[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / femwind / fortran / f_assembly_test.f90
1 program f_assembly_test
3 use module_f_assembly
4 use module_utils
6 implicit none
8 real, pointer:: F(:,:,:),Xmat(:,:,:),Ymat(:,:,:),Zmat(:,:,:), &
9 Xu0mat(:,:,:), Yu0mat(:,:,:), Zu0mat(:,:,:) ! fortran is not case sensitive
11 integer :: F_dim, x_dim(3),u_dim(3), &
12 ifds, ifde, kfds, kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire domain bounds
13 ifms, ifme, kfms, kfme, jfms, jfme, & ! fire memory bounds
14 ifps, ifpe, kfps, kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
15 ifts, ifte, kfts, kfte, jfts, jfte ! fire tile bounds
17 real, pointer:: A(:,:,:), X(:,:,:),Y(:,:,:),Z(:,:,:), &
18 Xu0(:,:,:), Yu0(:,:,:), Zu0(:,:,:), &
19 Fm(:,:,:) ! fortran is not case sensitive
20 integer:: i, j, k
21 integer:: fsize(3)
23 call read_array(A,'A')
24 call read_array(X,'X')
25 call read_array(Y,'Y')
26 call read_array(Z,'Z')
27 call read_array(Xu0, 'Xu0')
28 call read_array(Yu0, 'Yu0')
29 call read_array(Zu0, 'Zu0')
31 x_dim = shape(X)
32 u_dim = shape(Xu0)
34 ifts = 1
35 ifte = x_dim(1)-1
36 jfts = 1
37 jfte = x_dim(3)-1
38 kfts = 1
39 kfte = x_dim(2)-1
40 ifms = ifts-1
41 ifme = ifte+2
42 jfms = jfts-1
43 jfme = jfte+2
44 kfms = kfts-1
45 kfme = kfte+2
46 ifds = ifts
47 ifde = ifte
48 jfds = jfts
49 jfde = jfte
50 kfds = kfts
51 kfde = kfte
54 allocate(Xmat(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
55 allocate(Ymat(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
56 allocate(Zmat(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
57 allocate(Xu0mat(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
58 allocate(Yu0mat(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
59 allocate(Zu0mat(ifms:ifme,kfms:kfme,jfms:jfme))
61 ! copy the input data to tile sized bounds
62 ! X Y Z are corner based, upper bound larger by one
63 do j=jfts,jfte+1
64 do k=kfts,kfte+1
65 do i=ifts,ifte+1
66 Xmat(i,k,j) = X(i,k,j)
67 Ymat(i,k,j) = Y(i,k,j)
68 Zmat(i,k,j) = Z(i,k,j)
69 enddo
70 enddo
71 enddo
73 ! u is midpoint based
74 do j=jfts,jfte
75 do k=kfts,kfte
76 do i=ifts,ifte
77 Xu0mat(i,k,j) = Xu0(i,k,j)
78 Yu0mat(i,k,j) = Yu0(i,k,j)
79 Zu0mat(i,k,j) = Zu0(i,k,j)
80 enddo
81 enddo
82 enddo
87 F_dim = x_dim(1)*x_dim(2)*x_dim(3)
88 allocate(F(ifms:ifme, kfms:kfme, jfms:jfme))
89 F = 0.
91 write(*,'(a)')'calling ndt_f_assembly'
92 call f_assembly( &
93 ifds, ifde, kfds, kfde, jfds, jfde, & ! fire domain bounds
94 ifms, ifme, kfms, kfme, jfms, jfme, & ! fire memory bounds
95 ifps, ifpe, kfps, kfpe, jfps, jfpe, & ! fire patch bounds
96 ifts, ifte, kfts, kfte, jfts,jfte, & ! fire tile bounds
97 A, Xmat , Ymat, Zmat, Xu0mat, Yu0mat, Zu0mat, &
100 ! write output as is in 3D but with tight dimensions
101 call write_array(F(ifts:ifte+1,kfts:kfte+1,jfts:jfte+1),'F')
103 end program f_assembly_test