This patch by Pan Jie adds a cache-invalidation test case, how it works:
1. Gadget spec is invalidation.xml, your can add through http://shindig/test/misc/invalidation/invalidation.xml
2. Counter page is count.php, you can access through http://shindig/test/misc/invalidation/count.php
Page looks like: Count: 6 at time: 2009-05-09 08:20:07
3. Sign page is sign.php. Gadget uses that page for signing oauth argument.
Gadget usage:
Accessing counter page:
- Click makeRequest button.
Invalidate @viewer through jsonrpc:
- Click "jsonrpc invalidate button.
Invalidate through restful api:
- Fill invalidationKeys, oauth consumer key and oauth consumer secret.
- Click "rest invalidate" button.
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68