Merge pull request #5230 from solgenomics/topic/open_pollinated
[sgn.git] / t / unit / CXGN / TrialDesign.t
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
4 use Test::More;
5 use Test::Exception;
6 use Data::Dumper;
8 BEGIN {use_ok('CXGN::Trial::TrialDesign');}
10 BEGIN {require_ok('Moose');}
11 BEGIN {require_ok('MooseX::FollowPBP');}
12 BEGIN {require_ok('Moose::Util::TypeConstraints');}
13 BEGIN {require_ok('R::YapRI::Base');}
14 BEGIN {require_ok('R::YapRI::Data::Matrix');}
15 BEGIN {require_ok('POSIX');}
17 my @stock_names = ("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L");
18 my @control_names = ("C1","C2","C3");
19 my $number_of_blocks = 4;
20 my $number_of_reps = 2;
21 my $block_size = 3;
22 my $maximum_block_size = 14;
23 my $plot_name_prefix = "pre_";
24 my $plot_name_suffix = "_suf";
25 my $plot_start_number = 101;
26 my $plot_number_increment = 10;
27 my $randomization_method = "Super-Duper";
28 my $randomization_seed = 1;
29 my $design_type = "CRD";
30 my %design;
31 my $fieldmap_row_number = 2;
32 my $plot_layout_format = "serpentine";
34 ok(my $trial_design = CXGN::Trial::TrialDesign->new(), "Create TrialDesign object");
35 $trial_design->set_trial_name("TESTTRIAL");
36 ok($trial_design->set_stock_list(\@stock_names), "Set stock names for trial design");
37 is_deeply($trial_design->get_stock_list(),\@stock_names, "Get stock names for trial design");
38 ok($trial_design->set_plot_name_prefix($plot_name_prefix), "Set plot name prefix for trial design");
39 is_deeply($trial_design->get_plot_name_prefix(),$plot_name_prefix, "Get plot name prefix for trial design");
40 ok($trial_design->set_plot_name_suffix($plot_name_suffix), "Set plot name suffix for trial design");
41 is_deeply($trial_design->get_plot_name_suffix(),$plot_name_suffix, "Get plot name suffix for trial design");
42 ok($trial_design->set_plot_start_number($plot_start_number), "Set plot start number for trial design");
43 is_deeply($trial_design->get_plot_start_number(),$plot_start_number, "Get plot start number for trial design");
44 ok($trial_design->set_plot_number_increment($plot_number_increment), "Set plot number increment for trial design");
45 is_deeply($trial_design->get_plot_number_increment(),$plot_number_increment, "Get plot number increment for trial design");
46 ok($trial_design->set_randomization_method($randomization_method), "Set randomization method for trial design");
47 is_deeply($trial_design->get_randomization_method(),$randomization_method, "Get randomization method for trial design");
48 ok($trial_design->set_randomization_seed($randomization_seed), "Set randomization seed for trial design");
49 is_deeply($trial_design->get_randomization_seed(),$randomization_seed, "Get randomization seed for trial design");
50 ok($trial_design->set_design_type($design_type), "Set design type for trial design");
51 is_deeply($trial_design->get_design_type(),$design_type, "Get design type for trial design");
52 ok($trial_design->set_plot_layout_format($plot_layout_format), "Set layout format for trial design");
53 is_deeply($trial_design->get_plot_layout_format(),$plot_layout_format, "Get layout format for trial design");
54 ok($trial_design->set_fieldmap_row_number($fieldmap_row_number), "Set row number for trial design");
55 is_deeply($trial_design->get_fieldmap_row_number(),$fieldmap_row_number, "Get row number for trial design");
56 $trial_design->set_fieldmap_col_number(2);
58 # tests for CRD
60 $trial_design->set_number_of_reps(2);
61 ok($trial_design->set_design_type("CRD"), "Set design type to CRD");
62 ok($trial_design->calculate_design(), "Calculate CRD trial design");
63 ok(%design = %{$trial_design->get_design()}, "Get CRD trial design");
64 ok($design{$plot_start_number}->{block_number} == 1, "Block number for first plot in CRD is 1");
65 ok($design{$plot_start_number+((scalar(@stock_names)-1)*$plot_number_increment)}->{block_number} == 1, "Block number for last plot in CRD is 1");
66 ok($design{'101'}->{row_number} == 1, "CRD: First plot row_number is 1");
67 ok($design{'101'}->{col_number} == 1, "CRD: First plot col_number is 1");
69 # tests for RCBD
71 ok($trial_design->set_number_of_blocks($number_of_blocks), "Set number of blocks for trial design");
72 is_deeply($trial_design->get_number_of_blocks(),$number_of_blocks, "Get number of blocks for trial design");
73 ok($trial_design->set_design_type("RCBD"), "Set design type to RCBD");
74 ok($trial_design->calculate_design(), "Calculate RCBD trial design");
75 ok(%design = %{$trial_design->get_design()}, "Get RCBD trial design");
