Limit the number of simultaneous connect attempts passed to libpurple.
[thrasher.git] / perl / lib / Thrasher / Backend /
1 package Thrasher::Backend::DBI;
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
5 use base 'Thrasher::Backend';
7 use Carp qw(confess);
9 =pod
11 =head1 NAME
13 Thrasher::Backend::DBI - store the information about the transports
14 in an DBI-accessible database
18 Thrasher::Backend::DBI stores the transport's information in a
19 DBI-accessible database.
21 Because of the individual characteristics of databases, this can't
22 be guaranteed to work across all databases, especially when it
23 comes to creating the necessary databases and tables. However,
24 the requisite SQL for reading and writing is relatively simple,
25 so it shouldn't be too bad.
27 This provides full read and write capability for Thrasher.
29 The following tables are built and used:
31 =over 4
33 =item *
35 C<jid>: Maps a JID to a unique integer ID. (I don't like natural
36 keys, especially when they are nearly-arbitrarily-large strings.)
38 C<legacy>: Maps a legacy username to a unique ID. This is the
39 original name on the legacy service, not a translated name.
41 C<transport_name>: Maps a transport name to a simple numeric
42 unique ID. This allows these tables to be simultaneously used
43 by multiple Thrasher instances with otherwise-identical
44 connection information.
46 C<registration>: Stores the registration information for a given
47 JID. Because this can be more than just username and password
48 in theory, a numeric field is used for each row to indicate
49 which thing the row is. Username is defined as 1, Password
50 is defined as 2, and the rest up to 255 are available for
51 any protocol than needs it.
53 C<name_maps>: For each JID, stores the mapping of JID
54 to legacy service name, in accordance with the gateway
55 protocol.
57 C<avatars>: For a given JID/legacy account, stores the avatar
58 for that user, if any. Note that the avatar's size is only
59 guaranteed up to 64KB, which really ought to be enough...
61 C<roster>: For a given JID, stores which legacy users are
62 currently on the roster for that user, and the state of
63 that roster entry.
65 C<misc>: For a given JID, allows the final backup of a
66 string-based key/value storage. Hopefully this won't
67 be used, but just in case you need it, this will be here.
69 =back
71 Full definitions of the table can be seen in the source code.
73 Currently, only MySQL with InnoDB is supported, but other databases
74 should be easily added by adding an entry into the hash that
75 stores all the SQL for the database.
77 Joins are avoiding by caching active ID information in
78 Perl's process space, in the session object.
80 =cut
82 use Data::Dumper;
84 use Thrasher::Log qw(log debug);
86 # This currently does no in-memory caching, so it nails the database
87 # pretty hard in some cases. It is easily fixed, but we've left
88 # it out for debugging.
90 # It is checked that whatever database you have selected, that
91 # it has definitions for all the same SQL statements as the database
92 # below. This prevents us from adding SQL statements to MySQL,
93 # then having people run the new transport on some other database
94 # when they don't have SQL fragments for some operation.
95 my $privileged_database = 'mysql_innodb';
97 # Note that 3071 is the maximum length of a JID; each of the
98 # three components can be 1023 in size, + 2 chars for the separators.
99 # Therefore, don't use a char field that can only store 255 chars,
100 # despite the temptation.
102 # Database misc:
103 # * We turn off transactions if we can, because as it turns out
104 # with the exception of assigning IDs (which DBs typically do
105 # atomically anyhow), any given row will have only one single-
106 # threaded process accessing it at any given time, even if
107 # you are running multiple Thrasher Bird instances. Note the care taken
108 # at the few places they could overlap, the creation of a legacy
109 # id or jid row.
110 # * I don't like natural keys that take the form of potentially
111 # multi-kilobyte texts, and neither does the database that I use.
113 my $database_support =
115 mysql_innodb =>
117 # This should be a sequence of table creation calls that
118 # can be run harmlessly even if the tables exist, and
119 # which will create the tables in a fresh DB.
