8322 nl: misleading-indentation
[unleashed/tickless.git] / usr / src / tools / scripts / git-pbchk.py
1 #!@PYTHON@
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation.
7 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 # GNU General Public License for more details.
12 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
14 # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 # Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
19 # Copyright 2008, 2012 Richard Lowe
20 # Copyright 2014 Garrett D'Amore <garrett@damore.org>
21 # Copyright (c) 2014, Joyent, Inc.
22 # Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
25 import getopt
26 import os
27 import re
28 import subprocess
29 import sys
30 import tempfile
32 from cStringIO import StringIO
35 # Adjust the load path based on our location and the version of python into
36 # which it is being loaded. This assumes the normal onbld directory
37 # structure, where we are in bin/ and the modules are in
38 # lib/python(version)?/onbld/Scm/. If that changes so too must this.
40 sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "lib",
41 "python%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2]))
44 # Add the relative path to usr/src/tools to the load path, such that when run
45 # from the source tree we use the modules also within the source tree.
47 sys.path.insert(2, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
49 from onbld.Scm import Ignore
50 from onbld.Checks import Comments, Copyright, CStyle, HdrChk
51 from onbld.Checks import JStyle, Keywords, ManLint, Mapfile, SpellCheck
54 class GitError(Exception):
55 pass
57 def git(command):
58 """Run a command and return a stream containing its stdout (and write its
59 stderr to its stdout)"""
61 if type(command) != list:
62 command = command.split()
64 command = ["git"] + command
66 try:
67 tmpfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix="git-nits")
68 except EnvironmentError, e:
69 raise GitError("Could not create temporary file: %s\n" % e)
71 try:
72 p = subprocess.Popen(command,
73 stdout=tmpfile,
74 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
75 except OSError, e:
76 raise GitError("could not execute %s: %s\n" % (command, e))
78 err = p.wait()
79 if err != 0:
80 raise GitError(p.stderr.read())
82 tmpfile.seek(0)
83 return tmpfile
86 def git_root():
87 """Return the root of the current git workspace"""
89 p = git('rev-parse --git-dir')
91 if not p:
92 sys.stderr.write("Failed finding git workspace\n")
93 sys.exit(err)
95 return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p.readlines()[0],
96 os.path.pardir))
99 def git_branch():
100 """Return the current git branch"""
102 p = git('branch')
104 if not p:
105 sys.stderr.write("Failed finding git branch\n")
106 sys.exit(err)
108 for elt in p:
109 if elt[0] == '*':
110 if elt.endswith('(no branch)'):
111 return None
112 return elt.split()[1]
115 def git_parent_branch(branch):
116 """Return the parent of the current git branch.
118 If this branch tracks a remote branch, return the remote branch which is
119 tracked. If not, default to origin/master."""
121 if not branch:
122 return None
124 p = git("for-each-ref --format=%(refname:short) %(upstream:short) " +
125 "refs/heads/")
127 if not p:
128 sys.stderr.write("Failed finding git parent branch\n")
129 sys.exit(err)
131 for line in p:
132 # Git 1.7 will leave a ' ' trailing any non-tracking branch
133 if ' ' in line and not line.endswith(' \n'):
134 local, remote = line.split()
135 if local == branch:
136 return remote
137 return 'origin/master'
140 def git_comments(parent):
141 """Return a list of any checkin comments on this git branch"""
143 p = git('log --pretty=tformat:%%B:SEP: %s..' % parent)
145 if not p:
146 sys.stderr.write("Failed getting git comments\n")
147 sys.exit(err)
149 return [x.strip() for x in p.readlines() if x != ':SEP:\n']
152 def git_file_list(parent, paths=None):
153 """Return the set of files which have ever changed on this branch.
155 NB: This includes files which no longer exist, or no longer actually
156 differ."""
158 p = git("log --name-only --pretty=format: %s.. %s" %
159 (parent, ' '.join(paths)))
161 if not p:
162 sys.stderr.write("Failed building file-list from git\n")
163 sys.exit(err)
165 ret = set()
166 for fname in p:
167 if fname and not fname.isspace() and fname not in ret:
168 ret.add(fname.strip())
170 return ret
173 def not_check(root, cmd):
174 """Return a function which returns True if a file given as an argument
175 should be excluded from the check named by 'cmd'"""
177 ignorefiles = filter(os.path.exists,
178 [os.path.join(root, ".git", "%s.NOT" % cmd),
179 os.path.join(root, "exception_lists", cmd)])
180 return Ignore.ignore(root, ignorefiles)
183 def gen_files(root, parent, paths, exclude):
184 """Return a function producing file names, relative to the current
185 directory, of any file changed on this branch (limited to 'paths' if
186 requested), and excluding files for which exclude returns a true value """
188 # Taken entirely from Python 2.6's os.path.relpath which we would use if we
189 # could.
190 def relpath(path, here):
191 c = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, path)).split(os.path.sep)
192 s = os.path.abspath(here).split(os.path.sep)
193 l = len(os.path.commonprefix((s, c)))
194 return os.path.join(*[os.path.pardir] * (len(s)-l) + c[l:])
196 def ret(select=None):
197 if not select:
198 select = lambda x: True
200 for f in git_file_list(parent, paths):
201 f = relpath(f, '.')
202 try:
203 res = git("diff %s HEAD %s" % (parent, f))
204 except GitError, e:
205 # This ignores all the errors that can be thrown. Usually, this means
206 # that git returned non-zero because the file doesn't exist, but it
207 # could also fail if git can't create a new file or it can't be
208 # executed. Such errors are 1) unlikely, and 2) will be caught by other
209 # invocations of git().
