class library: DUGen - the server now handles audio-rate inputs correctly
[supercollider.git] / SCClassLibrary / Common / Audio /
1 /*
2 Categorisation of SC UGens, created by Dan Stowell, 2007.
3 */
4 + A2K             { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Conversion"] } }
5 + AbstractIn      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>InOut"] } }
6 + AbstractOut     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>InOut"] } }
7 + AmpComp         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Amplitude"] } }
8 + AmpCompA        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Amplitude"] } }
9 + Amplitude       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Amplitude"] } }
10 + AudioIn         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>InOut"] } }
11 + Ball            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Nonlinear"] } }
12 + BasicOpUGen     { }
13 + BeatTrack       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis", "UGens>FFT"] } }
14 + BeatTrack2      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis", "UGens>FFT"] } }
15 + BiPanB2         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Ambisonics"] } }
16 + Blip            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
17 + BufCombN        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Delays"] } }
18 + BufDelayN       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Delays"] } }
19 + BufInfoUGenBase { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer>Info"] } }
20 + BufRd           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer"] } }
21 + BufWr           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer"] } }
22 + ChaosGen        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Chaotic"] } }
23 + CheckBadValues  { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Info"] } }
24 + ClearBuf           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer"] } }
25 + CoinGate        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
26 + CombN           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Delays"] } }
27 + Compander       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Amplitude"] } }
28 + CompanderD      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Amplitude"] } }
29 + Convolution     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
30 + Convolution2    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
31 + Convolution2L   { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
32 + StereoConvolution2L   { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
33 + Convolution3    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
34 + COsc            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
35 + Crackle         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
36 + DecodeB2              { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Ambisonics"] } }
37 + DUGen                 { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Demand"] } }
38 + DC              { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Single-value"] } }
39 + DegreeToKey     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Conversion"] } }
40 + Delay1          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Delays"] } }
41 + DelayN          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Delays"] } }
42 + Demand          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Demand"] } }
43 + DemandEnvGen    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Demand", "UGens>Envelopes"] } }
44 + DetectSilence   { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Synth control", "UGens>Analysis>Amplitude"] } }
45 + DiskIn          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>InOut", "UGens>Buffer"] } }
46 + DiskOut         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>InOut", "UGens>Buffer"] } }
47 + Done            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Synth control"] } }
48 + Dust            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
49 + Dust2           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
50 + Duty            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Demand"] } }
51 + Dwhite          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Demand"] } }
52 + DynKlang        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
53 + DynKlank        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic", "UGens>Filters>Linear"] } }
54 + Env             {  }
55 + EnvGen          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Envelopes"] } }
56 + ExpRand         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic", "UGens>Generators>Single-value"]} }
57 + FFT             { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
58 + FFTTrigger        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
59 + Filter          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Linear"] } }
60 + Formant         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
61 + Free            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Synth control"] } }
62 + FreeSelf        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Synth control"] } }
63 + FreeSelfWhenDone{ *categories { ^ #["UGens>Synth control"] } }
64 + FreeVerb        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Reverbs"] } }
65 + FreeVerb2       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Reverbs"] } }
66 + FreqShift       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Nonlinear", "UGens>Filters>Pitch"] } }
67 + FSinOsc         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
68 + Gendy1          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
69 + Gendy2          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
70 + Gendy3          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
71 + GrainBuf        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer", "UGens>Generators>Granular"] } }
72 + GrainFM         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Granular"] } }
73 + GrainSin        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Granular"] } }
74 + GrainIn         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Granular"] } }
75 + GVerb           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Reverbs"] } }
76 + Hasher          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Nonlinear"] } }
77 + Hilbert         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Nonlinear"] } }
78 + HilbertFIR      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Nonlinear"] } }
79 + IEnvGen         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Envelopes"] } }
80 + IFFT            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
81 + Impulse         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
82 + Index           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer"] } }
83 + IndexL          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
84 + InfoUGenBase    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Info"] } }
85 + InRange         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Maths"] } }
86 + InRect          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Maths"] } }
87 + Integrator      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Linear", "UGens>Maths"] } }
88 + IRand           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic", "UGens>Generators>Single-value"]} }
89 + K2A             { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Conversion"] } }
90 + KeyTrack        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Pitch"] } }
91 + KeyState        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>User interaction"] } }
92 + Klang           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic", "UGens>Filters>Linear"] } }
93 + Klank           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic", "UGens>Filters>Linear"] } }
94 + LastValue       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers"] } }
95 + Latch           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers"] } }
96 + LFGauss        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
97 + LFNoise0        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
98 + LFPulse         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
99 + LFSaw           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
100 + Line            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Envelopes"] } }
101 + Linen           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Envelopes"] } }
102 + LinExp          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Maths"] } }
103 + LinLin          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Maths"] } }
104 + LinRand         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic", "UGens>Generators>Single-value"]} }
105 + LocalBuf           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer"] } }
106 + Logistic        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Chaotic"] } }
107 + Loudness        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Amplitude"] } }
108 + MantissaMask    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Nonlinear"] } }