120 create_tables => <<CREATE_TABLES,
122 `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
123 `jid` text not null,
124 PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
128 `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
129 `legacy` varchar(255) not null,
130 KEY `legacy` (`legacy`),
131 PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
134 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `transport` (
135 `id` tinyint unsigned not null auto_increment,
136 `transport` varchar(255),
137 PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
140 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `registration` (
141 `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
142 `jid_id` bigint unsigned not null,
143 `transport_id` tinyint unsigned not null,
144 `key` tinyint not null,
145 `value` text not null,
146 PRIMARY KEY(`id`),
147 KEY `jid_id` (`jid_id`),
148 KEY `transport_id` (`transport_id`),
149 FOREIGN KEY (`jid_id`) REFERENCES `jid` (`id`),
150 FOREIGN KEY (`transport_id`) REFERENCES `transport` (`id`)
153 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `name_maps` (
154 `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
155 `jid_id` bigint unsigned not null,
156 `legacy_id` bigint unsigned not null,
157 `transport_id` tinyint unsigned not null,
158 `mapped_jid` varchar(255) not null,
159 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
160 KEY `jid_id` (`jid_id`),
161 KEY `legacy_id` (`legacy_id`),
162 KEY `transport_id` (`transport_id`),
163 KEY `mapped_jid` (`mapped_jid`),
164 FOREIGN KEY (`jid_id`) REFERENCES `jid` (`id`),
165 FOREIGN KEY (`legacy_id`) REFERENCES `legacy` (`id`),
166 FOREIGN KEY (`transport_id`) REFERENCES `transport` (`id`)
170 `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
171 `jid_id` bigint unsigned not null,
172 `transport_id` tinyint unsigned not null,
173 `legacy_id` bigint unsigned not null,
174 `avatar` text not null,
175 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
176 KEY `jid_id` (`jid_id`),
177 KEY `legacy_id` (`legacy_id`),
178 KEY `transport_id` (`transport_id`),
179 UNIQUE `avatar_key` (`jid_id`, `transport_id`, `legacy_id`),
180 FOREIGN KEY (`jid_id`) REFERENCES `jid` (`id`),
181 FOREIGN KEY (`legacy_id`) REFERENCES `legacy` (`id`),
182 FOREIGN KEY (`transport_id`) REFERENCES `transport` (`id`)
186 `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
187 `jid_id` bigint unsigned not null,
188 `legacy_id` bigint unsigned not null,
189 `transport_id` tinyint unsigned not null,
190 `state` tinyint unsigned not null,
191 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
192 KEY `jid_id` (`jid_id`),
193 KEY `legacy_id` (`legacy_id`),
194 KEY `transport_id` (`transport_id`),
195 UNIQUE `roster_key` (`jid_id`, `transport_id`, `legacy_id`),
196 FOREIGN KEY (`jid_id`) REFERENCES `jid` (`id`),
197 FOREIGN KEY (`legacy_id`) REFERENCES `legacy` (`id`),
198 FOREIGN KEY (`transport_id`) REFERENCES `transport` (`id`)
202 `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
203 `jid_id` bigint unsigned not null,
204 `transport_id` tinyint unsigned not null,
205 `key` varchar(255) not null,
206 `value` blob not null,
207 PRIMARY KEY(`id`),
208 KEY `jid_id` (`jid_id`),
209 KEY `transport_id` (`transport_id`),
210 UNIQUE `misc_key` (`jid_id`, `transport_id`, `key`),
211 FOREIGN KEY (`jid_id`) REFERENCES `jid` (`id`),
212 FOREIGN KEY (`transport_id`) REFERENCES `transport` (`id`)
216 # This is used by test scripts; it should return something,
217 # anything, if the ? table exists, and error or return
218 # nothing if it doesn't.
