10 *new { ^this.shouldNotImplement(thisMethod) }
11 // to create a Char use the Integer methods asAscii or asDigit
13 hash { _ObjectHash; ^this.primitiveFailed }
16 // returns the ascii value of a character as an Integer
20 // returns the digit value of a character as an Integer
25 // this returns the single unicode value.
26 // ascii is a subset of unicode
27 asUnicode { ^this.ascii }
36 // tests return Boolean:
38 // is an alphabetic character
42 // is an alphabetic character or decimal digit
54 // is a control character
62 ^"AEIOU".includes(this.toUpper);
65 // is a decimal digit 0-9
69 // is upper case alphabetic character
73 // is lower case alphabetic character
77 if(this.isPrint.not,{ ^false });
78 ^this.ascii != 47 and: {this.ascii != 58} and: {this.ascii != 34}
81 ^thisProcess.platform.isPathSeparator(this)
84 ^this.ascii < aChar.ascii
86 == { arg aChar; ^aChar respondsTo: \ascii and: { this.ascii == aChar.ascii } }
88 ++ { |that| ^this.asString ++ that }
90 *bullet { ^165.asAscii }
96 stream.putAll(this.asCompileString);
99 archiveAsCompileString { ^true }