76 print STDERR "RCDB DESIGN 1:";
77 foreach my $k (sort keys %design) {
78     print STDERR $k." ".Dumper($design{$k});
81 is($design{'101'}->{row_number}, 1, "RCBD: First plot row_number is 1");
82 is($design{'101'}->{col_number}, 1, "RCBD: First plot col_number is 1");
83 is(scalar(keys %design), scalar(@stock_names) * $number_of_blocks,"Result of RCBD design has a number of plots equal to the number of stocks times the number of blocks");
85 ok($trial_design->set_plot_numbering_scheme('consecutive'), "Set plot numbering scheme to consecutive");
86 ok($trial_design->calculate_design(), "recalculate the trial design using consecutive plot numbers.");
88 print STDERR "CONDSECUTIVE NUMBERS DESIGN: ".Dumper(\%design);
89 is($design{'101'}->{row_number}, 1, "RCBD: First plot row_number is 1 with consecutive plot numbers");
90 is($design{'101'}->{col_number}, 1, "RCBD: First plot col_number is 1 with consecutive plot numbers");
92 $trial_design->set_plot_numbering_scheme('block_based');
95 print STDERR $stock_names[0] ."($plot_start_number) vs. ".$design{$plot_start_number}->{stock_name}."\n";
96 #ok($design{$plot_start_number}->{stock_name} eq $stock_names[0],"First plot has correct stock name");
97 print "stock_number $design{$plot_start_number}->{stock_name}\n";
98 ok($design{$plot_start_number}->{block_number} == 1, "First plot is in block 1");
100 print STDERR "PLOT START NUMBER: $plot_start_number, #STOCK ".scalar(@stock_names)." , PLOT # $plot_number_increment\n";
102 # check next block
104 my $next_block_plot_number = $plot_start_number+((scalar(@stock_names)-1)+ 100); #next block
105 print STDERR "INDEX = $next_block_plot_number\n";
106 print STDERR "DESING OF : ".Dumper($design{$next_block_plot_number})."\n";
107 print STDERR "LENGTH : ".$design{$next_block_plot_number}->{block_number}."\n"; # zero indexed, need to substract 1
109 my $length = $design{$next_block_plot_number}->{block_number};
110 is($length, 2, "Block 1 is the right length");
111 is($design{$next_block_plot_number}->{block_number}, 2, "Block 2 starts after block 1");
112 #is($design{$plot_start_number+$plot_number_increment}->{stock_name}, $stock_names[1], "Second plot has correct stock name");
114 # check last block
116 my $last_block_number = $plot_start_number+((scalar(@stock_names)-1) + 100 * ($number_of_blocks-1)) ; # $plot_number_increment);
118 print STDERR "LAST BLOCK INDEX: $last_block_number\n";
119 print STDERR "DESIGN OF $last_block_number = ".Dumper($design{$last_block_number});
121 #tests for constructing plot names from plot start number, increment, prefix and suffix
122 ok($design{$plot_start_number}->{plot_name} =~ /$plot_name_prefix/, "Plot names contain prefix");
123 ok($design{$plot_start_number}->{plot_name} =~ /$plot_name_suffix/, "Plot names contain suffix");
124 ok($trial_design->set_plot_start_number(1), "Change plot start number for trial design to 1");
125 ok($trial_design->set_plot_number_increment(1), "Change plot number increment for trial design to 1");
126 ok($trial_design->calculate_design(), "Calculate design with plot start number and increment set to 1");
127 ok(%design = %{$trial_design->get_design()}, "Get trial design with plot start number and increment set to 1");
128 #is($design{1}->{stock_name}, $stock_names[0],"First plot has correct stock name when plot number and increment are 1");
129 #is($design{2}->{stock_name}, $stock_names[1],"Second plot has correct stock name when plot number and increment are 1");
130 #is($design{3}->{stock_name}, $stock_names[2],"Third plot has correct stock name when plot number and increment are 1");
133 ok($trial_design->set_plot_start_number(-2), "Change plot start number for trial design to -2");
134 ok($trial_design->calculate_design(), "Calculate trial design with a negative plot start number");
135 ok(%design = %{$trial_design->get_design()}, "Get trial design with a negative plot start number");
136 #ok($design{-2}->{stock_name} eq $stock_names[0],"First plot has correct stock name with a negative plot start number");
137 #ok($design{-1}->{stock_name} eq $stock_names[1],"Second plot has correct stock name with a negative plot start number");
138 #ok($design{0}->{stock_name} eq $stock_names[2],"Third plot has correct stock name with a negative plot start number");
139 #ok($design{1}->{stock_name} eq $stock_names[3],"Fourth plot has correct stock name with a negative plot start number");
141 # tests for Alpha Lattice design (fail)
143 ok($trial_design->set_design_type("Alpha"), "Set design type to Alpha Lattice");
