Initial snarf.
[shack.git] / libmojave / stdlib /
1 (*
2 * Imperative DAGS. We implement the DAG as a vector.
3 * Each entry in the vector contains the value for a node,
4 * and all the outgoing edges, represented by their destination
5 * index.
7 * This is a space-saving dag. Only the real edges
8 * and the quiried edges are actually saved.
10 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
12 * This file is part of MetaPRL, a modular, higher order
13 * logical framework that provides a logical programming
14 * environment for OCaml and other languages.
16 * See the file doc/htmlman/default.html or visit
17 * for more information.
19 * Copyright (C) 1998-2005 PRL Group, Cornell University and Caltech
21 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
22 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
23 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
24 * version 2.1 of the License.
26 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
27 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
29 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
31 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
32 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
33 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
35 * Additional permission is given to link this library with the
36 * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library, and with the OCaml runtime,
37 * and you may distribute the linked executables. See the file
38 * LICENSE.libmojave for more details.
40 * Author: Jason Hickey
41 *
44 open Lm_debug
45 open Lm_dag_sig
48 * Show the file loading.
50 let _ =
51 show_loading "Loading Imp_dag%t"
53 module ImpDag =
54 struct
55 (************************************************************************
56 * TYPES *
57 ************************************************************************)
60 * An entry in the vector contains some value, and the edges
61 * in the graph. When a query is made.
62 * 1. if the version number
63 * is up-to-date, and the edge is in unrelated, then
64 * NoRelation is returned. If the edge is in entry_out_edges,
65 * the LessThan is returned. Else, a search is made, and a new edge
66 * either added to out_edges or unrelated.
67 * 2. If the version number is out of date, then the
68 * unrelated edges are cleared.
70 * Invariant: edge lists are sorted
73 type 'a entry =
74 { mutable entry_value : 'a;
75 mutable entry_in_edges : int list;
76 mutable entry_out_edges : int list;
77 mutable entry_no_relation : int list;
78 mutable entry_version : int
82 * A DAG is a vector of entries.
83 * We add a level of indirection to allow for equating nodes.
85 type 'a t =
86 { mutable entries : ('a entry) array;
87 mutable version : int
90 type 'a node = int
92 (************************************************************************
94 ************************************************************************)
97 * Raw equality.
99 let eq (node1 : 'a node) (node2 : 'a node) =
100 node1 == node2
103 * Insert a value into a sorted list.
105 let rec list_insert i l =
106 match l with
107 h :: t ->
108 if h < i then
109 h :: (list_insert i t)
110 else if h > i then
111 i :: l
112 else
114 | [] ->
118 * Remove a particular entry from the list, and
119 * decrement all larger indices.
121 let rec list_delete i = function
122 h :: t ->
123 if h < i then
124 h :: list_delete i t
125 else if h = i then
126 list_delete i t
127 else
128 h - 1 :: list_delete i t
129 | [] ->
133 * Construct a new DAG.
135 let create () =
136 { entries = [||]; version = 0 }
139 * Add a new node unrelated to the rest of the DAG.
141 let insert dag v =
142 let { entries = entries; version = version } = dag in
143 let length = Array.length entries in
144 let entry =
145 { entry_value = v;
146 entry_in_edges = [];
147 entry_out_edges = [];
148 entry_no_relation = [];
149 entry_version = version;
152 let newentries = Array.create (length + 1) entry in
153 Array.blit entries 0 newentries 0 length;
154 dag.entries <- newentries;
155 length
158 * Delete a node by updating all indices.
160 let delete dag node =
161 let { entries = entries; version = version } = dag in
162 let length = Array.length entries in
163 let newentries = Array.create (length - 1) entries.(0) in
164 let delete entry =
165 entry.entry_in_edges <- list_delete node entry.entry_in_edges;
166 entry.entry_out_edges <- list_delete node entry.entry_out_edges
168 Array.blit entries 0 newentries 0 node;
169 Array.blit entries (node + 1) newentries node (length - node - 1);
170 Array.iter delete entries;
171 dag.version <- version + 1
174 * Add an edge from node1 to node2.
176 let add_edge dag node1 node2 =
177 let { entries = entries; version = version } = dag in
178 let entry1 = entries.(node1) in
179 let entry2 = entries.(node2) in
180 entry1.entry_out_edges <- list_insert node2 entry1.entry_out_edges;
181 entry2.entry_in_edges <- list_insert node1 entry2.entry_in_edges;
182 dag.version <- version + 1
185 * Two nodes are made equal by creating a cycle.
187 let equate dag node1 node2 =
188 add_edge dag node1 node2;
189 add_edge dag node2 node1
192 * Projections.
