN physical.ba_plausibility AS bap
1056 ON bap.bac_assoc_id=ba.bac_assoc_id
1057 INNER JOIN physical.bac_contigs AS bc
1058 ON ba.bac_contig_id=bc.bac_contig_id
1059 WHERE ba.bac_id=? AND bc.fpc_version=?
1062 $fpc_sth->execute( $clone_id, $fpc_version );
1063 my $contig_sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<EOQ);
1064 SELECT ba.bac_id
1065 FROM physical.bac_associations AS ba
1066 INNER JOIN physical.ba_plausibility AS bap
1067 USING (bac_assoc_id)
1068 INNER JOIN physical.bacs AS b
1069 ON ba.bac_id=b.bac_id
1070 WHERE ba.bac_contig_id=?
1071 AND bap.map_id=?
1074 my @coherent_ctgs;
1075 my @incoherent_ctgs;
1076 while ( my ( $ctg_id, $contig, $coherent ) = $fpc_sth->fetchrow_array ) {
1077 if ($coherent) {
1078 my @ctg_members;
1079 $contig_sth->execute( $ctg_id, $map_id );
1080 while ( my ($thisbacid) = $contig_sth->fetchrow_array ) {
1081 my $thisbac = CXGN::Genomic::Clone->retrieve($thisbacid);
1082 my $thisbacname = $thisbac->clone_name_with_chromosome
1083 || $thisbac->clone_name;
1084 if ( $thisbacid == $clone_id ) {
1085 push @ctg_members,
1086 qq{<b><span style="color:red">$thisbacname</span></b>};
1088 else {
1089 push @ctg_members,
1090 qq{<a href="$link_pages{bac_page}$thisbacid">$thisbacname</a>};
1093 push @coherent_ctgs,
1094 qq{<b>$contig :</b> [<span style="color: red">coherent</span>], }
1095 . ( scalar @ctg_members )
1096 . qq{ members: <br />\n};
1097 push @coherent_ctgs, "" . join( ",\n", @ctg_members ) . "<br />\n";
1099 else {
1100 my @ctg_members;
1101 $contig_sth->execute( $ctg_id, $map_id );
1102 while ( my ($thisbacid) = $contig_sth->fetchrow_array ) {
1103 ( $thisbacid == $clone_id ) && next;
1104 my $thisbac = CXGN::Genomic::Clone->retrieve($thisbacid);
1105 my $thisbacname = $thisbac->clone_name_with_chromosome
1106 || $thisbac->clone_name;
1107 push @ctg_members,
1108 qq{<a href="$link_pages{bac_page}$thisbacid">$thisbacname</a>};
1110 push @incoherent_ctgs,
1111 qq{<b>$contig :</b> [<span style="color: red">incoherent</span>], }
1112 . ( scalar @ctg_members )
1113 . qq{ members:<br />\n};
1114 push @incoherent_ctgs,
1115 "" . join( ",\n", @ctg_members ) . "<br />\n";
1118 $fpc_sth->finish;
1119 $contig_sth->finish;
1121 if ( @coherent_ctgs || @incoherent_ctgs ) {
1122 return join "\n",
1124 '<dt>Tomato FPC (AGI 2005)</dt>',
1125 '<dd>', @coherent_ctgs, @incoherent_ctgs, '</dd>',
1128 else {
1129 return
1130 '<dt class="ghosted">not present in Tomato FPC (AGI 2005)</dt><dd class="ghosted"></dd>';
1134 sub render_overgo {
1135 my ( $clone, $dbh ) = @_;
1137 # Get Overgo Plating data.
