Merge branch 'master' of
[tues-crep.git] / codepress / engines / gecko.js
1 /*
2 * CodePress - Real Time Syntax Highlighting Editor written in JavaScript -
3 *
4 * Copyright (C) 2007 Fernando M.A.d.S. <>
6 * Developers:
7 * Fernando M.A.d.S. <>
8 * Michael Hurni <>
9 * Contributors:
10 * Martin D. Kirk
12 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
13 * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
15 * Read the full licence:
18 CodePress = {
19 scrolling : false,
20 autocomplete : true,
22 // set initial vars and start sh
23 initialize : function() {
24 if(typeof(editor)=='undefined' && !arguments[0]) return;
25 body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
26 body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g,"");
27 chars = '|32|46|62|8|'; // charcodes that trigger syntax highlighting
28 cc = '\u2009'; // carret char
29 editor = document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0];
30 document.designMode = 'on';
31 document.addEventListener('keypress', this.keyHandler, true);
32 window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { if(!CodePress.scrolling) CodePress.syntaxHighlight('scroll') }, false);
33 completeChars = this.getCompleteChars();
34 completeEndingChars = this.getCompleteEndingChars();
37 // treat key bindings
38 keyHandler : function(evt) {
39 keyCode = evt.keyCode;
40 charCode = evt.charCode;
41 fromChar = String.fromCharCode(charCode);
43 if((evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey) && evt.shiftKey && charCode!=90) { // shortcuts = ctrl||appleKey+shift+key!=z(undo)
44 CodePress.shortcuts(charCode?charCode:keyCode);
46 else if( (completeEndingChars.indexOf('|'+fromChar+'|')!= -1 || completeChars.indexOf('|'+fromChar+'|')!=-1) && CodePress.autocomplete) { // auto complete
47 if(!CodePress.completeEnding(fromChar))
48 CodePress.complete(fromChar);
50 else if(chars.indexOf('|'+charCode+'|')!=-1||keyCode==13) { // syntax highlighting
51 top.setTimeout(function(){CodePress.syntaxHighlight('generic');},100);
53 else if(keyCode==9 || evt.tabKey) { // snippets activation (tab)
54 CodePress.snippets(evt);
56 else if(keyCode==46||keyCode==8) { // save to history when delete or backspace pressed
57 CodePress.actions.history[] = editor.innerHTML;
59 else if((charCode==122||charCode==121||charCode==90) && evt.ctrlKey) { // undo and redo
60 (charCode==121||evt.shiftKey) ? CodePress.actions.redo() : CodePress.actions.undo();
61 evt.preventDefault();
63 else if(charCode==118 && evt.ctrlKey) { // handle paste
64 top.setTimeout(function(){CodePress.syntaxHighlight('generic');},100);
66 else if(charCode==99 && evt.ctrlKey) { // handle cut
67 //alert(window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).toString().replace(/\t/g,'FFF'));
72 // put cursor back to its original position after every parsing
73 findString : function() {
74 if(self.find(cc))
75 window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).deleteContents();
78 // split big files, highlighting parts of it
79 split : function(code,flag) {
80 if(flag=='scroll') {
81 this.scrolling = true;
82 return code;
84 else {
85 this.scrolling = false;
86 mid = code.indexOf(cc);
87 if(mid-2000<0) {ini=0;end=4000;}
88 else if(mid+2000>code.length) {ini=code.length-4000;end=code.length;}
89 else {ini=mid-2000;end=mid+2000;}
90 code = code.substring(ini,end);
91 return code;
95 getEditor : function() {
96 if(!document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0]) {
97 body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
98 if(!body.innerHTML) return body;
99 if(body.innerHTML=="<br>") body.innerHTML = "<pre> </pre>";
100 else body.innerHTML = "<pre>"+body.innerHTML+"</pre>";
102 return document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0];
105 // syntax highlighting parser
106 syntaxHighlight : function(flag) {
107 //if(document.designMode=='off') document.designMode='on'
108 if(flag != 'init') { window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).insertNode(document.createTextNode(cc));}
109 editor = CodePress.getEditor();
110 o = editor.innerHTML;
111 o = o.replace(/<br>/g,'\n');
112 o = o.replace(/<.*?>/g,'');
113 x = z = this.split(o,flag);
114 x = x.replace(/\n/g,'<br>');
116 if(arguments[1]&&arguments[2]) x = x.replace(arguments[1],arguments[2]);
118 for(i=0;i<Language.syntax.length;i++)
119 x = x.replace(Language.syntax[i].input,Language.syntax[i].output);
121 editor.innerHTML = this.actions.history[] = (flag=='scroll') ? x : o.split(z).join(x);
122 if(flag!='init') this.findString();
125 getLastWord : function() {
126 var rangeAndCaret = CodePress.getRangeAndCaret();
127 words = rangeAndCaret[0].substring(rangeAndCaret[1]-40,rangeAndCaret[1]);
128 words = words.replace(/[\s\n\r\);\W]/g,'\n').split('\n');
129 return words[words.length-1].replace(/[\W]/gi,'').toLowerCase();
132 snippets : function(evt) {
133 var snippets = Language.snippets;
134 var trigger = this.getLastWord();
135 for (var i=0; i<snippets.length; i++) {