219 detect_table => 'SHOW CREATE TABLE ?',
221 # a fragment of what is returned when the database is not found
222 table_not_found_message => 'Unknown database',
224 empty_table => 'DELETE * FROM ?',
226 retrieve_transport_id =>
227 'SELECT id FROM transport WHERE transport = ?',
228 create_transport_id =>
229 'INSERT INTO transport (transport) VALUES (?)',
231 registration =>
232 ('SELECT `key`, `value` FROM registration WHERE '
233 .'transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ?'),
234 add_registration_value =>
235 ('REPLACE INTO registration '
236 .'(transport_id, jid_id, `key`, `value`) VALUES '
237 .'(? , ? , ? , ? )'),
238 clear_registration =>
239 ('DELETE FROM registration WHERE '
240 .'transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ?'),
242 jid_id =>
243 'SELECT id FROM jid WHERE jid = ?',
244 create_jid_id =>
245 'INSERT INTO jid (jid) VALUES (?)',
246 legacy_id =>
247 'SELECT id FROM legacy WHERE legacy = ?',
248 create_legacy_id =>
249 'INSERT INTO legacy (legacy) VALUES (?)',
251 retrieve_name_map =>
252 ('SELECT mapped_jid FROM name_maps WHERE '
253 .'transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ? AND '
254 .'legacy_id = ?'),
255 retrieve_jid_from_legacy =>
256 ('SELECT legacy.legacy FROM name_maps '
257 .'INNER JOIN legacy ON name_maps.legacy_id = '
258 .'WHERE transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ? AND '
259 .'mapped_jid = ?'),
260 store_username_mapping =>
261 ('INSERT INTO name_maps (transport_id, jid_id, '
262 .'legacy_id, mapped_jid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'),
264 set_avatar =>
265 ('REPLACE INTO avatars (transport_id, jid_id, '
266 .'legacy_id, avatar) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'),
267 get_avatar =>
268 ('SELECT avatar FROM avatars WHERE '
269 .'transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ? AND '
270 .'legacy_id = ?'),
271 delete_avatar =>
272 ('DELETE FROM avatars WHERE transport_id = ? '
273 .'AND jid_id = ? AND legacy_id = ?'),
274 all_avatars =>
275 ('SELECT legacy.legacy, avatars.avatar FROM '
276 .'avatars INNER JOIN legacy ON avatars.legacy_id = '
277 .' WHERE avatars.transport_id = ? '
278 .'AND avatars.jid_id = ?'),
280 get_roster =>
281 ('SELECT legacy.legacy AS legacy, roster.state AS state FROM '
282 .'roster INNER JOIN legacy ON roster.legacy_id = '
283 .' WHERE roster.transport_id = ? '
284 .'AND roster.jid_id = ?'),
285 set_roster_state =>
286 ('REPLACE INTO roster (transport_id, jid_id, '
287 .'legacy_id, state) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'),
288 remove_roster_state =>
289 ('DELETE FROM roster WHERE transport_id = ? '
290 .'AND jid_id = ? AND legacy_id = ?'),
291 get_roster_state =>
292 ('SELECT state FROM roster WHERE transport_id = ? '
293 .'AND jid_id = ? AND legacy_id = ?'),
294 clear_roster_for_jid =>
295 ('DELETE FROM roster WHERE transport_id = ? '
296 .'AND jid_id = ?'),
298 all_jids => 'SELECT DISTINCT jid.jid FROM registration INNER JOIN jid ON registration.jid_id = WHERE registration.transport_id = ?',
299 all_mappings =>
300 ('SELECT legacy.legacy AS legacy, name_maps.mapped_jid AS '
301 .'mapped_jid FROM name_maps '
302 .'INNER JOIN legacy ON name_maps.legacy_id = '
303 .'WHERE transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ?'),
304 all_misc =>
305 ('SELECT `key`, value FROM misc WHERE transport_id = ? '
306 .'AND jid_id = ?'),
307 set_misc =>
308 ('REPLACE INTO misc (transport_id, jid_id, `key`, value) '
309 .'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'),
310 get_misc =>
311 ('SELECT value FROM misc WHERE transport_id = ? '
312 .'AND jid_id = ? AND `key` = ?'),
314 unregister_roster =>
315 ('DELETE FROM roster WHERE transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ?'),
316 unregister_registration =>
