Initial snarf.
[shack.git] / naml /
1 (*
2 * utilities for IR, such as printing
4 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
6 * @begin[license]
7 * Copyright (c) Geoffrey Irving, Dylan Symon
9 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
22 * @end[license]
25 open Format
26 open Symbol
27 open Print_util
28 open Interval_set
29 open Fir
30 open Fir_set
31 open Fir_print
32 open Naml_ir
33 open Naml_ir_exn
36 * BUG: until we fix this module.
38 (* JW XXX @ 2007-06-22 : what does the above mean??? *)
39 let print_symbol = pp_print_symbol Format.std_formatter
42 * This printer is broken, so use these utilities.
44 let print_atom = pp_print_atom Format.std_formatter
45 let print_set = pp_print_set Format.std_formatter
46 let print_unop = pp_print_unop Format.std_formatter
47 let print_binop = pp_print_binop Format.std_formatter
48 let print_ext = pp_print_ext Format.std_formatter
49 let print_alloc_op = pp_print_alloc_op Format.std_formatter
50 let print_subscript a b c = pp_print_subscript a b c Format.std_formatter
51 let print_type = pp_print_type Format.std_formatter
52 let print_tydef = pp_print_tydef Format.std_formatter
54 let rec subst_type st t =
55 let sub = subst_type st in
56 match t with
57 TyFun (tl, t) -> TyFun ( sub tl, sub t)
58 | TyUnion (c, tl, i) -> TyUnion (c, sub tl, i)
59 | TyTuple (tclass, tl) -> TyTuple (tclass, (fun (ty, b) -> sub ty, b) tl)
60 | TyArray t -> TyArray (sub t)
61 | TyVar v -> (try SymbolTable.find st v with Not_found -> t)
62 | TyApply (v, tl) -> TyApply (v, sub tl)
63 | _ -> t (* assumes no TyAggr, TyLambda, TyExists, TySubscript, TyProject *)
65 let apply_type tenv v tl =
66 match SymbolTable.find tenv v with
67 TyDefLambda (tvl, t) ->
68 let substs = List.fold_left2 SymbolTable.add SymbolTable.empty tvl tl in
69 subst_type substs t
70 | _ -> raise (IRException "tried to apply a union type")
72 let type_of_alloc_op ao =
73 match ao with
74 AllocTuple (_, ty_vars, ty, _)
75 | AllocUnion (ty_vars, ty, _, _, _) ->
76 TyAll (ty_vars, ty)
77 | AllocArray (ty, _)
78 | AllocVArray (ty, _, _, _)
79 | AllocMalloc (ty, _)
80 | AllocDTuple (ty, _, _, _) ->
82 | AllocFrame (v, tyl) ->
83 TyFrame (v, tyl)
85 let rec polymorphic t =
86 let pm = polymorphic in
87 match t with
88 TyFun (tl, t) -> List.exists pm tl || pm t
89 | TyUnion (_, tl, _)
90 | TyApply (_, tl) -> List.exists pm tl
91 | TyTuple (_, tl) -> List.exists (fun (ty, _) -> pm ty) tl
92 | TyArray t -> pm t
93 | TyVar v -> true
94 | _ -> false
97 * Default tabstop.
99 let tabstop = 2
102 * Separated list of fields.
104 let print_sep_list sep printer l =
105 Format.open_hvbox 0;
106 ignore (List.fold_left (fun first x ->
107 if not first then
108 begin
109 Format.print_string sep;
110 Format.print_space ()
111 end;
112 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
113 printer x;
114 Format.close_box ();
115 false) true l);
116 Format.close_box ()
119 * Separated list of fields.
121 let print_pre_sep_list sep printer l =
122 Format.open_hvbox 0;
123 ignore (List.fold_left (fun first x ->
124 if not first then
125 begin
126 Format.print_space ();
127 Format.print_string sep
128 end;
129 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
130 printer x;
131 Format.close_box ();
132 false) true l);
133 Format.close_box ()
136 * "Let" opener.
138 let print_let_open v ty =
139 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
140 Format.print_string "let ";
141 print_symbol v;
142 Format.print_string " :";
143 Format.print_space ();
144 pp_print_type Format.std_formatter ty;
145 Format.print_string " =";
146 Format.print_space ()
148 let print_let_vars_open vars v ty =
149 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
150 Format.print_string "let ";
151 print_sep_list "," (fun v ->
152 Format.print_string "'";
153 print_symbol v) vars;
154 if vars <> [] then
155 Format.print_string ", ";
156 print_symbol v;
157 Format.print_string " :";
158 Format.print_space ();
159 pp_print_type Format.std_formatter ty;
160 Format.print_string " =";
161 Format.print_space ()
163 let rec print_let_close e =
164 Format.print_string " in";
165 Format.close_box ();
166 Format.print_space ();
167 print_expr e
170 * Rename all the vars in the expr.
