[t2.git] / package / scientific / orsa / hotfix-gcc41.patch
2 # This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
3 #
4 # T2 SDE: package/.../orsa/gcc41.patch
5 # Copyright (C) 2006 The T2 SDE Project
6 #
7 # More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
8 #
9 # This patch file is dual-licensed. It is available under the license the
10 # patched project is licensed under, as long as it is an OpenSource license
11 # as defined at http://www.opensource.org/ (e.g. BSD, X11) or under the terms
12 # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
13 # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
14 # version.
15 # --- T2-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END ---
17 diff -Nur orsa-0.7.0-orig/src/liborsa/orsa_body.h orsa-0.7.0/src/liborsa/orsa_body.h
18 --- orsa-0.7.0-orig/src/liborsa/orsa_body.h 2004-12-30 03:58:03.000000000 +0000
19 +++ orsa-0.7.0/src/liborsa/orsa_body.h 2006-04-03 21:31:50.423120000 +0000
20 @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
21 inline void SetVelocity(const double x, const double y, const double z) { Vector v(x,y,z); SetVelocity(v); }
23 // b position - this position
24 - inline Vector Body::distanceVector(const Body & b) const { return b.position()-position(); }
25 + inline Vector distanceVector(const Body & b) const { return b.position()-position(); }
26 inline double distance(const Body & b) const { return distanceVector(b).Length(); }
28 // alias
29 diff -Nur orsa-0.7.0-orig/src/libxorsa/xorsa_analysis.h orsa-0.7.0/src/libxorsa/xorsa_analysis.h
30 --- orsa-0.7.0-orig/src/libxorsa/xorsa_analysis.h 2004-06-25 00:58:30.000000000 +0000
31 +++ orsa-0.7.0/src/libxorsa/xorsa_analysis.h 2006-04-03 21:44:48.123723250 +0000
32 @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
33 XOrsaPeaksListItem(QListView *parent, QString label1, QString label2 = QString::null, QString label3 = QString::null, QString label4 = QString::null, QString label5 = QString::null, QString label6 = QString::null, QString label7 = QString::null, QString label8 = QString::null);
35 public:
36 - int XOrsaPeaksListItem::compare(QListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending) const;
37 + int compare(QListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending) const;
41 diff -Nur orsa-0.7.0-orig/src/libxorsa/xorsa_import_astorb_objects.h orsa-0.7.0/src/libxorsa/xorsa_import_astorb_objects.h
42 --- orsa-0.7.0-orig/src/libxorsa/xorsa_import_astorb_objects.h 2005-01-05 03:04:17.000000000 +0000
43 +++ orsa-0.7.0/src/libxorsa/xorsa_import_astorb_objects.h 2006-04-03 21:39:40.844519500 +0000
44 @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@
45 inline XOrsaAstorbObjectItem(QListView *parent, QString label1, QString label2 = QString::null, QString label3 = QString::null, QString label4 = QString::null, QString label5 = QString::null, QString label6 = QString::null, QString label7 = QString::null, QString label8 = QString::null) : QListViewItem(parent, label1, label2, label3, label4, label5, label6, label7, label8) { };
47 public:
48 - inline int XOrsaAstorbObjectItem::compare(QListViewItem *i, int col, bool ascending) const {
49 + inline int compare(QListViewItem *i, int col, bool ascending) const {
51 using std::atof;
53 diff -Nur orsa-0.7.0-orig/src/libxorsa/xorsa_object_selector.cc orsa-0.7.0/src/libxorsa/xorsa_object_selector.cc
54 --- orsa-0.7.0-orig/src/libxorsa/xorsa_object_selector.cc 2004-06-25 03:12:57.000000000 +0000
55 +++ orsa-0.7.0/src/libxorsa/xorsa_object_selector.cc 2006-04-03 21:50:05.967587250 +0000
56 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
57 XOrsaObjectItem(QListView *parent, QString label1, QString label2 = QString::null, QString label3 = QString::null, QString label4 = QString::null, QString label5 = QString::null, QString label6 = QString::null, QString label7 = QString::null, QString label8 = QString::null);
59 public:
60 - int XOrsaObjectItem::compare(QListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending) const;
61 + int compare(QListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending) const;
65 diff -Nur orsa-0.7.0-orig/src/orsa/xorsa.h orsa-0.7.0/src/orsa/xorsa.h
66 --- orsa-0.7.0-orig/src/orsa/xorsa.h 2004-07-13 02:21:19.000000000 +0000
67 +++ orsa-0.7.0/src/orsa/xorsa.h 2006-04-03 21:56:22.087093250 +0000
68 @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
69 ObjectItem(QListView *parent, QString label1, QString label2 = QString::null, QString label3 = QString::null, QString label4 = QString::null, QString label5 = QString::null, QString label6 = QString::null, QString label7 = QString::null, QString label8 = QString::null);
71 public:
72 - int ObjectItem::compare(QListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending) const;
73 + int compare(QListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending) const;