2 [COPY] T2 SDE: package/*/picpuz/picpuz.desc
3 [COPY] Copyright (C) 2014 - 2021 The T2 SDE Project
5 [COPY] This Copyright note is generated by scripts/Create-CopyPatch,
6 [COPY] more information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
8 [COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 [COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
12 [I] Picpuz is a free Linux "jigsaw puzzle" program
14 [T] You can take almost any image (jpeg, tiff, png ...) and scramble it into
15 [T] many pieces (tens to hundreds). You can then reassemble the picture using
16 [T] the mouse to move the pieces around.
17 [T] Note, version 2.4 is the last to use gtk2. Not hosted by author anymore.
19 [U] http://www.kornelix.com/picpuz.html
21 [A] Michael Cornelison <kornelix2@gmail.com>
22 [M] The T2 Project <t2@t2-project.org>
29 [P] X -----5---9 400.000
31 [D] 74cca653c354bb57991b005228092576652690375a9149187f89a13c picpuz-2.4.tar.bz2 http://distro.ibiblio.org/quirky/quirky6/sources/t2/april/