172 and print_expr e =
173 match e with
174 LetAtom (v, ty, a, e) ->
175 print_let_open v ty;
176 print_atom a;
177 print_let_close e
178 | LetUnop (v, ty, op, a, e) ->
179 print_let_open v ty;
180 print_unop op a;
181 print_let_close e
182 | LetBinop (v, ty, op, a1, a2, e) ->
183 print_let_open v ty;
184 print_binop op a1 a2;
185 print_let_close e
186 | LetExt (v, ty, s, ty2, args, e) ->
187 print_let_open v ty;
188 print_ext s ty2 [] args;
189 print_let_close e
190 | TailCall (f, args) ->
191 print_symbol f;
192 Format.print_string "(";
193 print_sep_list "," print_atom args;
194 Format.print_string ")"
195 | Match (a, cases) ->
196 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
197 Format.print_string "match ";
198 print_atom a;
199 Format.print_string " with";
200 List.iter (fun (set, e) ->
201 Format.print_space ();
202 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
203 Format.print_string "| ";
204 print_set set;
205 Format.print_string " ->";
206 Format.print_space ();
207 print_expr e;
208 Format.close_box ()) cases;
209 Format.close_box ()
210 | LetAlloc (v, op, e) ->
211 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
212 Format.print_string "let ";
213 print_symbol v;
214 Format.printf " =@ ";
215 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
216 print_alloc_op op;
217 Format.close_box ();
218 print_let_close e
220 | LetSubscript (so, v, ty, v2, a, e) ->
221 print_let_open v ty;
222 print_subscript so (AtomVar v2) a;
223 print_let_close e
225 | SetSubscript (so, v, a1, ty, a2, e) ->
226 print_subscript so (AtomVar v) a1;
227 Format.print_string " : ";
228 pp_print_type Format.std_formatter ty;
229 Format.print_string " <- ";
230 print_atom a2;
231 Format.print_string ";";
232 Format.print_space ();
233 print_expr e
235 | LetFuns (defs, e) ->
236 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
237 Format.print_string "let ";
238 print_sep_list " and" print_function defs;
239 print_let_close e
241 | LetApply (v, ty, a, al, e) ->
242 print_let_open v ty;
243 print_symbol a;
244 Format.print_string "(";
245 print_sep_list "," print_atom al;
246 Format.print_string ")";
247 print_let_close e
248 | LetClosure (v, ty, a, al, e) ->
249 print_let_open v ty;
250 Format.print_string "closure ";
251 print_symbol a;
252 Format.print_string "(";
253 print_sep_list "," print_atom al;
254 Format.print_string ")";
255 print_let_close e
256 | Return (a) ->
257 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
258 Format.print_string "return ";
259 print_atom a;
260 Format.close_box ()
261 | LetExnHandler (v, e) ->
262 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
263 Format.print_string "try ";
264 print_expr e;
265 Format.print_string "with ";
266 print_symbol v;
267 Format.close_box ()
268 | Raise (a) ->
269 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
270 Format.print_string "raise ";
271 print_atom a;
272 Format.close_box ()
274 and print_gflag = function
275 FunGlobalClass ->
276 Format.print_string "$global ";
277 | FunContClass ->
278 Format.print_string "$continuation "
279 | FunLocalClass ->
280 Format.print_string "$local "
282 and print_function (f, _, gflag, f_ty, vars, body) =
283 Format.print_string "(";
284 print_gflag gflag;
285 print_symbol f;
286 Format.print_string " : ";
287 print_type f_ty;
288 Format.print_string ")";
289 Format.print_string "(";
290 print_sep_list "," print_symbol vars;
291 Format.print_string ") =";
292 Format.print_space ();
293 print_expr body
295 (************************************************************************
297 ************************************************************************)
299 let print_prog
300 { prog_cont = fini;
301 prog_types = types;
302 prog_body = expr
305 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
306 Format.print_string "Program cont symbol:";
307 Format.print_space ();
308 print_symbol fini;
309 Format.close_box ();
311 Format.print_space ();
312 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
313 Format.print_string "Program types:";
314 SymbolTable.iter (fun v tyd ->
315 Format.print_space ();
316 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
317 print_symbol v;
318 Format.print_string " =";
319 Format.print_space ();
320 print_tydef tyd;
321 Format.close_box ()) types;
322 Format.close_box ();
324 Format.print_space ();
325 Format.open_hvbox tabstop;
326 Format.print_string "Program body:";
327 Format.print_newline ();
328 print_expr expr;
329 Format.close_box ();