1138 my $map_id = CXGN::DB::Physical::get_current_map_id();
1140 my $overgo_version = CXGN::DB::Physical::get_current_overgo_version($dbh);
1141 my $op_sth = $dbh->prepare(
1142 "SELECT oap.plausible,
1143 pm.overgo_plate_row,
1144 pm.overgo_plate_col,
1145 marker_id,
1146 map_id,
1147 op.plate_number
1148 FROM physical.overgo_associations AS oa
1149 INNER JOIN physical.oa_plausibility AS oap
1150 ON oap.overgo_assoc_id=oa.overgo_assoc_id
1151 INNER JOIN physical.probe_markers AS pm
1152 ON oa.overgo_probe_id=pm.overgo_probe_id
1153 INNER JOIN physical.overgo_plates AS op
1154 ON pm.overgo_plate_id=op.plate_id
1155 WHERE oa.bac_id=?
1156 AND oa.overgo_version=?
1157 AND oap.map_id=?
1160 $op_sth->execute( $clone->clone_id, $overgo_version, $map_id );
1162 #format the overgo plating data into html
1163 sub fmt_overgo {
1164 my ( $dbh, $plausible, $row, $col, $marker_id, $map_id, $plateno ) = @_;
1165 my ( $map_name, $marker_name ) = ( '', '' );
1166 if ( my $marker = CXGN::Marker->new( $dbh, $marker_id ) ) {
1167 $marker_name = $marker->name_that_marker();
1169 if ( my $map = CXGN::Map->new( $dbh, { map_id => $map_id } ) ) {
1170 $map_name = $map->short_name();
1173 qq|<a href="$link_pages{marker_page}$marker_id">$marker_name</a>|,
1174 qq|<a href="$link_pages{map_page}$map_id">$map_name</a>|,
1175 qq|<a href="$link_pages{plate_design_page}$plateno&highlightwell=$row$col">plate $plateno</a>|,
1176 qq|<a href="$link_pages{plate_design_page}$plateno&highlightwell=$row$col">$row$col</a>|
1179 my @matches = @{ $op_sth->fetchall_arrayref };
1180 my @plausible_matches =
1181 map { fmt_overgo( $dbh, @$_ ) } grep { $_->[0] } @matches;
1182 my @conflicted_matches =
1183 map { fmt_overgo( $dbh, @$_ ) } grep { !$_->[0] } @matches;
1185 #output overgo information
1186 my @matches_headings = qw/Probe Map Plate Well/;
1187 my $plausible_matches_html =
1188 @plausible_matches
1189 ? columnar_table_html(
1190 headings => \@matches_headings,
1191 data => \@plausible_matches,
1192 __border => 1,
1194 : undef;
1195 my $conflicted_matches_html =
1196 @conflicted_matches
1197 ? columnar_table_html(
1198 headings => \@matches_headings,
1199 data => \@conflicted_matches,
1200 __border => 1,
1202 : undef;
1203 if ( $plausible_matches_html || $conflicted_matches_html ) {
1204 info_table_html(
1205 'Plausible matches' => $plausible_matches_html
1206 || '<span class="ghosted">None</span>',
1207 'Conflicted matches' => $conflicted_matches_html
1208 || '<span class="ghosted">None</span>',
1209 'Additional Info' =>
1210 qq|<a href="$link_pages{overgo_report_page}">Overgo Plating Progress Report</a>|,
1211 __border => 0,
1212 __multicol => 2,
1215 else {
1220 sub render_computational_associations {
1221 my ( $clone, $dbh ) = @_;
1222 my $cas = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( <<EOSQL, undef, $clone->clone_id );
1223 select marker_id,e_value,identity,score,parameters
1224 from physical.computational_associations
1225 where clone_id = ?
1226 EOSQL
1228 if ( $cas and @$cas ) {
1230 #alter the data to make it more suitable for display
1231 foreach my $r (@$cas) {
1233 #change the marker ID to an html link
1234 $r->[0] = qq|<a href="$link_pages{marker_page}$r->[0]">|
1235 . CXGN::Marker->new( $dbh, $r->[0] )->name_that_marker . '</a>';
1236 $r->[3] = sprintf( '%0.2f', $r->[3] );
1239 columnar_table_html(
1240 headings => [ 'Marker', 'Evalue', 'Identity %', 'Score', 'Params' ],
1241 data => $cas,
1244 else {