A Fast Bresenham Type Algorithm For Drawing Ellipses by John Kennedy
[xy_vsfilter.git] / src / apps / mplayerc / PlayerCaptureDialog.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gabest
3 * http://www.gabest.org
5 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
8 * any later version.
9 *
10 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
17 * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
22 #pragma once
23 #include "afxwin.h"
24 #include "afxcmn.h"
25 #include "..\..\filters\transform\bufferfilter\bufferfilter.h"
26 #include "FloatEdit.h"
30 template<class T>
31 class CFormatElem
33 public:
34 CMediaType mt;
35 T caps;
38 template<class T>
39 class CFormat : public CAutoPtrArray<CFormatElem<T> >
41 public:
42 CString name;
43 CFormat(CString name = _T("")) {this->name = name;}
44 virtual ~CFormat() {}
47 template<class T>
48 class CFormatArray : public CAutoPtrArray<CFormat<T> >
50 public:
51 virtual ~CFormatArray() {}
53 CFormat<T>* Find(CString name, bool fCreate = false)
55 for(int i = 0; i < (int)GetCount(); i++)
57 if(GetAt(i)->name == name)
58 return(GetAt(i));
61 if(fCreate)
63 CAutoPtr<CFormat<T> > pf(new CFormat<T>(name));
64 CFormat<T>* tmp = pf;
65 Add(pf);
66 return(tmp);
69 return(NULL);
72 bool FindFormat(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt, CFormat<T>** ppf)
74 if(!pmt) return(false);
76 for(int i = 0; i < (int)GetCount(); i++)
78 CFormat<T>* pf = GetAt(i);
79 for(int j = 0; j < (int)pf->GetCount(); j++)
81 CFormatElem<T>* pfe = pf->GetAt(j);
82 if(!pmt || (pfe->mt.majortype == pmt->majortype && pfe->mt.subtype == pmt->subtype))
84 if(ppf) *ppf = pf;
85 return(true);
90 return(false);
93 bool FindFormat(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt, T* pcaps, CFormat<T>** ppf, CFormatElem<T>** ppfe)
95 if(!pmt && !pcaps) return(false);
97 for(int i = 0; i < (int)GetCount(); i++)
99 CFormat<T>* pf = GetAt(i);
100 for(int j = 0; j < (int)pf->GetCount(); j++)
102 CFormatElem<T>* pfe = pf->GetAt(j);
103 if((!pmt || pfe->mt == *pmt) && (!pcaps || !memcmp(pcaps, &pfe->caps, sizeof(T))))
105 if(ppf) *ppf = pf;
106 if(ppfe) *ppfe = pfe;
107 return(true);
112 return(false);
115 bool AddFormat(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt, T caps)
117 if(!pmt) return(false);
119 if(FindFormat(pmt, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {DeleteMediaType(pmt); return(false);}
120 // if(pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo2) {DeleteMediaType(pmt); return(false);} // TODO
122 CFormat<T>* pf = Find(MakeFormatName(pmt), true);
123 if(!pf) {DeleteMediaType(pmt); return(false);}
125 CAutoPtr<CFormatElem<T> > pfe(new CFormatElem<T>());
126 pfe->mt = *pmt;
127 pfe->caps = caps;
128 pf->Add(pfe);
130 return(true);
133 bool AddFormat(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt, void* pcaps, int size)
135 if(!pcaps) return false;
136 ASSERT(size == sizeof(T));
137 return AddFormat(pmt, *(T*)pcaps);
140 virtual CString MakeFormatName(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt) = 0;
141 virtual CString MakeDimensionName(CFormatElem<T>* pfe) = 0;
144 typedef CFormatElem<VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS> CVidFormatElem;
145 typedef CFormat<VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS> CVidFormat;
147 class CVidFormatArray : public CFormatArray<VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS>
149 public:
150 CString MakeFormatName(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt)
152 CString str(_T("Default"));
154 if(!pmt) return(str);
156 BITMAPINFOHEADER* bih = (pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo)
157 ? &((VIDEOINFOHEADER*)pmt->pbFormat)->bmiHeader
158 : (pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo2)
159 ? &((VIDEOINFOHEADER2*)pmt->pbFormat)->bmiHeader
160 : NULL;
162 if(!bih)
164 // it may have a fourcc in the mediasubtype, let's check that
166 WCHAR guid[100];
167 memset(guid, 0, 100*sizeof(WCHAR));
168 StringFromGUID2(pmt->subtype, guid, 100);
