Merge pull request #5205 from solgenomics/topic/generic_trial_upload
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller /
1 package SGN::Controller::Root;
2 use Moose;
3 use namespace::autoclean;
5 use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
6 use CatalystX::GlobalContext ();
8 use CXGN::Login;
9 use CXGN::People::Person;
10 use List::MoreUtils 'uniq';
11 use JSON::XS;
12 use Data::Dumper;
15 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
18 # Sets the actions in this controller to be registered with no prefix
19 # so they function identically to actions created in
21 __PACKAGE__->config(namespace => '');
23 =head1 NAME
25 SGN::Controller::Root - Root Controller for SGN
29 Web application to run the SGN web site.
33 =head2 index
35 The root page (/)
37 =cut
39 sub index :Path :Args(0) {
40 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
41 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
43 if ($c->config->{homepage_display_phenotype_uploads}){
44 my @file_array;
45 my %file_info;
46 my $q = "SELECT file_id, m.create_date, p.sp_person_id, p.username, basename, dirname, filetype, project_id, FROM nd_experiment_project JOIN project USING(project_id) JOIN nd_experiment_phenotype USING(nd_experiment_id) JOIN phenome.nd_experiment_md_files ON (nd_experiment_phenotype.nd_experiment_id=nd_experiment_md_files.nd_experiment_id) LEFT JOIN metadata.md_files using(file_id) LEFT JOIN metadata.md_metadata as m using(metadata_id) LEFT JOIN sgn_people.sp_person as p ON (p.sp_person_id=m.create_person_id) WHERE m.obsolete = 0 and NOT (metadata.md_files.filetype='generated from plot from plant phenotypes') and NOT (metadata.md_files.filetype='direct phenotyping')";
47 my $h = $schema->storage()->dbh()->prepare($q);
48 $h->execute();
50 while (my ($file_id, $create_date, $person_id, $username, $basename, $dirname, $filetype, $project_id, $project_name) = $h->fetchrow_array()) {
51 $file_info{$file_id}->{project_ids}->{$project_id} = $project_name;
52 $file_info{$file_id}->{metadata} = [$file_id, $create_date, $person_id, $username, $basename, $dirname, $filetype, $project_id];
54 foreach (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %file_info){
55 push @file_array, $file_info{$_};
57 #print STDERR Dumper \@file_array;
58 $c->stash->{phenotype_files} = \@file_array;
61 my $projects = CXGN::BreedersToolbox::Projects->new( { schema=> $schema } );
62 my $breeding_programs = $projects->get_breeding_programs();
63 $c->stash->{locations} = $projects->get_location_geojson_data();
64 $c->stash->{breeding_programs} = $breeding_programs;
65 $c->stash->{preferred_species} = $c->config->{preferred_species};
66 $c->stash->{timestamp} = localtime;
68 my @editable_stock_props = split ',', $c->config->{editable_stock_props};
69 my %editable_stock_props = map { $_=>1 } @editable_stock_props;
70 $c->stash->{editable_stock_props} = \%editable_stock_props;
72 my @editable_stock_props_definitions = split ',', $c->config->{editable_stock_props_definitions};
73 my %def_hash;
74 foreach (@editable_stock_props_definitions) {
75 my @term_def = split ':', $_;
76 $def_hash{$term_def[0]} = $term_def[1];
78 $c->stash->{editable_stock_props_definitions} = \%def_hash;
80 my $genotyping_facilities = $c->config->{genotyping_facilities};
81 my @facilities = split ',',$genotyping_facilities;
82 $c->stash->{facilities} = \@facilities;
84 my $field_management_factors = $c->config->{management_factor_types};
85 my @management_factor_types = split ',',$field_management_factors;
86 $c->stash->{management_factor_types} = \@management_factor_types;
88 my $design_type_string = $c->config->{design_types};
89 my @design_types = split ',',$design_type_string;
90 $c->stash->{design_types} = \@design_types;
92 $c->stash->{template} = '/index.mas';
93 $c->stash->{schema} = $c->dbic_schema('SGN::Schema');
94 $c->stash->{static_content_path} = $c->config->{static_content_path};
97 =head2 default
99 Attempt to find pages, and prints standard 404 error page if
100 nothing could be found.
102 =cut
104 sub default :Path {
105 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
107 return 1 if $c->forward('/redirects/find_redirect');
109 $c->throw_404;
112 =head2 bare_mason
114 Render a bare mason component, with no autohandler wrapping.
115 Currently used for GBrowse integration (GBrowse makes a subrequest for
116 the mason header and footer).
