descriptionTox client. completely unusable for anyone except its author.
last changeSat, 15 Oct 2022 20:12:10 +0000 (15 20:12 +0000)
content tags
2022-10-15 ketmarbetter quotingmaster
2022-07-20 ketmarrender quotes in different color; also, change font...
2022-07-20 ketmaradded text selection, quoting, and copying selected...
2022-02-27 ketmarslightly better URL detection
2021-11-23 ketmaradded aggressive garbage collection
2021-08-06 ketmarmore URL detection fixes
2021-08-06 ketmarbetter url detection
2021-02-15 ketmarprevent popup flooding
2021-02-15 ketmarsome changes to popup color
2021-02-13 ketmarinsert soft hyphens into very long words
2020-01-27 ketmarC-U should stop on the first found contact with unread...
2019-11-21 ketmarsome cosmetix (force opengl viewport)
2019-11-15 ketmarremoved forgotten debug message
2019-11-15 ketmartooltip window class
2019-11-15 ketmarattribute spam in editor
2019-11-15 ketmarmore fixes to window positions
19 months ago master