2 summary:: Mark Polishook tutorial
3 categories:: Tutorials>Mark_Polishook_tutorial
4 related:: Tutorials/Mark_Polishook_tutorial/00_Introductory_tutorial
6 section::Routines and clocks
8 Use clocks to create automated, algorithmic scheduling. Among the things that clocks "play" are routines, tasks, and patterns.
10 To see how a clock "plays" a routine, first examine how a function works in a routine.
12 The first argument (and usually the only argument) to a routine is a function.
15 // template for a routine
16 Routine({ ".... code within curly braces is a function .... "});
19 A .yield message to an expression in a function (in a routine) returns a value.
22 r = Routine({ "hello, world".yield.postln });
24 // to evaluate a routine, send a .next message
25 // it will "hand over" the value of the expression to which the .yield message is attached
35 The routine above returns nil when its evaluated a second time. This is because once a routine "yields" and if there's no additional code after the .yield message, the routine is finished, over, and done - unless it receives a reset message. Then it can start over again.
38 r.next; // returns nil
39 r.reset; // reset the routine
43 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
55 The first three .next messages return a string. The fourth .next message returns nil.
58 r.next; // returns a string
59 r.next; // returns a string
60 r.next; // returns a string
61 r.next; // returns nil
75 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
77 Use a .do message in a routine to make a loop.
85 array = [ "hello, world", "what a world", "i am a world" ];
88 3.do({ array.choose.yield })
94 Evaluate the routine one more time than the loop in the routine allows.
97 4.do({ r.next.postln });
100 The routine returned three strings followed by nil.
102 section::Scheduling routines
104 Rewrite the routine so that it includes a .wait message.
111 array = [ "hello, world", "what a world", "i am a world" ];
114 1.wait; // pause for 1 second
122 Then "play" the routine, eg, send it a .play message.
128 Append a .reset message to the routine so that it can start over.
134 section::Clocks and the convenience of .play
136 When a routine receives a .play message, control (of the routine) is redirected to a clock. The clock uses the receiver of the .wait message as a unit of time to schedule ("play") the routine.
138 SuperCollider has three clocks, each of which has a help file.
141 SystemClock // the most accurate
142 AppClock // for use with GUIs
143 TempoClock // to schedule in beats
146 The .play message is a convenience that allows one to write
149 r.reset.play; // reset the routine before playing it
158 section::Scheduling synths with routines
160 Enclose synths within routines. It's often the case that the synthdef used by the synth in routines should have an envelope with a doneAction parameter set to 2 (to deallocate the memory needed for the synth after its envelope has finished playing).
166 arg bus = 0, freq = 440, carPartial = 1, modPartial = 1, index = 3, mul = 0.2, ts = 1;
168 // index values usually are between 0 and 24
169 // carPartial :: modPartial => car/mod ratio
177 freq * index * LFNoise1.kr(5.reciprocal).abs
181 (freq * carPartial) + mod,
188 car * EnvGen.kr(Env.sine(1), doneAction: 2, timeScale: ts)
201 \bus, 2.rand, \freq, 400.0.rrand(1200),
202 \carPartial, 0.5.rrand(2), \ts, 0.5.rrand(11)
206 "".postln.postln.postln.postln.postln;
216 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
218 Process synths spawned in a routine through effects that run outside of the routine.
223 SynthDef("echoplex", {
229 [Rand(0.05, 0.3), Rand(0.05, 0.3)],
230 // generate random values every time a synth is created
238 // attach a ~source group to the head of the rootnode and
239 // an ~effects group to the tail of the rootenode
240 ~source = Group.head(s);
241 ~effect = Group.tail(s);
246 // loop is the same as inf.do, eg, create an infinite loop that runs forever
248 Synth.head( // attach the synth to the head of the ~source group
252 \outbus, 0, \freq, 400.0.rrand(1200), \modPartial, 0.3.rrand(2.0),
253 \carPartial, 0.5.rrand(11), \ts, 0.1.rrand(0.2)]
261 Synth.head(~effect, "echoplex");
262 Synth.tail(~effect, "echoplex");
268 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
270 go to link::Tutorials/Mark_Polishook_tutorial/20_Debugging::