1 <% if SentRecipients(Failed) %>
2 <h2 class="error" style="width:auto;">Sending to the Following Recipients Failed</h2>
3 <table class="CMSList">
6 <th class="Email" style="width:33%">Email</th>
12 <% control SentRecipients(Failed) %>
24 <% if SentRecipients(Bounced) %>
25 <h2 class="error" style="width:auto;">Sending to the Following Recipients Bounced</h2>
27 <table class="CMSList">
30 <th class="Email" style="width:33%">Email</th>
37 <% control SentRecipients(Bounced) %>
49 <% if SentRecipients(BlackListed) %>
50 <h2 class="error" style="width:auto;">Sending to the Following Recipients Did Not Occur Because They Are BlackListed</h2>
52 <table class="CMSList">
55 <th class="Email" style="width:33%">Email</th>
62 <% control SentRecipients(BlackListed) %>
74 <% if UnsentSubscribers %>
75 <h2>The Newsletter has Never Been Sent to Following Subscribers</h2>
76 <table class="CMSList">
79 <th class="Email" style="width:33%">Email</th>
80 <th class="FirstName">Firstname</th>
81 <th class="Surname">Surname</th>
86 <% control UnsentSubscribers %>
87 <tr id="unsent-member-$ID">
98 <% if SentRecipients(Sent) %>
99 <h2>Sending to the Following Recipients was Successful</h2>
100 <table class="CMSList">
103 <th class="Email" style="width:33%">Email</th>
110 <% control SentRecipients(Sent) %>
111 <tr id="sent-member-$ID">