194 let node_value { entries = entries } i =
195 entries.(i).entry_value
197 let node_out_edges { entries = entries } i =
198 entries.(i).entry_out_edges
200 let node_in_edges { entries = entries } i =
201 entries.(i).entry_in_edges
204 * Sweep a function up the DAG, calling on the children first.
205 * The function is called only once on each node, so we keep a vector
206 * of cached values. The oproj and iproj are the projection
207 * functions for entry.entry_out_edges and entry.entry_in_edges, or
208 * vice versa.
210 let sweep_aux entries f oproj iproj =
211 let len = Array.length entries in
212 let values = Array.create len None in
213 let rec expand i =
214 match values.(i) with
215 None ->
216 let entry = entries.(i) in
217 let children = expand (oproj entry) in
218 let result = f entry.entry_value children in
219 values.(i) <- Some result;
220 result
222 | Some result ->
223 result
225 let rec aux i =
226 if i < len then
227 let entry = entries.(i) in
228 let result = expand i in
229 if (iproj entry) = [] then
230 result::(aux (i + 1))
231 else
232 aux (i + 1)
233 else
236 aux 0
238 let out_edges_f { entry_out_edges = edges } = edges
240 let in_edges_f { entry_in_edges = edges } = edges
242 let some_edges_f { entry_in_edges = _ } = []
244 let sweep_up { entries = entries } f =
245 sweep_aux entries f out_edges_f in_edges_f
247 let sweep_down { entries = entries } f =
248 sweep_aux entries f in_edges_f out_edges_f
250 let sweep_up_all { entries = entries } f =
251 sweep_aux entries f out_edges_f some_edges_f
253 let sweep_down_all { entries = entries } f =
254 sweep_aux entries f in_edges_f some_edges_f
257 * Get the roots of the DAG.
258 * These nodes have no in_edges.
260 let roots { entries = entries } =
261 let length = Array.length entries in
262 let rec collect i =
263 if i = length then
265 else
266 let entry = entries.(i) in
267 if entry.entry_in_edges = [] then
268 i :: collect (i + 1)
269 else
270 collect (i + 1)
272 collect 0
275 * Sort the list from the roots.
277 let sort info =
278 let entries = info.entries in
279 let length = Array.length entries in
280 let found = Array.create length false in
281 let roots = roots info in
282 let rec collect l i =
283 if found.(i) then
285 else
286 let entry = entries.(i) in
287 let next = entry.entry_out_edges in
288 found.(i) <- true;
289 List.fold_left collect (i :: l) next
291 List.fold_left collect [] roots
294 * Expand to all the reachable nodes.
296 let search select entries node1 node2 =
297 let rec loop searched front =
298 match front with
299 node :: t ->
300 if node = node2 then
301 true
302 else if List.mem node searched then
303 loop searched t
304 else
305 let edges = select entries.(node) in
306 loop (node :: searched) (Sort.merge (<) edges t)
307 | [] ->
308 false
310 loop [] [node1]
313 * Find the relation and cache it.
314 * If version is out-of-date, delete the no_relation.
315 * If edge is found, then return it, else search.
317 let node_rel dag node1 node2 =
318 let { entries = entries; version = version } = dag in
319 let entry1 = entries.(node1) in
320 let { entry_in_edges = in_edges;
321 entry_out_edges = out_edges;
322 entry_no_relation = no_relation;
323 entry_version = version'
324 } = entry1
326 let no_relation =
327 if version' = version then
328 no_relation
329 else
330 begin
331 entry1.entry_no_relation <- [];
332 entry1.entry_version <- version;
336 (* First check for cached edges *)
337 if List.mem node2 no_relation then
338 NoRelation
339 else if List.mem node2 out_edges then
340 if List.mem node2 in_edges then
341 Equal
342 else
343 LessThan
344 else if List.mem node2 in_edges then
345 GreaterThan
347 (* If not in cache, then do a search *)
348 else if search out_edges_f entries node1 node2 then
349 if search in_edges_f entries node1 node2 then
350 begin
351 entry1.entry_out_edges <- list_insert node2 out_edges;
352 entry1.entry_in_edges <- list_insert node2 in_edges;
353 Equal
355 else
356 begin
357 entry1.entry_out_edges <- list_insert node2 out_edges;
358 LessThan
360 else if search in_edges_f entries node1 node2 then
361 begin
362 entry1.entry_in_edges <- list_insert node2 in_edges;
363 GreaterThan
365 else
366 begin
367 entry1.entry_no_relation <- list_insert node2 no_relation;
368 NoRelation
373 * -*-
374 * Local Variables:
375 * Caml-master: ""
376 * End:
377 * -*-