[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / femwind / fortran / module_utils.f90
1 module module_utils
3 contains
5 ! function to go beyond domain boundary if tile is next to it
6 integer function snode(t,d,i)
7 implicit none
8 integer, intent(in)::t,d,i
9 if(
10 snode=t
11 else
12 snode=t+i
13 endif
14 end function snode
16 subroutine pause
17 print *,'press enter to continue'
18 read(*,*)
19 end subroutine pause
21 subroutine message(s)
22 character(len=*)::s
23 print *,trim(s)
24 end subroutine message
27 subroutine crash(msg)
28 ! terminate with error
29 character(len=*),intent(in)::msg
30 write(*,*)'FATAL:',trim(msg)
31 stop
32 end subroutine crash
34 subroutine read_array(a,name)
36 !*** purpose read array from text file
37 implicit none
39 !*** arguments
40 real, pointer, intent(out):: a(:,:,:) ! the array pointer; remember to deallocate when done with it
41 character(len=*),intent(in)::name! file name root, .txt will be added
43 !*** internal
44 integer:: n(3),iu=8,j
46 !*** executable
47 open(iu,file=trim(name)//'.txt',form='formatted',status='old')
48 read(iu,*)j
49 if( crash('read_array: wrong magic number')
50 read(iu,*)j
51 if( crash('read_array: must have 3 dimensions')
52 read(iu,*)n
53 1 format('reading matrix size ',3i5,' from file ',a)
54 write(*,1)n,trim(name)//'.txt'
55 allocate(a(n(1),n(2),n(3)))
56 read(iu,*)a
57 close(iu)
58 end subroutine read_array
61 subroutine write_scalar(a,name)
62 real, intent(in):: a
63 character(len=*),intent(in)::name! file name root, .txt will be added
64 call write_array_nd((/a/),(/1/),name)
65 end subroutine write_scalar
69 subroutine write_array(a,name)
70 !*** purpose write array to text file
71 !*** arguments
72 real, intent(in):: a(:,:,:)
73 character(len=*),intent(in)::name! file name root, .txt will be added
75 !*** internal
76 integer:: n(3),iu=8,i1,i2,i3
78 !*** executable
79 iu=8
80 open(iu,file=trim(name)//'.txt',form='formatted',status='unknown')
81 write(iu,*)456
82 write(iu,*)3
83 n=shape(a)
84 write(iu,*)n(1)
85 write(iu,*)n(2)
86 write(iu,*)n(3)
87 1 format('writing matrix size ',3i5,' to file ',a)
88 write(*,1)n,trim(name)//'.txt.'
89 do i3=1,n(3)
90 do i2=1,n(2)
91 do i1=1,n(1)
92 write(iu,*)a(i1,i2,i3)
93 enddo
94 enddo
95 enddo
96 close(iu)
97 end subroutine write_array
99 subroutine read_array_nd(a,s,name)
100 !*** purpose read nd array from text file
101 ! usage
102 ! integer :: s(k) ! k is constant
103 ! real, pointer :: a(:)
104 ! call read_array_nd(a,s,'file')
105 ! target_array = reshape(a,s)
107 implicit none
109 !*** arguments
110 integer, intent(out):: s(:) ! the array shape pointer
111 real, pointer, intent(out):: a(:) ! the array data pointer
112 character(len=*),intent(in)::name! file name root, .txt will be added
114 !*** internal
115 integer:: iu=8,n,j,sn(1)
117 !*** executable
118 open(iu,file=trim(name)//'.txt',form='formatted',status='old')
119 read(iu,*)j
120 if( crash('read_array: wrong magic number')
121 read(iu,*)j
122 sn = shape(s)
123 if( crash('read_array: wrong number of dimensions')
124 if( crash('read_array: must have 1 to 7 dimensions')
126 read(iu,*)s
127 1 format('file ',a,' reading matrix size ',7i8)
128 write(*,1)trim(name)//'.txt.',s
129 allocate(a(product(s)))
130 read(iu,*)a
131 close(iu)
132 end subroutine read_array_nd
134 subroutine write_array_nd(a,s,name)
135 !*** purpose write array to text file
136 !*** usage
137 ! s = shape(a)
138 ! call write_array_nd(reshape(a,(/product(s)\)),'file')
140 implicit none
141 !*** arguments
142 integer, intent(in):: s(:)
143 real, intent(in):: a(:)
144 character(len=*),intent(in)::name! file name root, .txt will be added
146 !*** internal
147 integer::n(1),m(1),i,iu
148 !*** executable
149 iu=8
150 1 format('writing ',a,' matrix size ',7i5)
151 write(*,1)trim(name)//'.txt',s
152 n = shape(s)
153 m = shape(a)
154 if (product(s).ne.m(1))call crash('write_array_nd: wrong size of a')
155 open(iu,file=trim(name)//'.txt',form='formatted',status='unknown')
156 write(iu,*)456
157 write(iu,*)n
158 do i=1,n(1)
159 write(iu,*)s(i)
160 enddo
161 do i=1,m(1)
162 write(iu,*)a(i)
163 enddo
164 close(iu)
165 end subroutine write_array_nd
168 subroutine set_indices(n,nwrap, &
169 ifds, ifde, kfds,kfde, jfds,jfde, & ! fire grid dimensions
170 ifms, ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
171 ifts, ifte, kfts,kfte, jfts,jfte)
172 implicit none
174 integer, intent(in)::n(3),nwrap
175 integer, intent(out):: &
176 ifds, ifde, kfds,kfde, jfds,jfde, & ! fire grid dimensions
177 ifms, ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
178 ifts, ifte, kfts,kfte, jfts,jfte
180 ! tile dimensions from matrix size
181 ifts=1
182 ifte=n(1)
183 kfts=1
184 kfte=n(2)
185 jfts=1
186 jfte=n(3)
187 ! domain = tile
188 ifds=ifts
189 ifde=ifte
190 kfds=kfts
191 kfde=kfte
192 jfds=jfts
193 jfde=jfte
194 ifms=ifts - nwrap
195 ifme=ifte + nwrap
196 kfms=kfts
197 kfme=kfte
198 jfms=jfts - nwrap
199 jfme=jfte + nwrap
201 end subroutine set_indices
203 integer function get_chsum(a)
204 ! xor check sum of 3D real array
205 implicit none
206 !*** arguments
207 real, intent(in)::a(:,:,:)
208 !*** local
209 integer::lb(3),ub(3),i,j,k,lsum,iel
210 real::rel
211 equivalence(rel,iel)
212 !*** executable
213 lb = lbound(a)
214 ub = ubound(a)
215 lsum=0
216 do j=lb(3),ub(3)
217 do k=lb(2),ub(2)
218 do i=lb(1),ub(1)
219 rel=a(i,k,j)
220 lsum=ieor(lsum,iel)
221 !print *,i,k,j,rel,iel,lsum
222 enddo
223 enddo
224 enddo
226 get_chsum = lsum
228 end function get_chsum
230 end module module_utils