210 continue
211 empty = not res.readline()
212 if (os.path.isfile(f) and not empty and select(f) and not exclude(f)):
213 yield f
214 return ret
217 def comchk(root, parent, flist, output):
218 output.write("Comments:\n")
220 return Comments.comchk(git_comments(parent), check_db=True,
221 output=output)
224 def mapfilechk(root, parent, flist, output):
225 ret = 0
227 # We are interested in examining any file that has the following
228 # in its final path segment:
229 # - Contains the word 'mapfile'
230 # - Begins with 'map.'
231 # - Ends with '.map'
232 # We don't want to match unless these things occur in final path segment
233 # because directory names with these strings don't indicate a mapfile.
234 # We also ignore files with suffixes that tell us that the files
235 # are not mapfiles.
236 MapfileRE = re.compile(r'.*((mapfile[^/]*)|(/map\.+[^/]*)|(\.map))$',
238 NotMapSuffixRE = re.compile(r'.*\.[ch]$', re.IGNORECASE)
240 output.write("Mapfile comments:\n")
242 for f in flist(lambda x: MapfileRE.match(x) and not
243 NotMapSuffixRE.match(x)):
244 fh = open(f, 'r')
245 ret |= Mapfile.mapfilechk(fh, output=output)
246 fh.close()
247 return ret
250 def copyright(root, parent, flist, output):
251 ret = 0
252 output.write("Copyrights:\n")
253 for f in flist():
254 fh = open(f, 'r')
255 ret |= Copyright.copyright(fh, output=output)
256 fh.close()
257 return ret
260 def hdrchk(root, parent, flist, output):
261 ret = 0
262 output.write("Header format:\n")
263 for f in flist(lambda x: x.endswith('.h')):
264 fh = open(f, 'r')
265 ret |= HdrChk.hdrchk(fh, lenient=True, output=output)
266 fh.close()
267 return ret
270 def cstyle(root, parent, flist, output):
271 ret = 0
272 output.write("C style:\n")
273 for f in flist(lambda x: x.endswith('.c') or x.endswith('.h')):
274 fh = open(f, 'r')
275 ret |= CStyle.cstyle(fh, output=output, picky=True,
276 check_posix_types=True,
277 check_continuation=True)
278 fh.close()
279 return ret
282 def jstyle(root, parent, flist, output):
283 ret = 0
284 output.write("Java style:\n")
285 for f in flist(lambda x: x.endswith('.java')):
286 fh = open(f, 'r')
287 ret |= JStyle.jstyle(fh, output=output, picky=True)
288 fh.close()
289 return ret
292 def manlint(root, parent, flist, output):
293 ret = 0
294 output.write("Man page format/spelling:\n")
295 ManfileRE = re.compile(r'.*\.[0-9][a-z]*$', re.IGNORECASE)
296 for f in flist(lambda x: ManfileRE.match(x)):
297 fh = open(f, 'r')
298 ret |= ManLint.manlint(fh, output=output, picky=True)
299 ret |= SpellCheck.spellcheck(fh, output=output)
300 fh.close()
301 return ret
303 def keywords(root, parent, flist, output):
304 ret = 0
305 output.write("SCCS Keywords:\n")
306 for f in flist():
307 fh = open(f, 'r')
308 ret |= Keywords.keywords(fh, output=output)
309 fh.close()
310 return ret
313 def run_checks(root, parent, cmds, paths='', opts={}):
314 """Run the checks given in 'cmds', expected to have well-known signatures,
315 and report results for any which fail.
317 Return failure if any of them did.
319 NB: the function name of the commands passed in is used to name the NOT
320 file which excepts files from them."""
322 ret = 0
324 for cmd in cmds:
325 s = StringIO()
327 exclude = not_check(root, cmd.func_name)
328 result = cmd(root, parent, gen_files(root, parent, paths, exclude),
329 output=s)
330 ret |= result
332 if result != 0:
333 print s.getvalue()
335 return ret
338 def nits(root, parent, paths):
339 cmds = [copyright,
340 cstyle,
341 hdrchk,
342 jstyle,
343 keywords,
344 manlint,
345 mapfilechk]
346 run_checks(root, parent, cmds, paths)
349 def pbchk(root, parent, paths):
350 cmds = [comchk,
351 copyright,
352 cstyle,
353 hdrchk,
354 jstyle,
355 keywords,
356 manlint,
357 mapfilechk]
358 run_checks(root, parent, cmds)
361 def main(cmd, args):
362 parent_branch = None
364 try:
365 opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'b:')
366 except getopt.GetoptError, e:
367 sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n')
368 sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s [-b branch] [path...]\n" % cmd)
369 sys.exit(1)
371 for opt, arg in opts:
372 if opt == '-b':
373 parent_branch = arg
375 if not parent_branch:
376 parent_branch = git_parent_branch(git_branch())
378 func = nits
379 if cmd == 'git-pbchk':
380 func = pbchk
381 if args:
382 sys.stderr.write("only complete workspaces may be pbchk'd\n");
383 sys.exit(1)
385 func(git_root(), parent_branch, args)
387 if __name__ == '__main__':
388 try:
389 main(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), sys.argv[1:])
390 except GitError, e:
391 sys.stderr.write("failed to run git:\n %s\n" % str(e))
392 sys.exit(1)