118 =cut
120 sub bare_mason :Path('bare_mason') {
121 my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
123 # figure out our template path
124 my $t = File::Spec->catfile( @args );
125 $t .= '.mas' unless $t =~ m|\.[^/\\\.]+$|;
126 $c->stash->{template} = $t;
128 # TODO: check that it exists
130 $c->forward('View::BareMason');
135 =head2 end
137 Attempt to render a view, if needed.
139 =cut
141 sub render : ActionClass('RenderView') { }
142 sub end : Private {
143 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
145 return if @{$c->error};
147 # don't try to render a default view if this was handled by a CGI
148 $c->forward('render') unless $c->req->path =~ /\.pl$/;
150 # enforce a default text/html content type regardless of whether
151 # we tried to render a default view
152 $c->res->content_type('text/html') unless $c->res->content_type;
154 if( $c->res->content_type eq 'text/html' ) {
155 # insert any additional header html collected during rendering
156 $c->forward('insert_collected_html');
158 # tell caches our responses vary depending on the Cookie header
159 $c->res->headers->push_header('Vary', 'Cookie');
160 } else {
161 $c->log->debug("skipping JS pack insertion for page with content type ".$c->res->content_type)
162 if $c->debug;
167 sub insert_collected_html :Private {
168 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
170 $c->forward('/js/resolve_javascript_classes');
171 $c->forward('resolve_css_paths');
173 my $b = $c->res->body;
174 my $inserted_head_pre = $b && $b =~ s{<!-- \s* INSERT_HEAD_PRE_HTML \s* --> }{ $self->_make_head_pre_html( $c ) }ex;
175 my $inserted_head_post = $b && $b =~ s{<!-- \s* INSERT_HEAD_POST_HTML \s* -->}{ $self->_make_head_post_html( $c ) }ex;
176 if( $inserted_head_pre || $inserted_head_post ) {
177 $c->res->body( $b );
179 # we have changed the size of the body. remove the
180 # content-length and let catalyst recalculate the content-length
181 # if it can
182 $c->res->headers->remove_header('content-length');
184 delete $c->stash->{$_} for qw( add_head_html add_css_files add_js_classes );
188 sub _make_head_pre_html {
189 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
190 return join "\n", (
191 @{ $c->stash->{head_pre_html} || [] },
192 ( map {
193 qq{<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$_" />}
194 } @{ $c->stash->{css_uris} || [] }
199 sub _make_head_post_html {
200 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
202 my $head_post_html = join "\n", (
203 @{ $c->stash->{add_head_html} || [] },
204 ( map {
205 qq{<script src="$_" type="text/javascript"></script>}
206 } @{ $c->stash->{js_uris} || [] }
210 return $head_post_html;
213 =head2 auto
215 Run for every request to the site.
219 =cut
221 sub auto : Private {
222 my ($self, $c) = @_;
223 CatalystX::GlobalContext->set_context( $c );
224 $c->stash->{c} = $c;
225 weaken $c->stash->{c};
227 # gluecode for logins
229 unless( $c->config->{'disable_login'} ) {
230 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
231 if ( my $sp_person_id = CXGN::Login->new( $dbh )->has_session ) {
232 #For audit system
233 $dbh->do("CREATE temporary table IF NOT EXISTS logged_in_user (sp_person_id bigint)");
235 my $already_there_q = "SELECT sp_person_id FROM logged_in_user where sp_person_id=?";
236 my $already_there_h = $dbh->prepare($already_there_q);
237 $already_there_h->execute($sp_person_id);
238 my ($already_there) = $already_there_h->fetchrow_array();
239 if (!$already_there) {
240 print STDERR "inserting $sp_person_id\n";
241 my $insert_query = "INSERT INTO logged_in_user (sp_person_id) VALUES (?)";
242 my $insert_handle = $dbh->prepare($insert_query);
243 $insert_handle->execute($sp_person_id);
245 my $count_q = "select count(*) from logged_in_user";
246 my $count_h = $dbh -> prepare($count_q);
247 $count_h -> execute();
248 my ($count) = $count_h->fetchrow_array();
249 # print STDERR "count: $count \n";
251 my $logged_in_user_q = "select * from logged_in_user";
252 my $logged_in_user_h = $dbh -> prepare($logged_in_user_q);
253 $logged_in_user_h->execute();
254 my $logged_in_user_arr = $logged_in_user_h->fetchall_arrayref();
255 # print STDERR "logged in user in ".Dumper($logged_in_user_arr)."\n";
257 my $sp_person = CXGN::People::Person->new($dbh, $sp_person_id);
259 $c->authenticate({
260 username => $sp_person->get_username(),
261 password => $sp_person->get_password(),
266 return 1;
270 =head2 resolve_css_paths
272 Compiles list of CSS files added by mason/import_css.mas
274 =cut
276 sub resolve_css_paths :Private {
277 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
279 my $files = $c->stash->{css_paths}
280 or return;
282 my @files = uniq @{$files}; #< do not sort, load order might be important
283 # assume paths are relative to /static/css/ if they are not absolute paths or urls
284 for (@files) {
285 s!^([^/])!/static/css/$1! if !(/^(.*?:\/)/);
288 $c->stash->{css_uris} = \@files;
292 ############# helper methods ##########
294 sub _find_cgi_action {
295 my ($self,$c,$path) = @_;
297 $path =~ s!/+!/!g;
298 my $cgi = $c->controller('CGI')
299 or return;
301 my $index_action = $cgi->cgi_action_for( $path )
302 or return;
304 $c->log->debug("found CGI index action '$index_action'") if $c->debug;
306 return $index_action;
309 =head1 AUTHOR
311 Robert Buels, Jonathan "Duke" Leto
313 =head1 LICENSE
315 This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
316 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
318 =cut
320 __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;