2 summary:: Triggered random number generator.
3 related:: Classes/ExpRand, Classes/IRand, Classes/LinRand, Classes/NRand, Classes/Rand, Classes/TExpRand, Classes/TIRand
4 categories:: UGens>Random, UGens>Triggers
9 Generates a random float value in uniform distribution from
10 code::lo:: to code::hi:: each time the
11 trigger signal changes from nonpositive to positive values.
19 Lower limit of the output range.
22 Upper limit of the output range.
26 The trigger. Trigger can be any signal. A trigger happens when
27 the signal changes from non-positive to positive.
36 var trig = Dust.kr(10);
38 TRand.kr(300, 3000, trig)
45 var trig = Dust.ar(MouseX.kr(1, 8000, 1));
47 TRand.ar(300, 3000, trig)