Initial snarf.
[shack.git] / arch / bfd / util /
1 (*
2 * Expression evaluation.
4 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
6 * @begin[license]
7 * Copyright (C) 2001 Jason Hickey, Caltech
9 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
23 * Author: Jason Hickey
24 * @email{}
25 * @end[license]
27 open Format
29 open Debug
30 open Symbol
32 open Fir_exn
33 open Fir_pos
35 open Bfd
36 open Bfd_env
37 open Bfd_buf
38 open Bfd_util
39 open Bfd_state
41 module Pos = MakePos (struct let name = "Bfd_eval" end)
42 open Pos
44 (************************************************************************
46 ************************************************************************)
49 * For expressions that cant be evaluated yet.
51 exception CantEval
54 * Some int32 arithmetic.
56 let shift_left i1 i2 =
57 Int32.shift_left i1 (Int32.to_int i2)
59 let shift_right i1 i2 =
60 Int32.shift_right i1 (Int32.to_int i2)
62 let shift_right_logical i1 i2 =
63 Int32.shift_right_logical i1 (Int32.to_int i2)
65 let bfd_align i1 i2 =
66 let i2 = Int32.pred i2 in
67 Int32.logand (Int32.add i1 i2) (Int32.lognot i2)
69 (************************************************************************
71 ************************************************************************)
74 * Lazy evaluation doesn't try too hard.
75 * Resolving to ValLabel, ValRelative is ok.
79 * Apply a unary expression.
81 let rec lazy_unary venv op e =
82 match eager_exp venv e with
83 ValAbsolute i ->
84 ValAbsolute (op i)
85 | ValSection _
86 | ValLabel _
87 | ValRelative _
88 | ValUndefined ->
89 raise CantEval
92 * Apply a binary expression.
93 * Evaluation is only allowed if the expressions
94 * are absolute numbers.
96 and lazy_binary venv op e1 e2 =
97 match eager_exp venv e1, eager_exp venv e2 with
98 ValAbsolute i1, ValAbsolute i2 ->
99 ValAbsolute (op i1 i2)
100 | _ ->
101 raise CantEval
104 * For addition, it is also allowed to
105 * add a constant to a relative expression.
107 and lazy_binary_add venv op e1 e2 =
108 match lazy_exp venv e1, eager_exp venv e2 with
109 ValAbsolute i1, ValAbsolute i2 ->
110 ValAbsolute (op i1 i2)
111 | ValSection (sect, i1), ValAbsolute i2 ->
112 ValSection (sect, op i1 i2)
113 | ValLabel (v, i1), ValAbsolute i2 ->
114 ValLabel (v, op i1 i2)
115 | ValRelative (v1, v2, i1), ValAbsolute i2 ->
116 ValRelative (v1, v2, op i1 i2)
117 | _ ->
118 raise CantEval
121 * For differences, evaluation can also be carried out if
122 * the two expressions are both offsets into a section.
124 and lazy_binary_sub venv op e1 e2 =
125 match eager_exp venv e1, eager_exp venv e2 with
126 ValAbsolute i1, ValAbsolute i2 ->
127 ValAbsolute (op i1 i2)
128 | ValSection (sect, i1), ValAbsolute i2 ->
129 ValSection (sect, op i1 i2)
130 | ValSection (sect1, i1), ValSection (sect2, i2)
131 when Symbol.eq sect1 sect2 ->
132 ValAbsolute (op i1 i2)
133 | _ ->
134 raise CantEval
137 * Relative addresses.
139 and lazy_binary_rel venv op e l2 =
140 match lazy_exp venv e with
141 ValAbsolute i1 ->
142 (match eager_label SymbolSet.empty venv l2 with
143 ValAbsolute i2 ->
144 ValAbsolute (op i1 i2)
145 | _ ->
146 raise CantEval)
147 | ValSection (sect1, i1) ->
148 (match eager_label SymbolSet.empty venv l2 with
149 ValAbsolute i2 ->
150 ValAbsolute (op i1 i2)
151 | ValSection (sect2, i2)
152 when Symbol.eq sect1 sect2 ->
153 ValAbsolute (op i1 i2)
154 | _ ->
155 raise CantEval)
156 | ValLabel (l1, i1) ->
157 ValRelative (l1, l2, i1)
158 | _ ->
159 raise CantEval
162 * Lazy evaluation is happy resolving to labels.