136 if(snippets[i].input == trigger) {
137 var content = snippets[i].output.replace(/</g,'&lt;');
138 content = content.replace(/>/g,'&gt;');
139 if(content.indexOf('$0')<0) content += cc;
140 else content = content.replace(/\$0/,cc);
141 content = content.replace(/\n/g,'<br>');
142 var pattern = new RegExp(trigger+cc,'gi');
143 evt.preventDefault(); // prevent the tab key from being added
144 this.syntaxHighlight('snippets',pattern,content);
149 readOnly : function() {
150 document.designMode = (arguments[0]) ? 'off' : 'on';
153 complete : function(trigger) {
154 window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).deleteContents();
155 var complete = Language.complete;
156 for (var i=0; i<complete.length; i++) {
157 if(complete[i].input == trigger) {
158 var pattern = new RegExp('\\'+trigger+cc);
159 var content = complete[i].output.replace(/\$0/g,cc);
160 parent.setTimeout(function () { CodePress.syntaxHighlight('complete',pattern,content)},0); // wait for char to appear on screen
165 getCompleteChars : function() {
166 var cChars = '';
167 for(var i=0;i<Language.complete.length;i++)
168 cChars += '|'+Language.complete[i].input;
169 return cChars+'|';
172 getCompleteEndingChars : function() {
173 var cChars = '';
174 for(var i=0;i<Language.complete.length;i++)
175 cChars += '|'+Language.complete[i].output.charAt(Language.complete[i].output.length-1);
176 return cChars+'|';
179 completeEnding : function(trigger) {
180 var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
181 try {
182 range.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset+1)
184 catch(e) {
185 return false;
187 var next_character = range.toString()
188 range.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset-1)
189 if(next_character != trigger) return false;
190 else {
191 range.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset+1)
192 range.deleteContents();
193 return true;
197 shortcuts : function() {
198 var cCode = arguments[0];
199 if(cCode==13) cCode = '[enter]';
200 else if(cCode==32) cCode = '[space]';
201 else cCode = '['+String.fromCharCode(charCode).toLowerCase()+']';
202 for(var i=0;i<Language.shortcuts.length;i++)
203 if(Language.shortcuts[i].input == cCode)
204 this.insertCode(Language.shortcuts[i].output,false);
207 getRangeAndCaret : function() {
208 var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
209 var range2 = range.cloneRange();
210 var node = range.endContainer;
211 var caret = range.endOffset;
212 range2.selectNode(node);
213 return [range2.toString(),caret];
216 insertCode : function(code,replaceCursorBefore) {
217 var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
218 var node = window.document.createTextNode(code);
219 var selct = window.getSelection();
220 var range2 = range.cloneRange();
221 // Insert text at cursor position
222 selct.removeAllRanges();
223 range.deleteContents();
224 range.insertNode(node);
225 // Move the cursor to the end of text
226 range2.selectNode(node);
227 range2.collapse(replaceCursorBefore);
228 selct.removeAllRanges();
229 selct.addRange(range2);
232 // get code from editor
233 getCode : function() {
234 if(!document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0] || editor.innerHTML == '')
235 editor = CodePress.getEditor();
236 var code = editor.innerHTML;
237 code = code.replace(/<br>/g,'\n');
238 code = code.replace(/\u2009/g,'');
239 code = code.replace(/<.*?>/g,'');
240 code = code.replace(/&lt;/g,'<');
241 code = code.replace(/&gt;/g,'>');
242 code = code.replace(/&amp;/gi,'&');
243 return code;
246 // put code inside editor
247 setCode : function() {
248 var code = arguments[0];
249 code = code.replace(/\u2009/gi,'');
250 code = code.replace(/&/gi,'&amp;');
251 code = code.replace(/</g,'&lt;');
252 code = code.replace(/>/g,'&gt;');
253 editor.innerHTML = code;
254 if (code == '')
255 document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML = '';
258 // undo and redo methods
259 actions : {
260 pos : -1, // actual history position
261 history : [], // history vector
263 undo : function() {
264 editor = CodePress.getEditor();
265 if(editor.innerHTML.indexOf(cc)==-1){
266 if(editor.innerHTML != " ")
267 window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).insertNode(document.createTextNode(cc));
268 this.history[this.pos] = editor.innerHTML;
270 this.pos --;
271 if(typeof(this.history[this.pos])=='undefined') this.pos ++;
272 editor.innerHTML = this.history[this.pos];
273 if(editor.innerHTML.indexOf(cc)>-1) editor.innerHTML+=cc;
274 CodePress.findString();
277 redo : function() {
278 // editor = CodePress.getEditor();
279 this.pos++;
280 if(typeof(this.history[this.pos])=='undefined') this.pos--;
281 editor.innerHTML = this.history[this.pos];
282 CodePress.findString();
285 next : function() { // get next vector position and clean old ones
286 if(this.pos>20) this.history[this.pos-21] = undefined;
287 return ++this.pos;
292 Language={};
293 window.addEventListener('load', function() { CodePress.initialize('new'); }, true);