170 if(CStringW(guid).MakeUpper().Find(L"0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71") >= 0)
172 str.Format(_T("%c%c%c%c"),
173 (TCHAR)((pmt->subtype.Data1>>0)&0xff), (TCHAR)((pmt->subtype.Data1>>8)&0xff),
174 (TCHAR)((pmt->subtype.Data1>>16)&0xff), (TCHAR)((pmt->subtype.Data1>>24)&0xff));
177 return(str);
180 switch(bih->biCompression)
182 case BI_RGB: str.Format(_T("RGB%d"), bih->biBitCount); break;
183 case BI_RLE8: str = _T("RLE8"); break;
184 case BI_RLE4: str = _T("RLE4"); break;
185 case BI_BITFIELDS: str.Format(_T("BITF%d"), bih->biBitCount); break;
186 case BI_JPEG: str = _T("JPEG"); break;
187 case BI_PNG: str = _T("PNG"); break;
188 default:
189 str.Format(_T("%c%c%c%c"),
190 (TCHAR)((bih->biCompression>>0)&0xff), (TCHAR)((bih->biCompression>>8)&0xff),
191 (TCHAR)((bih->biCompression>>16)&0xff), (TCHAR)((bih->biCompression>>24)&0xff));
192 break;
195 return(str);
198 CString MakeDimensionName(CVidFormatElem* pfe)
200 CString str(_T("Default"));
202 if(!pfe) return(str);
204 BITMAPINFOHEADER* bih = (pfe->mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo)
205 ? &((VIDEOINFOHEADER*)pfe->mt.pbFormat)->bmiHeader
206 : (pfe->mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo2)
207 ? &((VIDEOINFOHEADER2*)pfe->mt.pbFormat)->bmiHeader
208 : NULL;
210 if(bih == NULL) return(str);
212 str.Format(_T("%dx%d %.2f"), bih->biWidth, bih->biHeight, (float)10000000/((VIDEOINFOHEADER*)pfe->mt.pbFormat)->AvgTimePerFrame);
214 if(pfe->mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo2)
216 VIDEOINFOHEADER2* vih2 = (VIDEOINFOHEADER2*)pfe->mt.pbFormat;
217 CString str2;
218 str2.Format(_T(" i%02x %d:%d"), vih2->dwInterlaceFlags, vih2->dwPictAspectRatioX, vih2->dwPictAspectRatioY);
219 str += str2;
222 return(str);
226 typedef CFormatElem<AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS> CAudFormatElem;
227 typedef CFormat<AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS> CAudFormat;
229 class CAudFormatArray : public CFormatArray<AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS>
231 public:
232 CString MakeFormatName(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt)
234 CString str(_T("Unknown"));
236 if(!pmt) return(str);
238 WAVEFORMATEX* wfe = (pmt->formattype == FORMAT_WaveFormatEx)
239 ? (WAVEFORMATEX*)pmt->pbFormat
240 : NULL;
242 if(!wfe)
244 WCHAR guid[100];
245 memset(guid, 0, 100*sizeof(WCHAR));
246 StringFromGUID2(pmt->subtype, guid, 100);
248 if(CStringW(guid).MakeUpper().Find(L"0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71") >= 0)
250 str.Format(_T("0x%04x"), pmt->subtype.Data1);
253 return(str);
256 switch(wfe->wFormatTag)
258 case 1: str = _T("PCM "); break;
259 default: str.Format(_T("0x%03x "), wfe->wFormatTag); break;
262 return(str);
265 CString MakeDimensionName(CAudFormatElem* pfe)
267 CString str(_T("Unknown"));
269 if(!pfe) return(str);
271 WAVEFORMATEX* wfe = (pfe->mt.formattype == FORMAT_WaveFormatEx)
272 ? (WAVEFORMATEX*)pfe->mt.pbFormat
273 : NULL;
275 if(!wfe) return(str);
277 str.Empty();
278 CString str2;
280 str2.Format(_T("%6dKHz "), wfe->nSamplesPerSec); str += str2;
282 str2.Format(_T("%dbps "), wfe->wBitsPerSample); str += str2;
284 switch(wfe->nChannels)
286 case 1: str += _T("mono "); break;
287 case 2: str += _T("stereo "); break;
288 default: str2.Format(_T("%d channels "), wfe->nChannels); str += str2; break;
291 str2.Format(_T("%3dkbps "), wfe->nAvgBytesPerSec*8/1000); str += str2;
293 return(str);
299 typedef struct
301 CComPtr<IMoniker> pMoniker;
302 CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pBF;
303 CString FriendlyName;
304 CComBSTR DisplayName;
305 } Codec;
307 typedef CAtlArray<Codec> CCodecArray;
309 // CPlayerCaptureDialog dialog
311 class CPlayerCaptureDialog : public CResizableDialog //CDialog
313 //DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CPlayerCaptureDialog)
315 // video input
316 CStringW m_VidDisplayName;
317 CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> m_pAMVSC;
318 CComPtr<IAMCrossbar> m_pAMXB;