109 + MaxLocalBufs { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer>Info"] } }
110 + Median          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Nonlinear"] } }
111 + MFCC            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis"] } }
112 + Mix {}
113 + MostChange      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Maths"] } }
114 + MouseButton     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>User interaction"] } }
115 + MouseX          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>User interaction"] } }
116 + MulAdd          {}
117 + Normalizer      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Amplitude"] } }
118 + NRand           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic", "UGens>Generators>Single-value"]} }
119 + Onsets          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis"] } }
120 + Osc             { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
121 + OscN            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
122 + PackFFT                   { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
123 + PanB            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Ambisonics"] } }
124 + PanB2           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Ambisonics"] } }
125 + Panner          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Panners"] } }
126 + PartConv   { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
127 + Pause           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Synth control"] } }
128 + PauseSelf       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Synth control"] } }
129 + PauseSelfWhenDone {  *categories { ^ #["UGens>Synth control"] } }
130 + Peak    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Amplitude"] } }
131 + PeakFollower    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Amplitude"] } }
132 + Phasor          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers", "UGens>Buffer"] } }
133 + Pitch           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Pitch", "UGens>MachineListening"] } }
134 + PitchShift      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Pitch"] } }
135 + PlayBuf         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer"] } }
136 + Pluck           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
137 + PMOsc           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
138 + Poll            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Info"] } }
139 + PSinGrain       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
140 + Pulse           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
141 + PulseCount      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers"] } }
142 + PulseDivider    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers"] } }
143 + PV_BinScramble  { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
144 + PV_BinShift     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
145 + PV_BinWipe      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
146 + PV_BrickWall    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
147 + PV_ChainUGen    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
148 + PV_ConformalMap { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
149 + PV_Diffuser     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
150 + PV_HainsworthFoote{ *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
151 + PV_JensenAndersen { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
152 + PV_MagAbove     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
153 + PV_MagDiv       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
154 + PV_MagFreeze    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
155 + PV_MagMul       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
156 + PV_MagSmear     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
157 + PV_MagSquared   { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
158 + PV_PhaseShift   { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
159 + PV_RandComb     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
160 + PV_RandWipe     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
161 + PV_RectComb     { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
162 + PV_RectComb2    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
163 + Rand            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic", "UGens>Generators>Single-value"] } }
164 + RandID          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
165 + RandSeed        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
166 + RecordBuf       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer"] } }
167 + Rotate2         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Ambisonics","UGens>Multichannel>Panners"] } }
168 + RunningSum      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Maths"] } }
169 + RunningMin      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Maths"] } }
170 + RunningMax      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Maths"] } }
171 + Saw             { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
172 + ScopeOut        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer"] } }
173 + Select          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Select"] } }
174 + SelectX         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Select"] } }
175 + SelectXFocus    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Select"] } }
176 + SendTrig        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers"] } }
177 + SetBuf           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer"] } }
178 + Silent          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Single-value"] } }
179 + SinOsc          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
180 + SinOscFB        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
181 + Slew            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Nonlinear"] } }
182 + Slope           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Linear", "UGens>Maths"] } }
183 + SpecCentroid    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis", "UGens>FFT"] } }
184 + SpecFlatness    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis", "UGens>FFT"] } }
185 + SpecPcile       { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis", "UGens>FFT"] } }
186 + Spring          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Nonlinear"] } }
187 + Stepper         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers"] } }
188 + Sweep           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers"] } }
189 + SyncSaw         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
190 + T2A             { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Conversion"] } }
191 + T2K             { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Conversion"] } }
192 + Tap             { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer"] } }
193 + TBall           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Nonlinear"] } }
194 + TDelay          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers", "UGens>Delays"] } }
195 + TExpRand        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
196 + TGrains         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer", "UGens>Generators>Granular"] } }
197 + Timer           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers"] } }
198 + TIRand          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
199 + ToggleFF        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers"] } }
200 + TRand           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
201 + Trig1           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Triggers"] } }
202 + TWindex         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
203 + TWChoose        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Select"] } }
204 + UGen            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Unclassified"] } }
205 + UnpackFFT         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
206 + Unpack1FFT        { *categories { ^ #["UGens>FFT"] } }
207 + VarSaw          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
208 + VDiskIn          { *categories { ^ #["UGens>InOut", "UGens>Buffer"] } }
209 + Vibrato         { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Filters>Pitch"] } }
210 + VOsc            { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
211 + VOsc3           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Deterministic"] } }
212 + Warp1           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Buffer", "UGens>Generators>Granular"] } }
213 + WhiteNoise      { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Generators>Stochastic"] } }
214 + XFade           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Multichannel>Select"] } }
215 + XLine           { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Envelopes"] } }
216 + ZeroCrossing    { *categories { ^ #["UGens>Analysis>Pitch"] } }
217 + Control { *categories { ^#["UGens>Synth control"]}}
218 + AudioControl { *categories { ^#["UGens>Synth control"]}}
219 + LagControl { *categories { ^#["UGens>Synth control"]}}
220 + TrigControl { *categories { ^#["UGens>Synth control"]}}