317 ('DELETE FROM registration WHERE transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ?'),
318 unregister_namemaps =>
319 ('DELETE FROM name_maps WHERE transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ?'),
320 unregister_misc =>
321 ('DELETE FROM misc WHERE transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ?'),
322 unregister_avatars =>
323 ('DELETE FROM avatars WHERE transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ?'),
324 unregister_registration =>
325 ('DELETE FROM registration WHERE transport_id = ? AND jid_id = ?'),
327 # actually a sub to create the database
328 create_database => sub {
329 my $username = shift;
330 my $password = shift;
331 my $database_name = shift;
332 return system("mysql",
333 $username ? ("--user=$username") : (),
334 $password ? ("--password=$password") : (),
335 # so... don't name the database something
336 # stupid, OK? You SQL-inject yourself, it's
337 # your own fault
338 "-e", "CREATE DATABASE `$database_name`");
341 # EVIL, does exactly what it says on the tin
342 destroy_database => sub {
343 my $username = shift;
344 my $password = shift;
345 my $database_name = shift;
346 return system("mysql",
347 $username ? ("--user=$username") : (),
348 $password ? ("--password=$password") : (),
349 "-e", "DROP DATABASE `$database_name`");
352 turn_off_transactions => ''
356 our @tables = qw(jid legacy transport registration name_maps
357 avatars roster misc);
359 use DBI;
361 sub new {
362 my $class = shift;
363 my $parameters = shift;
365 my %clone = %$parameters;
367 if (ref($parameters) ne 'HASH') {
368 die "Thrasher::Backend::DBI requires parameters to set it up; "
369 ."see the documentation for it.";
372 bless \%clone, $class;
373 my $self = \%clone;
375 my @missing_params;
376 for my $param qw(dbi_data_source username password db_driver
377 database_name transport_name) {
378 if (!defined($self->{$param})) {
379 push @missing_params, $param;
383 if (@missing_params) {
384 die "Thrasher::Backend::DBI is missing the following "
385 ."parameter(s): " . join(", ", @missing_params)
386 .". Please provide them in $0 and restart.";
389 my $retry = 0;
390 my $dbh = $self->connect_to_db;
392 ### DEBUGING
393 #$self->clear_backend;
395 log("Connected to $self->{dbi_data_source}");
397 $self->{dbh} = $dbh;
399 $self->verify_tables;
401 $self->{id} = $self->get_transport_id;
403 return $self;
406 sub verify_tables {
407 my $self = shift;
408 my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
410 # Check all the tables
411 my $create_table = $self->sql('create_tables');
412 my @table_creates = split/\n\n/, $create_table;
413 for my $table_create (@table_creates) {
414 if (!defined($dbh->do($table_create))) {
415 die "SQL failure while creating table with statement: $table_create";
418 log("Database tables verified as existing.");
421 sub get_transport_id {
422 my $self = shift;
424 debug("Getting the transport id");
425 my $transport_id_sth = $self->call('retrieve_transport_id',
426 $self->{transport_name});
427 my ($transport_id) = $transport_id_sth->fetchrow_array;
428 debug("Got transport id: " . ($transport_id||''));
430 if (!defined($transport_id)) {
431 debug("Transport id was undefined, making new one.");
432 $self->call('create_transport_id', $self->{transport_name});
433 return $self->get_transport_id;
436 return $transport_id;
439 sub connect_to_db {
440 my $self = shift;
441 my $is_retry = shift;
443 log("Attempting to connect to $self->{dbi_data_source}");
444 my $dbh;
445 local $@;
446 eval {
447 $dbh = DBI->connect($self->{dbi_data_source},
448 $self->{username},
449 $self->{password},
450 {RaiseError => 1,
451 PrintError => 0});
453 if ($@) {
454 log("Failed to connect to database: $@");
455 # If it's because the DB didn't exist, try creating it and
456 # try again. Otherwise, time to bail.