319 CComPtr<IAMTVTuner> m_pAMTuner;
320 CComPtr<IAMVfwCaptureDialogs> m_pAMVfwCD;
321 CVidFormatArray m_vfa;
323 // audio input
324 CStringW m_AudDisplayName;
325 CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> m_pAMASC;
326 CInterfaceArray<IAMAudioInputMixer> m_pAMAIM;
327 CAudFormatArray m_afa;
329 // video codec
330 CCodecArray m_pVidEncArray;
331 CVidFormatArray m_vcfa;
333 // audio codec
334 CCodecArray m_pAudEncArray;
335 CAudFormatArray m_acfa;
337 void EmptyVideo();
338 void EmptyAudio();
340 void UpdateMediaTypes();
341 void UpdateUserDefinableControls();
342 void UpdateVideoCodec();
343 void UpdateAudioCodec();
344 void UpdateMuxer();
345 void UpdateOutputControls();
347 void UpdateGraph();
349 CMap<HWND, HWND&, BOOL, BOOL&> m_wndenabledmap;
350 void EnableControls(CWnd* pWnd, bool fEnable);
352 bool m_fEnableOgm;
354 public:
355 CPlayerCaptureDialog(); // standard constructor
356 virtual ~CPlayerCaptureDialog();
358 BOOL Create(CWnd* pParent = NULL);
360 // Dialog Data
361 enum { IDD = IDD_CAPTURE_DLG };
363 CComboBox m_vidinput;
364 CComboBox m_vidtype;
365 CComboBox m_viddimension;
366 CSpinButtonCtrl m_vidhor;
367 CSpinButtonCtrl m_vidver;
368 CEdit m_vidhoredit;
369 CEdit m_vidveredit;
370 CFloatEdit m_vidfpsedit;
371 float m_vidfps;
372 CButton m_vidsetres;
373 CComboBox m_audinput;
374 CComboBox m_audtype;
375 CComboBox m_auddimension;
376 CComboBox m_vidcodec;
377 CComboBox m_vidcodectype;
378 CComboBox m_vidcodecdimension;
379 BOOL m_fVidOutput;
380 CButton m_vidoutput;
381 int m_fVidPreview;
382 CButton m_vidpreview;
383 CComboBox m_audcodec;
384 CComboBox m_audcodectype;
385 CComboBox m_audcodecdimension;
386 BOOL m_fAudOutput;
387 CButton m_audoutput;
388 int m_fAudPreview;
389 CButton m_audpreview;
390 int m_nVidBuffers;
391 int m_nAudBuffers;
392 CString m_file;
393 CButton m_recordbtn;
394 BOOL m_fSepAudio;
395 int m_muxtype;
396 CComboBox m_muxctrl;
398 CMediaType m_mtv, m_mta, m_mtcv, m_mtca;
399 CComPtr<IBaseFilter> m_pVidEnc, m_pAudEnc, m_pMux, m_pDst, m_pAudMux, m_pAudDst;
400 CComPtr<IMoniker> m_pVidEncMoniker, m_pAudEncMoniker;
401 CComPtr<IBaseFilter> m_pVidBuffer, m_pAudBuffer;
403 public:
404 void SetupVideoControls(CStringW DisplayName, CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> pAMSC, CComPtr<IAMCrossbar> pAMXB, CComPtr<IAMTVTuner> pAMTuner);
405 void SetupVideoControls(CStringW DisplayName, CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> pAMSC, CComPtr<IAMVfwCaptureDialogs> pAMVfwCD);
406 void SetupAudioControls(CStringW DisplayName, CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> pAMSC, CInterfaceArray<IAMAudioInputMixer>& pAMAIM);
408 bool IsTunerActive();
410 bool SetVideoInput(int input);
411 bool SetVideoChannel(int channel);
412 bool SetAudioInput(int input);
414 int GetVideoInput();
415 int GetVideoChannel();
416 int GetAudioInput();
418 protected:
419 virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
420 virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
421 virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
422 virtual void OnOK() {}
423 virtual void OnCancel() {}
427 public:
428 afx_msg void OnDestroy();
429 afx_msg void OnVideoInput();
430 afx_msg void OnVideoType();
431 afx_msg void OnVideoDimension();
432 afx_msg void OnOverrideVideoDimension();
433 afx_msg void OnAudioInput();
434 afx_msg void OnAudioType();
435 afx_msg void OnAudioDimension();
436 afx_msg void OnRecordVideo();
437 afx_msg void OnVideoCodec();
438 afx_msg void OnVideoCodecType();
439 afx_msg void OnVideoCodecDimension();
440 afx_msg void OnRecordAudio();
441 afx_msg void OnAudioCodec();
442 afx_msg void OnAudioCodecType();
443 afx_msg void OnAudioCodecDimension();
444 afx_msg void OnOpenFile();
445 afx_msg void OnRecord();
446 afx_msg void OnEnChangeEdit9();
447 afx_msg void OnEnChangeEdit12();
448 afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent);
449 afx_msg void OnBnClickedVidAudPreview();
450 afx_msg void OnBnClickedCheck7();
451 afx_msg void OnCbnSelchangeCombo14();