144 ok($trial_design->set_block_size($block_size), "Set block size for trial design");
145 is_deeply($trial_design->get_block_size(),$block_size, "Get block size for trial design");
146 ok($trial_design->set_number_of_reps($number_of_reps), "Set number of reps for trial design");
147 is_deeply($trial_design->get_number_of_reps(),$number_of_reps, "Get number of reps for trial design");
148 ok($trial_design->calculate_design(), "Calculate Alpha Lattice trial design");
149 ok(%design = %{$trial_design->get_design()}, "Get Alpha trial design");
150 $trial_design->set_block_size(2);
151 throws_ok { $trial_design->calculate_design() } '/Block size must be greater than 2/', 'Block size is larger than 2 test for alpha lattice design';
152 #throws_ok { $trial_design->calculate_design() } '/is not divisible by the block size/', 'Does not allow number of stocks that is not divisible by block size';
153 #print STDERR "OLD LIST SIZE = ".scalar(@stock_names).", new : ".scalar(@{$trial_design->get_stock_list()})."\n";
154 is(scalar(@stock_names), scalar(@{$trial_design->get_stock_list()}), "new stock list size test");
155 $trial_design->set_block_size($block_size);
156 $trial_design->set_number_of_reps(1);
157 throws_ok { $trial_design->calculate_design() } '/Number of reps for alpha lattice design must be 2 or greater/', 'Does not allow less than 2 reps for alpha lattice design';
158 $trial_design->set_number_of_reps($number_of_reps);
160 # tests for Alpha Lattice design (pass)
162 @stock_names = ("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T");
163 ok($trial_design->set_stock_list(\@stock_names), "Set stock names for trial design");
164 is_deeply($trial_design->get_stock_list(),\@stock_names, "Get stock names for trial design");
165 ok($trial_design->set_design_type("Alpha"), "Set design type to Alpha Lattice");
166 ok($trial_design->set_block_size(4), "Set block size for trial design");
167 #is_deeply($trial_design->get_block_size(),$block_size, "Get block size for trial design");
168 ok($trial_design->set_number_of_reps(4), "Set number of reps for trial design");
169 #is_deeply($trial_design->get_number_of_reps(),$number_of_reps, "Get number of reps for trial design");
170 ok($trial_design->set_plot_start_number($plot_start_number), "Set plot start number for trial design");
171 is_deeply($trial_design->get_plot_start_number(),$plot_start_number, "Get plot start number for trial design");
172 ok($trial_design->set_plot_number_increment($plot_number_increment), "Set plot number increment for trial design");
173 is_deeply($trial_design->get_plot_number_increment(),$plot_number_increment, "Get plot number increment for trial design");
174 ok($trial_design->calculate_design(), "Calculate Alpha Lattice trial design");
175 ok(%design = %{$trial_design->get_design()}, "Get Alpha trial design");
176 ok($design{'101'}->{row_number} == 1, "Alpha Lattice: First plot row_number is 1");
177 ok($design{'101'}->{col_number} == 1, "Alpha Lattice: First plot col_number is 1");
178 #print STDERR "Alpha Lattice". Dumper \%design;
181 # tests for Augmented design
183 $trial_design->set_number_of_blocks(5);
184 ok($trial_design->set_design_type("Augmented"), "Set design type to Augmented");
185 ok($trial_design->set_control_list(\@control_names), "Set control names for trial design");
186 is_deeply($trial_design->get_control_list(),\@control_names, "Get control names for trial design");
187 ok($trial_design->set_maximum_block_size($maximum_block_size), "Set maximum block size for trial design");
188 is_deeply($trial_design->get_maximum_block_size(),$maximum_block_size, "Get maximum block size for trial design");
189 ok($trial_design->calculate_design(), "Calculate Augmented trial design");
192 #tests for MAD design
193 #$trial_design->set_number_of_rows(10);
194 #$trial_design->set_block_row_numbers(2);
195 #$trial_design->set_block_col_numbers(2);
196 #$trial_design->set_number_of_blocks(5);
197 #ok($trial_design->set_design_type("MAD"), "Set design type to Augmented");
198 #ok($trial_design->set_control_list(\@control_names), "Set control names for trial design");
199 #is_deeply($trial_design->get_control_list(),\@control_names, "Get control names for trial design");
200 #ok($trial_design->set_maximum_block_size($maximum_block_size), "Set maximum block size for trial design");
201 #is_deeply($trial_design->get_maximum_block_size(),$maximum_block_size, "Get maximum block size for trial design");
202 #ok($trial_design->calculate_design(), "Calculate Augmented trial design");
204 done_testing();