Initial snarf.
[shack.git] / fir / alias /
1 (*
2 * Alias analysis. I will really need to document this soon (jyh).
4 * We combine loop analysis with alias analysis.
6 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
8 * @begin[license]
9 * Copyright (C) 2002 Jason Hickey, Caltech
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
14 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
16 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 * GNU General Public License for more details.
21 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
25 * Author: Jason Hickey
26 * @email{}
27 * @end[license]
29 open Symbol
30 open Trace
31 open Debug
33 open Fir
34 open Fir_exn
35 open Fir_pos
36 open Fir_heap
37 open Fir_state
38 open Fir_depth
39 open Fir_algebra
41 open Fir_alias
42 open Fir_alias_env
43 open Fir_alias_util
44 open Fir_alias_type
45 open Fir_alias_prog
46 open Fir_alias_subst
47 open Fir_alias_print
49 open Fir_alias_pre_cse
51 module Pos = MakePos (struct let name = "Fir_alias_pre_loop" end)
52 open Pos
55 * Add loop arguments.
57 let loop_arg gvenv aenv lenv loc v op step base =
58 let pos = string_pos "ps_loop_arg" (var_exp_pos v) in
59 let gvenv, _, step = cse_normalize_etree gvenv aenv pos zero_depth (add_etree op (ETVar v) step) in
60 let lenv = SymbolTable.add lenv v (make_etree loc step, make_etree loc base) in
61 gvenv, lenv
64 * In the final step, add the base and step expressions as pseudo-arguments
65 * to the loop.
67 let loop_prog gvenv aenv =
68 let gvenv, lenv =
69 SymbolTable.fold (fun (gvenv, lenv) _ (ac, _) ->
70 let loc = loc_of_aclass ac in
71 match dest_aclass_core ac with
72 AliasInduction (_, v, _, op, _, _, _, step, base) ->
73 loop_arg gvenv aenv lenv loc v op step base
74 | AliasExp _
75 | AliasAlias _ ->
76 gvenv, lenv) (gvenv, SymbolTable.empty) gvenv.gvenv_values
78 if debug debug_alias then
79 begin
80 Format.printf "@[<hv 3>*** FIR: alias: loop table:";
81 SymbolTable.iter (fun v (base, step) ->
82 Format.printf "@ @[<hv 0>@[<hv 3> %a" pp_print_symbol v;
83 Format.printf " {@ @[<hv 3>base =@ %a" pp_print_etree base;
84 Format.printf "@];@ @[<hv 3>step =@ %a" pp_print_etree step;
85 Format.printf "@]@]@ }@]") lenv;
86 Format.printf "@]@."
87 end;
88 gvenv, lenv
90 (*!
91 * @docoff
93 * -*-
94 * Local Variables:
95 * Caml-master: "compile"
96 * End:
97 * -*-