scan of worm works now
[woropt.git] / vol / draw.lisp
1 (in-package :vol)
3 ;; A circular window in the center of the BFP with radius Rap gives
4 ;; rise to rays up to the angle beta into sample space. The radius of
5 ;; the focal sphere is n*f. Therefore one can write
6 ;; sin(beta)=Rap/(n*f). Changing illumination direction of the grating
7 ;; will shear the intensity image. In order to generate an image of
8 ;; limited coherence one has to convolve each plane with a disk. The
9 ;; radius of the disk is: Rd(z)=z*sin(beta) with defocus z.
10 ;; Eliminate sin(beta):
11 ;; Rd(z)=abs(z*Rap/(n*f))
12 ;; for a 63x objective we get f=2.61, with n=1.515
14 (def-generator (draw-disk (type))
15 `(defun ,name (radius y x)
16 (declare (single-float radius)
17 (fixnum y x)
18 (values (simple-array ,long-type 2) &optional))
19 (let ((result (make-array (list y x) :element-type ',long-type))
20 (xh (floor x 2))
21 (yh (floor y 2))
22 (r2 (* radius radius)))
23 (do-region ((j i) (y x))
24 (let* ((ii (- i xh))
25 (jj (- j yh))
26 (rr2 (+ (* ii ii) (* jj jj))))
27 (when (< rr2 r2)
28 (setf (aref result j i) (* ,(case type
29 (ub8 255)
30 (otherwise (coerce 1 long-type))))))))
31 result)))
33 #+nil
34 (def-draw-disk-type ub8)
36 (defmacro def-draw-disk-functions (types)
37 (let* ((specifics nil)
38 (name (format-symbol "draw-disk")))
39 (loop for type in types do
40 (let ((def-name (format-symbol "def-~a-type" name)))
41 (push `(,def-name ,type) specifics)))
42 `(progn ,@specifics)))
44 (def-draw-disk-functions (ub8 sf df csf cdf))
46 #+nil
47 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/disk.pgm"
48 (draw-disk-ub8 33.0 100 100))
50 #+nil
51 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/disk.pgm"
52 (normalize2-cdf/ub8-realpart
53 (fftshift2 (convolve2-circ
54 (draw-disk 12d0 100 200)
55 (draw-disk 12d0 100 200)))))
57 (sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("j1" bessel-j1-df)
58 sb-alien:double
59 (arg sb-alien:double))
61 (sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("j1f" bessel-j1-sf)
62 sb-alien:float
63 (arg sb-alien:float))
65 ;;
66 (def-generator (draw-uniform-disk-precise (type))
67 (let* ((rtype (ecase type
68 (csf 'sf)
69 (cdf 'df)))
70 (rlong-type (get-long-type rtype)))
71 `(defun ,name (radius y x)
72 (declare (single-float radius)
73 (fixnum y x)
74 (values (simple-array ,long-type 2) &optional))
75 (let ((a (make-array (list y x)
76 :element-type ',long-type))
77 (xh (floor x 2))
78 (yh (floor y 2))
79 (one ,(coerce 1 rlong-type))
80 (tiny ,(coerce 1e-12 rlong-type)))
81 (do-region ((j i) (y x))
82 (let* ((xx (/ (* one (- i xh)) x))
83 (yy (/ (* one (- j yh)) y))
84 (f (sqrt (+ (* xx xx) (* yy yy)))))
85 (setf (aref a j i) (if (< f tiny)
86 (complex (* ,(coerce pi rlong-type) radius))
87 (complex (/ (,(ecase type
88 (csf `bessel-j1-sf)
89 (cdf `bessel-j1-df))
90 (* ,(coerce (* 2 pi) rlong-type)
91 f radius))
92 f))))))
93 (fftshift (ift (fftshift a)))))))
95 (def-draw-uniform-disk-precise-type csf)
96 (def-draw-uniform-disk-precise-type cdf)
98 (def-generator (draw-unit-energy-disk-precise (type))
99 `(defun ,name (radius y x)
100 (declare (single-float radius)
101 (fixnum y x)
102 (values (simple-array ,long-type 2) &optional))
103 (let* ((disk (,(format-symbol "draw-uniform-disk-precise-~a" type)
104 radius y x))
105 (sum (reduce #'+ (sb-ext:array-storage-vector disk))))
106 (s* (/ (realpart sum)) disk))))
108 (def-draw-unit-energy-disk-precise-type csf)
109 (def-draw-unit-energy-disk-precise-type cdf)
111 #+NIL
112 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/disk.pgm"
113 (normalize-2-csf/ub8-realpart
114 (draw-unit-energy-disk-precise-csf 12.3 300 300)))
116 (defun square-sf (x)
117 (declare (single-float x)
118 (values single-float &optional))
119 (* x x))
121 (def-generator (draw-sphere (type))
122 `(defun ,name (radius z y x)
123 (declare (single-float radius)
124 (fixnum z y x)
125 (values (simple-array ,long-type 3)
126 &optional))
127 (let ((sphere (make-array (list z y x)
128 :element-type ',long-type)))
129 (let ((xh (floor x 2))
130 (yh (floor y 2))
131 (zh (floor z 2))
132 (radius2 (* radius radius)))
133 (do-region ((k j i) (z y x))
134 (let ((r2 (+ (square-sf (* 1s0 (- i xh)))
135 (square-sf (* 1s0 (- j yh)))
136 (square-sf (* 1s0 (- k zh))))))
137 (setf (aref sphere k j i)
138 (if (< r2 radius2)
139 ,(coerce 1 long-type)
140 ,(coerce 0 long-type))))))
141 sphere)))
143 (defmacro def-draw-sphere-functions (types)
144 `(progn ,@(loop for type in types collect
145 `(def-draw-sphere-type ,type))))
147 (def-draw-sphere-functions (ub8 sf df csf cdf))
149 #+nil
150 (count-non-zero-ub8 (draw-sphere-ub8 1.0 41 58 70))
151 #+nil
152 (let ((a (draw-sphere-ub8 1.0
153 4 4 4
154 ;;3 3 3
155 ;;41 58 70
157 (res ()))
158 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
159 (array-dimensions a)
160 (do-region ((k j i) (z y x))
161 (when (eq 1 (aref a k j i))
162 (setf res (list k j i))))
163 res))
165 (def-generator (draw-oval (type))
166 `(defun ,name (radius z y x)
167 (declare (single-float radius) (fixnum z y x)
168 (values (simple-array ,long-type 3) &optional))
169 (let ((sphere (make-array (list z y x) :element-type ',long-type))
170 (scale-z 5.0))
171 (do-region ((k j i) (z y x))
172 (let ((r (sqrt (+ (square-sf (- i (* .5 x)))
173 (square-sf (- j (* .5 y)))
174 (square-sf (* scale-z (- k (* .5 z))))))))
175 (setf (aref sphere k j i)
176 (if (< r radius)
177 ,(coerce 1 long-type)
178 ,(coerce 0 long-type)))))
179 sphere)))
181 (defmacro def-draw-oval-functions (types)
182 `(progn ,@(loop for type in types collect
183 `(def-draw-oval-type ,type))))
185 (def-draw-oval-functions (ub8 sf df csf cdf))