164 and lazy_exp venv e =
165 match e with
166 ExpInt32 i ->
167 ValAbsolute i
168 | ExpLabel v ->
169 ValLabel (v,
170 | ExpUMinus e ->
171 lazy_unary venv Int32.neg e
172 | ExpUNot e ->
173 lazy_unary venv Int32.lognot e
174 | ExpUAbs e ->
175 lazy_unary venv Int32.abs e
176 | ExpULog2 e ->
177 lazy_unary venv log2 e
178 | ExpUPow2 e ->
179 lazy_unary venv pow2 e
180 | ExpAdd (e1, e2) ->
181 lazy_binary_add venv Int32.add e1 e2
182 | ExpSub (e1, e2) ->
183 lazy_binary_sub venv Int32.sub e1 e2
184 | ExpRel (e, l) ->
185 lazy_binary_rel venv Int32.sub e l
186 | ExpMul (e1, e2) ->
187 lazy_binary venv Int32.mul e1 e2
188 | ExpDiv (e1, e2) ->
189 lazy_binary venv Int32.div e1 e2
190 | ExpSal (e1, e2) ->
191 lazy_binary venv shift_left e1 e2
192 | ExpSar (e1, e2) ->
193 lazy_binary venv shift_right e1 e2
194 | ExpShr (e1, e2) ->
195 lazy_binary venv shift_right_logical e1 e2
196 | ExpAnd (e1, e2) ->
197 lazy_binary venv Int32.logand e1 e2
198 | ExpOr (e1, e2) ->
199 lazy_binary venv Int32.logor e1 e2
200 | ExpXor (e1, e2) ->
201 lazy_binary venv Int32.logxor e1 e2
202 | ExpAlign (e1, e2) ->
203 lazy_binary venv bfd_align e1 e2
205 (************************************************************************
207 ************************************************************************)
210 * Eager evaluation tries harder.
211 * It is _not_ acceptable to evaluate to
212 * a ValLabel or ValRelative.
216 * Resolve the value of a variable.
218 and eager_label vars venv v =
219 let vars =
220 if SymbolSet.mem vars v then
221 raise (Invalid_argument ("Bfd_eval: recursive definition of symbol " ^ string_of_symbol v));
222 SymbolSet.add vars v
224 let info =
225 try venv_lookup venv v with
226 Not_found ->
227 let pos = var_exp_pos v in
228 let pos = string_pos "eager_label" pos in
229 raise (FirException (pos, UnboundVar v))
231 eager_value vars venv info.sym_value
234 * Try hard to resolve a value.
236 and eager_value vars venv v =
237 match v with
238 ValAbsolute _
239 | ValSection _ ->
241 | ValLabel (v, i2) ->
242 (match eager_label vars venv v with
243 ValAbsolute i1 ->
244 ValAbsolute (Int32.add i1 i2)
245 | ValSection (sect, i1) ->
246 ValSection (sect, Int32.add i1 i2)
247 | _ ->
248 raise CantEval)
249 | ValRelative (v1, v2, i3) ->
250 (match eager_label vars venv v1, eager_label vars venv v2 with
251 ValAbsolute i1, ValAbsolute i2 ->
252 ValAbsolute (Int32.add (Int32.sub i1 i2) i3)
253 | ValSection (sect, i1), ValAbsolute i2 ->
254 ValSection (sect, Int32.add (Int32.sub i1 i2) i3)
255 | ValSection (sect1, i1), ValSection (sect2, i2)
256 when Symbol.eq sect1 sect2 ->
257 ValAbsolute (Int32.add (Int32.sub i1 i2) i3)
258 | _ ->
259 raise CantEval)
260 | ValUndefined ->
261 raise CantEval
264 * Eager evalution tries harder.
265 * It never evaluates to ValLabel, ValRelative, or ValUndefined.
267 and eager_exp venv e =
268 eager_value SymbolSet.empty venv (lazy_exp venv e)
270 (************************************************************************
272 ************************************************************************)
275 * Wrapper catches the Not_found case.
277 let eval_eager_exp venv e =
278 try eager_exp venv e with
279 CantEval ->
280 ValUndefined
282 let eval_eager_value venv v =
283 try eager_value SymbolSet.empty venv v with
284 CantEval ->
285 ValUndefined
287 let eval_lazy_exp venv e =
288 try lazy_exp venv e with
289 CantEval ->
290 ValUndefined
293 * @docoff
295 * -*-
296 * Local Variables:
297 * Caml-master: "compile"
298 * End:
299 * -*-