This patch completes proxied content, and adds basic support for os-template, os-data parsing, and jsp el evaluation.
What's in this patch (skip down to 'what's missing' to see what remains to be done, and 'design choices' to see the how and why):
- Proxied content now fully working, this includes
- posting social data to the proxied content section's href end-point
- evaluating dynamic tags using the same jsp el implementation as the templating implementation uses
- identical caching behavior to java-shindig (ie: caching POST's using the remote content's headers)
- Data-pipelining
- Same implementation used both for the proxied content and os-templates implementations
- uses the same jsp el evaluation for supporting dynamic tags in the requests
- os-templates & os-data
- Uses the generic data-pipelining for os-data data fetching & injects it into JS space
- Parses and evaluates all templates script blocks that can be server rendered
- blocks with a name are evaluated, but left in
- if all the data keys specified in the @require attribute it will be rendered, otherwise left in
- if @autoUpdate = true, the template will not be evaluated and left in
- disableAutoProcessing in the feature param is true, no templates will be rendered server sided
- Supports @if and @repeat attributes in dom elements
- Supports os:Repeat and os:If statements
- JSP EL evaluation
- Supports all the specified global variables (Cur, Top, My & Context)
- Supports variable element expressions (Foo.Bar.Element)
- Supports all JSP EL specified math expressions:
'+', '-', '/', '^', '%', '!', '<', '>', '*', '=', '&', '|', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', '==', '!=', 'eq', 'ne', 'or', '>=', '<=', '||', '&&', 'and', 'not', 'div', 'mod', 'and', 'eq', 'gt', 'true', 'instanceof', 'or', 'ne', 'le', 'false', 'empty', 'not', 'lt', 'ge', 'null', 'div', 'mod' & 'empty'
- Supports basic math statements (ie: ${Foo * Bar / (12 mod 4) + 12 ne 44})
What's missing:
- JSP EL: Unary evaluation (ie: ${Bar * -Foo} and ${!Bar})
- JSP EL: Array support (ie: ${Bar[Foo]})
- Tweak expression behavior to iron out the last JSP EL inconsistencies ((string) A + (int) 2) should be an exception for instance)
- Support for the disableAutoProcessing feature param
- os-templates: Support for named templates (xmlns:myapp="foo" tag="myapp:Bar" script blocks)
- os-templates: Support for template libraries (section 13 of templating spec)
- osml: Support for basic and extension tags:
- os:Name, os:PeopleSelector, os:Badge, os:Html, os:Render
- osx:Flash, osx:NavigateToApp, osx:NavigateToPerson, osx:ParseJson, osx:DecodeBase64, osx:UrlDecode, osx:UrlEncode
Implementation details:
Implementing support for os-templates and jsp el has been full of challanges, and in the end resulted in a 'decently working, but
not entirely optimal' solution. Below are some of the things that have been tried, and what it ended up being:
- The first prototype i've build was based on a os-templates to php translation. This is a trick that many php template libraries
employ for the simple reason that you can cache the php interpretation to disk, and let PHP and the opcode cache do it's thing
to make template execution incredibly fast. In the end it was a combination of how XML'ish the templating language is (having
control structures in attributes and not as tags, ie having <tag if=""> instead of <if><tag></if>, and the way that templating
libraries, rendering and named template blocks with namespaces worked, made this to tricky to implement in a reasonable time frame.
This would still be the prefered way of implementing os-templates, but it requires someone with the proper amount of time available
and the will to go the length to make it secure to do this. (If you are reading this and think this might be you, let us know!)
- The second and third prototypes were based on trying to evaluate the entire gadget document in one pass, this would save memory
and be reasonably efficient and fast, however in the end the fact that the XML/HTML parsing library in php (libxml2 based) can
either support *only* interpreting everything as HTML 4, without any knowledge of name spacing, and mangling the html tags in script
blocks meant the html mode wouldn't work and couldn't be made to work. Doing a single pass on the document in XML mode also was
not sustainable, since there's to many gadgets with 'broken html' out there to make this feasable.
- So the final solution was a bit of a ducktape one, the gadget's content is regex'd to see if it includes any os-data and os-template
script blocks, and if so they are extracted and replaced with 'magic markers'.
Then the template blocks are each parsed using the XML parsing (so the content of the template blocks have to be valid xhtml, even
if the main document is not), and evaluated.
Then the gadget document (this is without the templates, but including the magic markers) is parsed using the HTML parser to apply
rewriting where applicable, and injecting the proper java script, css and html tags to build the real gadget document.
After the HTML parsing is done, the magic tags are replaced with the evaluated templates.
The down side of this solution is that it's slightly more fragile due to the regex's and other ducktape solutions, and the performance
is lower then either of the other 2 alternatives, however it still performs decently, where a proxied content view with os-data
and os-template tags is 'only' 50% slower then a normal rendering action, so the performance is still quite usable and worth the
latency gains for the end-users.
If there are any questions about the implementation, please feel free to ping me directly or preferably, the shindig-dev list.
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
13 files changed: