2 summary:: Triggered exponential random number generator.
3 related:: Classes/ExpRand, Classes/IRand, Classes/LinRand, Classes/NRand, Classes/Rand, Classes/TIRand, Classes/TRand
4 categories:: UGens>Random, UGens>Triggers
9 Generates a random float value in exponential distribution from
10 code::lo:: to code::hi:: each time the
11 trigger signal changes from nonpositive to positive values
12 code::lo:: and code::hi:: must both have
13 the same sign and be non-zero.
21 Lower limit of the output range.
24 Upper limit of the output range.
28 The trigger. Trigger can be any signal. A trigger happens when
29 the signal changes from non-positive to positive.
38 var trig = Dust.kr(10);
40 TExpRand.kr(300.0, 3000.0, trig)
47 var trig = Dust.ar(MouseX.kr(1, 8000, 1));
49 TExpRand.ar(300.0, 3000.0, trig)