457 my $not_found_message =
458 $self->sql('table_not_found_message');
459 if (!$is_retry && $@ =~ /$not_found_message/i) {
460 my $create_database = $self->sql('create_database');
461 log("Failed to locate $self->{dbi_data_source}, attempting to create.");
462 $create_database->($self->{username},
463 $self->{password},
464 $self->{database_name});
465 return $self->connect_to_db(1);
468 die "While Thrasher::Backend::DBI was trying to connect to the "
469 ."database, DBI gave the following error: $@";
471 return $dbh;
474 sub sql {
475 my $self = shift;
476 my $sql_frag = shift;
478 return $database_support->{$self->{db_driver}}->{$sql_frag};
481 sub call {
482 my $self = shift;
483 my $sql_fragment_name = shift;
484 my @args = @_;
486 my $sth = $self->{sths}->{$sql_fragment_name};
487 if (!$sth) {
488 my $sql = $self->sql($sql_fragment_name);
489 if (!$sql) {
490 die "In Thrasher::Backend::DBI, no sql fragment named "
491 ."'$sql_fragment_name' for $self->{db_driver}.";
493 $sth = $self->{sths}->{$sql_fragment_name} =
494 $self->{dbh}->prepare($sql);
497 #debug(sub {
498 # my $sql = $self->sql($sql_fragment_name);
499 # return "SQL: $sql, args: " . join(' ', @args);
500 #});
503 local $@;
504 eval {
505 $sth->execute(@args);
508 if ($@) {
509 if ($@ =~ /gone away/) {
510 log "MySQL server has gone away, attempting to reconnect";
511 delete $self->{sths};
512 $self->{dbh}->disconnect;
513 my $new_dbh;
514 $@ = '';
515 eval {
516 log("Connecting...");
517 $new_dbh = $self->connect_to_db;
518 log("Got past connection attempt");
520 if ($@ || !$new_dbh) {
521 log "Reconnection failed, terminating component: $@";
522 $self->{component}->terminate(no_db => 1);
523 return;
525 log("Reconnection seems to be a success...");
526 $self->{dbh} = $new_dbh;
527 # Success!
528 return $self->call($sql_fragment_name, @args);
532 return $sth;
535 sub jid_id {
536 my $self = shift;
537 my $jid = shift;
538 my $create = shift || 0;
540 #debug("JID id for $jid (force-create: $create)");
542 my $sth = $self->call('jid_id', $jid);
543 my ($jid_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
544 $sth->finish;
546 if (!defined($jid_id) && $create) {
547 #debug("JID not found, attempting to create");
548 $self->call('create_jid_id', $jid);
549 #debug("Recursively calling jid_id");
550 return $self->jid_id($jid);
553 #debug("returning " . ($jid_id||"no jid") . " for $jid");
554 return $jid_id;
557 sub legacy_id {
558 my $self = shift;
559 my $legacy = shift;
561 my $sth = $self->call('legacy_id', $legacy);
562 my ($legacy_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
563 $sth->finish;
565 if (!defined($legacy_id)) {
566 $self->call('create_legacy_id', $legacy);
567 return $self->legacy_id($legacy);
570 return $legacy_id;
573 my $db_to_field = {};
574 my $field_to_db = {};
576 sub register_protocol {
577 my $self = shift;
578 my $protocol = shift;
580 my @registration_items = $protocol->registration_items;
581 my $i = 1;
583 for my $item (@registration_items) {
584 $db_to_field->{$i} = $item;
585 $field_to_db->{$item} = $i;
586 $i++;
589 $self->{registration_defaults} = $protocol->registration_defaults;
592 sub registered {
593 my $self = shift;
594 my $jid = shift;
596 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($jid);
597 if (!defined($jid_id)) {
598 return undef;
601 my $sth = $self->call('registration', $self->{id},
602 $jid_id);
603 my $registration;
604 my @values;
606 while (@values = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
607 $registration->{
608 $db_to_field->{$values[0]} || $values[0]
609 } = $values[1];
612 $sth->finish;
614 return $registration;
