added deprecation note, and link to Uroborus
[urforth.git] / level0 / urforth0_w_stack.asm
1 ;; Native x86 GNU/Linux Forth System, Direct Threaded Code
2 ;;
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2020 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
4 ;;
5 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 ;; the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
8 ;;
9 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
14 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 ;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
18 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
19 urword_code "SP@",spget
20 push TOS
21 mov TOS,esp
22 urnext
23 urword_end
25 urword_code "RP@",rpget
26 push TOS
27 mov TOS,ERP
28 urnext
29 urword_end
31 urword_code "SP!",spset
32 mov esp,TOS
33 pop TOS
34 urnext
35 urword_end
37 urword_code "RP!",rpset
38 mov ERP,TOS
39 pop TOS
40 urnext
41 urword_end
43 urword_code "SP0!",spset0
44 mov esp,[fvar_sp0_data]
45 xor TOS,TOS
46 urnext
47 urword_end
49 urword_code "RP0!",rpset0
50 mov ERP,[fvar_rp0_data]
51 urnext
52 urword_end
54 urword_code "(SP-CHECK)",par_spcheck
55 mov eax,esp
56 cmp eax,[fvar_sp0_data]
57 jr na,.ok
58 mov esp,[fvar_sp0_data]
59 xor TOS,TOS
60 push TOS
61 urnext
62 .ok:
63 push TOS
64 mov TOS,1
65 urnext
66 urword_end
69 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
70 urword_code "RDUP",rdup
71 rpeek eax
72 rpush eax
73 urnext
74 urword_end
76 urword_code "RDROP",rdrop
77 rdrop
78 urnext
79 urword_end
81 urword_code ">R",rpush
82 rpush TOS
83 pop TOS
84 urnext
85 urword_end
87 urword_code "R>",rpop
88 push TOS
89 rpop TOS
90 urnext
91 urword_end
93 urword_code "R@",rpeek
94 push TOS
95 rpeek TOS
96 urnext
97 urword_end
100 urword_code "2RDROP",2rdrop
101 add ERP,4*2
102 urnext
103 urword_end
105 urword_code "2>R",2rpush
106 ;; ( n0 n1 -- || -- n0 n1 )
107 pop eax ; n0
108 rpush eax
109 rpush TOS
110 pop TOS
111 urnext
112 urword_end
114 urword_code "2R>",2rpop
115 ;; ( -- n0 n1 || n0 n1 -- )
116 push TOS
117 rpop TOS
118 rpop eax
119 push eax
120 urnext
121 urword_end
123 urword_code "2R@",2rpeek
124 ;; ( -- n0 n1 || n0 n1 )
125 push TOS
126 push dword [ERP+4]
127 mov TOS,dword [ERP]
128 urnext
129 urword_end
132 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
133 urword_code "DUP",dup
134 push TOS
135 urnext
136 urword_end
138 urword_code "2DUP",2dup
139 ;; ( n0 n1 -- n0 n1 n0 n1 )
140 mov eax,[esp]
141 ; TOS: n1
142 ; EAX: n0
143 push TOS
144 push eax
145 urnext
146 urword_end
148 urword_code "?DUP",qdup
149 or TOS,TOS
150 jz @f
151 push TOS
153 urnext
154 urword_end
156 ;; drop if zero
157 urword_code "?DROP",qdrop
158 or TOS,TOS
159 jr nz,@f
160 pop TOS
162 urnext
163 urword_end
165 urword_code "DROP",drop
166 pop TOS
167 urnext
168 urword_end
170 urword_code "2DROP",2drop
171 pop TOS
172 pop TOS
173 urnext
174 urword_end
176 urword_code "SWAP",swap
177 xchg [esp],TOS
178 urnext
179 urword_end
181 urword_code "2SWAP",2swap
182 ;; ( n0 n1 n2 n3 -- n2 n3 n0 n1 )
183 ; TOS=n3
184 pop eax ; EAX=n2
185 pop FREEREG ; FRG=n1
186 xchg [esp],eax ; EAX=n0
187 push TOS
188 push eax
190 urnext
191 urword_end
193 urword_code "OVER",over
194 push TOS
195 mov TOS,[esp+4]
196 urnext
197 urword_end
199 urword_code "2OVER",2over
200 ;; ( n0 n1 n2 n3 -- n0 n1 n2 n3 n0 n1 )
201 ; TOS=n3
202 push TOS
203 mov eax,[esp+12]
204 mov TOS,[esp+8]
205 push eax
206 urnext
207 urword_end
209 urword_code "ROT",rot
210 pop FREEREG
211 pop eax
212 push FREEREG
213 push TOS
214 mov TOS,eax
215 urnext
216 urword_end
218 urword_code "NROT",nrot
219 pop FREEREG
220 pop eax
221 push TOS
222 push eax
224 urnext
225 urword_end
227 urword_alias "-ROT",nrot_alias,nrot
230 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
231 ;; SWAP DROP
232 urword_code "NIP",nip
233 ;; ( n1 n2 -- n2 )
234 pop eax
235 urnext
236 urword_end
238 ;; SWAP OVER
239 urword_code "TUCK",tuck
240 ;; ( n1 n2 -- n2 n1 n2 )
241 pop eax
242 push TOS
243 push eax
244 urnext
245 urword_end
248 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
249 urword_code "DEPTH",depth
250 ;; ( -- stack-depth-before-this-call )
251 push TOS
252 ld TOS,[fvar_sp0_data]
253 sub TOS,esp
254 sar TOS,2
255 dec TOS
256 urnext
257 urword_end
259 urword_code "RDEPTH",rdepth
260 ;; ( -- rstack-depth-before-this-call )
261 push TOS
262 ld TOS,[fvar_rp0_data]
263 sub TOS,ebp
264 sar TOS,2
265 urnext
266 urword_end
269 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
270 urword_code "PICK",pick
271 ;; ( ... idx -- ... n[top-idx-1] )
272 ;; remove idx, copy item; 0 PICK is the same as DUP
273 ld TOS,[esp+TOS*4]
274 urnext
275 urword_end
277 urword_code "ROLL",roll
278 ;; ( ... idx -- ... n[top-idx-1] )
279 ;; remove idx, move item; 0 ROLL is the same as NOOP
280 jecxz .quit
281 ld FREEREG,esi
282 ld eax,[esp+TOS*4]
283 lea esi,[esp+TOS*4]
284 ld edi,esi
285 sub esi,4
287 rep movsd
289 ld esi,FREEREG
290 ld [esp],eax
291 .quit:
292 pop TOS
293 urnext
294 urword_end
297 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
298 urword_code "RPICK",rpick
299 ;; ( ... idx -- ... n[top-idx-1] )
300 ;; remove idx, copy item from return stack; 0 RPICK is the same as R@
301 ld TOS,[ebp+TOS*4]
302 urnext
303 urword_end