1 - don't crash if .extrn is not referenced
3 - a way to define temporary variables for a proc (on the stack)?
4 - types must be defined before they are used
5 - a way to get the length of a string constant (extend sizeof or provide length(s) function)
6 - .module or .namespace
11 - .pushstate, .popstate
14 - local labels in macros currently behave strangely
15 - interpretation of $ (current pc) used in dataseg?
16 - a way to specify if ZP or absolute addressing mode should be used?
17 - variable-number-of-argument macros
18 - -W flag allowing more fine-grained control of warnings
19 - inlining function calls?
21 - final binary: instruction by instruction, prints all the addresses + bytes
22 - a way to specify fixed-point numbers?
23 - .ifdef inside struct/union
24 - defined() function, so you can do .if defined(FOO) && (FOO == 3)
25 - don't write any output if there are unresolved externals while linking