617 sub register {
618 my $self = shift;
619 my $jid = shift;
620 my $registration = shift;
622 #debug("Attempting to register: $jid, " . Dumper($registration));
624 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($jid, 1);
625 $self->call('clear_registration', $self->{id},
626 $jid_id);
628 while (my ($key, $value) = each %$registration) {
629 my $db_key = $field_to_db->{$key};
630 if (!defined($db_key)) {
631 log("While trying to register $jid, tried "
632 ."to convert $key to a DB value but couldn't.");
633 next;
636 $self->call('add_registration_value', $self->{id},
637 $jid_id, $db_key, $value);
639 #debug("Successfully registered $jid: " . Dumper($registration));
640 return 1;
643 sub retrieve_legacy_name_to_jid {
644 my $self = shift;
645 my $user_jid = shift;
646 my $legacy_username = shift;
648 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($user_jid);
649 my $legacy_id = $self->legacy_id($legacy_username);
651 my ($legacy_jid) = $self->call('retrieve_name_map',
652 $self->{id}, $jid_id,
653 $legacy_id)->
654 fetchrow_array;
655 return $legacy_jid;
658 sub jid_to_legacy_name {
659 my $self = shift;
660 my $user_jid = shift;
661 my $target_jid = shift;
663 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($user_jid, 1);
665 my ($legacy_name) = $self->call('retrieve_jid_from_legacy',
666 $self->{id}, $jid_id,
667 $target_jid)->
668 fetchrow_array;
670 if (!$legacy_name) {
671 $legacy_name = $self->fake_up_a_legacy_name($user_jid, $target_jid);
673 return $legacy_name;
676 sub jid_has_legacy_name {
677 my $self = shift;
678 my $user_jid = shift;
679 my $target_jid = shift;
681 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($user_jid);
683 my ($legacy_name) = $self->call('retrieve_jid_from_legacy',
684 $self->{id}, $jid_id,
685 $target_jid)->
686 fetchrow_array;
688 return !!$legacy_name;
691 sub store_username_mapping {
692 my $self = shift;
693 my $user_jid = shift;
694 my $legacy_username = shift;
695 my $mapped_jid = shift;
697 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($user_jid, 1);
698 my $legacy_id = $self->legacy_id($legacy_username);
700 $self->call('store_username_mapping',
701 $self->{id}, $jid_id, $legacy_id,
702 $mapped_jid);
705 sub set_avatar {
706 my $self = shift;
707 my $user_jid = shift;
708 my $legacy_username = shift;
709 my $avatar_png_base_64 = shift;
711 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($user_jid);
712 my $legacy_id = $self->legacy_id($legacy_username);
714 if ($avatar_png_base_64) {
715 $self->call('set_avatar', $self->{id},
716 $jid_id, $legacy_id, $avatar_png_base_64);
717 } else {
718 $self->call('delete_avatar', $self->{id},
719 $jid_id, $legacy_id);
723 sub get_avatar {
724 my $self = shift;
725 my $user_jid = shift;
726 my $legacy_username = shift;
728 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($user_jid);
729 my $legacy_id = $self->legacy_id($legacy_username);
731 my ($avatar) = $self->call('get_avatar', $self->{id},
732 $jid_id, $legacy_id)->
733 fetchrow_array;
734 return $avatar;
737 sub get_roster {
738 my $self = shift;
739 my $user_jid = shift;
741 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($user_jid);
743 my $roster = {};
744 my $sth = $self->call('get_roster', $self->{id}, $jid_id);
746 while (my $roster_entry = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
747 $roster->{$roster_entry->{legacy}} = $roster_entry->{state};
750 return $roster;
753 sub set_roster {
754 my $self = shift;
755 my $user_jid = shift;
756 my $new_roster = shift;
758 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($user_jid);
759 $self->call('clear_roster_for_jid', $self->{id}, $jid_id);
761 while (my ($legacy_name, $sub_value) = each %$new_roster) {
762 $self->set_roster_user_state($user_jid, $legacy_name, $sub_value);
766 sub set_roster_user_state {
767 my $self = shift;
768 my $user_jid = shift;
769 my $legacy_username = shift;
770 my $state = shift;
772 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($user_jid);
773 my $legacy_id = $self->legacy_id($legacy_username);
775 if ($state == $self->unsubscribed) {
776 $self->call('remove_roster_state',
777 $self->{id}, $jid_id, $legacy_id);
778 } else {
779 $self->call('set_roster_state', $self->{id},
780 $jid_id, $legacy_id, $state);
784 sub get_roster_user_state {
785 my $self = shift;
786 my $user_jid = shift;
787 my $legacy_username = shift;
789 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($user_jid);
790 my $legacy_id = $self->legacy_id($legacy_username);
792 my $sth = $self->call('get_roster_state', $self->{id},
793 $jid_id, $legacy_id);
794 my ($state) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
795 $sth->finish();
796 $state ||= $self->unsubscribed;
797 return $state;
800 sub all_jids {
801 my $self = shift;
803 my $sql = $self->sql("all_jids");
804 my $jids = $self->{dbh}->selectcol_arrayref($sql, undef, $self->{id});
805 return $jids;
808 sub all_mappings {
809 my $self = shift;
810 my $jid = shift;
812 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($jid);
813 my $name_mappings = {};
815 my $sth = $self->call('all_mappings', $self->{id}, $jid_id);
816 while (my ($key, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
817 $name_mappings->{$key} = $value;
820 return $name_mappings;
823 sub all_misc {
824 my $self = shift;
825 my $jid = shift;
827 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($jid);
828 my $misc = {};
830 my $sth = $self->call('all_misc', $self->{id}, $jid_id);
831 while (my ($key, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
832 $misc->{$key} = $value;
835 return $misc;
838 sub all_avatars {
839 my $self = shift;
840 my $jid = shift;
842 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($jid);
843 my $avatars = {};
845 my $sth = $self->call('all_avatars', $self->{id}, $jid_id);
846 while (my ($legacy, $avatar) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
847 $avatars->{$legacy} = $avatar;
849 $sth->finish();
851 return $avatars;
854 sub set_misc {
855 my $self = shift;
856 my $jid = shift;
857 my $key = shift;
858 my $value = shift;
860 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($jid);
861 $self->call('set_misc', $self->{id}, $jid_id, $key, $value);
864 sub get_misc {
865 my $self = shift;
866 my $jid = shift;
867 my $key = shift;
869 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($jid);
870 my $sth = $self->call('get_misc', $self->{id}, $jid_id, $key);
871 my ($value) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
872 $sth->finish();
873 return $value;
876 sub clear_backend {
877 my $self = shift;
878 my $destroy_database = $self->sql('destroy_database');
879 $destroy_database->($self->{username},
880 $self->{password},
881 $self->{database_name});
882 log("Destroyed the $self->{database_name} database.");
883 $self->{dbh} = $self->connect_to_db;
884 $self->verify_tables;
887 sub remove {
888 my $self = shift;
889 my $jid = shift;
890 my $transport_id = $self->{id};
891 my $jid_id = $self->jid_id($jid);
893 log("Unregistering $jid all from $self->{transport_name}");
894 for my $unregistration_type qw(roster registration namemaps misc
895 avatars registration) {
896 $self->call("unregister_$unregistration_type",
897 $transport_id, $jid_id);